public function setUp()
     $this->con = 'tests';
     $this->chainClass = 'Psc\\CMS\\UploadManager';
     $this->manager = new UploadManager(NULL, $this->getDoctrinePackage(), UploadManager::createCache($this->dir = $this->getTestDirectory()->sub('tmp/')));
Exemple #2
 function testIO_Upload_UploadManager()
     $base = dirname(__FILE__);
     $Uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
     $path = "/tmp/sjack/tmp";
     $filename = "filename.gif";
     // Uplaod from URL
     $res = $Uploadmanager->UploadFromURL("");
     $this->assertTrue($res, "File uploaded from URL");
     $file = array("name" => $filename, "size" => 1023, "type" => "image/txt", "error" => 0);
     // check upload
     $res = $Uploadmanager->Upload($file);
     $this->assertFalse($res, "File not uploaded");
     // check Generate Path
     $result = $Uploadmanager->BuildDir($path, $filename);
     $md5 = md5($filename);
     $newpath = $path . "/" . substr($md5, 0, 2) . "/" . substr($md5, 2, 2);
     $this->assertEqual($result, $newpath, "Result path is valid: {$result}");
     // check SetDestination
     $Uploadmanager->SetDestinationDir($result . "/" . $filename);
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($result), "Destination created {$result}");
     $valid = array("txt", "jpeg", "tar", "rar", "zip", "gif");
     // check Validate function / must be public access
     //$res = $Uploadmanager->Validate();
     //$this->assertFalse($res, "Uploaded File Not validated");
Exemple #3
 public static function upload($index, $destination, $name, $pictureFormats)
     $upload = new Upload();
     $param = array('type' => 'return');
     $return = UploadManager::upload($upload, $pictureFormats, $param);
     $json = json_decode($return, true);
     return $json['status'] == 'success';
        $smarty->assign('upload_id', $_REQUEST['upload_id']);
if (isset($_GET['success'])) {
    $token = new Token();
    if ($token->parse($_GET['t'])) {
        $template = 'puploader_success.tpl';
        $smarty->assign('status', unserialize($token->getValueBinary("s")));
        $smarty->assign('filenames', unserialize($token->getValueBinary("f")));
} elseif (isset($_POST['selected'])) {
    //we dont get the button :(
    $status = array();
    $filenames = array();
    foreach ($_POST['field'] as $key => $value) {
        $uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
        $square = new GridSquare();
        $files_key = str_replace('.', '_', $value);
        $filenames[$key] = $_FILES[$files_key]['name'];
        $ok = $square->setByFullGridRef($_POST['grid_reference'][$key]);
        if ($ok) {
            // set up attributes from uploaded data
            if ($_POST['comment'][$key] != "comment[{$key}]") {
                //bug? in Picasa sends the name in the value if blank, useful! (but only seems to apply to textareas)
Exemple #5
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
require_once 'geograph/';
if (isset($_GET['preview'])) {
} else {
    require_once 'geograph/gridimage.class.php';
    require_once 'geograph/gridsquare.class.php';
require_once 'geograph/uploadmanager.class.php';
$uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
//display preview image?
if (isset($_GET['preview'])) {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$GLOBALS['STARTTIME'] = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
$square = new GridSquare();
$smarty = new GeographPage();
if (!$USER->hasPerm("basic")) {
if (isset($_SESSION['tab'])) {
    $selectedtab = $_SESSION['tab'];
  * Load the component Upload.
  * @param \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page $page       The resolved page
 public function load(\Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page $page)
     global $objTemplate;
     $objUploadModule = new UploadManager();
 public function actionUpload()
     $uptype = zmf::filterInput($_GET['type'], 't', 1);
     $logid = zmf::filterInput($_GET['id']);
     $reImgsize = zmf::filterInput($_GET['imgsize']);
     $fileholder = zmf::filterInput($_GET['fileholder'], 't', 1);
     if (!isset($uptype) or !in_array($uptype, array('posts', 'siteinfo'))) {
         $this->jsonOutPut(0, '请设置上传所属类型' . $uptype);
     if (Yii::app()->request->getParam('PHPSESSID')) {
         $res = Yii::app()->session->setSessionID(Yii::app()->request->getParam('PHPSESSID'));
     if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         $this->jsonOutPut(0, '请先登录');
     if (!$fileholder) {
         $fileholder = 'filedata';
     if (!isset($_FILES[$fileholder]) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fileholder]["tmp_name"]) || $_FILES[$fileholder]["error"] != 0) {
         $this->jsonOutPut(0, '无效上传,请重试');
     $img = CUploadedFile::getInstanceByName($fileholder);
     $ext = $img->getExtensionName();
     $size = $img->getSize();
     if ($size > zmf::config('imgMaxSize')) {
         $this->jsonOutPut(0, '上传文件最大尺寸为:' . tools::formatBytes(zmf::config('imgMaxSize')));
     $upExt = zmf::config("imgAllowTypes");
     if (!preg_match('/^(' . str_replace('*.', '|', str_replace(';', '', $upExt)) . ')$/i', $ext)) {
         $this->jsonOutPut(0, '上传文件扩展名必需为:' . $upExt);
     $sizeinfo = getimagesize($_FILES[$fileholder]["tmp_name"]);
     if ($sizeinfo['0'] < zmf::config('imgMinWidth') or $sizeinfo[1] < zmf::config('imgMinHeight')) {
         $this->jsonOutPut(0, "要求上传的图片尺寸,宽不能不小于" . zmf::config('imgMinWidth') . "px,高不能小于" . zmf::config('imgMinHeight') . "px.");
     $ctime = zmf::now();
     $dir = zmf::uploadDirs($ctime, 'app', $uptype);
     $fileName = zmf::uuid() . '.' . $ext;
     $origin = $dir;
     if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$fileholder]["tmp_name"], $origin . $fileName)) {
         $data = array();
         $status = Posts::STATUS_NOTPASSED;
         $data['uid'] = zmf::uid();
         $data['logid'] = $logid;
         $data['filePath'] = $fileName;
         $data['fileDesc'] = '';
         $data['classify'] = $uptype;
         $data['covered'] = '0';
         $data['cTime'] = $ctime;
         $data['status'] = $status;
         $data['width'] = $sizeinfo[0];
         $data['height'] = $sizeinfo[1];
         $data['size'] = $size;
         $model = new Attachments();
         $model->attributes = $data;
         if ($model->save()) {
             $attachid = $model->id;
             $returnImgDir = zmf::getUpExtraUrl($ctime);
             $saveName = $uptype . '/' . $returnImgDir . '/' . $fileName;
             $accessKey = zmf::config('qiniuAk');
             $secretKey = zmf::config('qiniuSk');
             $bucket = zmf::config('qiniuBucket');
             if ($accessKey && $secretKey && $bucket) {
                 $auth = new Auth($accessKey, $secretKey);
                 $token = $auth->uploadToken($bucket);
                 $uploadMgr = new UploadManager();
                 list($ret, $err) = $uploadMgr->putFile($token, $saveName, $origin . $fileName);
                 if ($err !== null) {
                     $this->jsonOutPut(0, '上传至云服务错误');
             $returnimg = zmf::uploadDirs($ctime, 'site', $uptype) . $fileName;
             $returnimg = zmf::getThumbnailUrl($returnimg, '650', $uptype);
             $_attr = array('id' => $attachid, 'imgurl' => $returnimg);
             $html = '';
             if ($uptype == 'posts') {
                 //$html=  $this->renderPartial('/posts/_addImg',array('data'=>$_attr),true);
             $outPutData = array('status' => 1, 'attachid' => $attachid, 'imgsrc' => $returnimg, 'html' => $html);
             $json = CJSON::encode($outPutData);
             echo $json;
         } else {
             $this->jsonOutPut(0, '写入数据库错误');
            $smarty->assign('error', 'System Error: Can not write file - please let us know');
            $smarty->assign('error', 'System Error: Upload Blocked - please let us know');
            $smarty->assign('error', 'We were unable to process your upload - please try again');
} elseif (isset($_POST['finalise'])) {
    $status = array();
    $filenames = array();
    foreach ($_POST['upload_id'] as $key => $upload_id) {
        $uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
        $square = new GridSquare();
        $filenames[$key] = $_POST['title'][$key];
        $ok = $square->setByFullGridRef($grid_reference = $_POST['grid_reference'][$key]);
        if ($ok) {
            // set up attributes from uploaded data
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
require_once 'geograph/';
if (isset($_GET['preview'])) {
} else {
    require_once 'geograph/gridimage.class.php';
    require_once 'geograph/gridsquare.class.php';
    require_once 'geograph/gridimagetroubleticket.class.php';
require_once 'geograph/uploadmanager.class.php';
$uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
//display preview image?
if (isset($_GET['preview'])) {
$smarty = new GeographPage();
//you must be logged in to request changes
$template = 'resubmit.tpl';
$cacheid = '';
$image = new GridImage();
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $isowner = $image->user_id == $USER->user_id ? 1 : 0;
    $isadmin = $USER->hasPerm('ticketmod') ? 1 : 0;
Exemple #10
     $template = "static_404.tpl";
 } else {
     $image->altUrl = $image->_getOriginalpath(true, false, '_640x640');
     $image->originalUrl = $image->_getOriginalpath(true, false);
     $image->originalSize = filesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $image->originalUrl);
     $style = $USER->getStyle();
     $smarty->assign('maincontentclass', 'content_photo' . $style);
     $imagesize = $image->_getFullSize();
     $sizes = array();
     $widths = array();
     $heights = array();
     $showorig = false;
     if ($image->original_width) {
         $smarty->assign('original_width', $image->original_width);
         $smarty->assign('original_height', $image->original_height);
         $uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
         list($destwidth, $destheight, $maxdim, $changedim) = $uploadmanager->_new_size($image->original_width, $image->original_height);
         if ($changedim) {
             $showorig = true;
             foreach ($CONF['show_sizes'] as $cursize) {
                 list($destwidth, $destheight, $destdim, $changedim) = $uploadmanager->_new_size($image->original_width, $image->original_height, $cursize);
                 if (!$changedim) {
                 $sizes[] = $cursize;
                 $widths[] = $destwidth;
                 $heights[] = $destheight;
                 $maxdim = $destdim;
             $maxdim = max($image->original_width, $image->original_height);
function UploadPicture()
    global $CONF;
    global $xml;
    global $USER;
    if (empty($_POST['userid']) || !intval($_POST['userid'])) {
        $xml['status'] = 'Not Logged In';
    } else {
        $USER = new GeographUser(intval($_POST['userid']));
        //TODO: check validation hash?
        if ($_POST['validation'] != md5($_POST['userid'] . '#' . $CONF['register_confirmation_secret'])) {
            $xml['status'] = 'User not verified';
        if (!$USER->user_id || !$USER->hasPerm('basic')) {
            $xml['status'] = 'Not authorised to post';
    $um = new UploadManager();
    $gs = new GridSquare();
    // this is the check that we like the client and any image has
    // come in with the appropriate cc licence
    $ccl = $_POST['cclicence'];
    if ($ccl != "I grant you the permission to use this submission " . "under the terms of the Creative Commons by-sa-2.0 licence") {
        $xml['status'] = 'Bad client submission';
    // validate the grid square - we may be going back to the user
    // quickly here :-)
    if ($gs->errormsg != "") {
        $xml['status'] = $gs->errormsg;
    $takendate = strtotime_uk($_POST['date']);
    if ($takendate > time()) {
        $xml['status'] = "Date taken in future";
    // set up attributes from uploaded data
    $um->setTaken(date('Y-m-d', $takendate));
    // where there any errors back from the image processing?
    // if so, JUppy needs to know...
    if ($um->error != "") {
        $xml['status'] = $um->error;
    } else {
        // so far so good... can we commit the submission?
        $rc = $um->commit();
        if ($rc == "") {
            //clear user profile
            $ab = floor($USER->user_id / 10000);
            $smarty = new GeographPage();
            $smarty->clear_cache(null, "user{$ab}|{$USER->user_id}");
            $xml['status'] = "OK";
        } else {
            $xml['status'] = $rc;
  * general purpose internal method for creating resized images - accepts
  * a variety of options. Use this to build specific methods for public
  * consumption
  * maxw : maximum width of image (default '100')
  * maxh : maximum height of image (default '100')
  * bestfit : show entire image inside max width/height. If false
  *           then the image is cropped to match the aspect ratio of
  *           of the target area first (default 'true')
  * attribname : attribute name of img tag which holds url (default 'src')
  * bevel : give image a raised edge (default true)
  * unsharp : do an unsharp mask on the image
  * pano : do not crop, even if w:h > 2:1 (default false)
  * returns an association array containing 'html' element, which contains
  * a fragment to load the image, and 'path' containg relative url to image
 function _getResized($params)
     global $memcache, $CONF, $MESSAGES;
     $mkey = "{$this->gridimage_id}:" . md5(serialize($params));
     //fails quickly if not using memcached!
     $result =& $memcache->name_get('ir', $mkey);
     if ($result && $result['url'] != '/photos/error.jpg') {
         return $result;
     //unpack known params and set defaults
     $maxw = isset($params['maxw']) ? $params['maxw'] : 100;
     $maxh = isset($params['maxh']) ? $params['maxh'] : 100;
     $attribname = isset($params['attribname']) ? $params['attribname'] : 'src';
     $bestfit = isset($params['bestfit']) ? $params['bestfit'] : true;
     $bevel = isset($params['bevel']) ? $params['bevel'] : true;
     $unsharp = isset($params['unsharp']) ? $params['unsharp'] : true;
     $pano = isset($params['pano']) ? $params['pano'] : false;
     $source = isset($params['source']) ? $params['source'] : '';
     global $CONF;
     //establish whether we have a cached thumbnail
     $ab = sprintf("%02d", floor($this->gridimage_id % 1000000 / 10000));
     $cd = sprintf("%02d", floor($this->gridimage_id % 10000 / 100));
     $abcdef = sprintf("%06d", $this->gridimage_id);
     $hash = $this->_getAntiLeechHash();
     $base = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/photos';
     if ($this->gridimage_id < 1000000) {
         $thumbpath = "/photos/{$ab}/{$cd}/{$abcdef}_{$hash}_{$maxw}x{$maxh}.jpg";
     } else {
         $yz = sprintf("%02d", floor($this->gridimage_id / 1000000));
         $thumbpath = "/geophotos/{$yz}/{$ab}/{$cd}/{$abcdef}_{$hash}_{$maxw}x{$maxh}.jpg";
     if (!empty($params['urlonly']) && $params['urlonly'] !== 2 && file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath)) {
         $return = array();
         $return['url'] = $thumbpath;
         if (!empty($CONF['enable_cluster'])) {
             $return['server'] = str_replace('0', $this->gridimage_id % $CONF['enable_cluster'], "http://{$CONF['STATIC_HOST']}");
         } else {
             $return['server'] = "http://" . $CONF['CONTENT_HOST'];
         return $return;
     $mkey = "{$this->gridimage_id}:{$maxw}x{$maxh}";
     //fails quickly if not using memcached!
     $size =& $memcache->name_get('is', $mkey);
     if ($size) {
         $return = array();
         $return['url'] = $thumbpath;
         $by = $MESSAGES['class_gridimage']['by'];
         $title = $this->grid_reference . ' : ' . htmlentities2($this->title) . $by . htmlentities2($this->realname);
         if (!empty($CONF['enable_cluster'])) {
             $return['server'] = str_replace('0', $this->gridimage_id % $CONF['enable_cluster'], "http://{$CONF['STATIC_HOST']}");
         } else {
             $return['server'] = "http://" . $CONF['CONTENT_HOST'];
         $thumbpath = $return['server'] . $thumbpath;
         if (isset($CONF['curtail_level']) && $CONF['curtail_level'] > 1 && empty($GLOBALS['USER']->user_id) && isset($GLOBALS['smarty'])) {
             $thumbpath = cachize_url($thumbpath);
         $html = "<img alt=\"{$title}\" {$attribname}=\"{$thumbpath}\" {$size[3]} />";
         $return['html'] = $html;
         return $return;
     if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath)) {
         if ($source == 'original') {
             $fullpath = $this->_getOriginalpath();
         } else {
             //get path to fullsize image (will try to fetch it from fetch_on_demand)
             $fullpath = $this->_getFullpath();
         if ($pano && $fullpath != '/photos/error.jpg' && file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath)) {
             require_once "geograph/uploadmanager.class.php";
             $uploadmanager = new UploadManager();
             list($owidth, $oheight, $otype, $oattr) = getimagesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath);
             list($destwidth, $destheight, $destdim, $changedim) = $uploadmanager->_new_size($owidth, $oheight, $maxw);
             $maxw = $destdim;
             $maxh = $destdim;
             $bestfit = true;
         if ($fullpath != '/photos/error.jpg' && file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath)) {
             if (strlen($CONF['imagemagick_path'])) {
                 if (($info = getimagesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath)) === FALSE) {
                     //couldn't read image!
                     $thumbpath = "/photos/error.jpg";
                 } else {
                     list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = $info;
                     if ($width > $maxw || $height > $maxh || !$bestfit) {
                         $unsharpen = $unsharp ? "-unsharp 0x1+0.8+0.1" : "";
                         $raised = $bevel ? "-raise 2x2" : "";
                         $operation = $maxw + $maxh < 400 ? 'thumbnail' : 'resize';
                         $aspect_src = $width / $height;
                         $aspect_dest = $maxw / $maxh;
                         if (!$pano && $bestfit && $aspect_src > 2 && $aspect_dest < 2) {
                             $bestfit = false;
                             $maxh = round($maxw / 2);
                             $aspect_dest = 2;
                         if ($bestfit) {
                             $cmd = sprintf("\"%sconvert\" -{$operation} %ldx%ld  {$unsharpen} {$raised} -quality 87 jpg:%s jpg:%s", $CONF['imagemagick_path'], $maxw, $maxh, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath);
                         } else {
                             if ($aspect_src > $aspect_dest) {
                                 //src image is relatively wider - we'll trim the sides
                                 $optimum_width = round($height * $aspect_dest);
                                 $offset = round(($width - $optimum_width) / 2);
                                 $crop = "-crop {$optimum_width}x{$height}+{$offset}+0";
                             } else {
                                 //src image is relatively taller - we'll trim the top/bottom
                                 $optimum_height = round($width / $aspect_dest);
                                 $offset = round(($height - $optimum_height) / 2);
                                 $crop = "-crop {$width}x{$optimum_height}+0+{$offset}";
                             $cmd = sprintf("\"%sconvert\" {$crop} -quality 87 jpg:%s jpg:%s", $CONF['imagemagick_path'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath);
                             //now resize // FIXME: one step!
                             $cmd = sprintf("\"%smogrify\" -{$operation} %ldx%ld {$unsharpen} {$raised} -quality 87 jpg:%s", $CONF['imagemagick_path'], $maxw, $maxh, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath);
                     } else {
                         //requested thumb is larger than original - stick with original
                         copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath);
             } else {
                 // FIXME not the same as above
                 //generate resized image
                 $fullimg = @imagecreatefromjpeg($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath);
                 if ($fullimg) {
                     $srcw = imagesx($fullimg);
                     $srch = imagesy($fullimg);
                     if ($srcw > $maxw || $srch > $maxh) {
                         //figure out size of image we'll keep
                         if ($srcw > $srch) {
                             $destw = $maxw;
                             $desth = round($destw * $srch / $srcw);
                         } else {
                             $desth = $maxh;
                             $destw = round($desth * $srcw / $srch);
                         $resized = imagecreatetruecolor($destw, $desth);
                         imagecopyresampled($resized, $fullimg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $destw, $desth, $srcw, $srch);
                         if ($unsharp) {
                             require_once 'geograph/';
                             UnsharpMask($resized, 100, 0.5, 3);
                         //save the thumbnail
                         imagejpeg($resized, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath, 85);
                     } elseif ($srcw == 0 && $srch == 0) {
                         //couldn't read image!
                         $thumbpath = "/photos/error.jpg";
                     } else {
                         //requested thumb is larger than original - stick with original
                         copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $fullpath, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath);
                 } else {
                     //couldn't load full jpeg
                     $thumbpath = "/photos/error.jpg";
         } else {
             //no original image! - return link to error image
             $thumbpath = "/photos/error.jpg";
     $return = array();
     $return['url'] = $thumbpath;
     if ($thumbpath == '/photos/error.jpg') {
         $html = "<img {$attribname}=\"{$thumbpath}\" width=\"{$maxw}\" height=\"{$maxh}\" />";
     } else {
         $by = $MESSAGES['class_gridimage']['by'];
         $title = $this->grid_reference . ' : ' . htmlentities2($this->title) . $by . htmlentities2($this->realname);
         $size = getimagesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $thumbpath);
         if (!empty($CONF['enable_cluster'])) {
             $return['server'] = str_replace('0', $this->gridimage_id % $CONF['enable_cluster'], "http://{$CONF['STATIC_HOST']}");
         } else {
             $return['server'] = "http://" . $CONF['CONTENT_HOST'];
         $thumbpath = $return['server'] . $thumbpath;
         if (isset($CONF['curtail_level']) && $CONF['curtail_level'] > 1 && empty($GLOBALS['USER']->user_id) && isset($GLOBALS['smarty'])) {
             $thumbpath = cachize_url($thumbpath);
         $html = "<img alt=\"{$title}\" {$attribname}=\"{$thumbpath}\" {$size[3]} />";
         //fails quickly if not using memcached!
         $memcache->name_set('is', $mkey, $size, $memcache->compress, $memcache->period_med);
     $return['html'] = $html;
     return $return;