Exemple #1
     * Creates, saves and sends a registration e-mail address verification code.
     * Parameters passed in the $args array:
     * -------------------------------------
     * array   $args['reginfo']      An array containing a valid registration record; optional; if not set, then $args['uid'] must
     *                                      be set and point to a valid registration record.
     * numeric $args['uid']          The uid of a valid registration record; optional; if not set, then $args['reginfo'] must be set and valid.
     * boolean $args['force']        Indicates that a verification code should be sent, even if the Users module configuration is
     *                                      set not to verify e-mail addresses; optional; only has an effect if the current user is
     *                                      an administrator.
     * array   $args['rendererArgs'] Optional arguments to send to the Zikula_View instance while rendering the e-mail message.
     * @param array $args All parameters passed to this function.
     * @return bool True on success; otherwise false.
     * @throws Zikula_Exception_Forbidden Thrown if the user is not logged in and does not have read access, or if the user is logged in
     *                                      and does not have moderate access.
    public function sendVerificationCode($args)
        // In the future, it is possible we will add a feature to allow a newly registered user to resend
        // a new verification code to himself after doing a login-like process with information from  his
        // registration record, so allow not-logged-in plus READ, as well as moderator.
        if ((!UserUtil::isLoggedIn() && !SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Users::', '::', ACCESS_READ))
                || (UserUtil::isLoggedIn() && !SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Users::', '::', ACCESS_MODERATE))) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();

        if (isset($args['reginfo'])) {
            // Got a full reginfo record
            if (!is_array($args['reginfo'])) {

                return false;
            $reginfo = $args['reginfo'];
            if (!$reginfo || !is_array($reginfo) || !isset($reginfo['uid']) || !is_numeric($reginfo['uid'])) {

                return false;
        } elseif (!isset($args['uid']) || !is_numeric($args['uid']) || ((int)$args['uid'] != $args['uid'])) {

            return false;
        } else {
            // Got just a uid.
            $reginfo = UserUtil::getVars($args['uid'], false, 'uid', true);
            if (!$reginfo || empty($reginfo)) {
                $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! Unable to retrieve registration record with uid \'%1$s\'', $uid));

                return false;
            if (!isset($reginfo['email'])) {
                $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! The registration record with uid \'%1$s\' does not contain an e-mail address.', $uid));

                return false;

        if ($this->currentUserIsAdmin() && isset($args['force']) && $args['force']) {
            $forceVerification = true;
        } else {
            $forceVerification = false;

        if (isset($args['rendererArgs']) && is_array($args['rendererArgs'])) {
            $rendererArgs = $args['rendererArgs'];
        } else {
            $rendererArgs = array();

        $approvalOrder = $this->getVar('moderation_order', Users_Constant::APPROVAL_BEFORE);

        // Set the verification code
        if (isset($reginfo['isverified']) && $reginfo['isverified']) {
            $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! A verification code cannot be sent for the registration record for \'%1$s\'. It is already verified.', $reginfo['uname']));

            return false;
        } elseif (!$forceVerification && ($approvalOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_BEFORE) && isset($reginfo['approvedby']) && !empty($reginfo['approved_by'])) {
            $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! A verification code cannot be sent for the registration record for \'%1$s\'. It must first be approved.', $reginfo['uname']));

            return false;

        $nowUTC = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $verificationCode = UserUtil::generatePassword();

        ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'resetVerifyChgFor', array(
            'uid'       => $reginfo['uid'],
            'changetype'=> Users_Constant::VERIFYCHGTYPE_REGEMAIL,

        $verifyChgObj = array(
            'changetype'=> Users_Constant::VERIFYCHGTYPE_REGEMAIL,
            'uid'       => $reginfo['uid'],
            'newemail'  => $reginfo['email'],
            'verifycode'=> UserUtil::getHashedPassword($verificationCode),
            'created_dt'=> $nowUTC->format(Users_Constant::DATETIME_FORMAT),
        $verifyChgObj = DBUtil::insertObject($verifyChgObj, 'users_verifychg');

        if (!$verifyChgObj) {
            $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! Unable to save the verification code for the registration for \'%1$s\'.', $reginfo['uname']));

            return false;

        if (empty($rendererArgs)) {
            $siteurl   = System::getBaseUrl();

            $rendererArgs = array();
            $rendererArgs['sitename'] = System::getVar('sitename');
            $rendererArgs['siteurl'] = substr($siteurl, 0, strlen($siteurl)-1);
        $rendererArgs['reginfo'] = $reginfo;
        $rendererArgs['verifycode'] = $verificationCode;
        $rendererArgs['approvalorder'] = $approvalOrder;

        $codeSent = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'sendNotification', array(
            'toAddress'         => $reginfo['email'],
            'notificationType'  => 'regverifyemail',
            'templateArgs'      => $rendererArgs,

        if ($codeSent) {
            return $verifyChgObj['created_dt'];
        } else {
            DBUtil::deleteObject($verifyChgObj, 'users_verifychg');

            return false;
Exemple #2
     * Save the preliminary user e-mail until user's confirmation.
     * Parameters passed in the $args array:
     * -------------------------------------
     * string $args['newemail'] The new e-mail address to store pending confirmation.
     * @param array $args All parameters passed to this function.
     * @return bool True if success and false otherwise.
     * @throws Zikula_Exception_Forbidden Thrown if the current user is logged in.
    public function savePreEmail($args)
        if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();

        $dbinfo = DBUtil::getTables();
        $verifychgColumn = $dbinfo['users_verifychg_column'];

        $nowUTC = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

        $uid = UserUtil::getVar('uid');
        $uname = UserUtil::getVar('uname');

        // generate a randomize value of 7 characters needed to confirm the e-mail change
        $confirmCode = UserUtil::generatePassword();
        $confirmCodeHash = UserUtil::getHashedPassword($confirmCode);

        $obj = array(
            'changetype'    => Users_Constant::VERIFYCHGTYPE_EMAIL,
            'uid'           => $uid,
            'newemail'      => DataUtil::formatForStore($args['newemail']),
            'verifycode'    => $confirmCodeHash,
            'created_dt'    => $nowUTC->format(Users_Constant::DATETIME_FORMAT),

            "({$verifychgColumn['uid']} = {$uid}) AND ({$verifychgColumn['changetype']} = " . Users_Constant::VERIFYCHGTYPE_EMAIL . ")");
        $obj = DBUtil::insertObject($obj, 'users_verifychg', 'id');

        if (!$obj) {
            return false;

        // send confirmation e-mail to user with the changing code
        $subject = $this->__f('Confirmation change of e-mail for %s', $uname);

        $view = Zikula_View::getInstance($this->name, false);
        $viewArgs = array(
            'uname'     => $uname,
            'email'     => UserUtil::getVar('email'),
            'newemail'  => $args['newemail'],
            'sitename'  => System::getVar('sitename'),
            'url'       =>  ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'confirmChEmail', array('confirmcode' => $confirmCode), null, null, true),

        $message = $view->fetch('users_email_userverifyemail_html.tpl');
        $sent = ModUtil::apiFunc('Mailer', 'user', 'sendMessage', array(
            'toaddress' => $args['newemail'],
            'subject'   => $subject,
            'body'      => $message,
            'html'      => true

        if (!$sent) {
            return false;

        return true;