  * Get a message from the message blob
  * @param $key string Message key to retrieve a message for.
  * @param $options mixed (optional) A textdomain-name or an array with one or more
  *  of the following options:
  *  - domain: overrides the currently selected textdomain, and if needed loads it from disk
  *  - lang: overrides the currently selected language
  *  - variables: numerical array to do variable replacements ($1> var[0], $2> var[1], etc.)
  *  - raw-variables: boolean to determine whether the variables should be escaped as well
  *  - parsemag: boolean to determine whether the message sould be tranformed
  *              using magic phrases (PLURAL, etc.)
  *  - escape: Optionally the return can be escaped. By default this takes place after variable
  *            replacement. Set 'raw-variables' to true if you just want the raw message
  *            to be escaped and have escaped the variables already.
  *  - * 'plain'
  *  - * 'html' (<>"& escaped)
  *  - * 'htmlspecialchars' (alias of 'html')
  *  - * 'htmlentities' (foreign/UTF-8 chars converted as well)
  * @param $fail string Alternate value to return in case the message doesn't exist
 public function msg($key = 0, $options = array(), $fail = null)
     // Make sure a proper key was passed.
     if (!TsIntuitionUtil::nonEmptyStr($key)) {
         return $this->bracketMsg($key, $fail);
     $defaultOptions = array('domain' => $this->getDomain(), 'lang' => $this->getLang(), 'variables' => array(), 'raw-variables' => false, 'escape' => 'plain', 'parsemag' => true, 'externallinks' => false, 'wikilinks' => false);
     // If $options was a domain string, convert it now.
     if (TsIntuitionUtil::nonEmptyStr($options)) {
         $options = array('domain' => $options);
     // If $options is still not an array, ignore it and use default
     // Otherwise merge the options with the defaults.
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $options = $defaultOptions;
     } else {
         $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
     // First character of the message-key is case-insensitive.
     $key = lcfirst($key);
     // Load if not already loaded
     $domain = $this->loadTextdomain($options['domain']);
     $lang = $options['lang'];
     // In case the domain name was invalid or inexistant
     if (!isset($this->messageBlob[$domain])) {
         return $this->bracketMsg($key, $fail);
     // Just in case, one last check:
     $rawMsg = $this->rawMsg($domain, $lang, $key);
     if (is_null($rawMsg)) {
         $this->errTrigger("Message \"{$key}\" in domain \"{$domain}\" not found", __METHOD__, E_NOTICE);
         // Fall back to a simple [keyname]
         return $this->bracketMsg($key, $fail);
     /* Now that we've got the message, do post-processing. */
     $msg = $rawMsg;
     $escapeDone = false;
     // Escape now or do it after variable replacement ?
     if ($options['raw-variables'] === true) {
         $msg = TsIntuitionUtil::strEscape($msg, $options['escape']);
         $escapeDone = true;
     // Variable replacements
     foreach ($options['variables'] as $i => $val) {
         $n = $i + 1;
         $msg = str_replace("\${$n}", $val, $msg);
     // Some parsing work
     if ($options['parsemag'] === true) {
         $msg = $this->getMessagesFunctions()->parse($msg, $lang);
     // If not already escaped, do it now
     if (!$escapeDone) {
         $escapeDone = true;
         $msg = TsIntuitionUtil::strEscape($msg, $options['escape']);
     if (is_string($options['wikilinks'])) {
         $msg = TsIntuitionUtil::parseWikiLinks($msg, $options['wikilinks']);
     if ($options['externallinks']) {
         $msg = TsIntuitionUtil::parseExternalLinks($msg);
     // Finally
     return $msg;