
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/global.php';
#UserConfig::$DEBUG = true;
UserConfig::$mysql_host = $host;
UserConfig::$mysql_db = $db;
UserConfig::$mysql_user = $user;
UserConfig::$mysql_password = $pass;
UserConfig::$mysql_port = $port;
// TODO - implement accounts and then switch it to true.
UserConfig::$useAccounts = false;
#UserConfig::$enableInvitations = true;
UserConfig::$supportEmailFrom = $supportEmailFrom;
UserConfig::$supportEmailReplyTo = $supportEmailReplyTo;
UserConfig::$SESSION_SECRET = $sessionSecret;
UserConfig::$admins = $instanceAdmins;
UserConfig::$dont_display_activity_for = $instanceAdmins;
UserConfig::$header = dirname(__FILE__) . '/header.php';
UserConfig::$footer = dirname(__FILE__) . '/footer.php';
UserConfig::$rememberMeDefault = true;
// array of activities in the system velue is an array of label and value of activity
UserConfig::$activities[SHOWSLOW_ACTIVITY_ADD_URL] = array('Added URL for monitoring', 5);
UserConfig::$activities[SHOWSLOW_ACTIVITY_PAGETEST_START] = array('Started WebPagetest test', 2);
UserConfig::$activities[SHOWSLOW_ACTIVITY_URL_SEARCH] = array('Searched a URL in the list', 1);
if ($facebookAPIKey) {
    new FacebookAuthenticationModule($facebookAPIKey, $facebookSecret);
 * You must fill it in with some random string
 * this protects some of your user's data when sent over the network
 * and must be different from other sites
UserConfig::$SESSION_SECRET = '...some.random.characters.go.here...';
 * Database connectivity 
UserConfig::$mysql_host = 'localhost';
UserConfig::$mysql_db = '...database...';
UserConfig::$mysql_user = '******';
UserConfig::$mysql_password = '******';
 * User IDs of admins for this instance (to be able to access dashboard at /users/admin/)
UserConfig::$admins = array();
// usually first user has ID of 1
 * Set these to point at your header and footer or leave them commented out to use default ones
#UserConfig::$header = dirname(__FILE__).'/header.php';
#UserConfig::$footer = dirname(__FILE__).'/footer.php';
 * Username and password registration configuration
 * just have these lines or comment them out if you don't want regular form registration
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationModule();
 * Facebook Connect configuration
 * Register your app here: http://www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php