Exemple #1
 public function beforeSave()
     // Prebuild Previews for URLs in Message
     // Check if Post Contains an Url
     if (preg_match('/http(.*?)(\\s|$)/i', $this->message)) {
         // Set Filter Flag
         $this->url = 1;
     return parent::beforeSave();
Exemple #2
  * Deletes OEmbed Provider
 public function actionOEmbedDelete()
     $prefix = Yii::app()->request->getParam('prefix');
     $providers = UrlOembed::getProviders();
     if (isset($providers[$prefix])) {
Exemple #3
  * Checks if a given URL Supports OEmbed
  * @param type $url
  * @return boolean
 public static function HasOEmbedSupport($url)
     foreach (UrlOembed::getProviders() as $providerBaseUrl => $providerAPI) {
         if (strpos($url, $providerBaseUrl) !== false) {
             return true;
     return false;
Exemple #4
  * Converts an given Ascii Text into a HTML Block
  * @param boolean $allowHtml transform user names in links
  * @param boolean $allowEmbed Sets if comitted video links will embedded
  * Tasks:
  *      nl2br
  *      oembed urls
 public static function enrichText($text)
     $maxOembedCount = 3;
     // Maximum OEmbeds
     $oembedCount = 0;
     // OEmbeds used
     $text = preg_replace_callback('/http(.*?)(\\s|$)/i', function ($match) use(&$oembedCount, &$maxOembedCount) {
         // Try use oembed
         if ($maxOembedCount > $oembedCount) {
             $oembed = UrlOembed::GetOembed($match[0]);
             if ($oembed) {
                 return $oembed;
         return HHtml::link($match[0], $match[0], array('target' => '_blank'));
     }, $text);
     # breaks links!?
     #$text = nl2br($text);
     $text = str_replace("\n", "<br />\n", $text);
     // get user details from guids
     $text = self::translateUserMentioning($text, true);
     return $text;
Exemple #5
  * Loads OEmbed Data from a given URL and writes them to the database
  * @param type $url
  * @return string
 public static function loadUrl($url)
     $urlOembed = new UrlOembed();
     $urlOembed->url = $url;
     $html = "";
     if ($urlOembed->getProviderUrl() != "") {
         // Build OEmbed Preview
         $jsonOut = UrlOembed::fetchUrl($urlOembed->getProviderUrl());
         if ($jsonOut != "") {
             $data = CJSON::decode($jsonOut);
             if ($data['type'] === "video" || $data['type'] === 'rich') {
                 $html = "<div class='oembed_snippet'>" . $data['html'] . "</div>";
     if ($html != "") {
         $urlOembed->preview = $html;
     return $html;
Exemple #6
  * Converts an given Ascii Text into a HTML Block
  * @param boolean $allowHtml transform user names in links
  * @param boolean $allowEmbed Sets if comitted video links will embedded
  * Tasks:
  *      nl2br
  *      oembed urls
 public static function enrichText($text)
     $maxOembedCount = 3;
     // Maximum OEmbeds
     $oembedCount = 0;
     // OEmbeds used
     $text = preg_replace_callback('/(https?:\\/\\/.*?)(\\s|$)/i', function ($match) use(&$oembedCount, &$maxOembedCount) {
         // Try use oembed
         if ($maxOembedCount > $oembedCount) {
             $oembed = UrlOembed::GetOembed($match[0]);
             if ($oembed) {
                 return $oembed;
         return HHtml::link($match[1], $match[1], array('target' => '_blank')) . $match[2];
     }, $text);
     // get user and space details from guids
     $text = self::translateMentioning($text, true);
     // create image tag for emojis
     $text = self::translateEmojis($text);
     return nl2br($text);