function isNewPost($a) { $now = new Typecho_Date(Typecho_Date::gmtTime()); if ($now->timeStamp - $a->date->timeStamp < 24 * 60 * 60) { echo '<span class="new"></span>'; } }
function getDayAgo($date) { $d = new Typecho_Date(Typecho_Date::gmtTime()); $now = $d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $t = strtotime($now) - strtotime($date); if ($t < 60) { return $t . '秒前'; } if ($t < 3600) { return floor($t / 60) . '分钟前'; } if ($t < 86400) { return floor($t / 3670) . '小时前'; } if ($t < 604800) { return floor($t / 86400) . '天前'; } if ($t < 2419200) { return floor($t / 604800) . '周前'; } if ($t < 31536000) { return floor($t / 2592000) . '月前'; } return floor($t / 31536000) . '年前'; }
/** * 读取缓存文件内容 */ public function process($comment, $token) { $this->init(); // 验证 url 中的 token 和设置的 token 是否一致 if (strcmp($token, Helper::options()->plugin('CommentToMail')->token)) { exit; } //获取评论内容 $this->_email = $comment; //如果本次评论设置了拒收邮件,把coid加入拒收列表 if ($this->_email->banMail) { $this->ban($this->_email->coid, true); } //发件人邮箱 $this->_email->from = $this->_cfg->user; //发件人名称 $this->_email->fromName = $this->_cfg->fromName ? $this->_cfg->fromName : $this->_email->siteTitle; //向博主发邮件的标题格式 $this->_email->titleForOwner = $this->_cfg->titleForOwner; //向访客发邮件的标题格式 $this->_email->titleForGuest = $this->_cfg->titleForGuest; //验证博主是否接收自己的邮件 $toMe = in_array('to_me', $this->_cfg->other) && $this->_email->ownerId == $this->_email->authorId ? true : false; //向博主发信 if (in_array($this->_email->status, $this->_cfg->status) && in_array('to_owner', $this->_cfg->other) && ($toMe || $this->_email->ownerId != $this->_email->authorId) && 0 == $this->_email->parent) { if (empty($this->_cfg->mail)) { Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Users_Author@temp' . $this->_email->cid, array('uid' => $this->_email->ownerId))->to($user); $this->_email->to = $user->mail; } else { $this->_email->to = $this->_cfg->mail; } $this->authorMail()->sendMail(); } //向访客发信 if (0 != $this->_email->parent && 'approved' == $this->_email->status && in_array('to_guest', $this->_cfg->other) && !$this->ban($this->_email->parent)) { //如果联系我的邮件地址为空,则使用文章作者的邮件地址 if (empty($this->_email->contactme)) { if (!isset($user) || !$user) { Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Users_Author@temp' . $this->_email->cid, array('uid' => $this->_email->ownerId))->to($user); } $this->_email->contactme = $user->mail; } else { $this->_email->contactme = $this->_cfg->contactme; } $original = $this->_db->fetchRow($this->_db->select('author', 'mail', 'text')->from('table.comments')->where('coid = ?', $this->_email->parent)); if (in_array('to_me', $this->_cfg->other) || $this->_email->mail != $original['mail']) { $this->_email->to = $original['mail']; $this->_email->originalText = $original['text']; $this->_email->originalAuthor = $original['author']; $this->guestMail()->sendMail(); } } $date = new Typecho_Date(Typecho_Date::gmtTime()); $time = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->mailLog(false, $time . " 邮件发送完毕!\r\n"); }
function readerWall($db, $options) { $html = ""; $time = Typecho_Date::gmtTime() - 31536000; $result = $db->fetchAll($db->select('author, mail, url, count(author) as cnt')->from('table.comments')->where('status = ?', 'approved')->where('created >= ?', $time)->where('ownerId <> authorId')->group('author')->limit(3)->order('cnt', Typecho_Db::SORT_DESC)); if (!empty($result)) { $html = "<div class=\"dearreaders\"><h3>评论先锋队</h3><div>"; if (isset($result[1])) { $html .= "<a rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"" . (empty($result[1]['url']) ? "#" : $result[1]['url']) . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" . getAvatar(60, $result[1]["mail"]) . "\" class=\"lazy avatar\" height=\"60\" width=\"60\" /><b class=\"name\">" . htmlspecialchars($result[1]["author"]) . "</b><i class=\"count\">2nd</i></a>"; } $html .= "<a rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"" . (empty($result[0]['url']) ? "#" : $result[0]['url']) . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" . getAvatar(80, $result[0]["mail"]) . "\" class=\"lazy avatar\" height=\"80\" width=\"80\" /><b class=\"name\">" . htmlspecialchars($result[0]["author"]) . "</b><i class=\"count\">1st</i></a>"; if (isset($result[2])) { $html .= "<a rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"" . (empty($result[2]['url']) ? "#" : $result[2]['url']) . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"" . getAvatar(60, $result[2]["mail"]) . "\" class=\"lazy avatar\" height=\"60\" width=\"60\" /><b class=\"name\">" . htmlspecialchars($result[2]["author"]) . "</b><i class=\"count\">3rd</i></a>"; } $html .= "</div></div>"; } return $html; }
/** * 获取格林尼治标准时间 * * @access protected * @return integer */ protected function ___gmtTime() { return Typecho_Date::gmtTime(); }
/** * 获取邮件内容 * * @access public * @param $comment 调用参数 * @return void */ public static function parseComment($comment) { $options = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options'); $cfg = array('siteTitle' => $options->title, 'timezone' => $options->timezone, 'cid' => $comment->cid, 'coid' => $comment->coid, 'created' => $comment->created, 'author' => $comment->author, 'authorId' => $comment->authorId, 'ownerId' => $comment->ownerId, 'mail' => $comment->mail, 'ip' => $comment->ip, 'title' => $comment->title, 'text' => $comment->text, 'permalink' => $comment->permalink, 'status' => $comment->status, 'parent' => $comment->parent, 'manage' => $options->siteUrl . "admin/manage-comments.php"); self::$_isMailLog = in_array('to_log', Helper::options()->plugin('CommentToMail')->other) ? true : false; //是否接收邮件 if (isset($_POST['banmail']) && 'stop' == $_POST['banmail']) { $cfg['banMail'] = 1; } else { $cfg['banMail'] = 0; } $fileName = Typecho_Common::randString(7); $cfg = (object) $cfg; file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache/' . $fileName, serialize($cfg)); $url = $options->rewrite ? $options->siteUrl : $options->siteUrl . 'index.php'; $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/action/' . self::$action . '?send=' . $fileName; $date = new Typecho_Date(Typecho_Date::gmtTime()); $time = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); self::saveLog("{$time} 开始发送请求:{$url}\n"); self::asyncRequest($url); }
/** * 构建SQL语句 * * @access public * @param array $tables 数据表数组 * @return string $sql SQL语句 */ public function getSql(array $tables) { // 数据库对象 $db = Typecho_Db::get(); // SQL语句 $sql = '-- Typecho Backup SQL' . "\r\n" . '-- 程序版本: ' . Typecho_Common::VERSION . "\r\n" . '--' . "\r\n" . '-- 备份工具: Export' . "\r\n" . '-- 插件作者: ShingChi' . "\r\n" . '-- 主页链接:' . "\r\n" . '-- 生成日期: ' . date('Y 年 m 月 d 日', Typecho_Date::gmtTime()) . "\r\n\r\n"; // 循环构建每张表的SQL语句 foreach ($tables as $table) { // 创建表语句 $createSql = ''; // 插入记录语句 $insertSql = ''; // 创建表注释 $createSql .= '-- --------------------------------------------------------' . "\r\n\r\n" . '--' . "\r\n" . '-- 表的结构 `' . $table . "`\r\n" . '--' . "\r\n\r\n"; /* 表结构 */ $dropTable = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`;\r\n"; $showTable = $db->fetchRow($db->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table)); $createTable = $showTable['Create Table'] . ";\r\n\r\n"; $createSql .= $dropTable . $createTable; /* 表记录 */ $rows = $db->fetchAll($db->select()->from($table)); if ($rows) { // 字段组合SQL语句 $fieldText = ''; // 值的组合SQL语句 $recordText = ''; // 所有记录 $records = array(); // 插入注释 $insertSql .= '--' . "\r\n" . '-- 转存表中的数据 `' . $table . "`\r\n" . '--' . "\r\n\r\n"; // 组合字段语句 foreach ($rows[0] as $key => $value) { $fieldText .= '`' . $key . '`, '; } $fieldText = rtrim($fieldText, ', '); $insertSql .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $fieldText . ') VALUES' . "\r\n"; // 组合一条记录的语法 foreach ($rows as $k => $row) { $records[$k] = ''; foreach ($row as $record) { $records[$k] .= isset($record) ? '\'' . mysql_escape_string($record) . '\', ' : 'NULL, '; } $records[$k] = rtrim($records[$k], ', '); } // 组合所有记录的语法 foreach ($records as $val) { $recordText .= '(' . $val . '),' . "\r\n"; } $recordText = rtrim($recordText, ",\r\n") . ";\r\n\r\n"; $insertSql .= $recordText; } $sql .= $createSql . $insertSql; } return $sql; }
public static function selectHandle($archive) { $user = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_User'); if ('post' == $archive->parameter->type || 'page' == $archive->parameter->type) { if ($user->hasLogin()) { $select = $archive->select()->where('table.contents.status = ? OR table.contents.status = ? OR (table.contents.status = ? AND table.contents.authorId = ?)', 'publish', 'hidden', 'private', $user->uid); } else { $select = $archive->select()->where('table.contents.status = ? OR table.contents.status = ?', 'publish', 'hidden'); } } else { if ($user->hasLogin()) { $select = $archive->select()->where('table.contents.status = ? OR (table.contents.status = ? AND table.contents.authorId = ?)', 'publish', 'private', $user->uid); } else { $select = $archive->select()->where('table.contents.status = ?', 'publish'); } } $select->where('table.contents.created < ?', Typecho_Date::gmtTime()); $select->cleanAttribute('fields'); return $select; }
?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> </li> </ul> <ul class="typecho-option" id="typecho-option-item-filename-1"> <li> <label class="typecho-label" for="filename-0-1"><?php _e('备份文件名'); ?> </label> <input id="filename-0-1" name="fileName" type="text" class="w-100" value="<?php echo 'typecho_' . date('YmdHi', Typecho_Date::gmtTime() + (Typecho_Date::$timezoneOffset - Typecho_Date::$serverTimezoneOffset)) . '_' . sprintf('%u', crc32(uniqid())) . '.sql'; ?> "> <p class="description"><?php _e('备份文件默认生成在插件的 backup 文件夹下'); ?> </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="typecho-option" id="typecho-option-item-bakplace-2"> <li> <label class="typecho-label"><?php _e('备份保存'); ?> </label> <span>
$installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.options')->rows(array('name' => 'routingTable', 'user' => 0, 'value' => 'a:25:{s:5:"index";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:1:"/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:7:"archive";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:6:"/blog/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:2:"do";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:22:"/action/[action:alpha]";s:6:"widget";s:9:"Widget_Do";s:6:"action";s:6:"action";}s:4:"post";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:24:"/archives/[cid:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:10:"attachment";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:26:"/attachment/[cid:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:8:"category";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:17:"/category/[slug]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:3:"tag";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:12:"/tag/[slug]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:6:"author";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:22:"/author/[uid:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:6:"search";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:19:"/search/[keywords]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:10:"index_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:21:"/page/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:12:"archive_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:26:"/blog/page/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:13:"category_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:32:"/category/[slug]/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:8:"tag_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:27:"/tag/[slug]/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:11:"author_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:37:"/author/[uid:digital]/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:11:"search_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:34:"/search/[keywords]/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:12:"archive_year";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:18:"/[year:digital:4]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:13:"archive_month";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:36:"/[year:digital:4]/[month:digital:2]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:11:"archive_day";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:52:"/[year:digital:4]/[month:digital:2]/[day:digital:2]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:17:"archive_year_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:38:"/[year:digital:4]/page/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:18:"archive_month_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:56:"/[year:digital:4]/[month:digital:2]/page/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:16:"archive_day_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:72:"/[year:digital:4]/[month:digital:2]/[day:digital:2]/page/[page:digital]/";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:12:"comment_page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:53:"[permalink:string]/comment-page-[commentPage:digital]";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}s:4:"feed";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:20:"/feed[feed:string:0]";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:4:"feed";}s:8:"feedback";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:31:"[permalink:string]/[type:alpha]";s:6:"widget";s:15:"Widget_Feedback";s:6:"action";s:6:"action";}s:4:"page";a:3:{s:3:"url";s:12:"/[slug].html";s:6:"widget";s:14:"Widget_Archive";s:6:"action";s:6:"render";}}'))); $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.options')->rows(array('name' => 'actionTable', 'user' => 0, 'value' => 'a:0:{}'))); $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.options')->rows(array('name' => 'panelTable', 'user' => 0, 'value' => 'a:0:{}'))); $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.options')->rows(array('name' => 'attachmentTypes', 'user' => 0, 'value' => '@image@'))); /** 初始分类 */ $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.metas')->rows(array('name' => _t('默认分类'), 'slug' => 'default', 'type' => 'category', 'description' => _t('只是一个默认分类'), 'count' => 1, 'order' => 1))); /** 初始关系 */ $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.relationships')->rows(array('cid' => 1, 'mid' => 1))); /** 初始内容 */ $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.contents')->rows(array('title' => _t('欢迎使用 Typecho'), 'slug' => 'start', 'created' => Typecho_Date::gmtTime(), 'modified' => Typecho_Date::gmtTime(), 'text' => _t('<!--markdown-->如果您看到这篇文章,表示您的 blog 已经安装成功.'), 'authorId' => 1, 'type' => 'post', 'status' => 'publish', 'commentsNum' => 1, 'allowComment' => 1, 'allowPing' => 1, 'allowFeed' => 1, 'parent' => 0))); $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.contents')->rows(array('title' => _t('关于'), 'slug' => 'start-page', 'created' => Typecho_Date::gmtTime(), 'modified' => Typecho_Date::gmtTime(), 'text' => _t('<!--markdown-->本页面由 Typecho 创建, 这只是个测试页面.'), 'authorId' => 1, 'order' => 0, 'type' => 'page', 'status' => 'publish', 'commentsNum' => 0, 'allowComment' => 1, 'allowPing' => 1, 'allowFeed' => 1, 'parent' => 0))); /** 初始评论 */ $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.comments')->rows(array('cid' => 1, 'created' => Typecho_Date::gmtTime(), 'author' => 'Typecho', 'ownerId' => 1, 'url' => '', 'ip' => '', 'agent' => $options->generator, 'text' => '欢迎加入 Typecho 大家族', 'type' => 'comment', 'status' => 'approved', 'parent' => 0))); /** 初始用户 */ $password = empty($config['userPassword']) ? substr(uniqid(), 7) : $config['userPassword']; $installDb->query($installDb->insert('table.users')->rows(array('name' => $config['userName'], 'password' => Typecho_Common::hash($password), 'mail' => $config['userMail'], 'url' => '', 'screenName' => $config['userName'], 'group' => 'administrator', 'created' => Typecho_Date::gmtTime()))); unset($_SESSION['typecho']); Typecho_Cookie::delete('__typecho_config'); header('Location: ./install.php?finish&user='******'userName']) . '&password='******'安装失败!'); ?> </h1> <div class="typecho-install-body"> <form method="post" action="?start" name="check"> <?php if ('Mysql' == $type && (1050 == $code || '42S01' == $code) || 'SQLite' == $type && ('HY000' == $code || 1 == $code) || 'Pgsql' == $type && '42P07' == $code) {
/** * 读取缓存文件内容 */ public function process($fileName) { $this->init(); //获取评论内容 $file = $this->_dir . '/cache/' . $fileName; if (file_exists($file)) { $this->_email = unserialize(file_get_contents($file)); @unlink($file); if (!$this->_user->simpleLogin($this->_email->ownerId)) { $this->widget('Widget_Archive@404', 'type=404')->render(); exit; } } else { $this->widget('Widget_Archive@404', 'type=404')->render(); exit; } //如果本次评论设置了拒收邮件,把coid加入拒收列表 if ($this->_email->banMail) { $this->ban($this->_email->coid, true); } //发件人邮箱 $this->_email->from = $this->_cfg->user; //发件人名称 $this->_email->fromName = $this->_cfg->fromName ? $this->_cfg->fromName : $this->_email->siteTitle; //向博主发邮件的标题格式 $this->_email->titleForOwner = $this->_cfg->titleForOwner; //向访客发邮件的标题格式 $this->_email->titleForGuest = $this->_cfg->titleForGuest; //验证博主是否接收自己的邮件 $toMe = in_array('to_me', $this->_cfg->other) && $this->_email->ownerId == $this->_email->authorId ? true : false; //向博主发信 if (in_array($this->_email->status, $this->_cfg->status) && in_array('to_owner', $this->_cfg->other) && ($toMe || $this->_email->ownerId != $this->_email->authorId) && 0 == $this->_email->parent) { if (empty($this->_cfg->mail)) { Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Users_Author@temp' . $this->_email->cid, array('uid' => $this->_email->ownerId))->to($user); $this->_email->to = $user->mail; } else { $this->_email->to = $this->_cfg->mail; } $this->authorMail()->sendMail(); } //向访客发信 if (0 != $this->_email->parent && 'approved' == $this->_email->status && in_array('to_guest', $this->_cfg->other) && !$this->ban($this->_email->parent)) { //如果联系我的邮件地址为空,则使用文章作者的邮件地址 if (empty($this->_email->contactme)) { if (!isset($user) || !$user) { Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Users_Author@temp' . $this->_email->cid, array('uid' => $this->_email->ownerId))->to($user); } $this->_email->contactme = $user->mail; } else { $this->_email->contactme = $this->_cfg->contactme; } $original = $this->_db->fetchRow($this->_db->select('author', 'mail', 'text')->from('table.comments')->where('coid = ?', $this->_email->parent)); if (in_array('to_me', $this->_cfg->other) || $this->_email->mail != $original['mail']) { $this->_email->to = $original['mail']; $this->_email->originalText = $original['text']; $this->_email->originalAuthor = $original['author']; $this->guestMail()->sendMail(); } } $date = new Typecho_Date(Typecho_Date::gmtTime()); $time = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $this->mailLog(false, $time . " 邮件发送完毕!\r\n"); }
/** * 插件实现方法 * * @access public * @return void */ public static function render($contents, $inst) { $db = Typecho_Db::get(); $options = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options'); $configs = Helper::options()->plugin('AutoBackup'); $current = Typecho_Date::gmtTime(); //当前时间 $config_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.xml'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($config_file); $lasttime = intval($xml->lasttime); $file_path = dirname(__FILE__) . "/backupfiles/TypechoAutoBackup" . date("Ymd", $current) . ".sql"; if (file_exists($file_path) || $lasttime < 0 || $current - $lasttime < $configs->circle * 24 * 60 * 60) { //如果已经存在当日的备份文件,则直接返回 return $contents; } else { $tables = $configs->tables; $tables = explode(",", $tables); $sql = self::creat_sql($tables); //获取备份语句 file_put_contents($file_path, $sql); $xml->lasttime = $current; $xml = $xml->asXML(); $fp = fopen($config_file, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $xml); fclose($fp); //将备份文件发送至设置的邮箱 if ($configs->tomail[0]) { $smtp = array(); $smtp['site'] = $options->title; $smtp['attach'] = $file_path; $smtp['attach_name'] = "TypechoAutoBackup" . date("Ymd", $current) . ".sql"; $smtp['mode'] = $configs->mode; //获取SMTP设置 $smtp['user'] = $configs->user; $smtp['pass'] = $configs->pass; $smtp['host'] = $configs->host; $smtp['port'] = $configs->port; //获取验证信息 if (is_array($configs->validate)) { if (in_array('validate', $configs->validate)) { $smtp['validate'] = true; } if (in_array('ssl', $configs->validate)) { $smtp['ssl'] = true; } } $format = "format"; $smtp['AltBody'] = "这是从" . $smtp['site'] . "由Typecho AutoBackup插件自动发送的数据库备份文件"; $smtp['body'] = "该邮件由您的Typecho博客<a href=\"{$options->siteUrl}\">" . $smtp['site'] . "</a>使用的插件AutoBackup发出<br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t如果你没有做相关设置,请联系邮件来源地址" . $smtp['user'] . "<br />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t发现插件bug请联系i@zhoumiao.com或访问插件<a href=\"\">更新地址</a>"; if ($configs->subject != "") { $smtp['subject'] = date("Ymd") . '-' . $configs->subject . '-数据库备份文件'; } else { $smtp['subject'] = date("Ymd") . '-' . $options->title . '-数据库备份文件'; } if ($configs->mail != "") { $email_to = $configs->mail; } else { $select = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Abstract_Users')->select()->where('uid', 1); $result = $db->query($select); $row = $db->fetchRow($result); $email_to = $row['mail']; } $smtp['to'] = $email_to; $smtp['from'] = $email_to; $issend = self::SendMail($smtp); if ($issend) { unlink($file_path); } return $contents; } else { return $contents; } } }
/** * 导出xml * * @access public * @return void */ public function doExport() { $options = Helper::options(); // execution $authors_list = $this->wxr_authors_list(); $cats_list = $this->wxr_cats_list(); $tags_list = $this->wxr_tags_list(); $posts_list = $this->wxr_posts_list($options); // 备份文件名 $fileName = 'wordpress.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.xml'; //header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $fileName); if (preg_match("/MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); } else { header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', Typecho_Date::gmtTime() + (Typecho_Date::$timezoneOffset - Typecho_Date::$serverTimezoneOffset)) . ' GMT'); } header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', Typecho_Date::gmtTime() + (Typecho_Date::$timezoneOffset - Typecho_Date::$serverTimezoneOffset)) . ' GMT'); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $options->charset . '" ?>' . "\n"; echo <<<EOT <!-- This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your site. --> <!-- It contains information about your site's posts, pages, comments, categories, and other content. --> <!-- You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to another. --> <!-- This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your site. --> <!-- To import this information into a WordPress site follow these steps: --> <!-- 1. Log in to that site as an administrator. --> <!-- 2. Go to Tools: Import in the WordPress admin panel. --> <!-- 3. Install the "WordPress" importer from the list. --> <!-- 4. Activate & Run Importer. --> <!-- 5. Upload this file using the form provided on that page. --> <!-- 6. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users --> <!-- on the site. For each author, you may choose to map to an --> <!-- existing user on the site or to create a new user. --> <!-- 7. WordPress will then import each of the posts, pages, comments, categories, etc. --> <!-- contained in this file into your site. --> <rss version="2.0" \txmlns:excerpt="" \txmlns:content="" \txmlns:wfw="" \txmlns:dc="" \txmlns:wp="" > <channel> <title>{$options->title}</title> <link>{$options->siteUrl}</link> \t<description>{$options->description}</description> \t<pubDate>Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:15:10 +0000</pubDate> \t<language>{$options->lang}</language> \t<wp:wxr_version>1.2</wp:wxr_version> \t<wp:base_site_url>{$options->siteUrl}</wp:base_site_url> \t<wp:base_blog_url>{$options->siteUrl}</wp:base_blog_url> \t{$authors_list} \t{$cats_list} \t{$tags_list} \t<generator></generator> \t{$posts_list} </channel> </rss> EOT; }
/** * 构建SQL语句 * * @access public * @param array $tables 数据表数组 * @return string $sql SQL语句 */ public function sqlBuild(array $tables) { // 数据库对象 $db = Typecho_Db::get(); // SQL语句 $sql = "-- Typecho Backup SQL\r\n" . "-- version: " . Typecho_Common::VERSION . "\r\n" . "--\r\n" . "-- generator: DbManager\r\n" . "-- author: ShingChi <>\r\n" . "-- date: " . date('F jS, Y', Typecho_Date::gmtTime()) . "\r\n\r\n"; foreach ($tables as $table) { $sql .= "\r\n-- ----------------------------------" . "----------------------\r\n\r\n" . "--\r\n" . "-- 数据表 {$table}\r\n" . "--\r\n\r\n"; $sql .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`;\r\n"; $createSql = $db->fetchRow($db->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$table}")); $sql .= $createSql['Create Table'] . ";\r\n\r\n"; $resource = $db->query($db->select()->from($table)); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($resource)) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $keys[] = "`" . $key . "`"; $values[] = "'" . mysql_escape_string($value) . "'"; } $sql .= "INSERT INTO `" . $table . "` (" . implode(", ", $keys) . ") VALUES (" . implode(", ", $values) . ");\r\n"; unset($keys); unset($values); } } return $sql; }
function timeZone($from) { $now = new Typecho_Date(Typecho_Date::gmtTime()); return $now->timeStamp - $from < 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 ? true : false; }
/** * 插件实现方法 */ public static function baseInit() { self::$_time = Typecho_Date::gmtTime(); self::$_options = Typecho_Widget::widget("Widget_Options"); self::$_cache_file = __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . "/usr/mytypechotheme.json.php"; if (file_exists(self::$_cache_file)) { self::$_cache = @Json::decode(@substr(@file_get_contents(self::$_cache_file), strlen(self::SAFETY_HEAD)), true); if (self::$_cache === false) { self::$_cache = array(); } } }