     * Get the header for the social profile page, which includes the user's
     * points and user level (if enabled in the site configuration) and lots
     * more.
     * @param $user_id Integer: user ID
     * @param $user_name String: user name
    function getProfileTop($user_id, $user_name)
        global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang;
        global $wgUserLevels;
        $stats = new UserStats($user_id, $user_name);
        $stats_data = $stats->getUserStats();
        $user_level = new UserLevel($stats_data['points']);
        $level_link = Title::makeTitle(NS_HELP, wfMessage('user-profile-userlevels-link')->inContentLanguage()->text());
        $profile_data = $this->profile_data;
        // Variables and other crap
        $page_title = $this->getTitle()->getText();
        $title_parts = explode('/', $page_title);
        $user = $title_parts[0];
        $id = User::idFromName($user);
        $user_safe = urlencode($user);
        // Safe urls
        $add_relationship = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('AddRelationship');
        $remove_relationship = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('RemoveRelationship');
        $give_gift = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('GiveGift');
        $send_board_blast = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('SendBoardBlast');
        $update_profile = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('UpdateProfile');
        $watchlist = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Watchlist');
        $contributions = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Contributions', $user);
        $send_message = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('UserBoard');
        $upload_avatar = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('UploadAvatar');
        $user_page = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER, $user);
        $user_social_profile = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER_PROFILE, $user);
        $user_wiki = Title::makeTitle(NS_USER_WIKI, $user);
        $us = new UserStatus($this->user);
        $city = $us->getCity();
        $city = Sanitizer::escapeHtmlAllowEntities($city);
        $birthday = $us->getBirthday();
        $status = $us->getStatus();
        $status = Sanitizer::escapeHtmlAllowEntities($status);
        $gender = $us->getGender();
        if ($gender == 'male') {
            $genderIcon = '♂';
            $gendertext = '他';
        } elseif ($gender == 'female') {
            $genderIcon = '♀';
            $gendertext = '她';
        } else {
            $genderIcon = '♂/♀';
            $gendertext = 'TA';
        if ($this->isOwner()) {
            $gendertext = '你';
        if ($id != 0) {
            $relationship = UserRelationship::getUserRelationshipByID($id, $wgUser->getID());
        $avatar = new wAvatar($this->user_id, 'l');
        wfDebug('profile type: ' . $profile_data['user_page_type'] . "\n");
        $output = '';
        //get more
        $target = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('ShowFollowedSites');
        $query = array('user_id' => $wgUser->getId(), 'target_user_id' => $this->user_id);
        $mailVerify = $wgUser->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp();
        if ($mailVerify == NULL) {
            $href = "/wiki/Special:ConfirmEmail";
        } else {
            $href = "/wiki/Special:UploadAvatar";
        $output .= '<div id="profile-right" class="col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12">';
        $output .= '<div id="profile-title-container">
				<h1 id="profile-title">
				<div id="profile-image">' . ($this->isOwner() ? '<div class="profile-image-container crop-headimg" id="crop-avatar"><div class="avatar-view upload-tool" title="上传头像">' . $avatar->getOwnerAvatarURL() . '</div>' . $this->cropModal() . '</div>' : $avatar->getAvatarURL()) . '</div>' . $user_name . '</h1></div>';
        $output .= '<div class="modal fade watch-url" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mySmModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
                      <div class="modal-dialog modal-sm">
                        <div class="modal-content">
                          <div class="modal-header">
                              <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
                              <h4 class="modal-title" id="gridSystemModalLabel">' . $gendertext . '关注的wiki</h4>
                            <div class="modal-body">
	                            <div class="list-group">
								' . Linker::LinkKnown($target, '<i class="fa fa-arrows-alt"></i> 全部', array('type' => 'button', 'class' => 'btn btn-default'), $query) . '
        // Show the user's level and the amount of points they have if
        // UserLevels has been configured contributions
        $notice = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('ViewFollows');
        $contributions = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Contributions');
        $output .= '<div>
					    <ul class="user-follow-msg">
					        <li><h5>编辑</h5>' . Linker::link($contributions, $stats_data['edits'], array(), array('target' => $user, 'contribs' => 'user')) . '</li>
					        <li><h5>关注</h5>' . Linker::link($notice, UserUserFollow::getFollowingCount(User::newFromName($user)), array('id' => 'user-following-count'), array('user' => $user, 'rel_type' => 1)) . '</li>
					        <li><h5>被关注</h5>' . Linker::link($notice, UserUserFollow::getFollowerCount(User::newFromName($user)), array('id' => 'user-follower-count'), array('user' => $user, 'rel_type' => 2)) . '</li>
                        <div class="cleared"></div>
                    <!--<span id="user-site-count">' . '</span>个站点。-->';
        if ($wgUserLevels) {
            $progress = $user_level->getLevelProgress() * 100;
            $output .= '<div id="honorific-level" class="label">
						<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($level_link->getFullURL()) . '" rel="nofollow">' . $user_level->getLevelName() . '</a>
					<div id="points-level" class="progress">
						<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-striped active" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="' . $progress . '" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: ' . $progress . '%">
							<span class="sr-only">' . wfMessage('user-profile-points', $wgLang->formatNum($stats_data['points']))->escaped() . '</span>

        $output .= '<div class="profile-actions">';
        $output .= '<div class="form-container ' . ($this->isOwner() ? 'owner' : '') . '"><div class="form-msg"><a class="form-location ' . ($this->isOwner() ? 'edit' : '') . '">' . ($city == '' ? $this->isOwner() ? '填写居住地' : '居住地未公开' : $city) . '</a>
                    <span class="span-color">|</span><a class="form-date ' . ($this->isOwner() ? 'edit' : '') . '" data-birthday="' . ($birthday == '' || $birthday == '0000-00-00' ? '' : $birthday) . '">' . ($birthday == '' || $birthday == '0000-00-00' ? $this->isOwner() ? '填写生日' : '生日未公开' : '') . '</a>
                    <span class="span-color">|</span><a class="form-sex ' . ($this->isOwner() ? 'edit' : '') . '" data-sex="' . $gender . '">' . $genderIcon . '</a></div>';
        $output .= '<div class="user-autograph"><a class="form-autograph ' . ($this->isOwner() ? 'edit' : '') . '">' . ($status == '' ? $this->isOwner() ? '填写个人状态' : '这个人很懒,什么都没有写...' : $status) . '</a></div></div>';
        // Links to User:user_name from User_profile:
        // if ( $this->getTitle()->getNamespace() == NS_USER_PROFILE && $this->profile_data['user_id'] && $this->profile_data['user_page_type'] == 0 ) {
        // 	$output .= '| <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $user_page->getFullURL() ) . '" rel="nofollow">' .
        // 		wfMessage( 'user-page-link' )->escaped() . '</a> ';
        // }
        // // Links to User:user_name from User_profile:
        // if ( $this->getTitle()->getNamespace() == NS_USER && $this->profile_data['user_id'] && $this->profile_data['user_page_type'] == 0 ) {
        // 	$output .= '| <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $user_social_profile->getFullURL() ) . '" rel="nofollow">' .
        // 		wfMessage( 'user-social-profile-link' )->escaped() . '</a> ';
        // }
        // if ( $this->getTitle()->getNamespace() == NS_USER && ( !$this->profile_data['user_id'] || $this->profile_data['user_page_type'] == 1 ) ) {
        // 	$output .= '| <a href="' . htmlspecialchars( $user_wiki->getFullURL() ) . '" rel="nofollow">' .
        // 		wfMessage( 'user-wiki-link' )->escaped() . '</a>';
        // }
        $output .= '</div></div>';
        return $output;