Exemple #1
 function getValueByKey($section, $key, $defaultValue = '')
     $configValue = U_ReConfig::_init();
     $value = $configValue[$section][$key];
     if (!$value) {
         return $defaultValue;
     return $value;
Exemple #2
 function _sendMail(&$user, $password)
     global $mainframe;
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $name = $user->get('name');
     $email = $user->get('email');
     $username = $user->get('username');
     $usersConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users');
     $sitename = $mainframe->getCfg('sitename');
     $useractivation = $usersConfig->get('useractivation');
     $mailfrom = $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom');
     $fromname = $mainframe->getCfg('fromname');
     $siteURL = JURI::base();
     //$subject 	= sprintf ( JText::_( 'Account details for' ), $name, $sitename);
     //$subject 	= html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($useractivation == 1) {
         $message = sprintf(JText::_('SEND_MSG_ACTIVATE'), $name, $sitename, $siteURL . "index.php?option=com_user&task=activate&activation=" . $user->get('activation'), $siteURL, $username, $password);
     } else {
         $message = sprintf(JText::_('SEND_MSG'), $name, $sitename, $siteURL);
     $message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES);
     //get all super administrator
     $query = 'SELECT name, email, sendEmail' . ' FROM #__users' . ' WHERE LOWER( usertype ) = "super administrator"';
     $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     // Send email to user
     if (!$mailfrom || !$fromname) {
         $fromname = $rows[0]->name;
         $mailfrom = $rows[0]->email;
     include_once 'libraries/com_u_re/php/config.php';
     $art_id = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('TEMPLATEEMAIL', 'dang_ky');
     $sqlcontent = "SELECT introtext from jos_content where id = '{$art_id}'";
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $rowcontent = $db->loadRow();
     $noidung = $rowcontent[0];
     $noidung = str_replace("%tên%", $name, $noidung);
     images / ($noidung = str_replace("images/", JURI::base() . "images/", $noidung));
     $subject = 'Chào mừng đến với website Mạng lưới Bất động sản';
     //$body		= JText::sprintf('PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL_TEXT', $sitename, $token, $url);
     $body = $noidung;
     JUtility::sendMail($mailfrom, $fromname, $email, $subject, $body, $mod = 1);
     // Send notification to all administrators
     $subject2 = sprintf(JText::_('Account details for'), $name, $sitename);
     $subject2 = html_entity_decode($subject2, ENT_QUOTES);
     // get superadministrators id
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($row->sendEmail) {
             $message2 = sprintf(JText::_('SEND_MSG_ADMIN'), $row->name, $sitename, $name, $email, $username);
             $message2 = html_entity_decode($message2, ENT_QUOTES);
             JUtility::sendMail($mailfrom, $fromname, $row->email, $subject2, $message2);
Exemple #3
 function _sendReminderMail($email, $username)
     $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $uri =& JFactory::getURI();
     $url = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port')) . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login', false);
     $name = UserModelRemind::getNameByUsername($username);
     //$from		= $config->getValue('mailfrom');
     //$fromname	= $config->getValue('fromname');
     //$subject	= JText::sprintf('USERNAME_REMINDER_EMAIL_TITLE', $config->getValue('sitename'));
     //$body		= JText::sprintf('USERNAME_REMINDER_EMAIL_TEXT', $config->getValue('sitename'), $username, $url);
     include_once 'libraries/com_u_re/php/config.php';
     $art_id = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('TEMPLATEEMAIL', 'quen_username');
     $sqlcontent = "SELECT introtext from jos_content where id = '{$art_id}'";
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $rowcontent = $db->loadRow();
     $noidung = $rowcontent[0];
     $noidung = str_replace("%username%", $username, $noidung);
     $noidung = str_replace("%name%", $name, $noidung);
     $noidung = str_replace("%link%", $url, $noidung);
     $noidung = str_replace("images/", JURI::base() . "images/", $noidung);
     $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
     $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
     $subject = 'Quên tên đăng nhập vào Mạng lưới Bất động sản.';
     //$body		= JText::sprintf('PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL_TEXT', $sitename, $token, $url);
     $body = $noidung;
     if (!JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $email, $subject, $body, $mod = 1)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemple #4
 function displayPropertyDetail($id)
     global $u_reGlobalConfig;
     $language = ilandCommonUtils::getLanguage();
     // get data
     $propertyModel = new U_ReModelProperties();
     $propertyData = $propertyModel->layChiTietBDS($id, $language);
     // get template
     $templateName = JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate();
     $templatePath = JPATH_THEMES . DS . $templateName . DS . "html" . DS . "com_u_re" . DS . "properties";
     $hien_thi_luot_xem = 0;
     if (isset($propertyData['hien_thi_ra_ngoai']) && $propertyData['hien_thi_ra_ngoai'] != 0 || !empty($_GET['preview'])) {
         $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
         $session = JFactory::getSession();
         $ipSession = $session->get('bds_' . $propertyData['id']);
         ilandCommonUtils::themLuotXemBDS($id, $propertyData['luot_xem']);
         if (empty($ipSession) || $ipSession != $ip) {
             $propertyData['luot_xem'] += 1;
         //$propertyData['luot_xem'] += 1;
         //$propertyData['luot_xem'] = ilandCommonUtils::demLuotXemBDS($id, 0);
         if ($u_reGlobalConfig['COMMON']['luot_xem_bds'] == 1) {
             $hien_thi_luot_xem = 1;
         } else {
             $hien_thi_luot_xem = 0;
     } else {
         $this->setLayout($u_reGlobalConfig['PROPERTY']['detail_template'] . '_error');
     $this->assign('hien_thi_luot_xem', $hien_thi_luot_xem);
     // neu la loai can mua, can thue, hien thi template can mua can thue
     if ($propertyData['loai_giao_dich_id'] == '3' || $propertyData['loai_giao_dich_id'] == '4') {
         $this->assignRef('propertyData', $propertyData);
     // status 0 => trang chi tiet bat dong san
     $this->assign('status', 0);
     $this->assign('googlemapDisplay', $u_reGlobalConfig['MAP']['property_map_function_on']);
     $this->assign('googlemapEnable', $u_reGlobalConfig['MAP']['property_map_function_enable']);
     // hien thi cho trinh dien anh
     $mainImage = ilandCommonUtils::getPropertyMainImage($id);
     //$this->assignRef('mainImage' , $mainImage );
     // hien thi cho trinh dien anh
     $subImages = ilandCommonUtils::getPropertySubImages($id);
     //$this->assignRef('secondariesImages' , $secondariesImages );
     $imageData = array();
     $imageData['mainImage'] = $mainImage;
     $imageData['subImages'] = $subImages;
     $imageData['status'] = 0;
     // chi tiet bds front end
     $imageData['id'] = $id;
     // chi tiet bds front end
     $imageTemplateName = 'image_block';
     $imageData['title'] = $propertyData['tieu_de'];
     $imageBlockHTML = ilandCommonUtils::fetchImageBlockTemplate($templatePath, $imageTemplateName, $imageData);
     $this->assignRef('imageBlockHTML', $imageBlockHTML);
     // Lấy chuỗi thông tin diện tích khuôn viên
     $areaInfoString = U_ReViewProperties::getAreaInfoString($propertyData['dien_tich_khuon_vien_rong'], $propertyData['dien_tich_khuon_vien_dai']);
     $this->assignRef('areaInfoString', $areaInfoString);
     // Lấy chuỗi thông tin diện tích sử dụng
     $usedAreaInfoString = U_ReViewProperties::getAreaInfoString($propertyData['dien_tich_su_dung_rong'], $propertyData['dien_tich_su_dung_dai']);
     $this->assignRef('usedAreaInfoString', $usedAreaInfoString);
     // Lấy chuỗi thông tin diện tích xay dung
     $construcAreaInfoString = U_ReViewProperties::getAreaInfoString($propertyData['dien_tich_xay_dung_rong'], $propertyData['dien_tich_xay_dung_dai']);
     $this->assignRef('construcAreaInfoString', $construcAreaInfoString);
     $livingSpaceString = U_ReViewProperties::getLivingSpaceString($propertyData['dien_tich_su_dung']);
     $this->assignRef('livingSpaceString', $livingSpaceString);
     // phong khach
     if (empty($propertyData['phong_khach'])) {
         $propertyData['phong_khach'] = '_';
     // phong ngu
     if (empty($propertyData['phong_ngu'])) {
         $propertyData['phong_ngu'] = '_';
     // phong tam
     if (empty($propertyData['phong_tam'])) {
         $propertyData['phong_tam'] = '_';
     // cac phong khac
     if (empty($propertyData['phong_khac'])) {
         $propertyData['phong_khac'] = '_';
     // huong
     if (empty($propertyData['huong'])) {
         $propertyData['huong'] = '_';
     // dien tich xay dung
     if (empty($propertyData['dien_tich_xay_dung_dai'])) {
         $propertyData['dien_tich_xay_dung_dai'] = '_';
     if (empty($propertyData['dien_tich_xay_dung_rong'])) {
         $propertyData['dien_tich_xay_dung_rong'] = '_';
     // phap ly
     if (empty($propertyData['phap_ly'])) {
         $propertyData['phap_ly'] = '_';
     if (empty($propertyData['dia_chi'])) {
         $propertyData['dia_chi'] = ilandCommonUtils::ketHopDiaChi($propertyData['so_nha'], $propertyData['duong_pho'], $propertyData['phuong_xa'], $propertyData['quan_huyen'], $propertyData['tinh_thanh']);
      * Get same properties
      *  - Get id
      *  - Get current page
     // mặc định là trang 1
     $currentPage = 1;
     // get data & fetch template
     $returnFieldList = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('PROPERTY', 'bdslq_truong_du_lieu');
     $conditionStr = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('PROPERTY', 'bdslq_dieu_kien');
     $sameProperties = $propertyModel->getSameProperties($language, $returnFieldList, $conditionStr, $propertyData, $currentPage);
     $sameProperties[3] = ilandCommonUtils::boSungThongTinBDS($sameProperties[3], $templatePath, 'bdslq');
     // get ajax paging
     $samePropertiesConditionParam = ilandCommonUtils::genBDSLQConditionParam($conditionStr, $propertyData);
     $samePropertiesTemplate = $u_reGlobalConfig['PROPERTY']['bdslq_template'];
     $url = JURI::base() . 'ajax_function.php?task=bdslq&page=' . $currentPage . '&id=' . $id . '&condition=' . $conditionStr . '&return_field=' . $returnFieldList . '&template_path=' . $templatePath . '&template_name=' . $samePropertiesTemplate . '&tienTemplatePath=tiente3&moduleId=tranga&id=' . $propertyData['id'] . '&idContentElement=tranga' . '&ajaxPagingTemplate=' . $u_reGlobalConfig['COMMON']['ajax_paging_template'];
     $conditionParam = explode(',', $conditionStr);
     foreach ($conditionParam as $param) {
         $url .= '&' . $param . '=' . $propertyData[$param];
     $idContentElement = 'tranga';
     $totalPage = $sameProperties[1];
     $samePropertiesAjaxPagingTemplateName = $u_reGlobalConfig['COMMON']['ajax_paging_template'];
     $samePropertiesAjaxPagingHTML = ilandCommonUtils::getAjaxPagination($idContentElement, $url, $currentPage, $totalPage, $templatePath, $samePropertiesAjaxPagingTemplateName);
     if (!empty($sameProperties[3])) {
         $samePropertiesHTML = ilandCommonUtils::fetchPropertiesTemplate($templatePath, $samePropertiesTemplate, $sameProperties[3]);
     } else {
         $samePropertiesHTML = 0;
     $this->assignRef('samePropertiesHTML', $samePropertiesHTML);
     $this->assignRef('samePropertiesAjaxPagingHTML', $samePropertiesAjaxPagingHTML);
     // getAdvantageslist
     //		$advantagesList =  $propertyModel->layDanhSachTienIch( $id );
     //	    $this->assignRef( 'advantagesList', $advantagesList );
     $tempalateName = 'tien_te3';
     // lay template gia tien
     $gia = array($propertyData['VND'], $propertyData['USD'], $propertyData['SJC']);
     $donViTien = array('VND', 'USD', 'SJC');
     $templateTien = $u_reGlobalConfig['PROPERTY']['tien_template'];
     $tienHTML = ilandCommonUtils::fetchCurrencyTemplate($propertyData, $templatePath, 'chitietBDS', $tempalateName);
     $this->assignRef('tienHTML', $tienHTML);
     $gia_nguyen_can = ilandCommonUtils::reFormatPrice($propertyData['gia_nguyen_can']);
     $gia_m2 = ilandCommonUtils::reFormatPrice($propertyData['gia_m2']);
     $giam2 =  ilandCommonUtils::layGiaM2( array('dien_tich_su_dung'=>$propertyData['dien_tich_su_dung'],'gia'=>$propertyData['gia']) );
     $gia1 =  ilandCommonUtils::layGiaTien( array('don_vi_tien_id'=>$propertyData['don_vi_tien_id'], 
     									 									'gia'=>$propertyData['gia']) );
     $this->assignRef('gia_nguyen_can', $gia_nguyen_can);
     $this->assignRef('gia_m2', $gia_m2);
     //$this->assignRef( 'gia', ilandCommonUtils::reFormatPrice($gia1 ));
     // get all flag & fetch tien ich template
     $tienIchAllFlag = $u_reGlobalConfig['PROPERTY']['tien_ich_all_flag'];
     $tienIchTemplate = $u_reGlobalConfig['PROPERTY']['tien_ich_template'];
     $tienIchHTML = $propertyModel->fetchTienIchTemplate($propertyData['tien_ich_id'], $templatePath, $tienIchTemplate, $tienIchAllFlag, $language);
     $this->assignRef('tienIchHTML', $tienIchHTML);
     // get map config
     $this->assignRef('mapZoom', $u_reGlobalConfig['MAP']['map_zoom']);
     // get comment
     $commentHTML = ilandCommonUtils::getComment($propertyData['id'], $propertyData['tieu_de'], 'bds');
     $this->assignRef('commentHTML', $commentHTML);
     /* thông tắt 2 mod 
     		// get module tim kiem bat dong san
     		$timKiemBDSHTML = ilandCommonUtils::getModuleTimKiemBDS( 'TÌM KIẾM BẤT ĐỘNG SẢN TRANG CHI TIẾT' );
     		$this->assignRef( 'timKiemBDSHTML', $timKiemBDSHTML );
     		// get quang cao*/
     $moduleChiase = 'CHIA SE';
     $quangCaoHTML = ilandCommonUtils::getChiaSe($moduleChiase);
     $this->assignRef('chiase', $quangCaoHTML);
     $moduleQC = 'Banner Ad - Chi tiết tin';
     $QCHTML = $this->getModuleQC($moduleQC);
     $this->assignRef('quangcao', $QCHTML);
     // $propertyData['dien_tich_khuon_vien'] ='';
     $this->assignRef('propertyData', $propertyData);
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $subject = $this->propertyData['tieu_de'];
     $nguoinhan = $this->propertyData['email_nguoi_lien_he'];
     $tennguoinhan = $this->propertyData['ten_nguoi_lien_he'];
     $lienhe = $this->getModule('mod_jdcontact', 'mod_jdcontact', 'raw', $subject, $nguoinhan, $tennguoinhan);
     $this->assignRef('lienhe', $lienhe);
     // print_r( $u_reGlobalConfig['SEO']['mo_ta_trang_mac_dinh'] );
     if ($this->escape($propertyData['tieu_de_trang']) == NULL) {
         if ($propertyData['du_an'] == 'Vui lòng chọn') {
             $da = '';
         } else {
             $da = $propertyData['du_an'];
         // $page_title = $propertyData['thong_tin_tong_quan'] ;
         $title = $propertyData['loai_giao_dich'] . " " . $propertyData['loai_bds'] . " " . $da . ", " . $propertyData['quan_huyen'] . ", " . $propertyData['tinh_thanh'];
         $page_title = $title;
     } else {
         $page_title = ucfirst($this->escape($propertyData['tieu_de_trang']));
     if ($this->escape($propertyData['tu_khoa_trang']) == NULL) {
         $page_keywords = $u_reGlobalConfig['SEO']['tu_khoa_trang_mac_dinh'];
     } else {
         $page_keywords = ucfirst($this->escape($propertyData['tu_khoa_trang']));
     $document->setMetaData('keywords', $page_keywords);
     if ($this->escape($propertyData['mo_ta_trang']) == NULL) {
         $page_description = $u_reGlobalConfig['SEO']['mo_ta_trang_mac_dinh'];
     } else {
         $page_description = ucfirst($this->escape($propertyData['mo_ta_trang']));
     $document->setMetaData('description', $page_description);
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $pathway =& $mainframe->getPathway();
Exemple #5
function lay_du_lieu($table)
    $language = '';
    if ($language == NULL) {
        $language = ilandCommonUtils::getLanguage();
    $propertyModel = new U_reModelProperties();
    $projectModel = new U_ReModelProjects();
    switch ($table) {
        case 'loai_giao_dich':
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachLoaiGiaoDich($language);
        case 'huong':
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachHuong($language);
        case 'loai_bds':
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachLoaiBatDongSan($language);
        case 'tinh_thanh':
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachTinhThanh($language);
        case 'quan_huyen':
            if (JRequest::getVar('tinh_thanh_id')) {
                $townId = JRequest::getVar('tinh_thanh_id');
            } else {
                // $townId = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey( 'COMMON', 'tinh_thanh_mac_dinh' );
                if (isset($_SESSION['tmp'])) {
                    $townId = $_SESSION['tmp']['tinh_thanh_id'];
                } else {
                    $townId = 0;
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachQuanHuyen($townId, 'vi');
        case 'phuong_xa':
            if (JRequest::getVar('quan_huyen_id')) {
                $quanHuyenId = JRequest::getVar('quan_huyen_id');
            } else {
                $quanHuyenId = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('COMMON', 'quan_huyen_mac_dinh');
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachPhuongXa($quanHuyenId);
        case 'duong_pho':
            if (JRequest::getVar('quan_huyen_id')) {
                $quanHuyenId = JRequest::getVar('quan_huyen_id');
            } else {
                $quanHuyenId = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('COMMON', 'quan_huyen_mac_dinh');
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachDuongPho($quanHuyenId);
        case 'nhom_du_an':
            return $nhomduan = $projectModel->laynhomduan($language);
        case 'tien_ich':
            return $propertyModel->layDanhSachTienIch($language);
        case 'du_an':
            $ix_quan_huyen_id = JRequest::getVar('quan_huyen_id', 0);
            $ix_tinh_thanh_id = JRequest::getVar('tinh_thanh_id', 0);
            return $projectModel->laydanhsachduan($ix_quan_huyen_id, $ix_tinh_thanh_id);
 function getPropertyLink($alias, $id, $itemId = '')
     /*return "index.php?option=com_u_re&task=viewDetail&view=properties&id=" . 
     		$id . '&Itemid=' . $itemId;*/
     global $u_reGlobalConfig;
     $rootLink = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('COMMON', 'root');
     $itemId = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('PROPERTY', 'itemid_chi_tiet_BDS');
     //$itemIds = '186';
     return $rootLink . "nhadat/" . trim($alias) . "/viewDetail/" . $itemId . "/" . $id;
Exemple #7
 $mailphp->Subject = $subject;
 //$mailphp->Body = $mess;
 $mailphp->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
 $se = $mailphp->Send();
 if ($se) {
     $sucs = 1;
 // gửi cho người liên hệ
 $from = $sales_address;
 $recipient1 = $email;
 $subject = "Liên hệ " . $attribs['subject'];
 $body = $message;
 //lấy templates mail
 $art_id = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('TEMPLATEEMAIL', 'lien_he_chi_tiet_gui');
 $sqlcontent = "SELECT introtext from jos_content where id = '{$art_id}'";
 $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
 $rowcontent = $db->loadRow();
 $mess = $rowcontent[0];
 $mess = str_replace('%nguoigui%', $ten, $mess);
 $mess = str_replace('%batdongsan%', $attribs['subject'], $mess);
 $mess = str_replace("images/", JURI::base() . "images/", $mess);
 $mess = str_replace('%link%', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $mess);
 $mailphp1->From = "*****@*****.**";
 $mailphp1->FromName = "Mạng lưới bất động sản";
 $mailphp1->Subject = $subject;
 //$mailphp1->Body = $mess;
Exemple #8

 * This file is part of Joomla Estate Agency - Joomla! extension for real estate agency
 * @version     0.9 2009-10-14
 * @package		Jea.admin
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2008 PHILIP Sylvain. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * Joomla Estate Agency is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant to the
 * GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or is derivative
 * of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or other free or open
 * source software licenses.
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'jea.class.php';
require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'com_u_re' . DS . 'php' . DS . 'config.php';
// global config
global $u_reGlobalConfig;
$u_reGlobalConfig = U_ReConfig::getParams();
Exemple #9
 function getacticle()
     $lists = mod_project_slideshowHelper::getsession();
     $limit = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('SLIDESHOWIMAGE', 'list_limit');
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "SELECT id, title, introtext FROM #__content WHERE state = '1'  ";
     $query .= " AND sectionid=1";
     $query .= " ORDER BY created DESC, modified ";
     $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
     $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     return $rows;
Exemple #10
if (!defined('JPATH_COMPONENT')) {
    define('JPATH_COMPONENT', JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_u_re');
$task = $_GET['task'];
$language = $_GET['language'];
$dbConfig = array();
$dbConfig[] = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('DB', 'host');
$dbConfig[] = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('DB', 'user');
$dbConfig[] = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('DB', 'pass');
$dbConfig[] = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('DB', 'name');
//$dbConfig[] = "localhost";
//$dbConfig[] = "mlbds_db";
//$dbConfig[] = "1234mldbqwer";
//$dbConfig[] = "mlbds_db";
$ordering = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('MOD_DANH_SACH_BDS', 'orderby');
if ($task == 'bdslq') {
    // Lay data bdslq
    require_once 'libraries/com_u_re/models/properties.php';
    $lang = ilandCommonUtils::getLanguage();
    $currentPage = $_GET['page'];
    $condition = $_GET['condition'];
    $limit = 10;
    $returnField = $_GET['return_field'];
    $conditionArr = explode(',', $condition);
    // tao data property
    $propertyData = array();
    foreach ($conditionArr as $con) {
        $propertyData[$con] = $_GET[$con];
    $conditionParam = ilandCommonUtils::genBDSLQConditionParam($condition, $propertyData);
Exemple #11

require_once 'includes/ham_tien_ich.php';
include_once 'libraries/com_u_re/php/config.php';
$sotu = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('MOD_DANH_SACH_BDS', 'so_tu_tieu_de');
if (isset($_GET['loai_bds_id'])) {
<div class="property-town">
    if (!empty($datatp)) {
<!-- TP.Hồ Chí Minh -->
	<div class="list-bds">
		<h3>TP.Hồ Chí Minh</h3> 
		<div id="xtc"><a href="index.php?tinh_thanh_id=1&task=search&option=com_u_re&Itemid=218&Issearch=1">Xem tất cả</a></div>
        foreach ($datatp as $item) {
		  <div class='items-icon-list'>

		<div class='f-l-tm1'>
		<a href='<?php 
            echo $item['link'];
' >
            if (!file_exists("images/property/" . $item['id'] . "/min.jpg")) {
                echo "<img  class=\"img_bds_tm\" src='" . JURI::base() . "{$item['image']}' >";
            } else {
                echo "<img   class=\"img_bds_tm\" src='" . JURI::base() . "images/property/{$item['id']}/min.jpg' > ";
Exemple #12
 function _sendConfirmationMail($email, $token)
     //include_once (JURI::root().'tools/phpmailer.php');
     //$mailphp		= new PHPMailer();
     $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $uri =& JFactory::getURI();
     $url = JURI::base() . 'index.php?option=com_user&view=reset&layout=confirm&Itemid=19';
     $sitename = $config->getValue('sitename');
     $name = $this->getNameByEmail($email);
     $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
     $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
     $subject = 'Quên mật khẩu vào Mạng lưới Bất động sản.';
     include_once 'libraries/com_u_re/php/config.php';
     $art_id = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('TEMPLATEEMAIL', 'quan_mat_khau');
     $sqlcontent = "SELECT introtext from jos_content where id = '{$art_id}'";
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $rowcontent = $db->loadRow();
     $noidung = $rowcontent[0];
     $noidung = str_replace("%ten%", $name, $noidung);
     $noidung = str_replace("%maxacnhan%", $token, $noidung);
     $noidung = str_replace("%link%", $url, $noidung);
     $noidung = str_replace("images/", JURI::base() . "images/", $noidung);
     if (!JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $email, $subject, $noidung, $mode = 1)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemple #13
 function saveUser()
     global $mainframe;
     $username = JRequest::getVar('email', '', 'POST', 'string');
     $password = JRequest::getVar('password', '', 'POST', 'string');
     $password2 = JRequest::getVar('password2', '', 'POST', 'string');
     $name = JRequest::getVar('name', '', 'POST', 'string');
     $email = JRequest::getVar('email', '', 'POST', 'string');
     $address = JRequest::getVar('address', '', 'POST', 'string');
     $phone = JRequest::getVar('phone', '', 'POST', 'string');
     $tim = date('Y-d-m H:i:s');
     //$salt  = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32);
     //$crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword($password, $salt);
     $pass = md5($password);
     if (JRequest::getVar('chinh_chu', '', 'POST', 'string') == 'on') {
         $chinh_chu = 0;
         $groupid = 34;
         $usertype = "Mô giới";
     } else {
         $chinh_chu = 1;
         $groupid = 35;
         $usertype = "Chính chủ";
     if (JRequest::getVar('speak_english', '', 'POST', 'string') == 'on') {
         $speak_english = 1;
     } else {
         $speak_english = 0;
     if (JRequest::getVar('nhan_mail', '', 'POST', 'string') == 'on') {
         $nhan_mail = 1;
     } else {
         $nhan_mail = 0;
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $query = "insert into jos_users (username,password,name,email,phone,address,usertype,gid,registerDate,chinh_chu,speak_english,nhan_mail) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue ('{$username}','{$pass}','{$name}','{$email}','{$phone}','{$address}','{$usertype}',{$groupid},'{$tim}',{$chinh_chu},{$speak_english},{$nhan_mail})";
     $id = $db->insertid();
     $sql = "insert into jos_core_acl_aro (section_value,value,name) value ('users','{$id}','{$name}')";
     $ids = $db->insertid();
     $sql1 = "insert into jos_core_acl_groups_aro_map (group_id,aro_id) value ({$groupid},{$ids})";
     $mailfrom = $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom');
     $fromname = $mainframe->getCfg('fromname');
     include_once 'libraries/com_u_re/php/config.php';
     $art_id = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('TEMPLATEEMAIL', 'dang_ky');
     $sqlcontent = "SELECT introtext from jos_content where id = '{$art_id}'";
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $rowcontent = $db->loadRow();
     $noidung = $rowcontent[0];
     $noidung = str_replace("%tên%", $name, $noidung);
     images / ($noidung = str_replace("images/", JURI::base() . "images/", $noidung));
     $subject = 'Chào mừng đến với website Mạng lưới Bất động sản';
     //$body		= JText::sprintf('PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRMATION_EMAIL_TEXT', $sitename, $token, $url);
     $body = $noidung;
     JUtility::sendMail($mailfrom, $fromname, $email, $subject, $body, $mod = 1);
     //return $id;
// get tien te, link, hinh anh
$data = ilandCommonUtils::boSungThongTinBDS($data, $templatePath, $module->id, $tempalateName);
//$data1 = ilandCommonUtils::boSungThongTinBDS( $dataFull[3], $templatePath, $module->id, $tempalateName );
//$data = array_merge( $data, $data1 );
if (U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('COMMON', 'luot_xem_ds_bds') == 1) {
    $hien_thi_luot_xem = 1;
} else {
    $hien_thi_luot_xem = 0;
// get ajax paging
$contentElementId = 'noi_dung' . $module->id;
$module->noiDungId = $contentElementId;
$language = ilandCommonUtils::getLanguage();
$moduleTemplatePath = JPATH_THEMES . DS . $currentTemplate . DS . "html" . DS . "mod_danh_sach_BDS";
$ajaxPagingTemplate = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('PROPERTY', 'ajax_paging_template');
$url = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('COMMON', 'root') . 'ajax_function.php?task=dsbds&condition=' . $conditionParam . '&returnField=' . $returnField . '&limit=' . $limit . '&templatePath=' . $moduleTemplatePath . '&templateName=' . $template . '&tienTemplatePath=' . $templatePath . '&idContentElement=' . $contentElementId . '&ajaxPagingTemplate=' . $ajaxPagingTemplate . '&language=' . $language . '&moduleId=' . $module->id;
// count all page
$getCountAll = " SELECT count(*) FROM iland4_bat_dong_san_vi WHERE " . $conditionParam;
$db1 = JFactory::getDBO();
$totalPage = round($db1->loadResult() / $limit);
$ajaxPaging = ilandCommonUtils::getAjaxPagination($contentElementId, $url, $currentPage, $totalPage, $templatePath, $ajaxPagingTemplate);
if ($layoutname == 'map') {
    require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_danh_sach_BDS', 'map');
} else {
    if (JRequest::getVar('Itemid') == 229) {
        require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_danh_sach_BDS', 'moinhat');
    } else {
        require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_danh_sach_BDS', 'listhome');

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
require dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'helper.php';
$loai_slide_show = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('SLIDESHOWIMAGE', 'loai_slide_show');
if ($loai_slide_show == "project") {
    // slideshow cho du an
    $getprovalueTitle = mod_project_slideshowHelper::getProjectValueTitle($params);
} else {
    // slideshow cho bai viet
    $getprovalueTitle = mod_project_slideshowHelper::getSessionvalue();
/* lay thong tin moi */
$getnew = mod_project_slideshowHelper::getnew();
$speed = U_ReConfig::getValueByKey('SLIDESHOWIMAGE', 'speed');
require 'libraries/com_u_re/php/slideshow.php';
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_project_slideshow', 'default');