public function do_actions()
     $test_results_set = UnitTests_TestsHelper::run_all_tests();
     #print_r($test_results_set); exit;
     #	= $test_results_set->get_summary();
     #echo 'Test Results Summary' . PHP_EOL;
     #echo PHP_EOL;
     #$padding_chars = -25;
     #	'%' . $padding_chars . 's: %d' . PHP_EOL,
     #	'Total passed test',
     #	$test_results_summary['total_passed_tests']
     #	'%' . $padding_chars . 's: %d' . PHP_EOL,
     #	'Total test functions',
     #	$test_results_summary['total_test_functions']
     #	'%' . $padding_chars . 's: %s' . PHP_EOL,
     #	'All tests passed',
     #	$test_results_summary['all_tests_passed'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'
     #	'%' . $padding_chars . 's: %.3f s' . PHP_EOL,
     #	'Total test time',
     #	$test_results_summary['total_test_time']
     #echo PHP_EOL;
      * Print off the test results.
     $test_results = $test_results_set->get_test_results();
     #echo 'Test Results' . PHP_EOL;
     #echo PHP_EOL;
     # * Preformat some of the columns data.
     # */
     #for (
     #	$i = 0;
     #	$i < count($test_results);
     #	$i++
     #) {
     #	$test_results[$i]['passes_all_tests']
     #		= $test_results[$i]['passes_all_tests'] ? 'Yes' : 'No';
     #	$test_results[$i]['total_test_time']
     #		= sprintf(
     #			'%.3f',
     #			$test_results[$i]['total_test_time']
     #		);
     #	::render_array_of_assocs_in_table(
     #		$test_results,
     #		array(
     #			'total_test_time' => 'Total Test Time (s)'
     #		)
     #	);
     #$titles = array(
     #	'test_name' => 'Test Name',
     #	'passed_tests_count' => 'Passed Tests Count',
     #	'test_functions_count' => 'Test Functions Count',
     #	'passes_all_tests' => 'Passes All Tests',
     #	'total_test_time' => 'Total Test Time (s)'
     #$title_str = sprintf(
     #	'%-40s | %5s | %5s | %5s | %3s',
     #	'Test Name',
     #	'Passed Tests Count',
     #	'Test Functions Count',
     #	'Passes All Tests',
     #	'Total Test Time (s)'
     #$hr = str_repeat(
     #		'-',
     #		strlen($title_str)
     #	);
     #$title_str = "|$title_str|" . PHP_EOL;
     #$hr = "|$hr|" . PHP_EOL;
     #echo $hr;
     #echo $title_str;
     #echo $hr;
     #foreach (
     #	$test_results
     #	as
     #	$test_result
     #) {
     #	printf(
     #		'|%-40s%5d%5d%5s  %.3f|',
     #		$test_result['test_name'],
     #		$test_result['passed_tests_count'],
     #		$test_result['test_functions_count'],
     #		$test_result['passes_all_tests'] ? 'Yes' : 'No',
     #		$test_result['total_test_time']
     #	);
     #	echo PHP_EOL;
     #echo $hr;
     #echo 'Test Results' . PHP_EOL;
     #echo PHP_EOL;
      * Make the test results into an array of assocs
      * and reformat the data.
     $test_results_aoa = array();
     foreach ($test_results as $test_result) {
         $test_results_aoa[] = array('class_name' => $test_result->get_class_name(), 'function_name' => $test_result->get_function_name(), 'passes' => $test_result->get_passes() ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'time' => sprintf('%.3f', $test_result->get_time()));
     CLIScripts_DataRenderingHelper::render_array_of_assocs_in_table($test_results_aoa, array('time' => 'Time (s)'));