public function chuanciquery() { if (IS_POST) { //注册用户 /* 检测验证码 */ if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } /* 检测密码 */ if ($password != $repassword) { $this->error('密码和重复密码不一致!'); } /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */ $User = new UserApi(); $uid = $User->register($username, $password, $email); if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功 //TODO: 发送验证邮件 $this->success('注册成功!', U('login')); } else { //注册失败,显示错误信息 $this->error($this->showRegError($uid)); } } else { //显示注册表单 $this->display(); } }
/** * 后台用户登录 * @author xxx <*****@*****.**> */ public function login($username = null, $password = null, $verify = null) { if (IS_POST) { /* 检测验证码 TODO: */ if (!check_verify($verify)) { $this->error('验证码输入错误!'); } /* 调用UC登录接口登录 */ $User = new UserApi(); $uid = $User->login($username, $password); if (0 < $uid) { //UC登录成功 /* 登录用户 */ $Member = D('Member'); if ($Member->login($uid)) { //登录用户 //TODO:跳转到登录前页面 $this->success('登录成功!', U('Index/index')); } else { $this->error($Member->getError()); } } else { //登录失败 switch ($uid) { case -1: $error = '用户不存在或被禁用!'; break; //系统级别禁用 //系统级别禁用 case -2: $error = '密码错误!'; break; default: $error = '未知错误!'; break; // 0-接口参数错误(调试阶段使用) } $this->error($error); } } else { if (is_login()) { $this->redirect('Index/index'); } else { /* 读取数据库中的配置 */ $config = S('DB_CONFIG_DATA'); if (!$config) { $config = D('Config')->lists(); S('DB_CONFIG_DATA', $config); } C($config); //添加配置 $this->display(); } } }
public function order() { if (IS_POST) { if (!check_verify(I('verify'))) { $this->error('验证码输入错误'); } $Order = D('Order'); $order_id = 'NS' . date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999); $uid = is_login(); $site_id = I('site_id', 0, 'intval'); if ($uid) { $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $uid, $site_id); $mobile = get_userinfo($uid, 3); } else { $mobile = I('mobile', '', 'trim'); /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */ $User = new UserApi(); $res = $User->checkMobile($mobile); if ($res == 1) { $password = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $uid = $User->register('', $password, '', $mobile); if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功 send_sms($mobile, array('mobile' => $mobile, 'password' => $password), 'password'); $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $uid, $site_id); } } else { $user_info = $User->getinfo($mobile, 3); $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $user_info[0], $site_id); } } if ($result) { send_sms($mobile, array('orderid' => $order_id), 'onOrder'); $this->redirect('checkOrder', array('order_id' => $order_id)); } else { $this->error('订单提交失败'); } } else { $visa_id = I('visa_id', 0, 'intval'); if (empty($visa_id)) { $this->error('无效参数'); } // 线路信息 $map = array('visa_id' => $visa_id); $visa_info = M('Visa')->where($map)->find(); if (empty($visa_info)) { $this->error('不存在'); } $this->assign('visa_info', $visa_info); $this->display(); } }
public function actionReply($userId) { Yii::beginProfile('messageReply'); $pmbMessage = new PmbMessages(); $user = UserApi::getUser($userId); if (!$user) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } $pmbMessage->to_user_id = $userId; $pmbMessage->from_user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; $userName = UserApi::getNameByUserId($userId); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $pmbMessage->attributes = $_POST['PmbMessages']; if ($pmbMessage->save()) { $data = array(); $user = UserApi::getUserById($pmbMessage->to_user_id); $user ? $data["user"] = $user->id : null; $data["message"] = $pmbMessage->id; EmailApi::sendEmail($user->email_id, "ACTIVITY.MESSAGE.NEW", $data); $this->redirect('/messages/sent'); } } $this->render('reply', array('pmbMessage' => $pmbMessage, 'user' => $user, 'userName' => $userName)); Yii::endProfile('messageReply'); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $credentialsModel = new UserCredentials('register'); $profilesModel = new UserProfiles(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['UserCredentials']) && isset($_POST['UserProfiles'])) { $data = $_POST; $credentialsModel->attributes = $_POST['UserCredentials']; $profilesModel->attributes = $_POST['UserProfiles']; $data['UserCredentials']['verified_by'] = Yii::app()->user->id; $id = UserApi::createUser($credentialsModel, $profilesModel); if ($id) { $data["temp_password"] = $credentialsModel->password; EmailApi::sendEmail($credentialsModel->email_id, "REGISTRATION.SUCCESS", $data); $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $id['credential']->id)); } else { $credentialsModel->attributes = $data['UserCredentials']; $credentialsModel->validate(array('email_id', 'password', 'password2', 'status')); $profilesModel->attributes = $data['UserProfiles']; $profilesModel->validate(array('first_name', 'last_name')); } } $this->render('create', array('credentialsModel' => $credentialsModel, 'profilesModel' => $profilesModel)); }
public static function sendEmail($scenario, $userId = "", $messageId = "", $tempPassword = "", $cc = "", $bcc = "") { $model = EmailTemplateApi::getTemplateByScenario($scenario); if ($userId) { $user = UserApi::getUser($userId); } if ($user) { $data["verification_link"] = SecurityUtils::getVerificationLink($user["activation_code"]); $data["email_id"] = $user["email_id"]; $data["name"] = UserApi::getNameByUserId($userId); } if ($tempPassword) { $data["temp_password"] = $tempPassword; } if ($messageId) { $message = PmbApi::loadMessage($messageId); } if ($message) { $data["message_subject"] = $message->subject; $data["message_content"] = $message->content; $data["message_from"] = UserApi::getNameByUserId($message->from_user_id); } if ($model) { $htmlEmail = self::changeTemplate($data, $model->body_html); $plainEmail = self::changeTemplate($data, $model->body_plain); $emailData["from_email"] = $model->from_email; $emailData["from_name"] = $model->from_name; $emailData["subject"] = $model->subject; $emailData["body_html"] = $htmlEmail; $emailData["body_plain"] = $plainEmail; return EmailQueueApi::addToQueue($user["email_id"], $cc, $bcc, "", $emailData); } return false; }
public function actionSimilar($id) { Yii::beginProfile('requirements_view'); $session = Yii::app()->session; $requirement = RequirementApi::getRequirementById($id); if (!$requirement) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } $userDetails = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($requirement->user_id); $data['i_want_to'] = $requirement->i_want_to; $data['min_price'] = $requirement->min_price; $data['max_price'] = $requirement->max_price; $propertytypes = RequirementPropertyTypesApi::getPropertyTypesByRequirementId($requirement->id); $propertytypeids = null; if ($propertytypes) { foreach ($propertytypes as $propertytype) { $propertytypeids[] = $propertytype->property_type_id; } } $data['property_type_id'] = $propertytypeids; $amenity_ids = RequirementAmenitiesApi::getAmenitiesByRequirementId($requirement->id); $amenityids = null; if ($amenity_ids) { foreach ($amenity_ids as $amenity_id) { $amenityids[] = $amenity_id->amenity_id; } } $data['PropertyAmenities'] = $amenityids; $cityids = RequirementCitiesApi::getCitiesByRequirementId($requirement->id); $city = null; if ($cityids) { foreach ($cityids as $cityid) { $city[] = $cityid->city_id; } } $data['city_id'] = $city; $bedrooms = RequirementBedroomsApi::getBedroomsByRequirementId($requirement->id); $beds = null; if ($bedrooms) { foreach ($bedrooms as $bedroom) { $beds[] = $bedroom->bedrooms; } } $data['bedrooms'] = $beds; $criteria = PropertyApi::getCriteriaObjectForRequirement($data); $count = Property::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = Yii::app()->params['resultsPerPage']; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $properties = PropertyApi::searchMyPropertyWithCriteria($criteria); $this->render('similar', array('requirement' => $requirement, 'userDetails' => $userDetails, 'properties' => $properties, 'pages' => $pages, 'propertiesCount' => $count)); Yii::endProfile('requirements_view'); }
public function updateInfo() { if (IS_POST) { $arr = I('post.'); $password = $arr['password']; if (!$password) { $this->apiError(0, '参数错误'); } $user = new UserApi(); unset($arr['password']); $data = $arr; if (empty($data)) { $this->apiError(0, '非法请求'); } $res = $user->updateInfo($this->uid, $password, $data); if ($res['status']) { S('userinfo_' . $this->uid, null); $this->apiSuccess('success'); } else { $this->apiError(0, '修改失败'); } } }
/** * Before action. * * @param mixed $action Action. * * @return mixed */ public function beforeAction($action) { $input = file_get_contents("php://input"); if ($this->action->id != 'auth') { $token = Yii::app()->request->getParam(Api::KEY_TOKEN); if ($token && ($userId = UserApi::model()->apiGetUserId($token))) { $this->_userId = $userId; $this->_data = $input ? CJSON::decode($input) : array(); } else { $this->_response(false, Api::MESSAGE_TOKEN); Yii::app()->end(); } } return parent::beforeAction($action); }
/** * This method returns the owner of a particular project. * Returns model if successfully found. * Returns the false if not found. * * @param string $projectId * @return model || false */ public static function getOwner($projectId) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = 'user_id'; $criteria->condition = 'id=:projectId'; $criteria->params = array(':projectId' => $projectId); $project = Projects::model()->find($criteria); if ($userId) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'user_id=:userId'; $criteria->params = array(':userId' => $project->user_id); $userprofile = UserProfiles::model()->find($criteria); $usercredentials = UserApi::getUserDetails($project->user_id); $userdetails = ArrayUtils::mergeArray($usercredentials->getAttributes(), $userprofile->getAttributes()); return $userdetails; } else { return false; } }
public function actionStarRatingAjax($userId, $agentId) { $ratingAjax = isset($_POST['rate']) ? $_POST['rate'] : 0; AgentRatingApi::addRating($agentId, $userId, $ratingAjax); $data = array(); $userId = AgentProfileApi::getAgentProfileById($agentId)->user_id; $user = UserApi::getUserById($userId); $user ? $data["user"] = $user->id : null; $data["agent"] = $agentId; EmailApi::sendEmail($user->email_id, "ACTIVITY.AGENT.RATING", $data); echo 'Your Rating is ' . $ratingAjax; }
public function actionView($id) { Yii::beginProfile('project_view'); $session = Yii::app()->session; $project = ProjectApi::getProjectById($id); if (!$project) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } $recentlyViewed = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($project->recently_viewed); $projectAgentInfo = AgentProfileApi::getAgentDetails($project->user_id); $projectUser = ""; $projectAgent = ""; $projectBuilder = ""; $projectBuilderInfo = ""; $projectSpecialist = ""; $projectSpecialistInfo = ""; $projectRating = ''; if ($projectAgentInfo) { $projectAgent = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($projectAgentInfo->user_id); } else { $projectBuilderInfo = BuilderProfileApi::getBuilderDetails($project->user_id); if ($projectBuilderInfo) { $projectBuilder = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($projectBuilderInfo->user_id); } else { $projectSpecialistInfo = SpecialistProfileApi::getSpecialistDetails($project->user_id); if ($projectSpecialistInfo) { $projectSpecialist = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($projectSpecialistInfo->user_id); } else { $projectUser = UserApi::getUser($project->user_id); } } } $projectSimilar = ProjectApi::getSimilarProjects($project, 3); $projectSimilarAddress = ""; $projectSimilarUser = ""; if ($projectSimilar) { foreach ($projectSimilar as $similar) { $projectSimilarAddress[$similar->id] = ProjectApi::getLocation($similar->id); $projectSimilarUser[$similar->id] = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($similar->user_id); } } $recentlyViewedIds = $session['projects']; $project_ids = $recentlyViewedIds; $project_ids[] = $id; $session['projects'] = array_unique($project_ids); $projectRecentlyViewed = ""; $projectRecentlyViewedAddress = ""; $projectRecentlyViewedUser = ""; if ($recentlyViewedIds) { foreach ($recentlyViewedIds as $recent) { $modelProject = ProjectApi::getProjectById($recent); $projectRecentlyViewed[] = $modelProject; $projectRecentlyViewedAddress[] = ProjectApi::getLocation($recent); $projectRecentlyViewedUser[] = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($modelProject->user_id); } } $projectImages = ProjectImagesApi::getAllImages($project->id); $projectType = ProjectTypesApi::getProjectTypeById($project->project_type_id); $ownershipType = OwnershipTypesApi::getOwnershipTypeById($project->ownership_type_id); $projectAmenities = ProjectAmenitiesApi::getAmenitiesForProject($project->id); $projectAddress = ProjectApi::getLocation($project->id); $projectProperties = ProjectPropertiesApi::getPropertiesModel($project->id); $projectWishlist = ProjectWishlistApi::getWishlistUserOnProject($project->id, Yii::app()->user->id); $projectRating = ProjectRatingApi::getRating($project->id); $projectViews = ProjectApi::getViews($project->id); ProjectApi::setViews($project->id); $this->render('view', array('project' => $project, 'recentlyViewed' => $recentlyViewed, 'projectAgentInfo' => $projectAgentInfo, 'projectBuilderInfo' => $projectBuilderInfo, 'projectSpecialistInfo' => $projectSpecialistInfo, 'projectUser' => $projectUser, 'projectAgent' => $projectAgent, 'projectBuilder' => $projectBuilder, 'projectSpecialist' => $projectSpecialist, 'projectSimilar' => $projectSimilar, 'projectSimilarAddress' => $projectSimilarAddress, 'projectSimilarUser' => $projectSimilarUser, 'projectRecentlyViewed' => $projectRecentlyViewed, 'projectRecentlyViewedAddress' => $projectRecentlyViewedAddress, 'projectRecentlyViewedUser' => $projectRecentlyViewedUser, 'projectImages' => $projectImages, 'projectType' => $projectType, 'projectAddress' => $projectAddress, 'ownershipType' => $ownershipType, 'projectAmenities' => $projectAmenities, 'projectProperties' => $projectProperties, 'projectRating' => $projectRating, 'projectWishlist' => $projectWishlist, 'projectViews' => $projectViews)); Yii::endProfile('project_view'); }
<div class="view"> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('user_id')); ?> :</b> <?php echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode(UserApi::getNameByUserId($data->user_id)), array('/store/user/view', 'id' => $data->user_id)); ?> <br /> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('question')); ?> :</b> <?php echo CHtml::encode($data->question); ?> <br /> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('description')); ?> :</b> <?php echo CHtml::encode($data->description); ?> <br />
public function actionStarRatingAjax($userId, $specialistId) { $ratingAjax = isset($_POST['rate']) ? $_POST['rate'] : 0; SpecialistRatingApi::addRating($userId, $specialistId, $ratingAjax); $data = array(); $userId = SpecialistProfileApi::getSpecialistProfileById($specialistId)->user_id; $user = UserApi::getUserById($userId); $user ? $data["user"] = $user->id : null; $data["specialist"] = $specialistId; EmailApi::sendEmail($user->email_id, "ACTIVITY.SPECIALIST.RATING", $data); echo 'Your Rating is ' . $ratingAjax; }
/** * Check user. * * @param $phone * @param $password * * @return mixed */ public function apiAuth($phone, $password) { $data = null; $user = $this->findByAttributes(array('phone' => $phone, 'password' => md5($password))); if ($user && ($token = UserApi::model()->apiAdd($user->id))) { $data = array('user_id' => $user->id, 'token' => $token); } return $data; }
public function actionRegister() { if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { $this->redirect('/home'); } $credentialsModel = UserApi::populateCredentialsModel(null, 'register'); $profilesModel = UserApi::populateProfilesModel(null, 'register'); /*require_once(Yii::app()->params["rootDir"].'/library/facebook/src/facebook.php'); $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => Yii::app()->params["fbAppId"], 'secret' => Yii::app()->params["fbSecret"], ));*/ $this->performAjaxValidation(array($credentialsModel, $profilesModel)); //$this->performAjaxValidation($profilesModel); if (isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax'] === 'register-form') { echo CActiveForm::validate(array($credentialsModel, $profilesModel)); //echo CActiveForm::validate($profilesModel); Yii::app()->end(); } /* * Check if the user has reached this page through a widget. */ if (isset($_POST['UserCredentials']) && !isset($_POST['UserProfiles'])) { $credentialsModel = UserApi::populateCredentialsModel($_POST['UserCredentials'], 'register'); $credentialsModel->validate(array('email_id', 'password', 'password_confirm')); $profilesModel = UserApi::populateProfilesModel(null, 'register'); // $this->render('account',array('credentialsModel'=>$credentialsModel,'profilesModel'=>$profilesModel,'login'=>$loginModel)); } else { if (isset($_POST['UserCredentials']) && isset($_POST['UserProfiles'])) { // save here $credentialsModel = UserApi::populateCredentialsModel($_POST['UserCredentials'], 'register'); $credResult = $credentialsModel->validate(array('email_id', 'password', 'password_confirm')); $profilesModel = UserApi::populateProfilesModel($_POST['UserProfiles'], 'register'); $profResult = $profilesModel->validate(array('first_name', 'last_name', 'gender', 'address_line1', 'address_line2', 'country_id', 'state_id', 'city_id', 'zip', 'mobile', 'telephone', 'agree, verifyCode')); if ($credResult && $profResult) { $result = true; $models = UserApi::createUser($credentialsModel, $profilesModel); // Redirect to thanks page. // @todo link to success page. if ($models) { $data = array(); $data["user"] = $models['credential']->id; EmailApi::sendEmail($credentialsModel->email_id, "REGISTRATION.ACTIVATION", $data); $session = new CHttpSession(); $session->open(); $session['registration-success'] = 'true'; $resendUrl = Yii::app()->createUrl('/account/resendEmail'); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "Thanks for registering. We have sent you an email with activation information.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<br/> Please add " . Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'] . " to your whitelist. \n\t\t\t\t\t\tIf you have not received the email click here to <a href='{$resendUrl}'>resend</a>."); $this->redirect('/home'); } // else // $this->render('account',array('credentialsModel'=>$credentialsModel,'profilesModel'=>$profilesModel,'login'=>$loginModel)); // save()) } } } // else $this->render('register', array('credentialsModel' => $credentialsModel, 'profilesModel' => $profilesModel)); }
<div class="view"> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('user_id')); ?> :</b> <?php echo UserApi::getNameByUserId($data->user_id); ?> <br /> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('i_want_to')); ?> :</b> <?php echo CHtml::encode($data->i_want_to); ?> <br /> <b><?php echo CHtml::encode($data->getAttributeLabel('description')); ?> :</b> <?php echo CHtml::encode($data->description); ?> <br /> <b><?php
public function actionStarRatingAjax($userId, $builderId) { $ratingAjax = isset($_POST['rate']) ? $_POST['rate'] : 0; BuilderRatingApi::addRating($builderId, $userId, $ratingAjax); $data = array(); $userId = BuilderProfileApi::getBuilderProfileById($builderId)->user_id; $user = UserApi::getUserById($userId); $user ? $data["user"] = $user->id : null; $data["builder"] = $builderId; EmailApi::sendEmail($user->email_id, "ACTIVITY.BUILDER.RATING", $data); echo 'Your Rating is ' . $ratingAjax; }
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array('User Builder Profiles' => array('index'), $model->id); $this->menu = array(array('label' => 'List UserBuilderProfile', 'url' => array('index')), array('label' => 'Create UserBuilderProfile', 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => 'Update UserBuilderProfile', 'url' => array('update', 'id' => $model->id)), array('label' => 'Delete UserBuilderProfile', 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')), array('label' => 'Manage UserBuilderProfile', 'url' => array('admin'))); ?> <h1>View UserBuilderProfile #<?php echo $model->id; ?> </h1> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', array('name' => 'user_id', 'value' => UserApi::getNameByUserId($model->user_id)), 'company_name', 'company_description', 'address_line1', 'address_line2', 'country_id', 'state_id', 'city_id', 'mobile', 'telephone', 'email', 'image')));
<?php require_once "Swagger.php"; require_once "UserApi.php"; require_once "models/User.php"; $apiServer = "http://localhost:8080"; $apiKey = ""; $apiClient = new APIClient("http://localhost:8080", ""); $userApi = new UserApi($apiClient); $user = $userApi->getUser(1); var_dump($user); $searchApi = new SearchApi($apiClient); $users = $searchApi->searchUsers("T"); var_dump($users);
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array('Properties' => array('index'), 'View'); $this->menu = array(array('label' => 'List Property', 'url' => array('index')), array('label' => 'Create Property', 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => 'Update Property', 'url' => array('update', 'id' => $model->id)), array('label' => 'Delete Property', 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')), array('label' => 'Manage Property', 'url' => array('admin'))); if ($model->projectProperties) { $this->menu[] = array('label' => 'Back to Project', 'url' => Yii::app()->request->urlReferrer); } ?> <h1>View Property</h1> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', array('label' => 'User Name', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => CHtml::link(CHtml::encode(UserApi::getNameByUserId($model->user_id)), array('/store/user/view', 'id' => $model->user_id))), 'i_want_to', 'property_name', 'description', 'features', 'featured', 'jackpot_investment', 'instant_home', 'propertyType.property_type', 'transactionType.transaction_type', 'locality.locality', 'address', 'bathrooms', 'bedrooms', 'furnished', 'age_of_construction', 'ownershipType.ownership_type', 'covered_area', 'land_area', 'total_price', 'per_unit_price', 'area_type', 'display_price', 'price_negotiable', 'available_from', 'available_units', 'facing', 'floor_number', 'total_floors', 'landmarks', 'tax_fees', 'terms_and_conditions'))); $images = PropertyImagesApi::getAllImages($model->id); $propertyAmenities = $model->propertyAmenities; $amenities = null; foreach ($propertyAmenities as $i => $propertyAmenity) { if ($i != 0) { $amenities .= ", "; } $amenities .= $propertyAmenity->amenity->amenity; } ?> <table id="yw0" class="detail-view"> <tbody> <tr class="even"> <th>Average Rating</th> <td><?php echo PropertyRatingApi::getRating($model->id); ?> </td>
<?php //Check if referrer is Clickatell //if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') //{ //Bootstrap! require '../includes/'; //check for all required CLICKATELL vars if (!empty($_REQUEST['api_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['apiMsgId']) && !empty($_REQUEST['timestamp']) && !empty($_REQUEST['to']) && !empty($_REQUEST['status']) && !empty($_REQUEST['charge'])) { //first check the api_id $ua = new UserApi(); if ($aUserApi = $ua->checkApi($_REQUEST['api_id'])) { //Fire up tracker $t = new Tracker2(); //first look for existing msg_id if ($_REQUEST['status'] !== 4 && ($tid = $t->checkMsg($_REQUEST['apiMsgId']))) { //just update status (should check for existing status?) $t->select($tid); $t->timestamp = $_REQUEST['timestamp']; $t->status = $_REQUEST['status']; $t->internal_timestamp = time(); $t->update(); } else { //Store tracker $t = new Tracker2(); $t->api_id = $_REQUEST['api_id']; $t->user_id = 1; $t->msg_id = $_REQUEST['apiMsgId']; $t->user_msg_id = !empty($_REQUEST['cliMsgId']) ? $_REQUEST['cliMsgId'] : ''; $t->charge = $_REQUEST['charge']; $t->to = $_REQUEST['to'];
public function actionView($id) { Yii::beginProfile('property_view'); $session = Yii::app()->session; $property = PropertyApi::getPropertyById($id); if (!$property) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } if (!$property->furnished) { $property->furnished = '-'; } if (!$property->floor_number) { $property->floor_number = '-'; } if (!$property->total_floors) { $property->total_floors = '-'; } if (!$property->facing) { $property->facing = '-'; } $recentlyViewed = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($property->recently_viewed); $propertyAgentInfo = AgentProfileApi::getAgentDetails($property->user_id); $propertyUser = ""; $propertyAgent = ""; $propertyBuilder = ""; $propertyBuilderInfo = ""; $propertySpecialist = ""; $propertySpecialistInfo = ""; $propertyRating = ""; $propertyRating = PropertyRatingApi::getRating($id); if ($propertyAgentInfo) { $propertyAgent = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($propertyAgentInfo->user_id); } else { $propertyBuilderInfo = BuilderProfileApi::getBuilderDetails($property->user_id); if ($propertyBuilderInfo) { $propertyBuilder = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($propertyBuilderInfo->user_id); } else { $propertySpecialistInfo = SpecialistProfileApi::getSpecialistDetails($property->user_id); if ($propertySpecialistInfo) { $propertySpecialist = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($propertySpecialistInfo->user_id); } else { $propertyUser = UserApi::getUser($property->user_id); } } } $propertySimilar = PropertyApi::getSimilarProperties($property, 3, $id); $propertySimilarAddress = ""; $propertySimilarUser = ""; if ($propertySimilar) { foreach ($propertySimilar as $similar) { $propertySimilarAddress[$similar->id] = PropertyApi::getLocation($similar->id); $propertySimilarUser[$similar->id] = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($similar->user_id); } } $recentlyViewedIds[] = ''; $recentlyViewedIds_total = $session['properties']; if ($recentlyViewedIds_total) { $re_array = array_reverse($recentlyViewedIds_total); $i = 0; foreach ($re_array as $re) { $recentlyViewedIds = $re; $i++; if ($i > 2) { break; } } } $property_ids[] = $recentlyViewedIds; $property_ids[] = $id; $session['properties'] = array_unique($property_ids); $propertyRecentlyViewed = ""; $propertyRecentlyViewedAddress = ""; $propertyRecentlyViewedUser = ""; if ($recentlyViewedIds) { foreach ($recentlyViewedIds as $recent) { $modelProperty = PropertyApi::getPropertyById($recent); if ($modelProperty) { $propertyRecentlyViewed[] = $modelProperty; $propertyRecentlyViewedAddress[] = PropertyApi::getLocation($recent); $propertyRecentlyViewedUser[] = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($modelProperty->user_id); } } } $propertyImages = PropertyImagesApi::getAllImages($property->id); $propertyType = PropertyTypesApi::getPropertyTypeById($property->property_type_id); $transactionType = PropertyTransactionTypesApi::getTransactionTypeById($property->transaction_type_id); $ownershipType = OwnershipTypesApi::getOwnershipTypeById($property->ownership_type_id); $propertyAge = PropertyAgeOfConstructionApi::getpropertyAgeById($property->age_of_construction); $propertyAmenities = PropertyAmenitiesApi::getAmenitiesForProperty($property->id); $propertyAddress = PropertyApi::getLocation($property->id); $propertyRating = PropertyRatingApi::getRating($property->id); $propertyWishlist = PropertyWishlistApi::getWishlistUserOnProperty($property->id, Yii::app()->user->id); $this->render('view', array('property' => $property, 'recentlyViewed' => $recentlyViewed, 'propertyAgentInfo' => $propertyAgentInfo, 'propertyBuilderInfo' => $propertyBuilderInfo, 'propertySpecialistInfo' => $propertySpecialistInfo, 'propertyUser' => $propertyUser, 'propertyAgent' => $propertyAgent, 'propertyBuilder' => $propertyBuilder, 'propertySpecialist' => $propertySpecialist, 'propertySimilar' => $propertySimilar, 'propertySimilarAddress' => $propertySimilarAddress, 'propertySimilarUser' => $propertySimilarUser, 'propertyRecentlyViewed' => $propertyRecentlyViewed, 'propertyRecentlyViewedAddress' => $propertyRecentlyViewedAddress, 'propertyRecentlyViewedUser' => $propertyRecentlyViewedUser, 'propertyImages' => $propertyImages, 'propertyType' => $propertyType, 'propertyAddress' => $propertyAddress, 'transactionType' => $transactionType, 'ownershipType' => $ownershipType, 'propertyAge' => $propertyAge, 'propertyAmenities' => $propertyAmenities, 'propertyRating' => $propertyRating, 'propertyWishlist' => $propertyWishlist)); Yii::endProfile('property_view'); }
<?php echo $form->textField($profilesModel, 'last_name', array('size' => 20, 'maxlength' => 20)); ?> <?php echo $form->error($profilesModel, 'last_name'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($profilesModel, 'gender'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($profilesModel, 'gender', UserApi::getAllgender(), array('empty' => 'Select a gender')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($profilesModel, 'gender'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($profilesModel, 'address_line1'); ?> <?php echo $form->textArea($profilesModel, 'address_line1', array('rows' => 6, 'cols' => 50)); ?> <?php
/** * @param $code string Auth code returned by qq * @return array if success return access_token, expire_in and refresh_token * if failed return error code and description * 'access_token' => string '313F00C54AC512A7ED1C664EE198B615' (length=32) 'expires_in' => string '7776000' (length=7) 'refresh_token' => string 'A5D30D009A349AA8197C86DECEC77BD8' (length=32) 'code' => int 0 */ public function getAccessToken($code = "") { if (empty($code) && empty($this->refreshToken)) { Logger::ERROR("Try to get access token, but neither code nor refresh token was empty.", "", "", "qq_sdk_err"); return ['code' => -1, 'desc' => "neither code nor refresh token was empty."]; } $url = ""; $isRefresh = !empty($this->refreshToken); $params = ['grant_type' => $isRefresh ? 'refresh_token' : 'authorization_code', 'client_id' => $this->appId, 'client_secret' => $this->appKey, 'redirect_uri' => $this->callback]; if ($isRefresh) { $params['refresh_token'] = $this->refreshToken; } else { $params['code'] = $code; } $response = @file_get_contents($url . "?" . http_build_query($params)); $result = []; if (strpos($response, "callback") !== false) { $lpos = strpos($response, "("); $rpos = strrpos($response, ")"); $response = substr($response, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos - 1); $msg = json_decode($response); if (isset($msg->error)) { $result['code'] = $msg->error; $result['desc'] = $msg->error_description; return $result; } } parse_str($response, $result); $result['code'] = 0; $this->accessToken = $result['access_token']; $this->refreshToken = $result['refresh_token']; $result['expires_in'] += time(); $user = self::getSelfInfo(); if (!$user['openid']) { return $user; } $result['uid'] = $user['openid']; UserApi::saveAccessToken($result); return $result; }
?> <br /> <?php if ($projectViews) { ?> <span>Views :</span><?php echo $projectViews->views; ?> <br /><?php } if ($project->recently_viewed) { ?> <span>Recently Viewed By :</span> <?php $name = UserApi::getUserProfileDetails($projectViews->recently_viewed); echo $name->first_name, " ", $name->last_name; ?> <br /><?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($projectAgentInfo) { ?> <div class="white_wrap"> <h2>Agent Information</h2> <div style="padding: 10px;"> <p><b><?php echo $projectAgentInfo->company_name; ?>
<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id' => 'user-specialist-projects-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false)); ?> <p class="note">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p> <?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'user_id'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'user_id', UserApi::getUserList(), array('empty' => 'Select')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'user_id'); ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo $form->labelEx($model, 'specialist_type_id'); ?> <?php echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'specialist_type_id', CHtml::listData(Specializations::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'specialist'), array('empty' => 'Select')); ?> <?php echo $form->error($model, 'specialist_type_id');
<span class="block_box"> <input type="submit" value="UnBlock" class="btn" name="<?php echo $userProfile->id; ?> "> </span> <p class="blockusers_info"> <span class="user-thumbnail"> </span> <!-- .user-thumbnail END --> </p> <span class="user_name"><?php echo $userProfile->first_name . " " . $userProfile->last_name; ?> </span> <br/><br/> <span class="coll_name"> <?php echo UserApi::getAge($userProfile->dob) . " " . "Years" . "," . ucwords(strtolower($userProfile->gender)); ?> </span> <hr class="privacy_divider"/> <?php } } ?>
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array('User Specialist Projects' => array('index'), 'View'); $this->menu = array(array('label' => 'List UserSpecialistProjects', 'url' => array('index')), array('label' => 'Create UserSpecialistProjects', 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => 'Update UserSpecialistProjects', 'url' => array('update', 'id' => $model->id)), array('label' => 'Delete UserSpecialistProjects', 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')), array('label' => 'Manage UserSpecialistProjects', 'url' => array('admin'))); ?> <h1>View UserSpecialistProjects</h1> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', array('name' => 'user_id', 'value' => UserApi::getNameByUserId($model->user_id)), array('name' => 'specialist_type_id', 'value' => SpecializationsApi::getSpecializationById($model->specialist_type_id)), 'project_name', 'description', 'image', 'duration', 'updated_time', 'updated_by', 'created_time', 'created_by')));
<?php $this->breadcrumbs = array('Jukebox Questions' => array('index'), 'View'); $this->menu = array(array('label' => 'List JukeboxQuestions', 'url' => array('index')), array('label' => 'Create JukeboxQuestions', 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => 'Update JukeboxQuestions', 'url' => array('update', 'id' => $model->id)), array('label' => 'Delete JukeboxQuestions', 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')), array('label' => 'Manage JukeboxQuestions', 'url' => array('admin'))); ?> <h1>View JukeboxQuestions</h1> <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', array('label' => 'User Name', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => CHtml::link(CHtml::encode(UserApi::getNameByUserId($model->user_id)), array('/store/user/view', 'id' => $model->user_id))), 'question', 'description', 'category.category')));