<h1 id="title">User Profile - <?php echo $title ?></h1>
 <section id="main-body" class="row">
   <paper-fab id="enter-search" icon="icons:search" class="click" data-href="?mode=search" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Search Profiles"></paper-fab>
   <script type="text/javascript">
     window.publicProfile = <?php echo json_encode($structuredData); ?>;
     window.isViewingSelf = <?php echo strbool($isViewingSelf); ?>;
     window.profileUid = "<?php echo $viewUserId; ?>";
   <?php if($isViewingSelf) { ?>
   <div class="col-xs-12 self-link">
     <div class="form-group">
       <div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-8 col-md-6">
         <div class="input-group">
           <iron-icon icon="icons:link"></iron-icon>
              $profileLink = "https://amphibiandisease.org/profile.php?id=" . $viewUser->getHardlink();
           <paper-input label="Profile Link" id="profile-link-field" readonly value="<?php echo $profileLink; ?>"/>
       <div class="fab-wrapper col-xs-2">
         <paper-fab icon="icons:content-copy" class="materialblue" id="copy-profile-link" data-clipboard-text="<?php echo $profileLink; ?>" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Copy Link"></paper-fab>
   <?php } ?>
   <div id="basic-profile" class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 profile-region" data-source="social">
     <h3>Basic Profile</h3>
     <style type="text/css">
       #profile-image-uploader {
       background: url('<?php echo $viewUser->getuserPicture(); ?>') no-repeat center center;
function readProjectData($get, $precleaned = false, $debug = false)
    global $db, $login_status;
    if ($precleaned) {
        $project = $get;
    } else {
        $project = $db->sanitize($get['project']);
    $userdata = $login_status['detail'];
    # Base response
    $response = array('status' => false, 'error' => 'UNPROCESSED_READ', 'human_error' => 'Server error handling project read', 'project' => array('project_id' => $project, 'public' => false), 'user' => array('user' => $login_status['detail']['userdata']['dblink'], 'has_edit_permissions' => false, 'has_view_permissions' => false, 'is_author' => false));
    if ($debug) {
        $response['debug'] = array();
    # Actual projecting
    $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db->getTable() . " WHERE `project_id`='" . $project . "'";
    if ($debug) {
        $response['debug']['query'] = $query;
    $l = $db->openDB();
    $r = mysqli_query($l, $query);
    $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r);
    # First check the user auth
    $uid = $userdata['uid'];
    if ($debug) {
        $pc = array('checked_id' => $uid, 'checked_data' => $row, 'performed_query' => $query);
        $response['debug']['permissions'] = $pc;
    $permission = checkProjectAuthorized($row, $uid);
    if ($permission['can_view'] !== true) {
        $response['human_error'] = 'You are not authorized to view this project';
        $response['error'] = 'ACCESS_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED';
        $response['details'] = $permission;
        return $response;
    # It's good, so set permissions
    $response['user']['has_edit_permissions'] = $permission['can_edit'];
    $response['user']['has_view_permissions'] = $permission['can_view'];
    $response['user']['is_author'] = $permission['is_author'];
    # Rewrite the users to be more practical
    $u = new UserFunctions($row['author'], 'dblink');
    $detail = $u->getUser($row['author']);
    $accessData = array('editors' => array(), 'viewers' => array(), 'total' => array(), 'editors_list' => array(), 'viewers_list' => array(), 'author' => $u->getUsername(), 'composite' => array(), 'raw' => $row['access_data']);
    # Add the author to the lists
    $accessData['editors_list'][] = $u->getUsername();
    $accessData['total'][] = $u->getUsername();
    $accessData['editors'][] = $u->getHardlink();
    $accessData['composite'][$u->getUsername()] = $u->getHardlink();
    # Editors
    foreach ($permission['editors'] as $editor) {
        # Get the editor data
        $u = new UserFunctions($editor, 'dblink');
        $detail = $u->getUser($editor);
        $editor = array('email' => $u->getUsername(), 'user_id' => $u->getHardlink());
        $accessData['editors'][] = $editor;
        $accessData['editors_list'][] = $u->getUsername();
        $accessData['total'][] = $u->getUsername();
        $accessData['composite'][$u->getUsername()] = $editor;
    foreach ($permission['viewers'] as $viewer) {
        # Get the viewer data
        $u = new UserFunctions($viewer, 'dblink');
        $detail = $u->getUser($viewer);
        $viewer = array('email' => $u->getUsername(), 'user_id' => $u->getHardlink());
        $accessData['viewers'][] = $viewer;
        $accessData['viewers_list'][] = $u->getUsername();
        $accessData['composite'][$u->getUsername()] = $viewer;
        if (!in_array($accessData['total'], $u->getUsername())) {
            $accessData['total'][] = $u->getUsername();
    # Replace the dumb permissions
    $row['access_data'] = $accessData;
    # Append it
    $row['public'] = boolstr($row['public']);
    $row['includes_anura'] = boolstr($row['includes_anura']);
    $row['includes_caudata'] = boolstr($row['includes_caudata']);
    $row['includes_gymnophiona'] = boolstr($row['includes_gymnophiona']);
    $response['project'] = $row;
    # Do we want to flag if the current user is a superuser?
    # Return it!
    $response['status'] = true;
    $response['error'] = null;
    $response['human_error'] = null;
    $response['project_id'] = $project;
    $response['project_id_raw'] = $get['project'];
    return $response;