public function ReferencedPage() { if ($this->FormPage()) { $result = new UserDefinedForm_Controller($this->FormPage()); $result->init(); return $result; } }
public function Form() { if ($this->FormPage()) { $result = new UserDefinedForm_Controller($this->FormPage()); $result->init(); return $result->Form(); } return false; }
public function ElementForm() { if ($this->Form()->exists()) { $controller = new UserDefinedForm_Controller($this->Form()); $current = Controller::curr(); if ($current && $current->getAction() == 'finished') { return $controller->renderWith('ReceivedFormSubmission'); } $form = $controller->Form(); return $form; } }
public function Layout() { $page = Director::get_current_page(); $member = Member::currentUser(); $access = Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS'); $sectionType = get_called_class(); if ($this->Public || $access) { // Added UserDefinedForm to section if (in_array('UserDefinedForm', ClassInfo::ancestry($page->ClassName))) { $result = new UserDefinedForm_Controller($page); $result->init(); $page->Form = $result->Form(); } return $page->renderWith($this->Render()); } }
/** * User form * * @return UserForm */ public function Form() { $form = parent::Form(); $form->addExtraClass('forms'); $fields = $form->Fields(); $actions = $form->Actions(); foreach ($actions as $action) { $action->useButtonTag = true; $action->addExtraClass('hvr-bounce-to-right'); } return $form; }
/** * Make sure all omnipay fields are required * * @todo: make this more flexible * * @return RequiredFields */ public function getRequiredFields() { $required = parent::getRequiredFields(); $gateway = $this->data()->PaymentGateway; $fieldgroups = $this->getPaymentFieldsGroupArray(); $factory = new GatewayFieldsFactory($gateway, $fieldgroups); $fields = $factory->getFields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!$field->hasMethod('getName')) { continue; } $fieldname = $field->getName(); if ($fieldname == "billingAddress2") { continue; } $required->addRequiredField($fieldname); } $paymentfieldname = $this->PaymentAmountField()->Name; $required->addRequiredField($paymentfieldname); return $required; }
public function Form() { $form = parent::Form(); $form = FormFieldExplanationExtension::add_explanations($form, $this->dataRecord); return $form; }
/** * Returns an instance of Form Object. * * @return Form */ function Form() { $form = parent::Form(); /*@var $form Form */ if ($this->AllNewsletters) { $newsletterList = DataObject::get('NewsletterType'); } else { $newsletterList = $this->Newsletters(); } $newsletters = array(); // get the newsletter types to display on the form foreach ($newsletterList as $newsletter) { $newsletters[$newsletter->ID] = $newsletter->Title; } $form->Fields()->push(new CheckboxSetField('Newsletters', 'Subscribe to lists', $newsletters)); $validator = $form->getValidator(); $validator->addRequiredField('Newsletters'); $form->setValidator($validator); return $form; }
public function Form() { $form = parent::Form(); if (!$form) { return; } if ($this->ShowButtonsOnTop) { $form->ShowButtonsOnTop = true; } $form->setTemplate('EditableUserDefinedFormControl'); // now add an action for "Save" $fields = $form->Fields(); // first, lets add any custom Note text that is needed foreach ($this->Fields() as $editableField) { if ($editableField instanceof EditableFileField) { $fields->removeByName($editableField->Name); continue; } $formField = $fields->fieldByName($editableField->Name); if ($formField && $editableField->getSetting('Note')) { $title = $formField->Title() . '<span class="userformFieldNote">' . Convert::raw2xml($editableField->getSetting('Note')) . '</span>'; $formField->setTitle($title); } } // lets see if there's a submission that we should be loading into the form if ($this->submission && $this->submission->ID) { $this->submission->exposeDataFields(); $form->loadDataFrom($this->submission); $fields->push(new HiddenField('ResumeID', '', $this->submission->ID)); $workflowState = $this->submission->getWorkflowState(); if ($workflowState !== false) { $form->addExtraClass("workflow-review"); if ($workflowState == 'Readonly') { $fields->unshift(LiteralField::create('workflow_warning', '<p class="message warning">Currently under review</p>')); $this->readonly = true; } else { $fields->unshift(LiteralField::create('workflow_warning', '<p class="message warning">Review via ' . Convert::raw2xml($workflowState) . ' </p>')); } } } if ($this->readonly) { $form->makeReadonly(); } $actions = $form->Actions(); if (!$this->ShowSubmitButton) { $actions->removeByName('action_process'); } else { if (strlen($this->SubmitWarning)) { $submitName = $actions->fieldByName('action_process'); $submitName->setAttribute('data-submitwarning', Convert::raw2att($this->SubmitWarning)); $submitName->addExtraClass('submitwarning'); } } if (!$this->readonly) { if (Member::currentUserID()) { $actions->push($action = new FormAction('storesubmission', 'Save')); $action->setAttribute('formnovalidate', 'formnovalidate'); // $actions->push(new FormAction('cancelsubmission', 'Cancel', null, null, 'cancel')); if ($this->ShowPreviewButton) { $actions->push($action = new FormAction('previewsubmission', 'Preview')); $action->setAttribute('formnovalidate', 'formnovalidate'); $actions->push($action = new FormAction('previewpdfsubmission', 'PDF / Print')); $action->setAttribute('formnovalidate', 'formnovalidate'); } if ($this->submission && $this->ShowDeleteButton) { $actions->push($action = new FormAction('cancelsubmission', 'Delete')); $action->setAttribute('formnovalidate', 'formnovalidate'); } } } else { $form->setActions(ArrayList::create()); } if ($this->submission && $this->readonly) { $actions->push(new LiteralField("PrintLink", '<a class="editableFormPDFLink" href="' . $this->submission->PDFLink() . '">Download PDF</a>')); } // finally - we want to check if this request is trying to do an action that doesn't care about validation. // IF we are, then we want to clear the validation for this form if (!isset($_REQUEST['action_process'])) { $form->unsetValidator(); } return $form; }
public function init() { parent::init(); }
public function init() { parent::init(); Requirements::css(CONSULTATION_MODULE_DIR . '/css/consultations.css'); }