public function handle_upload() { $file = $_FILES['Filedata']; App::import("Vendor", "UploadServer", array("file" => "UploadServer.php")); $ext = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $u = new UploadServer(); $tmp_file = $u->moveUpload($file); $file_name = String::uuid() . "." . $ext; if ($u->pushUpload($tmp_file, $file_name)) { $this->loadModel("MediaFileUpload"); $this->MediaFileUpload->create(); $this->MediaFileUpload->save(array("file_name" => $file_name, "name" => $file['name'], "model" => "BerricsRecord", "foreign_key" => base64_decode($_POST['berrics_record_id']), "user_id" => $this->user_id_scope, "file_status" => "pending")); die("1"); } else { die("0"); } }
public function handle_upload() { $file = $_FILES['Filedata']; App::import("Vendor", "UploadServer", array("file" => "UploadServer.php")); $ext = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $u = new UploadServer(); $tmp_file = $u->moveUpload($file); $file_name = String::uuid() . "." . $ext; if ($u->pushUpload($tmp_file, $file_name)) { $this->loadModel("MediaFileUpload"); $this->MediaFileUpload->create(); $this->MediaFileUpload->save(array("file_name" => $file_name, "name" => $file['name'], "notes" => $this->request->params['pass'][1], "model" => "YounitedNationsEventEntry", "foreign_key" => $this->request->params['pass'][2], "user_id" => $this->user_id_scope)); die("1"); } else { die("0"); } }
public function test() { if (count($this->request->data) > 0) { $us = new UploadServer(); $file = $this->request->data['MediaFileUpload']['test']; $tmp_path = $us->moveUpload($file); if (!$tmp_path) { return $this->cakeError("error500", "No temp file brosky"); } $file_name = String::uuid() . "." . pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (!$us->pushUpload($tmp_path, $file_name)) { return $this->cakeError("error500", "Could Not SFTP to UPLAOD server"); } //save the new file $this->loadModel("MediaFileUpload"); $this->MediaFileUpload->create(); $this->MediaFileUpload->save(array("file_name" => $file_name, "user_id" => $this->Auth->user("id"), "model" => "YounitedNationsEntry", "foreign_key" => 2)); } }