protected function generate_votes($votes, $id, $gid) { /* Returns HTML for the 'Does this answer the question?' links (wrans) in the sidebar. $votes = => array ( 'user' => array ( 'yes' => '21', 'no' => '3' ), 'anon' => array ( 'yes' => '132', 'no' => '30' ) ) */ global $this_page; # If there's a "q" we assume it's a question and ignore it if (strstr($gid, 'q')) { return; } $data = array(); if ($this->votelinks_so_far > 0 || strstr($gid, 'r')) { $yesvotes = $votes['user']['yes'] + $votes['anon']['yes']; $novotes = $votes['user']['no'] + $votes['anon']['no']; $yesplural = $yesvotes == 1 ? 'person thinks' : 'people think'; $noplural = $novotes == 1 ? 'person thinks' : 'people think'; $URL = new \URL($this_page); $returl = $URL->generate(); $VOTEURL = new \URL('epvote'); $VOTEURL->insert(array('v' => '1', 'id' => $id, 'ret' => $returl)); $yes_vote_url = $VOTEURL->generate(); $VOTEURL->insert(array('v' => '0')); $no_vote_url = $VOTEURL->generate(); $data = array('yesvotes' => $yesvotes, 'yesplural' => $yesplural, 'yesvoteurl' => $yes_vote_url, 'novoteurl' => $no_vote_url, 'novotes' => $novotes, 'noplural' => $noplural); } $this->votelinks_so_far++; return $data; }
function get_listurl($q) { global $hansardmajors; $id_data = array( 'gid' => fix_gid_from_db($q->field(0, 'gid')), 'major' => $q->field(0, 'major'), 'htype' => $q->field(0, 'htype'), 'subsection_id' => $q->field(0, 'subsection_id'), ); $db = new ParlDB; $LISTURL = new URL($hansardmajors[$id_data['major']]['page_all']); $fragment = ''; if ($id_data['htype'] == '11' || $id_data['htype'] == '10') { $LISTURL->insert( array( 'id' => $id_data['gid'] ) ); } else { $parent_epobject_id = $id_data['subsection_id']; $parent_gid = ''; $r = $db->query("SELECT gid FROM hansard WHERE epobject_id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($parent_epobject_id) . "' "); if ($r->rows() > 0) { $parent_gid = fix_gid_from_db( $r->field(0, 'gid') ); } if ($parent_gid != '') { $LISTURL->insert( array( 'id' => $parent_gid ) ); $fragment = '#g' . gid_to_anchor($id_data['gid']); } } return $LISTURL->generate('none') . $fragment; }
function generate_rows($q) { global $db; $rows = array(); $USERURL = new URL('userview'); for ($row = 0; $row < $q->rows(); $row++) { $email = $q->field($row, 'email'); $criteria = $q->field($row, 'criteria'); $SEARCHENGINE = new SEARCHENGINE($criteria); $r = $db->query("SELECT user_id,firstname,lastname FROM users WHERE email = '" . mysql_escape_string($email) . "'"); if ($r->rows() > 0) { $user_id = $r->field(0, 'user_id'); $USERURL->insert(array('u' => $user_id)); $name = '<a href="' . $USERURL->generate() . '">' . $r->field(0, 'firstname') . ' ' . $r->field(0, 'lastname') . '</a>'; } else { $name = $email; } $created = $q->field($row, 'created'); if ($created == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $created = ' '; } $rows[] = array($name, $SEARCHENGINE->query_description_long(), $created); } return $rows; }
public function get_values() { global $this_page; $data = array(); // TODO: think about not hard coding these $current_question = 3; $always_ask = 1; $data['survey_site'] = "twfy-mini-{$current_question}"; $show_survey_qn = 0; $referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $has_answered_question = get_http_var('answered_survey'); $hide_question = get_http_var('hide_survey'); $data['show'] = false; if ($hide_question) { $always_ask = 0; $show_survey_qn = $current_question; setcookie('survey', $current_question, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, '/'); } elseif ($has_answered_question == $current_question && !$always_ask) { $show_survey_qn = $current_question; setcookie('survey', $current_question, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, '/'); } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['survey'])) { $show_survey_qn = $_COOKIE['survey']; } if ($show_survey_qn < $current_question && !$has_answered_question) { $data['show'] = true; $page_url = ''; $hide_url = ''; if (in_array($this_page, array('mp', 'peer', 'msp', 'mla', 'royal'))) { global $MEMBER; if ($MEMBER) { $page_url = $MEMBER->url() . "?answered_survey={$current_question}"; $hide_url = $MEMBER->url() . "?hide_survey={$current_question}"; } } else { $URL = new \URL($this_page); $URL->insert(array('answered_survey' => $current_question)); $page_url = 'http://' . DOMAIN . $URL->generate(); $URL = new \URL($this_page); $URL->insert(array('hide_survey' => $current_question)); $hide_url = 'http://' . DOMAIN . $URL->generate(); } $data['page_url'] = $page_url; $data['hide_url'] = $hide_url; $data['user_code'] = bin2hex(urandom_bytes(16)); $data['auth_signature'] = auth_sign_with_shared_secret($data['user_code'], OPTION_SURVEY_SECRET); $data['datetime'] = time(); } $data['current_q'] = $current_question; $data['answered'] = $has_answered_question; return $data; }
function gid_to_url($gid) { if (!$gid) { return ''; } global $hansardmajors; global $db; $q = $db->query("SELECT major FROM hansard WHERE gid = :gid", array(':gid' => $gid)); $url_gid = fix_gid_from_db($gid); $url = new \URL($hansardmajors[$q->field(0, 'major')]['page']); $url->insert(array('id' => $url_gid)); $url = 'http://' . DOMAIN . $url->generate(); return $url; }
protected function display_front_ni() { global $this_page; $this_page = "nioverview"; $data = array(); $urls = array(); $data['popular_searches'] = NULL; $search = new \URL('search'); $urls['search'] = $search->generate(); $alert = new \URL('alert'); $urls['alert'] = $alert->generate(); $data['urls'] = $urls; $DEBATELIST = new \NILIST(); $debates = $DEBATELIST->display('recent_debates', array('days' => 30, 'num' => 6), 'none'); $MOREURL = new \URL('nidebatesfront'); $MOREURL->insert(array('more' => 1)); // this makes sure that we don't repeat this debate in the list below $random_debate = NULL; if (isset($debates['data']) && count($debates['data'])) { $random_debate = $debates['data'][0]; } $recent = array(); if (isset($debates['data']) && count($debates['data'])) { for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { $debate = $debates['data'][$i]; $debate['desc'] = "Northern Ireland Assembly debates"; $debate['more_url'] = $MOREURL->generate(); $recent[] = $debate; } } $featured = array(); if ($random_debate) { $featured = $random_debate; $featured['more_url'] = $MOREURL->generate(); $featured['desc'] = 'Northern Ireland Assembly debate'; $featured['related'] = array(); $featured['featured'] = false; } $data['featured'] = $featured; $data['debates'] = array('recent' => $recent); $data['regional'] = $this->getMLAList(); \MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\Renderer::output('ni/index', $data); }
# Stop infinite loop # And cope with Unicode URL if (preg_match("#^ynys môn#i", $cconstituency)) { $cconstituency = "ynys môn"; } // Redirect for MP recent appearanecs if (get_http_var('recent')) { if ($THEUSER->constituency_is_set() && !$pid) { $MEMBER = new MEMBER(array('constituency' => $THEUSER->constituency())); if ($MEMBER->person_id()) { $pid = $MEMBER->person_id(); } } if ($pid) { $URL = new URL('search'); $URL->insert(array('pid' => $pid, 'pop' => 1)); header('Location: http://' . DOMAIN . $URL->generate('none')); exit; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHECK SUBMITTED MEMBER (term of office) ID. if (get_http_var('c4')) { $this_page = 'c4_mp'; } elseif (get_http_var('c4x')) { $this_page = 'c4x_mp'; } elseif (get_http_var('peer')) { $this_page = 'peer'; } elseif (get_http_var('royal')) { $this_page = 'royal'; } elseif (get_http_var('mla')) {
function confirm($token) { // The user has clicked the link in their confirmation email // and the confirm page has passed the token from the URL to here. // If all goes well they'll be confirmed and then logged in. // Split the token into its parts. $arg = ''; if (strstr($token, '::')) { $arg = '::'; } if (strstr($token, '-')) { $arg = '-'; } list($user_id, $registrationtoken) = explode($arg, $token); if (!is_numeric($user_id) || $registrationtoken == '') { return false; } $q = $this->db->query("SELECT email, password, postcode\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\tusers\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tuser_id = '" . mysql_escape_string($user_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\t\tregistrationtoken = '" . mysql_escape_string($registrationtoken) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if ($q->rows() == 1) { // We'll need these to be set before logging the user in. $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->email = $q->field(0, 'email'); $this->password = $q->field(0, 'password'); // Set that they're confirmed in the DB. $r = $this->db->query("UPDATE users\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET\t\tconfirmed = '1'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tuser_id = '" . mysql_escape_string($user_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if ($q->field(0, 'postcode')) { $MEMBER = new MEMBER(array('postcode' => $q->field(0, 'postcode'))); $pid = $MEMBER->person_id(); # This should probably be in the ALERT class $this->db->query('update alerts set confirmed=1 where email="' . mysql_escape_string($this->email) . '" and criteria="speaker:' . mysql_escape_string($pid) . '"'); } if ($r->success()) { $this->confirmed = true; // Log the user in, redirecting them to the confirm page // where they should get a nice welcome message. $URL = new URL('userconfirmed'); $URL->insert(array('welcome' => 't')); $redirecturl = $URL->generate(); $this->login($redirecturl, 'session'); } else { // Couldn't set them as confirmed in the DB. return false; } } else { // Couldn't find this user in the DB. Maybe the token was // wrong or incomplete? return false; } }
'first_name' => 'Fred', 'last_name' => 'Bloggs, 'person_id' => 23, 'constituency' => 'Here', 'party' => 'Them' ) ); */ global $this_page; twfy_debug("TEMPLATE", "people_mps.php"); $order = $data['info']['order']; $URL = new URL($this_page); if ($order == 'first_name') { $th_first_name = 'First Name |'; } else { $URL->insert(array('o' => 'f')); $th_first_name = '<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">First name</a> |'; } if ($order == 'last_name') { $th_last_name = 'Last name |'; } else { $URL->insert(array('o' => 'l')); $th_last_name = '<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">Last name</a> |'; } $URL->insert(array('o' => 'p')); $th_party = '<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">Party</a>'; $URL->insert(array('o' => 'c')); $th_constituency = '<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">Constituency</a>'; if ($order == 'party') { $th_party = 'Party'; } elseif ($order == 'constituency') {
function _set_url() { global $hansardmajors; // Creates and sets the URL for the comment. if ($this->url == '') { $q = $this->db->query("SELECT major,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\thansard\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tepobject_id = '" . addslashes($this->epobject_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if ($q->rows() > 0) { // If you change stuff here, you might have to change it in // $COMMENTLIST->_get_comment_data() too... $gid = fix_gid_from_db($q->field(0, 'gid')); // In includes/utility.php $major = $q->field(0, 'major'); $page = $hansardmajors[$major]['page']; $gidvar = $hansardmajors[$major]['gidvar']; $URL = new URL($page); $URL->insert(array($gidvar => $gid)); $this->url = $URL->generate() . '#c' . $this->comment_id; } } }
// Get the total comments posted for this user. $r = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalcount\n FROM\tcomments\n WHERE\tuser_id = '" . $user_id . "'"); $totalcomments = $r->field(0, 'totalcount'); $percentagedeleted = $q->field($row, 'deletedcount') / $totalcomments * 100; // Get complaints made about this user's comments, but not upheld. $r = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count\n FROM commentreports, comments\n WHERE\tcommentreports.comment_id = comments.comment_id\n AND\t\tcomments.user_id = '{$user_id}'\n AND\t\tcommentreports.resolved IS NOT NULL\n AND\t\tcommentreports.upheld = '0'"); $notupheldcount = $r->field(0, 'count'); $USERURL->insert(array('u' => $user_id)); $rows[] = array('<a href="' . $USERURL->generate() . '">' . $q->field($row, 'firstname') . ' ' . $q->field($row, 'lastname') . '</a>', $totalcomments, $q->field($row, 'deletedcount'), $percentagedeleted . '%', $notupheldcount); } $tabledata = array('header' => array('Name', 'Total comments', 'Number deleted', 'Percentage deleted', 'Reports against not upheld'), 'rows' => $rows); $PAGE->display_table($tabledata); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <h4>Users who've made most rejected reports</h4> <?php $q = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS rejectedcount,\n cr.user_id,\n u.firstname,\n u.lastname\n FROM\tcommentreports cr, users u\n WHERE\tcr.resolved IS NOT NULL\n AND\t\tcr.upheld = '0'\n AND\t\tcr.user_id = u.user_id\n AND\t\tcr.user_id != 0\n GROUP BY cr.user_id\n ORDER BY rejectedcount DESC"); $rows = array(); $USERURL = new URL('userview'); for ($row = 0; $row < $q->rows(); $row++) { $user_id = $q->field($row, 'user_id'); $USERURL->insert(array('u' => $user_id)); // Get how many valid complaints they've submitted. $r = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS upheldcount\n FROM commentreports\n WHERE\tuser_id = '{$user_id}'\n AND\t\tupheld = '1'"); $rows[] = array('<a href="' . $USERURL->generate() . '">' . $q->field($row, 'firstname') . ' ' . $q->field($row, 'lastname') . '</a>', $q->field($row, 'rejectedcount'), $r->field(0, 'upheldcount')); } $tabledata = array('header' => array('Name', 'Reports not upheld', 'Reports upheld'), 'rows' => $rows); $PAGE->display_table($tabledata); $menu = $PAGE->admin_menu(); $PAGE->stripe_end(array(array('type' => 'html', 'content' => $menu))); $PAGE->page_end();
$db = $HANSARDLIST->db; // Get all the person ids we need feeds for... $q = $db->query("SELECT person_id, group_concat(member_id order by member_id separator ',') as member_ids\n\t\t\tFROM member GROUP BY person_id HAVING max(left_house)='9999-12-31'"); if ($q->rows() <= 0) { exit; } $starttime = time(); for ($personrow = 0; $personrow < $q->rows(); $personrow++) { $person_id = $q->field($personrow, 'person_id'); $member_ids = $q->field($personrow, 'member_ids'); $args = array('member_ids' => $member_ids); $speeches = $HANSARDLIST->display('person', $args, 'none'); // Some data about this person that we'll need for the feed. $MEMBER = new MEMBER(array('person_id' => $person_id)); $MPURL = new URL('mp'); $MPURL->insert(array('pid' => $person_id)); $mpurl = $MPURL->generate(); $date = gmdate('Y-m-d'); $time = gmdate('H:i:s'); $datenow = $date . 'T' . $time . '+00:00'; // Prepare the meat of the RSS file. $items = ''; $entries = ''; if (isset($speeches['rows']) && count($speeches['rows']) > 0) { foreach ($speeches['rows'] as $n => $row) { // While we're linking to individual speeches, // the text is the body of the parent, ie (sub)section. $title = htmlentities(str_replace('—', '-', $row['parent']['body'])); $link = isset($row['listurl']) ? $row['listurl'] : ''; $link = 'http://' . DOMAIN . $link; $description = htmlentities(trim_characters($row['body'], 0, 200));
public function display() { // Print all our pending items out in a nice list or something // Add links later for "approve, decline, refer" // Just get the f****r working for now $URL = new URL('admin_glossary_pending'); $URL->reset(); $form_link = $URL->generate('url'); ?> <form action="<?php echo $form_link; ?> " method="post"><?php foreach ($this->pending as $editqueue_id => $pender) { $URL = new URL('admin_glossary_pending'); $URL->insert(array('approve' => $editqueue_id)); $approve_link = $URL->generate('url'); $URL = new URL('admin_glossary_pending'); $URL->insert(array('modify' => $editqueue_id)); $modify_link = $URL->generate('url'); $URL = new URL('admin_glossary_pending'); $URL->insert(array('decline' => $editqueue_id)); $decline_link = $URL->generate('url'); ?> <div class="pending-item"><label for="<?php echo $editqueue_id; ?> "><input type="checkbox" name="approve[]" value="<?php echo $editqueue_id; ?> " id="<?php echo $editqueue_id; ?> "><strong><?php echo $pender['title']; ?> </strong></label> <p><?php echo $pender['body']; ?> <br> <small> <a href="<?php echo $approve_link; ?> ">approve</a> | <a href="<?php echo $modify_link; ?> ">modify</a> | <a href="<?php echo $decline_link; ?> ">decline</a> <br>Submitted by: <em><?php echo $pender['firstname']; ?> <?php echo $pender['lastname']; ?> </em> </small></p></div> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" value="Approve checked items"> </form><?php }
// COMMENT REPORTING LINK. if ($this_page != 'commentreport' && $this_page != 'addcomment' && $this_page != 'admin_commentreport' && $THEUSER->is_able_to('reportcomment') && $THEUSER->user_id() != $comment['user_id'] && !$comment['modflagged']) { // The comment hasn't been reported and we're on a page where we want to // display this link. $URL = new URL('commentreport'); $URL->insert(array('id' => $comment['comment_id'], 'ret' => $comment['url'])); $reporthtml = '(<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '" title="Notify moderators that this comment should be deleted">Report this comment</a>)'; } elseif ($comment['modflagged']) { $reporthtml = '(This comment has been reported to moderators)'; } else { // When previewing a comment... $reporthtml = ''; } // USERNAME AND DATE AND TIME. $USERURL = new URL('userview'); $USERURL->insert(array('u' => $comment['user_id'])); list($date, $time) = explode(' ', $comment['posted']); $date = format_date($date, SHORTDATEFORMAT); $time = format_time($time, TIMEFORMAT); ?> <p class="credit"><a href="<?php echo $USERURL->generate(); ?> " title="See information about this user"><strong><?php echo htmlentities($comment['firstname']) . ' ' . htmlentities($comment['lastname']); ?> </strong></a><br> <small>Posted on <?php echo $date; if (isset($comment['url'])) { print ' <a href="' . $comment['url'] . '" title="Link to this comment">' . $time . '</a>';
$up_link = $URL->generate(); $URL->insert(array("gl" => $GLOSSARY->previous_term['glossary_id'])); $previous_link = $URL->generate('url'); $URL->update(array("gl" => $GLOSSARY->next_term['glossary_id'])); $next_link = $URL->generate('url'); $nextprev = array('next' => array('url' => $next_link, 'title' => 'Next term', 'body' => $GLOSSARY->next_term['title']), 'prev' => array('url' => $previous_link, 'title' => 'Previous term', 'body' => $GLOSSARY->previous_term['title'])); $DATA->set_page_metadata($this_page, 'nextprev', $nextprev); $PAGE->glossary_display_term($GLOSSARY); } else { // Display the results if (isset($GLOSSARY->terms)) { ?> <ul class="glossary"><?php $URL = new URL('glossary'); foreach ($GLOSSARY->alphabet[$GLOSSARY->current_letter] as $glossary_id) { $URL->insert(array('gl' => $glossary_id)); $term_link = $URL->generate('url'); ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $term_link; ?> "><?php echo $GLOSSARY->terms[$glossary_id]['title']; ?> </a></li><?php } ?> </ul><?php } } $URL = new URL('glossary_addterm');
function _comment_url($urldata) { global $hansardmajors; // Pass it the major and gid of the comment's epobject and the comment_id. // And optionally the user's id, for highlighting the comments on the destination page. // It returns the URL for the comment. $major = $urldata['major']; $gid = $urldata['gid']; $comment_id = $urldata['comment_id']; $user_id = isset($urldata['user_id']) ? $urldata['user_id'] : false; // If you change stuff here, you might have to change it in // $COMMENT->_set_url() too... // We'll generate permalinks for each comment. // Assuming every comment is from the same major... $page = $hansardmajors[$major]['page']; $gidvar = $hansardmajors[$major]['gidvar']; $URL = new URL($page); $gid = fix_gid_from_db($gid); // In includes/utility.php $URL->insert(array($gidvar => $gid)); if ($user_id) { $URL->insert(array('u' => $user_id)); } $url = $URL->generate() . '#c' . $comment_id; return $url; }
function get_question_mentions_html($row_data) { if( count($row_data) == 0 ) { return ''; } $result = '<ul class="question-mentions">'; $nrows = count($row_data); $last_date = NULL; $first_difference_output = TRUE; // Keep the references until after the history that's in a timeline: $references = array(); for( $i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++ ) { $row = $row_data[$i]; if( ! $row["date"] ) { // If this mention isn't associated with a date, the difference won't be interesting. $last_date = NULL; } $description = ''; if ($last_date && ($last_date != $row["date"])) { // Calculate how long the gap was in days: $daysdiff = (integer)((strtotime($row["date"]) - strtotime($last_date)) / 86400); $daysstring = ($daysdiff == 1) ? "day" : "days"; $further = ""; if( $first_difference_output ) { $first_difference_output = FALSE; } else { $further = " a further"; } $description = "\n<span class=\"question-mention-gap\">After$further $daysdiff $daysstring,</span> "; } $reference = FALSE; $inner = "BUG: Unknown mention type $row[type]"; $date = format_date($row['date'], SHORTDATEFORMAT); switch ($row["type"]) { case 1: $inner = "Mentioned in <a href=\"$row[url]\">today's business on $date</a>"; break; case 2: $inner = "Mentioned in <a href=\"$row[url]\">tabled oral questions on $date</a>"; break; case 3: $inner = "Mentioned in <a href=\"$row[url]\">tabled written questions on $date</a>"; break; case 4: if( preg_match('/^\/spq\/(.*)$/',$row['gid'],$m) ) { $URL = new URL("spwrans"); $URL->insert( array('spid' => $m[1]) ); $relative_url = $URL->generate("none"); $inner = "Given a <a href=\"$relative_url\">written answer on $date</a>"; } break; case 5: $inner = "Given a holding answer on $date"; break; case 6: if( preg_match('/^\/spor\/(.*)$/',$row['mentioned_gid'],$m) ) { $URL = new URL("spdebates"); $URL->insert( array('id' => $m[1]) ); $relative_url = $URL->generate("none"); $inner = "<a href=\"$relative_url\">Asked in parliament on $date</a>"; } break; case 7: if( preg_match('/^\/spq\/(.*)$/',$row['mentioned_gid'],$m) ) { $referencing_spid = $m[1]; $URL = new URL("spwrans"); $URL->insert( array('spid' => $referencing_spid) ); $relative_url = $URL->generate("none"); $inner = "Referenced in <a href=\"$relative_url\">question $referencing_spid</a>"; $reference = TRUE; } break; } if( $reference ) { $references[] = "\n<li>$inner."; } else { $result .= "\n<li>$description$inner.</span>"; $last_date = $row["date"]; } } foreach ($references as $reference_span) { $result .= $reference_span; } $result .= '</ul>'; return $result; }
<?php $URL = new URL($this_page); $URL->insert(array('f' => 'csv')); $csvurl = $URL->generate(); $this->block_start(array('title' => "This data as a spreadsheet", 'url' => $csvurl, 'body' => '')); ?> <p> <a href="<?php echo $csvurl; ?> ">Download a CSV</a> (Comma Separated Values) file that you can load into your favourite spreadsheet program or data-mashing software. </p> <?php $this->block_end();
} if (isset($data['rows']) && count($data['rows']) > 0) { echo '<dl id="searchresults">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($data['rows']); $i++) { $row = $data['rows'][$i]; echo '<dt><a href="', $row['listurl'], '">'; if (isset($row['parent']) && count($row['parent']) > 0) { echo '<strong>' . $row['parent']['body'] . '</strong>'; } echo '</a> <small>(' . format_date($row['hdate'], SHORTDATEFORMAT) . ')'; if ($row['video_status'] == 5 || $row['video_status'] == 7) { echo ' <em>has video</em> '; } if ($row['collapsed'] && $row['subsection_id']) { $URL = new URL('search'); $URL->insert(array('s' => $info['s'] . " segment:{$row['subsection_id']}")); echo ' <a href="', $URL->generate(), '">See ', $row['collapsed'], ' other result', $row['collapsed'] > 1 ? 's' : '', ' from this ', $hansardmajors[$row['major']]['singular'], '</a>'; } echo '</small>'; if ($match = get_http_var('match')) { echo ' – <a href="/search/record.php?result=', $row['gid'], '&match=', htmlspecialchars($match), '">This is the correct match</a>'; } echo '</dt> <dd><p>'; if (isset($row['speaker']) && count($row['speaker'])) { $sp = $row['speaker']; echo "<em>" . ucfirst(member_full_name($sp['house'], $sp['title'], $sp['first_name'], $sp['last_name'], $sp['constituency'])) . "</em>: "; } echo $row['body'] . "</p></dd>\n"; } echo '</dl> <!-- end searchresults -->'; $PAGE->page_links($info);
function create($COMMENT, $reportdata) { // For when a user posts a report on a comment. // $reportdata is an array like: // array ( // 'body' => 'some text', // 'firstname' => 'Billy', // 'lastname' => 'Nomates', // 'email' => '*****@*****.**' // ) // But if the report was made by a logged-in user, only the // 'body' element should really contain anything, because // we use $THEUSER's id to get the rest. // $COMMENT is an existing COMMENT object, needed for setting // its modflag and comment_id. global $THEUSER, $PAGE; if (!$THEUSER->is_able_to('reportcomment')) { $PAGE->error_message("Sorry, you are not allowed to post reports."); return false; } if (is_numeric($THEUSER->user_id()) && $THEUSER->user_id() > 0) { // Flood check - make sure the user hasn't just posted a report recently. // To help prevent accidental duplicates, among other nasty things. // (Non-logged in users are all id == 0.) $flood_time_limit = 20; // How many seconds until a user can post again? $q = $this->db->query("SELECT report_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\tcommentreports\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tuser_id = '" . $THEUSER->user_id() . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND\t\treported + 0 > NOW() - {$flood_time_limit}"); if ($q->rows() > 0) { $PAGE->error_message("Sorry, we limit people to posting one report per {$flood_time_limit} seconds to help prevent duplicate reports. Please go back and try again, thanks."); return false; } } // Tidy up body. $body = filter_user_input($reportdata['body'], 'comment'); // In utility.php $time = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($THEUSER->isloggedin()) { $sql = "INSERT INTO commentreports\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(comment_id, body, reported, user_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\t('" . mysql_real_escape_string($COMMENT->comment_id()) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . mysql_real_escape_string($body) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$time}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . mysql_real_escape_string($THEUSER->user_id()) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO commentreports\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(comment_id, body, reported, firstname, lastname, email)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\t('" . mysql_real_escape_string($COMMENT->comment_id()) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . mysql_real_escape_string($body) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$time}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . mysql_real_escape_string($reportdata['firstname']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . mysql_real_escape_string($reportdata['lastname']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . mysql_real_escape_string($reportdata['email']) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t"; } $q = $this->db->query($sql); if ($q->success()) { // Inserted OK, so set up this object's variables. $this->report_id = $q->insert_id(); $this->comment_id = $COMMENT->comment_id(); $this->body = $body; $this->reported = $time; if ($THEUSER->isloggedin()) { $this->user_id = $THEUSER->user_id(); $this->firstname = $THEUSER->firstname(); $this->lastname = $THEUSER->lastname(); } else { $this->email = $reportdata['email']; $this->firstname = $reportdata['firstname']; $this->lastname = $reportdata['lastname']; } // Set the comment's modflag to on. $COMMENT->set_modflag('on'); // Notify those who need to know that there's a new report. $URL = new URL('admin_commentreport'); $URL->insert(array('rid' => $this->report_id, 'cid' => $this->comment_id)); $emailbody = "A new comment report has been filed by " . $this->user_name() . ".\n\n"; $emailbody .= "COMMENT:\n" . $COMMENT->body() . "\n\n"; $emailbody .= "REPORT:\n" . $this->body . "\n\n"; $emailbody .= "To manage this report follow this link: http://" . DOMAIN . $URL->generate('none') . "\n"; send_email(REPORTLIST, 'New comment report', $emailbody); // Send an email to the user to thank them. if ($THEUSER->isloggedin()) { $email = $THEUSER->email(); } else { $email = $this->email(); } $data = array('to' => $email, 'template' => 'report_acknowledge'); $merge = array('FIRSTNAME' => $this->firstname(), 'LASTNAME' => $this->lastname(), 'COMMENTURL' => "http://" . DOMAIN . $COMMENT->url(), 'REPORTBODY' => strip_tags($this->body())); // send_template_email in utility.php. send_template_email($data, $merge); return true; } else { return false; } }
echo $comment['url']; ?> " title="Link to this annotation"><?php echo $time; ?> </a> <?php } else { // There won't be a URL when we're just previewing a comment. echo "\t\t{$time}"; } if ($this_page != 'commentreport' && $this_page != 'addcomment' && $this_page != 'admin_commentreport' && $THEUSER->is_able_to('reportcomment') && !$comment['modflagged']) { // The comment hasn't been reported and we're on a page where we want to // display this link. $URL = new URL('commentreport'); $URL->insert(array('id' => $comment['comment_id'], 'ret' => $comment['url'])); ?> <br> <a href="<?php echo $URL->generate(); ?> " title="Notify moderators that this annotation needs editing or deleting">Report this annotation</a> <?php } elseif ($comment['modflagged']) { ?> <br> This annotation has been reported <?php } ?> </p>
$list = array(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); $major = array(1, 101, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); # Content goes here foreach ($data['dates'] as $date => $day_events) { foreach ($order as $i => $chamber) { if (!array_key_exists($chamber, $day_events)) { continue; } $events = $day_events[$chamber]; if ($plural[$i]) { $chamber .= 's'; } print "<h2 class='calendar'>{$chamber}"; if (in_array($major[$i], $data['majors'])) { $URL = new URL($hansardmajors[$major[$i]]['page_all']); $URL->insert(array('d' => $date)); print ' <a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">See this day →</a>'; } print "</h2>\n"; print $list[$i] ? "<ul class='calendar'>\n" : "<dl class='calendar'>\n"; foreach ($events as $event) { calendar_display_entry($event); } print $list[$i] ? "</ul>\n" : "</dl>\n"; } } $PAGE->stripe_end(array(array('type' => 'include', 'content' => 'calendar_box'), array('type' => 'html', 'content' => ' <div class="block"> <h4>Search upcoming business, or set up a future business email alert</h4> <div class="blockbody"> <form action="/search/" method="get">
function find_glossary_items($args) { $searchterm = $args['s']; $GLOSSARY = new GLOSSARY($args); if (isset($GLOSSARY->num_search_matches) && $GLOSSARY->num_search_matches >= 1) { // Got a match(es), display.... $URL = new URL('glossary'); $URL->insert(array('gl' => "")); ?> <h3>Matching glossary terms:</h3> <p><?php $n = 1; foreach ($GLOSSARY->search_matches as $glossary_id => $term) { $URL->update(array("gl" => $glossary_id)); ?> <a href="<?php echo $URL->generate(); ?> "><strong><?php echo htmlentities($term['title']); ?> </strong></a><?php if ($n < $GLOSSARY->num_search_matches) { print ", "; } $n++; } ?> </p> <?php } }
/** * Output Page * * Assembles a completed page from template and sends it to output. * * @param string $template The name of the template file to load. * @param array $data An associative array of data to be made available to the template. */ public static function output($template, $data = array()) { // Include includes. // TODO: Wrap these in a class somewhere autoloadable. include_once INCLUDESPATH . ''; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Find the user's country. Used by header, so a safe bit to do regardless. if (preg_match('#^[A-Z]{2}$#i', get_http_var('country'))) { $data['country'] = strtoupper(get_http_var('country')); } else { $data['country'] = Gaze::get_country_by_ip($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the page data global $DATA, $this_page, $THEUSER; $header = new Renderer\Header(); $data = array_merge($header->data, $data); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // User Navigation Links $data['user_nav_links'] = array(); // We may want to send the user back to this current page after they've // joined, logged out or logged in. So we put the URL in $returl. $URL = new \URL($this_page); $returl = $URL->generate('none'); //user logged in if ($THEUSER->isloggedin()) { // The 'Edit details' link. $menudata = $DATA->page_metadata('userviewself', 'menu'); $edittext = $menudata['text']; $edittitle = $menudata['title']; $EDITURL = new \URL('userviewself'); if ($this_page == 'userviewself' || $this_page == 'useredit' || $header->top_highlight == 'userviewself') { $editclass = 'on'; } else { $editclass = ''; } // The 'Log out' link. $menudata = $DATA->page_metadata('userlogout', 'menu'); $logouttext = $menudata['text']; $logouttitle = $menudata['title']; $LOGOUTURL = new \URL('userlogout'); if ($this_page != 'userlogout') { $LOGOUTURL->insert(array("ret" => $returl)); $logoutclass = ''; } else { $logoutclass = 'on'; } $username = $THEUSER->firstname() . ' ' . $THEUSER->lastname(); $data['user_nav_links'][] = array('href' => $LOGOUTURL->generate(), 'title' => $logouttitle, 'classes' => $logoutclass, 'text' => $logouttext); $data['user_nav_links'][] = array('href' => $EDITURL->generate(), 'title' => $edittitle, 'classes' => $editclass, 'text' => $edittext); $data['user_nav_links'][] = array('href' => $EDITURL->generate(), 'title' => $edittitle, 'classes' => $editclass, 'text' => _htmlentities($username)); } else { // User not logged in // The 'Join' link. $menudata = $DATA->page_metadata('userjoin', 'menu'); $jointext = $menudata['text']; $jointitle = $menudata['title']; $JOINURL = new \URL('userjoin'); if ($this_page != 'userjoin') { if ($this_page != 'userlogout' && $this_page != 'userlogin') { // We don't do this on the logout page, because then the user // will return straight to the logout page and be logged out // immediately! $JOINURL->insert(array("ret" => $returl)); } $joinclass = ''; } else { $joinclass = 'on'; } // The 'Log in' link. $menudata = $DATA->page_metadata('userlogin', 'menu'); $logintext = $menudata['text']; $logintitle = $menudata['title']; $LOGINURL = new \URL('userlogin'); if ($this_page != 'userlogin') { if ($this_page != "userlogout" && $this_page != "userpassword" && $this_page != 'userjoin') { // We don't do this on the logout page, because then the user // will return straight to the logout page and be logged out // immediately! // And it's also silly if we're sent back to Change Password. // And the join page. $LOGINURL->insert(array("ret" => $returl)); } $loginclass = ''; } else { $loginclass = 'on'; } $data['user_nav_links'][] = array('href' => $LOGINURL->generate(), 'title' => $logintitle, 'classes' => $loginclass, 'text' => $logintext); $data['user_nav_links'][] = array('href' => $JOINURL->generate(), 'title' => $jointitle, 'classes' => $joinclass, 'text' => $jointext); } // If the user's postcode is set, then we add a link to Your MP etc. if ($THEUSER->postcode_is_set()) { $items = array('yourmp'); if (postcode_is_scottish($THEUSER->postcode())) { $items[] = 'yourmsp'; } elseif (postcode_is_ni($THEUSER->postcode())) { $items[] = 'yourmla'; } foreach ($items as $item) { $menudata = $DATA->page_metadata($item, 'menu'); $logintext = $menudata['text']; $URL = new \URL($item); $data['user_nav_links'][] = array('href' => $URL->generate(), 'title' => '', 'classes' => '', 'text' => $logintext); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search URL $SEARCH = new \URL('search'); $SEARCH->reset(); $data['search_url'] = $SEARCH->generate(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Search URL // Footer Links $footer = new Renderer\Footer(); $data['footer_links'] = $footer->data; # banner text $b = new Model\Banner(); $data['banner_text'] = $b->get_text(); # mini survey // we never want to display this on the front page or any // other survey page we might have if (!in_array($this_page, array('survey', 'overview'))) { $mini = new MiniSurvey(); $data['mini_survey'] = $mini->get_values(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Unpack the data we've been passed so it's available for use in the templates. extract($data); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Require the templates and output header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'); require_once INCLUDESPATH . 'easyparliament/templates/html/header.php'; require_once INCLUDESPATH . 'easyparliament/templates/html/' . $template . '.php'; require_once INCLUDESPATH . 'easyparliament/templates/html/footer.php'; }
function _get_speaker($speaker_id, $hdate) { // Pass it the id of a speaker. If $this->speakers doesn't // already contain data about the speaker, it's fetched from the DB // and put in $this->speakers. // So we don't have to keep fetching the same speaker info about chatterboxes. if ($speaker_id != 0) { if (!isset($this->speakers[$speaker_id])) { // Speaker isn't cached, so fetch the data. $q = $this->db->query("SELECT title, first_name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlast_name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\thouse,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconstituency,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparty,\n person_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM \tmember\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tmember_id = '" . mysql_escape_string($speaker_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if ($q->rows() > 0) { // *SHOULD* only get one row back here... $house = $q->field(0, 'house'); if ($house == 1) { $URL = new URL('mp'); } elseif ($house == 2) { $URL = new URL('peer'); } elseif ($house == 3) { $URL = new URL('mla'); } elseif ($house == 4) { $URL = new URL('msp'); } elseif ($house == 0) { $URL = new URL('royal'); } $URL->insert(array('m' => $speaker_id)); $speaker = array('member_id' => $speaker_id, 'title' => $q->field(0, 'title'), "first_name" => $q->field(0, "first_name"), "last_name" => $q->field(0, "last_name"), 'house' => $q->field(0, 'house'), "constituency" => $q->field(0, "constituency"), "party" => $q->field(0, "party"), "person_id" => $q->field(0, "person_id"), "url" => $URL->generate()); global $parties; // Manual fix for Speakers. if (isset($parties[$speaker['party']])) { $speaker['party'] = $parties[$speaker['party']]; } $q = $this->db->query("SELECT dept, position FROM moffice WHERE person={$speaker['person_id']}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND to_date>='{$hdate}' AND from_date<='{$hdate}'"); if ($q->rows() > 0) { for ($row = 0; $row < $q->rows(); $row++) { $dept = $q->field($row, 'dept'); $pos = $q->field($row, 'position'); if ($pos && $pos != 'Chairman') { $speaker['office'][] = array('dept' => $dept, 'position' => $pos, 'pretty' => prettify_office($pos, $dept)); } } } $this->speakers[$speaker_id] = $speaker; return $speaker; } else { return array(); } } else { // Already cached, so just return that. return $this->speakers[$speaker_id]; } } else { return array(); } }
function person_numerology($member, $extra_info) { echo '<a name="numbers"></a>'; //$this->block_start(array('id'=>'numbers', 'title'=>'Numerology')); print "<h2>Numerology</h2>"; $displayed_stuff = 0; ?> <p><em>Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.</em> (<a href="<?=WEBPATH ?>help/#numbers">More about this</a>)</p> <ul> <?php $since_text = 'in the last year'; $year_ago = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('now -1 year')); # Find latest entered house $entered_house = null; foreach ($member['entered_house'] as $h => $eh) { if (!$entered_house || $eh['date'] > $entered_house) $entered_house = $eh['date']; } if ($entered_house > $year_ago) $since_text = 'since joining Parliament'; $MOREURL = new URL('search'); $section = 'section:debates section:whall section:lords section:ni'; $MOREURL->insert(array('pid'=>$member['person_id'], 's'=>$section, 'pop'=>1)); if ($member['party']!='Sinn Fein') { $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('debate_sectionsspoken_inlastyear', 'Has spoken in <a href="' . $MOREURL->generate() . '">', 'debate', '</a> ' . $since_text, '', $extra_info); $MOREURL->insert(array('pid'=>$member['person_id'], 's'=>'section:wrans', 'pop'=>1)); // We assume that if they've answered a question, they're a minister $minister = 0; $Lminister = false; if (isset($extra_info['wrans_answered_inlastyear']) && $extra_info['wrans_answered_inlastyear'] > 0 && $extra_info['wrans_asked_inlastyear'] == 0) $minister = 1; if (isset($extra_info['Lwrans_answered_inlastyear']) && $extra_info['Lwrans_answered_inlastyear'] > 0 && $extra_info['Lwrans_asked_inlastyear'] == 0) $Lminister = true; if ($member['party']=='Speaker' || $member['party']=='Deputy Speaker') { $minister = 2; } $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('wrans_asked_inlastyear', 'Has received answers to <a href="' . $MOREURL->generate() . '">', 'written question', '</a> ' . $since_text, '', $extra_info, $minister, $Lminister); } /* if (isset($extra_info['select_committees'])) { print "<li>Is a member of <strong>$extra_info[select_committees]</strong> select committee"; if ($extra_info['select_committees'] != 1) print "s"; if (isset($extra_info['select_committees_chair'])) print " ($extra_info[select_committees_chair] as chair)"; print '.</li>'; } */ $wtt_displayed = display_writetothem_numbers(2008, $extra_info); $displayed_stuff |= $wtt_displayed; if (!$wtt_displayed) { $wtt_displayed = display_writetothem_numbers(2007, $extra_info); $displayed_stuff |= $wtt_displayed; if (!$wtt_displayed) { $wtt_displayed = display_writetothem_numbers(2006, $extra_info); $displayed_stuff |= $wtt_displayed; if (!$wtt_displayed) $displayed_stuff |= display_writetothem_numbers(2005, $extra_info); } } $after_stuff = ' <small>(From Public Whip)</small>'; if ($member['party'] == 'Scottish National Party') { $after_stuff .= '<br><em>Note SNP MPs do not vote on legislation not affecting Scotland.</em>'; } elseif ($member['party']=='Speaker' || $member['party']=='Deputy Speaker') { $after_stuff .= '<br><em>Speakers and deputy speakers cannot vote except to break a tie.</em>'; } if ($member['party'] != 'Sinn Fein') { $when = 'in this Parliament with this affiliation'; # Lords have one record per affiliation until they leave (ignoring name changes, sigh) if ($member['house_disp'] == 2 ) { $when = 'in this House with this affiliation'; } $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('public_whip_division_attendance', 'Has voted in <a href="' . $member['member_id'] . '&showall=yes#divisions" title="See more details at Public Whip">', 'of vote', '</a> ' . $when, $after_stuff, $extra_info); if ($member['chairmens_panel']) { print '<br><em>Members of the Chairmen\'s Panel act for the Speaker when chairing things such as Public Bill Committees, and as such do not vote on Bills they are involved in chairing.</em>'; } $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('comments_on_speeches', 'People have made <a href="' . WEBPATH . 'comments/recent/?pid='.$member['person_id'].'">', 'annotation', "</a> on this MP’s speeches", '', $extra_info); $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('reading_age', 'This MP\'s speeches, in Hansard, are readable by an average ', '', ' year old, going by the <a href="">Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level</a> score', '', $extra_info); } if (isset($extra_info['number_of_alerts'])) { $displayed_stuff = 1; ?> <li><strong><?=htmlentities($extra_info['number_of_alerts']) ?></strong> <?=($extra_info['number_of_alerts']==1?'person is':'people are') ?> tracking <? if ($member['house_disp']==1) print 'this MP'; elseif ($member['house_disp']==2) print 'this peer'; elseif ($member['house_disp']==3) print 'this MLA'; elseif ($member['house_disp']==4) print 'this MSP'; elseif ($member['house_disp']==0) print $member['full_name']; if ($member['current_member'][0] || $member['current_member'][2] || $member['current_member'][3] || ($member['current_member'][1] && $member['party'] != 'Sinn Fein') || $member['current_member'][4]) { print ' — <a href="' . WEBPATH . 'alert/?only=1&pid='.$member['person_id'].'">email me updates on '. $member['full_name']. '’s activity</a>'; } print '.</li>'; } if ($member['party']!='Sinn Fein') { $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('three_word_alliterations', 'Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "she sells seashells") ', 'time', ' in debates', ' <small>(<a href="' . WEBPATH . 'help/#numbers">Why is this here?</a>)</small>', $extra_info); if (isset($extra_info['three_word_alliteration_content'])) { print "\n<!-- " . $extra_info['three_word_alliteration_content'] . " -->\n"; } } # $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('ending_with_a_preposition', "Has ended a sentence with 'with' ", 'time', ' in debates', '', $extra_info); # $displayed_stuff |= display_stats_line('only_asked_why', "Has made a speech consisting solely of 'Why?' ", 'time', ' in debates', '', $extra_info); echo '</ul>'; if (!$displayed_stuff) { print '<p>No data to display yet.</p>'; } //$this->block_end(); }
} $PAGE->page_start(); $PAGE->stripe_start(); $args = array('year' => get_http_var('y')); $LIST = new LORDSDEBATELIST(); $LIST->display('calendar', $args); $PAGE->stripe_end(array(array('type' => 'nextprev'), array('type' => 'include', 'content' => "holdebates"))); } elseif (get_http_var('gid') != '') { $this_page = 'lordsdebate'; $args = array('gid' => get_http_var('gid')); $LORDSDEBATELIST = new LORDSDEBATELIST(); $result = $LORDSDEBATELIST->display('gid', $args); // If it is a redirect, change URL if (is_string($result)) { $URL = new URL('lordsdebate'); $URL->insert(array('gid' => $result)); header('Location: http://' . DOMAIN . $URL->generate('none'), true, 301); exit; } if ($LORDSDEBATELIST->htype() == '12' || $LORDSDEBATELIST->htype() == '13') { $PAGE->stripe_start('side', 'comments'); $COMMENTLIST = new COMMENTLIST(); $args['user_id'] = get_http_var('u'); $args['epobject_id'] = $LORDSDEBATELIST->epobject_id(); $COMMENTLIST->display('ep', $args); $PAGE->stripe_end(); $PAGE->stripe_start('side', 'addcomment'); $commendata = array('epobject_id' => $LORDSDEBATELIST->epobject_id(), 'gid' => get_http_var('gid'), 'return_page' => $this_page); $PAGE->comment_form($commendata); if ($THEUSER->isloggedin()) { $sidebar = array(array('type' => 'include', 'content' => 'comment'));
twfy_debug("TEMPLATE", "hansard_recentvotes.php"); if (isset($data['rows']) && count($data['rows']) > 0) { $PAGE->block_start(array('title' => 'Most interesting speeches from past ' . $data['info']['days'] . ' days')); ?> <ol> <?php foreach ($data['rows'] as $n => $row) { // While we're linking to individual speeches, // the text is the body of the parent, ie (sub)section. $title = $row['parent']['body']; if (isset($row['listurl'])) { $title = "<a href=\"" . $row['listurl'] . "\">{$title}</a>"; } if (isset($row['speaker']) && isset($row['speaker']['member_id'])) { $URL = new URL('member'); $URL->insert(array('id' => $row['speaker']['member_id'])); $member = '<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">' . $row['speaker']['first_name'] . ' ' . $row['speaker']['last_name'] . '</a>: '; } else { $member = ''; } ?> <li><p><strong><?php echo $title; ?> </strong><br> <?php echo $member; ?> “<?php echo trim_characters($row['body'], 0, 200); ?>
'first_name' => 'Fred', 'last_name' => 'Bloggs, 'person_id' => 23, 'constituency' => 'Here', 'party' => 'Them' ) ); */ global $this_page; twfy_debug("TEMPLATE", "people_mps.php"); $order = $data['info']['order']; $URL = new URL($this_page); if ($order == 'name') { $th_name = 'Name'; } else { $URL->insert(array('o' => 'n')); $th_name = '<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">Name</a>'; } $URL->insert(array('o' => 'p')); $th_party = '<a href="' . $URL->generate() . '">Party</a>'; if ($order == 'party') { $th_party = 'Party'; } ?> <div class="sort"> Sort by: <ul> <li><?php echo $th_name; ?> |</li>
if ($type == 2) { // Glossary. $message = "Sorry, you must be logged in to add a glossary item."; $message2 = "You'll be able to add your glossary item straight after."; $URL = new URL('glossary_addterm'); $URL->insert(array('g' => get_http_var('g'))); $glossary_returl = $URL->generate(); $anchor = ''; } else { // Comment. $message = "Sorry, you must be logged in to post a comment."; $message2 = "You'll be able to post your comment straight after."; $anchor = '#addcomment'; } $URL = new URL('userjoin'); $URL->insert(array('ret' => $returl . $anchor)); $joinurl = $URL->generate(); // GET THAT PAGE STARTED! $PAGE->page_start(); $PAGE->stripe_start(); ?> <p><strong><?php echo $message; ?> </strong></p> <p>If you're not yet a member, then <a href="<?php echo $joinurl; ?> "><strong>join now</strong></a>.</p>