Exemple #1
  * @param type $property_id
  * @return boolean 
 public static function changeActiveProperty($property_id)
     $userId = Yii::app()->user->getState('id');
     $userModel = new \User();
     $isValidProperty = UserAccessTable::checkUser2PropertyAccess($userId, $property_id, UserAccessTable::GUEST);
     if (!$isValidProperty) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $result = $userModel->updateByPk($userId, array('property_id' => $property_id));
         $userControl = new userControl();
         return true;
 public function actionIndex($propertyId)
     $this->pageName = "billing";
     if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         $this->redirect(basePath('?url=property/' . $propertyId));
     $property = Properties::model()->findByPk($propertyId);
     YII::app()->user->setState("redirect_url", null);
     //$property->trialPeriodStartDate != null &&
     if (!UserAccessTable::checkUser2PropertyAccess(Yii::app()->user->getState('id'), $propertyId, UserAccessTable::OWNER)) {
         $this->redirect(basePath('?url=property/' . $propertyId));
     $adminMode = false;
     if (UserAccessTable::checkUser2PropertyAccess(Yii::app()->user->getState('id'), Yii::app()->user->getState('property_id'), UserAccessTable::OWNER)) {
         $adminMode = true;
     if ($property->getAttribute('isdeactivated') == 0 && $property->trialPeriodStartDate == null) {
     //TODO Live
     //        $DaysAfterTrialWhenUserCanReturnProperty = 7;
     //        $TrialPeriod = 31;
     if ($property->trialPeriodStartDate != null) {
         $DaysAfterTrialWhenUserCanReturnProperty = 2;
         $TrialPeriod = 2;
         $allDays = $DaysAfterTrialWhenUserCanReturnProperty + $TrialPeriod;
         $trialStartDate = new DateTime($property->trialPeriodStartDate);
         $trialStartDate->modify("+{$allDays} day");
         $nowDate = new DateTime();
         if ($trialStartDate->format("Y/m/d") < $nowDate->format("Y/m/d")) {
     $this->render('index', array('errors' => null, 'adminMode' => $adminMode, 'countries' => $this->getCountries(), 'provinces' => $this->getProvinces()));
Exemple #3
                    Latest Login
                    Created On
$count = 0;
foreach ($guests as $guests) {
    echo $guests['firstname'] . " " . $guests['lastname'] . " (" . UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString($guests['access']) . ")";
    echo $guests['property']['property_name'];
    echo $guests['email'];
    echo $guests['property']['property_phone'];
 protected function getAllProperties()
     $propertiesModel = new \User2property();
     $userId = Yii::app()->user->getState('id');
     $propertiesLinks = $propertiesModel->with('property')->findAllByAttributes(array('userId' => $userId));
     //Delete deleted properties
     foreach ($propertiesLinks as $key => $link) {
         if ($link->property->getAttribute('isdeactivated') == 1) {
     //Formating data
     foreach ($propertiesLinks as $key => $propertiLink) {
         $this->properties[$key] = $propertiLink->getAttributes();
         $this->properties[$key]['property'] = $propertiLink->property->getAttributes();
         $this->properties[$key]['property']['members'] = array();
         $this->properties[$key]['property']['guests'] = array();
         foreach ($propertiLink->property->user2properties as $index => $link) {
             if ($link->getAttribute('access') <= \UserAccessTable::BASIC_ACCESS) {
                 $this->properties[$key]['property']['members'][$index] = $link->getAttributes();
             } else {
                 $this->properties[$key]['property']['guests'][$index] = $link->getAttributes();
         $this->properties[$key]['property']['members_count'] = count($this->properties[$key]['property']['members']);
         $this->properties[$key]['property']['guests_count'] = count($this->properties[$key]['property']['guests']);
         $galleryModel = new Gallery();
         $primaryImage = $galleryModel->with('file')->findByAttributes(array('propertyid' => $this->properties[$key]['property']['id']), array('order' => 't.index'));
         if ($primaryImage) {
             $this->properties[$key]['property']['minimage'] = basePath('propertyfile/') . $primaryImage->file->getAttribute('systempath') . '?propertyid=' . $this->properties[$key]['property']['id'] . "&thumb=true";
             $this->properties[$key]['property']['image'] = basePath('propertyfile/') . $primaryImage->file->getAttribute('systempath') . '?propertyid=' . $this->properties[$key]['property']['id'];
         } else {
             $this->properties[$key]['property']['minimage'] = basePath('images/property-placeholder.png');
             $this->properties[$key]['property']['image'] = basePath('images/property-placeholder.png');
         $this->properties[$key]['access_name'] = UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString($this->properties[$key]['access']);
 public function actionRemoveproperty($id)
     $userId = Yii::app()->user->getState('id');
     //all users can remove itself from property member's list
     if (!UserAccessTable::checkUser2PropertyAccess($userId, $id, UserAccessTable::GUEST)) {
     $user2property = User2property::model()->findByAttributes(array('userId' => $userId, 'propertyId' => $id));
     if ($user2property->getAttribute('access') != UserAccessTable::OWNER) {
         //email to member (NOT admin)
         $this->layout = "emailmaster";
         $body = $this->render("../emails/emailItselfRemove", array('name' => $user2property->user->getAttribute('firstname') . ' ' . $user2property->user->getAttribute('lastname'), 'propertyName' => $user2property->property->getAttribute('property_name')), true);
         MailHelper::send($body, "SharedKey - Removed Property", array($user2property->user->getAttribute('email')));
         //clear calendar events first
         $calendar = new Calendar();
         $calendar = $calendar->findAllByAttributes(array('linkid' => $user2property->getAttribute('id')));
         foreach ($calendar as $cal) {
         //for not property Administrator we just remove a link to property
         if ($this->_isAllUserPropertiesDeactivated($userId)) {
             //removed last property need remove user
     //member is administrator we need cancel RecurringPaymentsProfile and deactivate property
     //lets find last transaction
     $transaction = Transaction::model()->findByAttributes(array('userid' => $userId, 'propertyid' => $id));
     if (!$transaction) {
         //no previous transactions not need to refund
     $userApi = sharedkeyApi::create('usersAPI');
     $userEmail = Yii::app()->user->getState('email');
     $userApi->addParams(array('email' => $userEmail));
     $byEmail = json_decode($userApi->byEmail('get'));
     $userData = (array) $byEmail->data;
     $userData['property_id'] = $id;
     //close RecurringPaymentsProfile
     if ($transaction) {
         YII::app()->user->setState("addPropertyEmailed", true);
         $temp = PayPalHelper::cancelRecurringPaymentsProfile($transaction->getAttribute('pp_PROFILEID'), $userData);
     //do deactivated
     $property = Properties::model()->findByPk($id);
     $property->isdeactivated = 1;
     $property->edt = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
     //$property->trialPeriodStartDate = null;
     $this->layout = "emailmaster";
     //mail to admin
     $token = uniqid();
     $body = $this->render("../emails/emailAdminAfterRemove", array('name' => Yii::app()->user->getState('firstname') . ' ' . Yii::app()->user->getState('lastname'), 'propertyName' => $property->getAttribute('property_name'), 'url' => basePathByHost("/app/changeactiveproperty/" . $property->getAttribute("id")) . '?token=' . $token), true);
     MailHelper::send($body, "SharedKey - Removed Property", array($userEmail));
     //informative other user about property deactivated
     $users2properties = User2property::model()->with('user')->findAll('propertyId=:propertyId', array(':propertyId' => $id));
     foreach ($users2properties as $key => $u2p) {
         if ($u2p->getAttribute('access') == UserAccessTable::OWNER) {
     if ($this->_isAllUserPropertiesDeactivated($userId)) {
         $user = User::model()->find('id=:id', array(':id' => $userId));
         $user->verificationToken = $token;
                    Latest Login
                    Created On
$count = 0;
foreach ($admins as $admin) {
    echo $admin['firstname'] . " " . $admin['lastname'] . " (" . UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString($admin['access']) . ")";
    echo $admin['property']['property_name'];
    echo $admin['email'];
    echo $admin['property']['property_phone'];
Exemple #7
                    Latest Login
                    Created On
$count = 0;
foreach ($members as $member) {
    echo $member['firstname'] . " " . $member['lastname'] . " (" . UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString($member['access']) . ")";
    echo $member['property']['property_name'];
    echo $member['email'];
    echo $member['property']['property_phone'];
 public function actionInviteGuestEmail($email = false)
     $testData = array('data' => array('senderFullName' => "Dart Vaider", 'propertyName' => "Dead star", 'from' => "06/06/06 060606", 'to' => "07/07/07 070707", 'access' => UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString(UserAccessTable::GUEST), 'event' => "NewYear", 'message' => "hello !", 'userFullName' => 'Ilya Mineev', 'url' => "localhost/sfsdhuifg", 'token' => 'dgdfgdfgf', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'pasw'), 'userFullName' => 'Ilya Mineev', 'url' => "localhost/sfsdhuifg", 'token' => 'dgdfgdfgf', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'pasw');
     if ($email != false) {
         $emailBody = $this->renderPartial('InviteGuestEmail', $testData, true);
         MailHelper::send($emailBody, "SharedKey.com", array($email));
         $this->layout = 'app';
         $this->render('index', array('text' => "Letter was sent to {$email}"));
     } else {
         $this->renderPartial('InviteGuestEmail', $testData);
 private function createViewItem($u2p)
     $user = array();
     $user['id'] = $u2p->getAttribute('id');
     $user['fullName'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('firstname') . ' ' . $u2p->user->getAttribute('lastname');
     $date = $u2p->user->getAttribute('loginDate');
     $dateTime = '';
     if (isset($date)) {
         $dateTime = new DateTime($date);
     $user['lastLogin'] = isset($date) ? 'Last login ' . $dateTime->format('M j, Y h:i A') : 'Has never logged-in';
     $inviteDate = $u2p->getAttribute('inviteDate');
     $inviteDateTime = new DateTime($inviteDate);
     $user['inviteDate'] = $inviteDateTime->format('M j, Y');
     $inviteSentByUser = User::model()->findByPk($u2p->getAttribute('inviteUserId'));
     if ($inviteSentByUser != null) {
         $user['inviteByFullName'] = $inviteSentByUser->getAttribute('firstname') . ' ' . $inviteSentByUser->getAttribute('lastname');
     } else {
         $user['inviteByFullName'] = '';
     $user['email'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('email');
     $fromDate = $u2p->getAttribute('fromDate');
     if (isset($fromDate)) {
         $fromDateTime = new DateTime($fromDate);
         $user['fromDate'] = $fromDateTime->format('M j, Y');
     } else {
         $user['fromDate'] = '';
     $toDate = $u2p->getAttribute('toDate');
     if (isset($toDate)) {
         $toDateTime = new DateTime($toDate);
         $user['toDate'] = $toDateTime->format('M j, Y');
     } else {
         $user['toDate'] = '';
     $user['status'] = UserAccessTable::statusToString($u2p->getAttribute('status'));
     $user['statusInt'] = $u2p->getAttribute('status');
     return $user;
 public function actionDownloadCSV()
     $type = $_GET['type'];
     $csvpath = 'csv/';
     $filename = $type . '_' . date('d-m-Y') . '.csv';
     $fullname = $csvpath . $filename;
     $headers = array();
     $data = array();
     switch ($type) {
         case 'administratorspermonth':
             $headers = array('date', 'count');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(u.createdDate, '%M %Y') AS mthyr , COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) AS count FROM users u INNER JOIN user2property up ON u.id = up.userId WHERE up.access = 5 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(u.createdDate, '%Y-%m')")->queryAll();
         case 'administrators':
             $headers = array('name', 'username', '# of logins', 'latest login', 'created on', 'profile name', 'phone', 'city', 'prov', 'country');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' ', u.firstname, u.lastname) AS name, u.email, u.numoflogins, u.loginDate, u.createdDate, up.propertyId, up.access FROM users u INNER JOIN user2property up ON u.id = up.userId WHERE up.access= 5")->queryAll();
             foreach ($data as $key => $admin) {
                 $prop = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT property_name, property_phone, city, state, country FROM properties where id = " . $admin['propertyId'])->queryRow();
                 $data[$key] = array_merge($data[$key], $prop);
                 $data[$key]['name'] = $data[$key]['name'] . ' (' . UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString($data[$key]['access']) . ')';
         case 'guestspermonth':
             $headers = array('date', 'count');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(u.createdDate, '%M %Y') AS mthyr , COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) AS count FROM users u INNER JOIN user2property up ON u.id = up.userId WHERE up.access = 30 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(u.createdDate, '%Y-%m')")->queryAll();
         case 'guests':
             $headers = array('name', 'username', '# of logins', 'latest login', 'created on', 'profile name', 'phone', 'city', 'prov', 'country');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' ', u.firstname, u.lastname) AS name, u.email, u.numoflogins, u.loginDate, u.createdDate, up.propertyId FROM users u INNER JOIN user2property up ON u.id = up.userId WHERE up.access= 30")->queryAll();
             foreach ($data as $key => $guest) {
                 $prop = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT property_name, property_phone, city, state, country FROM properties where id = " . $guest['propertyId'])->queryRow();
                 $data[$key] = array_merge($data[$key], $prop);
         case 'memberspermonth':
             $headers = array('date', 'count');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(u.createdDate, '%M %Y') AS mthyr , COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) AS count FROM users u INNER JOIN user2property up ON u.id = up.userId WHERE up.access = 10 OR up.access = 20 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(u.createdDate, '%Y-%m')")->queryAll();
         case 'members':
             $headers = array('name', 'username', '# of logins', 'latest login', 'created on', 'profile name', 'phone', 'city', 'prov', 'country');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' ', u.firstname, u.lastname) AS name, u.email, u.numoflogins, u.loginDate, u.createdDate, up.propertyId FROM users u INNER JOIN user2property up ON u.id = up.userId WHERE up.access= 10 OR up.access= 20")->queryAll();
             foreach ($data as $key => $member) {
                 $prop = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT property_name, property_phone, city, state, country FROM properties where id = " . $member['propertyId'])->queryRow();
                 $data[$key] = array_merge($data[$key], $prop);
         case 'propertiescountsbymonth':
             $headers = array('date', 'count');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(edt, '%M %Y') AS mthyr, COUNT(id) AS count FROM properties GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(edt, '%Y-%m')")->queryAll();
         case 'propertiescountsusers':
             $headers = array('# properies', 'count');
             $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT COUNT(id) AS count FROM user2property GROUP BY userId ORDER BY count")->queryAll();
             $group1 = $group2 = $group3 = $group4 = $group5 = 0;
             foreach ($res as $proprtyCount) {
                 switch ($proprtyCount['count']) {
                     case "1":
                     case "2":
                     case "3":
                     case "4":
             $data = array(array("1 property", $group1), array("2", $group2), array("3", $group3), array("4", $group4), array("> 4", $group5));
         case 'properties':
             $headers = array('profile name (access type)', 'city', 'prov/state', 'country', 'created on', 'property data');
             $data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT id, property_name, city, state, country, edt, isdeactivated FROM properties")->queryAll();
             foreach ($data as $key => $prop) {
                 $activestr = $data[$key]['isdeactivated'] == 0 ? '(INACTIVE)' : '(ACTIVE)';
                 $data[$key]['property_name'] = $data[$key]['property_name'] . ' ' . $activestr;
                 $propId = $prop['id'];
                 //get property users
                 $users = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', u.firstname, u.lastname) AS name, up.access FROM user2property up INNER JOIN users u ON u.id = up.userId  WHERE up.propertyId = {$propId}")->queryAll();
                 foreach ($users as $idx => $user) {
                     $user['name'] = $user['name'] . ' (' . UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString($user['access']) . ')';
                     $data[$key]['property_name'] = $data[$key]['property_name'] . ' ' . $user['name'];
                 //get property data
                 $photos = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM propertyfile p WHERE p.property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = 'Photos: ' . $photos . ' ';
                 $events = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM calendar ca WHERE ca.propertyid = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' Events: ' . $events . ' ';
                 $directions = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM direction di WHERE di.property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' Directions: ' . $directions . ' ';
                 $map = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM property_attachments pa WHERE pa.property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' Map attach: ' . $map . ' ';
                 $tourist = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM touristinfo ti WHERE ti.property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' Tourist info: ' . $tourist . ' ';
                 $rules = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM houserules hr WHERE hr.property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' Rules: ' . $rules . ' ';
                 $contacts = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM keycontact WHERE property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' Contacts: ' . $contacts . ' ';
                 $notices = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM noticeboard nb WHERE nb.property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' Notices: ' . $notices . ' ';
                 $guentries = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM guestbook WHERE property_id = {$propId}")->queryScalar();
                 $data[$key]['property_data'] = $data[$key]['property_data'] . ' GU entries: ' . $guentries;
     $fp = fopen($fullname, 'w');
     fputcsv($fp, $headers);
     foreach ($data as $fields) {
         fputcsv($fp, $fields);
     if (file_exists($fullname)) {
         return Yii::app()->getRequest()->sendFile($filename, @file_get_contents($fullname));
 private function createViewItem($u2p)
     $user = array();
     $user['color'] = $u2p->getAttribute('color');
     $user['fullName'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('firstname') . ' ' . $u2p->user->getAttribute('lastname');
     $date = $u2p->user->getAttribute('loginDate');
     $dateTime = '';
     if (isset($date)) {
         $dateTime = new DateTime($date);
     $user['lastLogin'] = isset($date) ? 'Last login ' . $dateTime->format('M j, Y h:i A') : 'Has never logged-in';
     $user['firstname'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('firstname');
     $user['lastname'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('lastname');
     $user['bookingName'] = $u2p->bookingName;
     $user['access'] = UserAccessTable::accessLevelToString($u2p->getAttribute('access'));
     $user['accessInt'] = $u2p->getAttribute('access');
     $user['status'] = UserAccessTable::statusToString($u2p->getAttribute('status'));
     $user['statusInt'] = $u2p->getAttribute('status');
     $user['email'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('email');
     $user['phone'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('phone');
     $user['can_delete'] = $u2p->user->getAttribute('email') != Yii::app()->user->getState('email');
     $user['id'] = $u2p->getAttribute('id');
     if ($u2p->getAttribute('access') == UserAccessTable::OWNER) {
         $user['can_delete'] = false;
     return $user;