Exemple #1
 public function theme()
     if ($theme = $this->request->get('theme')) {
         $this->db->query($this->db->update('table.options')->rows(array('value' => $theme))->where('name=?', 'Duoshuo_theme'));
         $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('extending.php?panel=Duoshuo/manage-duoshuo.php&do=manage-theme', $this->options->adminUrl));
Exemple #2
  * 设置前缀 
  * @param string $url
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public static function setPrefix($url)
     self::$_prefix = md5($url);
     $parsed = parse_url($url);
     /** 在路径后面强制加上斜杠 */
     self::$_path = empty($parsed['path']) ? '/' : Typecho_Common::url(NULL, $parsed['path']);
Exemple #3
  * 插件实现方法
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public static function render($post)
     $options = Helper::options();
     $js = Typecho_Common::url('TinyMCE/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js', $options->pluginUrl);
     $langs = Typecho_Common::url('extending.php?panel=TinyMCE/tiny_mce/langs.php', $options->adminUrl);
     echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$js}\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$langs}\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n    var insertImageToEditor = function (title, url, link) {\n        tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false,\n        '<a href=\"' + link + '\" title=\"' + title + '\"><img src=\"' + url + '\" alt=\"' + title + '\" /></a>');\n        new Fx.Scroll(window).toElement(\$(document).getElement('.mceEditor'));\n    };\n    \n    var insertLinkToEditor = function (title, url, link) {\n        tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<a href=\"' + url + '\" title=\"' + title + '\">' + title + '</a>');\n        new Fx.Scroll(window).toElement(\$(document).getElement('.mceEditor'));\n    };\n\n    //自动保存\n    var autoSave;\n    \n    tinyMCE.init({\n    // General options\n    mode : 'exact',\n    elements : 'text',\n    theme : 'advanced',\n    skin : 'typecho',\n    plugins : 'safari,morebreak,inlinepopups,media,coder',\n    extended_valid_elements : 'code[*],pre[*],script[*],iframe[*]',\n    \n    init_instance_callback : function(ed) {\n        \n        ed.setContent(\"" . str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("\\n", ""), addslashes($post->content)) . "\");\n        " . ($options->autoSave ? "autoSave = new Typecho.autoSave(\$('text').getParent('form').getProperty('action'), {\n            time: 60,\n            getContentHandle: tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent.bind(ed),\n            messageElement: 'auto-save-message',\n            leaveMessage: '" . _t('您的内容尚未保存, 是否离开此页面?') . "',\n            form: \$('text').getParent('form')\n        });" : "") . "\n    },\n    \n    onchange_callback: function (inst) {\n        if ('undefined' != typeof(autoSave)) {\n            autoSave.onContentChange();\n        }\n    },\n    \n    save_callback: function (element_id, html, body) {\n        if ('undefined' != typeof(autoSave)) {\n            autoSave.saveRev = autoSave.rev;\n        }\n        \n        return html;\n    },\n    \n    // Theme options\n    theme_advanced_buttons1 : 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,bullist,numlist,blockquote,|,link,unlink,image,media,|,forecolor,backcolor,|,morebreak,code',\n    theme_advanced_buttons2 : '',\n    theme_advanced_buttons3 : '',\n    theme_advanced_toolbar_location : 'top',\n    theme_advanced_toolbar_align : 'left',\n    convert_urls : false,\n    language : 'typecho'\n});\n</script>";
Exemple #4
  * 执行函数
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     $themes = glob(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . __TYPECHO_THEME_DIR__ . '/*');
     if ($themes) {
         $options = $this->widget('Widget_Options');
         $siteUrl = $options->siteUrl;
         $adminUrl = $options->adminUrl;
         $activated = 0;
         $result = array();
         foreach ($themes as $key => $theme) {
             $themeFile = $theme . '/index.php';
             if (file_exists($themeFile)) {
                 $info = Typecho_Plugin::parseInfo($themeFile);
                 $info['name'] = basename($theme);
                 if ($info['activated'] = $options->theme == $info['name']) {
                     $activated = $key;
                 $screen = glob($theme . '/screen*.{jpg,png,gif,bmp,jpeg,JPG,PNG,GIF,BMG,JPEG}', GLOB_BRACE);
                 if ($screen) {
                     $info['screen'] = Typecho_Common::url(trim(__TYPECHO_THEME_DIR__, '/') . '/' . $info['name'] . '/' . basename(current($screen)), $siteUrl);
                 } else {
                     $info['screen'] = Typecho_Common::url('/images/noscreen.gif', $adminUrl);
                 $result[$key] = $info;
         $clone = $result[$activated];
         array_unshift($result, $clone);
         array_filter($result, array($this, 'push'));
Exemple #5
  * 发布文章
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function writePage()
     $contents = $this->request->from('text', 'template', 'allowComment', 'allowPing', 'allowFeed', 'slug', 'order');
     $contents['type'] = 'page';
     $contents['title'] = $this->request->get('title', _t('未命名页面'));
     $contents['created'] = $this->getCreated();
     $contents = $this->pluginHandle()->write($contents, $this);
     if ($this->request->is('do=publish')) {
         /** 重新发布已经存在的文章 */
         /** 发送ping */
         /** 设置提示信息 */
         $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t('页面 "<a href="%s">%s</a>" 已经发布', $this->permalink, $this->title), NULL, 'success');
         /** 设置高亮 */
         /** 页面跳转 */
         $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('manage-pages.php?', $this->options->adminUrl));
     } else {
         /** 保存文章 */
         if ($this->request->isAjax()) {
             $created = new Typecho_Date($this->options->gmtTime);
             $this->response->throwJson(array('success' => 1, 'message' => _t('文章保存于 %s', $created->format('H:i A')), 'cid' => $this->cid));
         } else {
             /** 设置提示信息 */
             $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t('草稿 "%s" 已经被保存', $this->title), NULL, 'success');
             /** 返回原页面 */
             $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('write-page.php?cid=' . $this->cid, $this->options->adminUrl));
  * 获取插件配置面板
  * @access public
  * @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form 配置面板
  * @return void
 public static function config(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form)
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'deletefile') {
     $listexpire = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('listexpire', null, '43200', _t('歌单更新周期'), _t('设置歌单的缓存时间(单位:秒),超过设定时间后歌单将自动更新'));
     $maintheme = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('maintheme', null, '#e6d0b2', _t('默认主题颜色'), _t('播放器默认的主题颜色,如 #372e21、#75c、red、blue,该设定会被[player]标签中的theme属性覆盖,默认为 #e6d0b2'));
     $nolyric = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('nolyric', null, '找不到歌词', _t('找不到歌词时显示的文字'), _t('找不到歌词时显示的文字'));
     $mutex = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('mutex', array('false' => _t('是'), 'true' => _t('否')), 'true', _t('是否允许在一个页面中多个播放器同时播放'), _t('若选择否,当页面中存在多个播放器时,点击其中一个播放器的播放按钮,其它播放器将自动暂停'));
     $preload = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('preload', array('false' => _t('自动'), 'none' => _t('none'), 'metadata' => _t('metadata'), 'auto' => _t('auto')), 'false', _t('音频预加载(preload)属性'), '自动:移动端为none,桌面端为metadata; none:页面加载后不预加载音频; metadata:当页面加载后仅加载音频的元数据; auto:一旦页面加载,则开始加载音频。');
     $cache = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('cache', array('false' => _t('否')), 'false', _t('清空缓存'), _t('清空插件生成的缓存文件,必要时可以使用'));
     $submit = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Submit();
     $submit->setAttribute('style', 'position:relative;');
     $submit->input->setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute;bottom:37px;');
     $submit->input->setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-s btn-warn btn-operate');
     $submit->input->setAttribute('formaction', Typecho_Common::url('/options-plugin.php?config=APlayer&action=deletefile', Helper::options()->adminUrl));
Exemple #7
  * 执行函数
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function execute()
     $themes = $this->getThemes();
     if ($themes) {
         $options = $this->widget('Widget_Options');
         $siteUrl = $options->siteUrl;
         $adminUrl = $options->adminUrl;
         $activated = 0;
         $result = array();
         foreach ($themes as $key => $theme) {
             $themeFile = $theme . '/index.php';
             if (file_exists($themeFile)) {
                 $info = Typecho_Plugin::parseInfo($themeFile);
                 $info['name'] = $this->getTheme($theme, $key);
                 if ($info['activated'] = $options->theme == $info['name']) {
                     $activated = $key;
                 $screen = glob($theme . '/screen*.{jpg,png,gif,bmp,jpeg,JPG,PNG,GIF,BMG,JPEG}', GLOB_BRACE);
                 if ($screen) {
                     $info['screen'] = $options->themeUrl(basename(current($screen)), $info['name']);
                 } else {
                     $info['screen'] = Typecho_Common::url('noscreen.png', $options->adminStaticUrl('img'));
                 $result[$key] = $info;
         $clone = $result[$activated];
         array_unshift($result, $clone);
         array_filter($result, array($this, 'push'));
Exemple #8
 private function setBody()
     if (empty($this->parameter->confirm)) {
         throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('收件人不存在'), 404);
     $this->parameter->siteTitle = $this->options->title;
     $this->parameter->token = strtolower(Typecho_Common::randString(8));
     $this->parameter->subject = $this->_type[$this->parameter->type];
     switch ($this->parameter->type) {
         case 'reset':
             $url = '/forgot';
         case 'register':
             $url = '/activate';
             $url = '';
     if (!empty($url)) {
         $this->parameter->url = Typecho_Common::url($url . '?token=' . $this->parameter->token, $this->options->index);
     } else {
         $this->parameter->url = $this->parameter->token;
     $this->parameter->body = $this->parseBody();
     return $this;
Exemple #9
    public static function Change()
        $options = Helper::options();
        $cssUrl = Typecho_Common::url('LREditor/lr.css', $options->pluginUrl);
        $jsUrl = Typecho_Common::url('LREditor/prettify.js', $options->pluginUrl);
        echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $cssUrl . '" />';
        echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $jsUrl . '"></script>';

            function prettify() {
 			$(function() {
 				setInterval("$('#wmd-preview').css('height', (parseInt($('#text').height()) - 5)+'px');", 500);
                setInterval("prettify()", 10);

 				//Typecho.editorResize('wmd-preview', '<?php 
 				//$('textarea').after('<div id="wmd-preview"></div>');
Exemple #10
  * 插件实现方法
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public static function setTheme($widget)
     $cookie = array('name' => '__typecho_theme', 'expire' => 86400);
     $options = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options');
     if (isset($widget->request->theme) && $widget->request->isGet()) {
         if ($widget->request->theme) {
             $theme = $widget->request->theme;
             if (static::check($theme)) {
                 Typecho_Cookie::set($cookie['name'], $widget->request->theme, $options->gmtTime + $cookie['expire'], $options->siteUrl);
             } else {
                 $widget->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url($widget->request->getPathInfo(), $options->siteUrl));
         } else {
     } else {
         $theme = Typecho_Cookie::get($cookie['name']);
         if (!$theme) {
         if (!static::check($theme)) {
     /** 删除旧主题的相关设置 */
     $themeRow = 'theme:' . $options->theme;
     if (isset($options->{$themeRow})) {
         $config = unserialize($options->{$themeRow});
         $options->{$themeRow} = '';
         foreach ($config as $row => $value) {
             $options->{$row} = '';
     /** 载入新主题的相关设置 参考var/Widget/Themes/Edit.php */
     $configFile = $themeDir . 'functions.php';
     if (file_exists($configFile)) {
         require_once $configFile;
         if (function_exists('themeConfig')) {
             $form = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form();
             $config = $form->getValues();
             if ($config) {
                 $options->{'theme:' . $theme} = serialize($config);
                 foreach ($config as $row => $value) {
                     $options->{$row} = $value;
     /** 修改$this->options->theme */
     $options->theme = $theme;
     /** 修改$this->_themeDir */
  * 插件实现方法
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public static function render($post)
     $options = Helper::options();
     $plugin_options = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->plugin('KEditor');
     $newlineTag = $plugin_options->newlineTag;
     $themesTab = $plugin_options->themesTab;
     $editor_path = Typecho_Common::url('KEditor/editor', $options->pluginUrl);
     echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\" src=\"{$editor_path}/kindeditor.js\"></script> \n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n    KE.show({\n\t\tresizeMode : 1,\n\t    themesPath : '{$themesTab}',\n\t\tlangPath : 'zh_CN',\n\t    newlineTag : '{$newlineTag}',\n        id : 'text'\n    });\n\t\$('btn-save').addEvent('mouseover', function (e) {\n\t\tKE.util.setData('text'); \n\t});\n\t\$('btn-submit').addEvent('mouseover', function (e) {\n\t\tKE.util.setData('text'); \n\t});\n    function insertHtml(id, html) {\n        KE.util.focus(id);\n        KE.util.selection(id);\n        KE.util.insertHtml(id, html);\n    }\n    /** 附件插入实现 */\n    var insertImageToEditor = function (title, url, link) {\n        insertHtml('text', '<a href=\"' + link + '\" title=\"' + title + '\"><img src=\"' + url + '\" alt=\"' + title + '\" /></a>');\n    };\n    var insertLinkToEditor = function (title, url, link) {\n        insertHtml('text', '<a href=\"' + url + '\" title=\"' + title + '\">' + title + '</a>');\n    };\n</script>";
Exemple #12
  * 执行清空缓存
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function deleteFile()
     $path = __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/usr/plugins/Avatars/cache/';
     foreach (glob($path . '*') as $filename) {
     $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set('读者墙头像缓存已清空!', NULL, 'success');
     $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('options-plugin.php?config=Avatars', $this->options->adminUrl));
Exemple #13
     * 插件实现方法
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public static function render()
        $options = Helper::options();
        $cssUrl = Typecho_Common::url('EditorLR/lr.css', $options->pluginUrl);
        $jsUrl = Typecho_Common::url('EditorLR/prettify.js', $options->pluginUrl);
        $lrjs = Typecho_Common::url('EditorLR/lr.js', $options->pluginUrl);
        echo <<<HTML
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{$cssUrl}" />
            <script type="text/javascript" src="{$jsUrl}"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src="{$lrjs}"></script>
Exemple #14
  * 更新相册图片
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function updategallery()
     if (HighSlide_Plugin::form('update')->validate()) {
     $gallery = $this->request->from('gid', 'thumb', 'image', 'description', 'sort', 'name');
     $this->db->query($this->db->update($this->prefix . 'gallery')->rows($gallery)->where('gid=?', $gallery['gid']));
     $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->highlight('gallery-' . $gallery['gid']);
     $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t('相册组%s: 图片%s 更新成功', $gallery['sort'], $gallery['name']), NULL, 'success');
     $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('extending.php?panel=HighSlide%2Fmanage-gallery.php&group=' . $gallery['sort'], $this->options->adminUrl));
Exemple #15
  * 上传文件处理函数,如果需要实现自己的文件哈希或者特殊的文件系统,请在options表里把uploadHandle改成自己的函数
  * @access public
  * @param array $file 上传的文件
  * @return mixed
 public static function uploadHandle($file)
     if (empty($file['name'])) {
         return '请选择文件!';
     $result = Typecho_Plugin::factory('Widget_Upload')->trigger($hasUploaded)->uploadHandle($file);
     if ($hasUploaded) {
         return $result;
     $fileName = preg_split("(\\/|\\|:)", $file['name']);
     $file['name'] = array_pop($fileName);
     $ext = '';
     $part = explode('.', $file['name']);
     if (($length = count($part)) > 1) {
         $ext = strtolower($part[$length - 1]);
     if (!self::checkFileType($ext)) {
         return $ext . '类型文件不允许上传!';
     $options = Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options');
     $date = new Typecho_Date($options->gmtTime);
     $path = Typecho_Common::url(defined('__TYPECHO_UPLOAD_DIR__') ? __TYPECHO_UPLOAD_DIR__ : parent::UPLOAD_DIR, __TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__) . '/' . $date->year . '/' . $date->month;
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         if (!self::makeUploadDir($path)) {
             return '不能创建上传目录!';
     $fileName = sprintf('%u', crc32(uniqid())) . '.' . $ext;
     $path = $path . '/' . $fileName;
     if (isset($file['tmp_name'])) {
         if (!move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $path)) {
             return '上传文件失败!';
     } else {
         if (isset($file['bytes'])) {
             if (!file_put_contents($path, $file['bytes'])) {
                 return '上传文件失败!';
         } else {
             return '上传文件失败!';
     if (!isset($file['size'])) {
         $file['size'] = filesize($path);
     return array('name' => $file['name'], 'path' => (defined('__TYPECHO_UPLOAD_DIR__') ? __TYPECHO_UPLOAD_DIR__ : self::UPLOAD_DIR) . '/' . $date->year . '/' . $date->month . '/' . $fileName, 'size' => $file['size'], 'type' => $ext, 'mime' => Typecho_Common::mimeContentType($path));
Exemple #16
  * 配置外观
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function config()
     $form = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form(Typecho_Common::url('/action/themes-edit?config', $this->options->index), Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form::POST_METHOD);
     $inputs = $form->getInputs();
     if (!empty($inputs)) {
         foreach ($inputs as $key => $val) {
     $form->addItem(new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Submit(NULL, NULL, _t('保存设置')));
     return $form;
  * 获取插件配置面板
  * @access public
  * @param Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form 配置面板
  * @return void
 public static function config(Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form $form)
     if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'deletefile') {
     $cache = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('cache', array('false' => _t('否')), 'false', _t('清空缓存'), _t('必要时可以使用'));
     $submit = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Submit();
     $submit->setAttribute('style', 'position:relative;');
     $submit->input->setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute;bottom:37px;');
     $submit->input->setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-s btn-warn btn-operate');
     $submit->input->setAttribute('formaction', Typecho_Common::url('/options-plugin.php?config=cPlayer&action=deletefile', Helper::options()->adminUrl));
Exemple #18
 public function deleteMember()
     $mids = $this->request->filter('int')->getArray('mid');
     $deleteCount = 0;
     if ($mids && is_array($mids)) {
         foreach ($mids as $mid) {
             if ($this->db->query($this->db->delete($this->prefix . 'hf_members')->where('mid = ?', $mid))) {
     /** 提示信息 */
     $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set($deleteCount > 0 ? _t('会员已经删除') : _t('没有会员被删除'), NULL, $deleteCount > 0 ? 'success' : 'notice');
     /** 转向原页 */
     $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('extending.php?panel=HuifengMembers%2Fmanage-members.php', $this->options->adminUrl));
Exemple #19
     * 插件实现方法
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public static function render($post)
        $options = Helper::options();
        // $plugin_options = $options->plugin('CodeMirror');
        $pluginRoot = Typecho_Common::url('CodeMirror/static', $options->pluginUrl);
        echo <<<CODE
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$pluginRoot}/codemirror.css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{$pluginRoot}/codemirror.js"></script>
            var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('content'), {
                lineNumbers: true
Exemple #20
 public function deleteLink()
     $lids = $this->request->filter('int')->lid;
     $deleteCount = 0;
     if ($lids && is_array($lids)) {
         foreach ($lids as $lid) {
             if ($this->db->query($this->db->delete($this->prefix . 'links')->where('lid = ?', $lid))) {
     /** 提示信息 */
     $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set($deleteCount > 0 ? _t('链接已经删除') : _t('没有链接被删除'), NULL, $deleteCount > 0 ? 'success' : 'notice');
     /** 转向原页 */
     $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('extending.php?panel=Links%2Fmanage-links.php', $this->options->adminUrl));
Exemple #21
  * 输出表单结构
  * @access public
  * @return Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form
 public function form()
     /** 构建表格 */
     $form = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form(Typecho_Common::url('/action/options-general', $this->options->index), Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form::POST_METHOD);
     /** 站点名称 */
     $title = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('title', NULL, $this->options->title, _t('站点名称'), _t('站点的名称将显示在网页的标题处.'));
     /** 站点描述 */
     $description = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Textarea('description', NULL, $this->options->description, _t('站点描述'), _t('站点描述将显示在网页代码的头部.'));
     /** 关键词 */
     $keywords = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Text('keywords', NULL, $this->options->keywords, _t('关键词'), _t('请以半角逗号 "," 分割多个关键字.'));
     /** 注册 */
     $allowRegister = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Radio('allowRegister', array('0' => _t('不允许'), '1' => _t('允许')), $this->options->allowRegister, _t('是否允许注册'), _t('允许访问者注册到你的网站, 默认的注册用户不享有任何写入权限.'));
     /** 时区 */
     $timezoneList = array("0" => _t('格林威治(子午线)标准时间 (GMT)'), "3600" => _t('中欧标准时间 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰,法国 (GMT +1)'), "7200" => _t('东欧标准时间 布加勒斯特,塞浦路斯,希腊 (GMT +2)'), "10800" => _t('莫斯科时间 伊拉克,埃塞俄比亚,马达加斯加 (GMT +3)'), "14400" => _t('第比利斯时间 阿曼,毛里塔尼亚,留尼汪岛 (GMT +4)'), "18000" => _t('新德里时间 巴基斯坦,马尔代夫 (GMT +5)'), "21600" => _t('科伦坡时间 孟加拉 (GMT +6)'), "25200" => _t('曼谷雅加达 柬埔寨,苏门答腊,老挝 (GMT +7)'), "28800" => _t('北京时间 香港,新加坡,越南 (GMT +8)'), "32400" => _t('东京平壤时间 西伊里安,摩鹿加群岛 (GMT +9)'), "36000" => _t('悉尼关岛时间 塔斯马尼亚岛,新几内亚 (GMT +10)'), "39600" => _t('所罗门群岛 库页岛 (GMT +11)'), "43200" => _t('惠灵顿时间 新西兰,斐济群岛 (GMT +12)'), "-3600" => _t('佛德尔群岛 亚速尔群岛,葡属几内亚 (GMT -1)'), "-7200" => _t('大西洋中部时间 格陵兰 (GMT -2)'), "-10800" => _t('布宜诺斯艾利斯 乌拉圭,法属圭亚那 (GMT -3)'), "-14400" => _t('智利巴西 委内瑞拉,玻利维亚 (GMT -4)'), "-18000" => _t('纽约渥太华 古巴,哥伦比亚,牙买加 (GMT -5)'), "-21600" => _t('墨西哥城时间 洪都拉斯,危地马拉,哥斯达黎加 (GMT -6)'), "-25200" => _t('美国丹佛时间 (GMT -7)'), "-28800" => _t('美国旧金山时间 (GMT -8)'), "-32400" => _t('阿拉斯加时间 (GMT -9)'), "-36000" => _t('夏威夷群岛 (GMT -10)'), "-39600" => _t('东萨摩亚群岛 (GMT -11)'), "-43200" => _t('艾尼威托克岛 (GMT -12)'));
     $timezone = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Select('timezone', $timezoneList, $this->options->timezone, _t('时区'));
     /** 扩展名 */
     $attachmentTypesOptionsResult = NULL != trim($this->options->attachmentTypes) ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->options->attachmentTypes)) : array();
     $attachmentTypesOptionsValue = array();
     if (in_array('@image@', $attachmentTypesOptionsResult)) {
         $attachmentTypesOptionsValue[] = '@image@';
     if (in_array('@media@', $attachmentTypesOptionsResult)) {
         $attachmentTypesOptionsValue[] = '@media@';
     if (in_array('@doc@', $attachmentTypesOptionsResult)) {
         $attachmentTypesOptionsValue[] = '@doc@';
     $attachmentTypesOther = array_diff($attachmentTypesOptionsResult, $attachmentTypesOptionsValue);
     $attachmentTypesOtherValue = '';
     if (!empty($attachmentTypesOther)) {
         $attachmentTypesOptionsValue[] = '@other@';
         $attachmentTypesOtherValue = implode(',', $attachmentTypesOther);
     $attachmentTypesOptions = array('@image@' => _t('图片文件') . ' <code>(gif jpg png tiff bmp)</code>', '@media@' => _t('多媒体文件') . ' <code>(mp3 wmv wma rmvb rm avi flv)</code>', '@doc@' => _t('常用档案文件') . ' <code>(txt doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx zip rar pdf)</code>', '@other@' => _t('其他格式 %s', ' <input type="text" class="w-50 text-s mono" name="attachmentTypesOther" value="' . htmlspecialchars($attachmentTypesOtherValue) . '" />'));
     $attachmentTypes = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Checkbox('attachmentTypes', $attachmentTypesOptions, $attachmentTypesOptionsValue, _t('允许上传的文件类型'), _t('用逗号 "," 将后缀名隔开, 例如: <code>cpp, h, mak</code>'));
     /** 提交按钮 */
     $submit = new Typecho_Widget_Helper_Form_Element_Submit('submit', NULL, _t('保存设置'));
     $submit->input->setAttribute('class', 'primary');
     return $form;
Exemple #22
  * 向上的返回链接 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function backLink()
     if (isset($this->request->parent)) {
         $category = $this->db->fetchRow($this->select()->where('type = ? AND mid = ?', 'category', $this->request->parent));
         if (!empty($category)) {
             $parent = $this->db->fetchRow($this->select()->where('type = ? AND mid = ?', 'category', $category['parent']));
             if ($parent) {
                 echo '<a href="' . Typecho_Common::url('manage-categories.php?parent=' . $parent['mid'], $this->options->adminUrl) . '">';
             } else {
                 echo '<a href="' . Typecho_Common::url('manage-categories.php', $this->options->adminUrl) . '">';
             echo '&laquo; ';
             echo '</a>';
Exemple #23
  * 找回密码
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function doForgot()
     require_once 'theme/forgot.php';
     if ($this->request->isPost()) {
         /* 验证表单 */
         if ($error = $this->forgotForm()->validate()) {
             $this->notice->set($error, 'error');
             return false;
         $db = Typecho_Db::get();
         $user = $db->fetchRow($db->select()->from('table.users')->where('mail = ?', $this->request->mail));
         if (empty($user)) {
             // 返回没有该用户
             $this->notice->set(_t('该邮箱还没有注册'), 'error');
             return false;
         /* 生成重置密码地址 */
         $hashString = $user['name'] . $user['mail'] . $user['password'];
         $hashValidate = Typecho_Common::hash($hashString);
         $token = base64_encode($user['uid'] . '.' . $hashValidate . '.' . $this->options->gmtTime);
         $url = Typecho_Common::url('/passport/reset?token=' . $token, $this->options->index);
         /* 发送重置密码地址 */
         require_once 'PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
         $phpMailer = new PHPMailer();
         /* SMTP设置 */
         $phpMailer->SMTPAuth = true;
         $phpMailer->Host = $this->config->host;
         $phpMailer->Port = $this->config->port;
         $phpMailer->Username = $this->config->username;
         $phpMailer->Password = $this->config->password;
         if ('none' != $this->config->secure) {
             $phpMailer->SMTPSecure = $this->config->secure;
         $phpMailer->setFrom($this->config->username, $this->options->title);
         $phpMailer->addAddress($user['mail'], $user['name']);
         $phpMailer->Subject = '密码重置';
         $phpMailer->Body = '<p>' . $user['name'] . ' 您好,您申请了重置登录密码</p>' . '<p>请在 1 小时内点击此链接以完成重置 <a href="' . $url . '">' . $url . '</a>';
         if (!$phpMailer->send()) {
             $this->notice->set(_t('邮件发送失败, 请重试或联系站长'), 'error');
         } else {
             $this->notice->set(_t('邮件已成功发送, 请注意查收'), 'success');
Exemple #24
    public static function Change()
        $options = Helper::options();
        $jsUrl = Typecho_Common::url('Editor/editor.js', $options->pluginUrl);
        $cssUrl = Typecho_Common::url('Editor/editor.css', $options->pluginUrl);
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
        echo $cssUrl;
" />
    	<script type="text/javascript" src="http://lab.lepture.com/editor/marked.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo $jsUrl;
		<script>var editor = new Editor();editor.render();</script>
Exemple #25
  * 删除指定的COOKIE值
  * @access public
  * @param string $key 指定的参数
  * @return void
 public static function delete($key, $url = NULL)
     if (!isset($_COOKIE[$key])) {
     $path = '/';
     if (!empty($url)) {
         $parsed = parse_url($url);
         /** 在路径后面强制加上斜杠 */
         $path = empty($parsed['path']) ? '/' : Typecho_Common::url(NULL, $parsed['path']);
     /** 对数组型COOKIE的删除支持 */
     if (is_array($_COOKIE[$key])) {
         foreach ($_COOKIE[$key] as $name => $val) {
             setcookie("{$key}[{$name}]", '', time() - 2592000, $path);
     } else {
         setcookie($key, '', time() - 2592000, $path);
Exemple #26
 public function resetPwd()
     $token = $this->request->token;
     if (empty($token)) {
         throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('请求的地址不存在'), 404);
     $verify = $this->widget('Util_Verify')->setParams('type=reset')->check($token);
     if (empty($verify) || empty($verify['uid'])) {
         throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('请求的地址不存在'), 404);
     $validator = new Typecho_Validate();
     $validator->addRule('password', 'required', _t('必须填写密码'));
     $validator->addRule('password', 'minLength', _t('为了保证账户安全, 请输入至少六位的密码'), 6);
     $validator->addRule('password', 'maxLength', _t('为了便于记忆, 密码长度请不要超过十八位'), 18);
     $validator->addRule('confirm', 'confirm', _t('两次输入的密码不一致'), 'password');
     $error = $validator->run($this->request->from('password', 'confirm'));
     /** 截获验证异常 */
     if ($error) {
         /** 设置提示信息 */
         $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set($error, 'error');
     $password = $this->request->get('password');
     $hasher = new PasswordHash(8, true);
     $password = $hasher->HashPassword($password);
     /** 更新数据 */
     $this->update(array('password' => $password), $this->db->sql()->where('uid = ?', $verify['uid']));
     /** 提示信息 */
     $this->widget('Widget_Notice')->set(_t('密码已经成功修改,请重新登录'), 'success');
     if ($this->user->hasLogin()) {
     /** 转向登录页面 */
     $this->response->redirect(Typecho_Common::url('login', $this->options->index));
     * 插件实现方法
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public static function render($post)
        $options = Helper::options();
        $configJs = Typecho_Common::url('extending.php?panel=UEditor/ueditor/ueditor.config.js.php', $options->adminUrl);
        $js = Typecho_Common::url('UEditor/ueditor/ueditor.all.min.js', $options->pluginUrl);
        echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $configJs . '"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="' . $js . '"></script>';
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">
            var ue1;
        	window.onload = function() {
				// 渲染
                ue1 = UE.getEditor("text");
    // 保存草稿时同步
	document.getElementById("btn-save").onclick = function() {

    // 提交时同步
	document.getElementById("btn-submit").onclick = function() {
Exemple #28
     * 插件实现方法
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public static function render($post)
        $options = Helper::options();
        $config = $options->plugin(self::$pluginName);
        $pluginName = self::$pluginName;
        $editorTheme = $config->editorTheme;
        $editorLang = $config->editorLang;
        if (!$editorLang) {
            $editorLang = 'zh_CN';
        $editor_default_css_url = Typecho_Common::url("{$pluginName}/editor/themes/default/default.css", $options->pluginUrl);
        $editor_css_url = Typecho_Common::url("{$pluginName}/editor/themes/{$editorTheme}/{$editorTheme}.css", $options->pluginUrl);
        $kindeditor_js_url = Typecho_Common::url("{$pluginName}/editor/kindeditor-min.js", $options->pluginUrl);
        $lang_js_url = Typecho_Common::url("{$pluginName}/editor/lang/{$editorLang}.js", $options->pluginUrl);
        $editorUploadJson = Typecho_Common::url('action/plugins-kind-upload', Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Options')->index);
        $editorUploadJson .= isset($post->cid) ? "?cid={$post->cid}" : '';
        $editorNewlineTag = $config->editorNewlineTag;
        $editorPasteType = $config->editorPasteType;
        if (!in_array($editorPasteType, array('1', '2', '0'))) {
            $editorPasteType = 2;
        if ($editorTheme == 'simple') {
            $items = array('fontname', 'fontsize', '|', 'forecolor', 'hilitecolor', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'removeformat', '|', 'justifyleft', 'justifycenter', 'justifyright', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist', '|', 'emoticons', 'image', 'link');
        } else {
            if ($editorTheme == 'qq') {
                $items = array('bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'forecolor', 'hilitecolor', 'plug-align', 'plug-order', 'plug-indent', 'link');
            } else {
                $items = $config->editorTools;
                foreach ($items as $k => $v) {
                    if (strpos($v, '|') === 0) {
                        $items[$k] = '|';
        $items = json_encode($items);
        echo <<<EOF
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$editor_default_css_url}" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$editor_css_url}" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$kindeditor_js_url}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$lang_js_url}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var keditor;
KindEditor.ready(function(K) {
        keditor = K.create("textarea#text", {
        \tthemeType : '{$editorTheme}',
        \twidth : '100%',
        \theight : '{$options->editorSize}px',
        \tlangType : '{$editorLang}',
        \tallowImageUpload : true,
        \tallowFlashUpload : true,
        \tallowMediaUpload : true,
        \tallowFileManager : false,
        \tuploadJson : '{$editorUploadJson}',
        \tnewlineTag : '{$editorNewlineTag}',
        \tpasteType : {$editorPasteType},
        \tafterBlur : function() {keditor.sync();},
\t\t\titems :{$items}

        Typecho.insertFileToEditor = function (file, url, isImage) {
            var html='<a href="' + url + '" title="' + file + '">' + file + '</a>';
                html= '<a href="' + url + '" title="' + file + '"><img src="' + url + '" alt="' + file + '" /></a>';
Exemple #29
  * 检测是否可以rewrite
  * @access public
  * @param string $value 是否打开rewrite
  * @return void
 public function checkRewrite($value)
     if ($value) {
         /** 首先直接请求远程地址验证 */
         $client = Typecho_Http_Client::get();
         $hasWrote = false;
         if (!file_exists(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess') && !Typecho_Common::isAppEngine()) {
             if (is_writeable(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__)) {
                 $parsed = parse_url($this->options->siteUrl);
                 $basePath = empty($parsed['path']) ? '/' : $parsed['path'];
                 $basePath = rtrim($basePath, '/') . '/';
                 $hasWrote = file_put_contents(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess', "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase {$basePath}\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\nRewriteRule ^(.*)\$ {$basePath}index.php/\$1 [L]\n</IfModule>");
         try {
             if ($client) {
                 /** 发送一个rewrite地址请求 */
                 $client->setData(array('do' => 'remoteCallback'))->setHeader('User-Agent', $this->options->generator)->send(Typecho_Common::url('/action/ajax', $this->options->siteUrl));
                 if (200 == $client->getResponseStatus() && 'OK' == $client->getResponseBody()) {
                     return true;
             if (false !== $hasWrote) {
                 @unlink(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess');
                 $hasWrote = file_put_contents(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess', "<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase {$basePath}\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\nRewriteRule . {$basePath}index.php [L]\n</IfModule>");
                 $client = Typecho_Http_Client::get();
                 if ($client) {
                     /** 发送一个rewrite地址请求 */
                     $client->setData(array('do' => 'remoteCallback'))->setHeader('User-Agent', $this->options->generator)->send(Typecho_Common::url('/action/ajax', $this->options->siteUrl));
                     if (200 == $client->getResponseStatus() && 'OK' == $client->getResponseBody()) {
                         return true;
                 unlink(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess');
         } catch (Typecho_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
             if (false !== $hasWrote) {
                 @unlink(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess');
             return false;
         return false;
     } else {
         if (file_exists(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess')) {
             @unlink(__TYPECHO_ROOT_DIR__ . '/.htaccess');
     return true;
Exemple #30
  * 通用过滤器
  * @access public
  * @param array $value 需要过滤的行数据
  * @return array
 public function filter(array $value)
     /** 取出所有分类 */
     $value['categories'] = $this->db->fetchAll($this->db->select()->from('table.metas')->join('table.relationships', 'table.relationships.mid = table.metas.mid')->where('table.relationships.cid = ?', $value['cid'])->where('table.metas.type = ?', 'category')->order('table.metas.order', Typecho_Db::SORT_ASC), array($this->widget('Widget_Abstract_Metas'), 'filter'));
     /** 取出第一个分类作为slug条件 */
     $value['category'] = current(Typecho_Common::arrayFlatten($value['categories'], 'slug'));
     $value['date'] = new Typecho_Date($value['created']);
     /** 生成日期 */
     $value['year'] = $value['date']->year;
     $value['month'] = $value['date']->month;
     $value['day'] = $value['date']->day;
     /** 生成访问权限 */
     $value['hidden'] = false;
     /** 获取路由类型并判断此类型在路由表中是否存在 */
     $type = $value['type'];
     $routeExists = NULL != Typecho_Router::get($type);
     $tmpSlug = $value['slug'];
     $tmpCategory = $value['category'];
     $value['slug'] = urlencode($value['slug']);
     $value['category'] = urlencode($value['category']);
     /** 生成静态路径 */
     $value['pathinfo'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value) : '#';
     /** 生成静态链接 */
     $value['permalink'] = Typecho_Common::url($value['pathinfo'], $this->options->index);
     /** 处理附件 */
     if ('attachment' == $type) {
         $content = @unserialize($value['text']);
         $value['attachment'] = new Typecho_Config($content);
         $value['attachment']->isImage = in_array($content['type'], array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'tiff', 'bmp'));
         $value['attachment']->url = Widget_Upload::attachmentHandle($value);
         if ($value['attachment']->isImage) {
             $value['text'] = '<img src="' . $value['attachment']->url . '" alt="' . $value['title'] . '" />';
         } else {
             $value['text'] = '<a href="' . $value['attachment']->url . '" title="' . $value['title'] . '">' . $value['title'] . '</a>';
     /** 处理Markdown **/
     $value['isMarkdown'] = 0 === strpos($value['text'], '<!--markdown-->');
     if ($value['isMarkdown']) {
         $value['text'] = substr($value['text'], 15);
     /** 生成聚合链接 */
     /** RSS 2.0 */
     $value['feedUrl'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value, $this->options->feedUrl) : '#';
     /** RSS 1.0 */
     $value['feedRssUrl'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value, $this->options->feedRssUrl) : '#';
     /** ATOM 1.0 */
     $value['feedAtomUrl'] = $routeExists ? Typecho_Router::url($type, $value, $this->options->feedAtomUrl) : '#';
     $value['slug'] = $tmpSlug;
     $value['category'] = $tmpCategory;
     /** 处理密码保护流程 */
     if (!empty($value['password']) && $value['password'] != $this->request->protectPassword && $value['authorId'] != $this->user->uid && !$this->user->pass('editor', true)) {
         $value['hidden'] = true;
         /** 抛出错误 */
         if ($this->request->isPost() && isset($this->request->protectPassword)) {
             throw new Typecho_Widget_Exception(_t('对不起,您输入的密码错误'), 403);
     $value = $this->pluginHandle(__CLASS__)->filter($value, $this);
     /** 如果访问权限被禁止 */
     if ($value['hidden']) {
         $value['text'] = '<form class="protected" action="' . $value['permalink'] . '" method="post">' . '<p class="word">' . _t('请输入密码访问') . '</p>' . '<p><input type="password" class="text" name="protectPassword" />
         <input type="submit" class="submit" value="' . _t('提交') . '" /></p>' . '</form>';
         $value['title'] = _t('此内容被密码保护');
         $value['tags'] = array();
         $value['commentsNum'] = 0;
     return $value;