public function actionCreate() { if ($_GET["select"] == 1) { //print_r($_POST); if (!Trucks::checkPlate($_POST["plate"])) { $truck = new Trucks(); // print_r($_POST); $truck->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); /* if (strlen($data[1]) > 4) {$truck->is_conctract = 1; $truck->contract_number = $data[1];} else {$truck->is_conctract = 0; $truck->contract_number = "";} if (strlen($data[7]) > 4) {$truck->is_act = 1; $truck->act_number = $data[7];} else {$truck->is_act = 0; $truck->act_number = "";}*/ $truck->balance_license_fee = (int) $_POST["amount_fee_license"]; $truck->daily_license_fee = $_POST["weight"]; $truck->comment = $_POST["comment"]; $truck->fio = $_POST["fio"]; if (!$truck->save()) { print_r($truck->getErrors()); } } $payment = new Payments(); $payment->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); if ($_POST["amount_installation"] > 0) { $payment->amount_installation = (int) $_POST["amount_installation"]; } if ($_POST["amount_fee_license"] > 0) { $payment->amount_fee_license = (int) $_POST["amount_fee_license"]; } $payment->date = $_POST["date"]; $payment->comment = $_POST["comment"]; if (!$payment->save()) { print_r($payment->getErrors()); } } $this->render('create'); }
public function actionLoad() { Payments::model()->deleteAll(); Trucks::model()->deleteAll(); ZReport::model()->deleteAll(); $this->render("load"); }
/** * Find a single truck based on their primary key! */ public function actionTruck($id) { $truck = Trucks::get_truck_by_id($id); if (count($truck)) { $this->sendJsonResponse(array('status' => 'success', 'data' => $truck[0])); } else { $this->sendJsonResponse(array('status' => 'fail', 'data' => 'This truck does not exist..')); } }
public function run($args) { $this->connection = new TwitterOAuth(Yii::app()->params['trucks']['twitter']['consumerKey'], Yii::app()->params['trucks']['twitter']['consumerSecret'], Yii::app()->params['trucks']['twitter']['oauthAccessToken'], Yii::app()->params['trucks']['twitter']['oauthAccessTokenSecret']); $mentions = $this->connection->get('statuses/mentions'); $num_mentions = count($mentions); for ($i = $num_mentions - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $mention = $mentions[$i]; $truck = Trucks::model()->findByAttributes(array('twitter_id' => $mention->user->id_str)); if (NULL === $truck) { $message = 'SKIPPED: Tweet (id=' . $mention->id_str . ') is from an unauthorized Tweeter (@' . $mention->user->screen_name . ").\n"; Yii::log($message, 'info', get_called_class()); echo $message; continue; } elseif (TwitterHelper::isGeoLocatable($mention)) { if (TwitterHelper::isValidFormat($mention)) { Yii::log("Tweet is valid. Checking for db insertion", 'info', get_called_class()); $truck_tweet = TrucksTweets::model()->findByAttributes(array('tweet_id' => $mention->id_str)); if (NULL === $truck_tweet) { $parsed_tweet = TwitterHelper::parseTruckTweet($mention->text); $truck_tweet = new TrucksTweets(); $truck_tweet->truck_id = $truck->id; $truck_tweet->tweet = $mention->text; $truck_tweet->tweet_id = $mention->id_str; $truck_tweet->menu_url = $parsed_tweet['menu_url']; $truck_tweet->start_time = TwitterHelper::convertTruckTime($mention->created_at, $parsed_tweet['start']); $truck_tweet->end_time = TwitterHelper::convertTruckTime($mention->created_at, $parsed_tweet['end']); $truck_tweet->geo_lat = $mention->coordinates->coordinates[1]; $truck_tweet->geo_long = $mention->coordinates->coordinates[0]; $truck_tweet->save(); $message = 'INSERTED: Tweet (text=' . $mention->text . ') from @' . $mention->user->screen_name . " successfully saved.\n"; Yii::log($message, 'info', get_called_class()); echo $message; } else { $message = 'SKIPPED: Tweet (id=' . $mention->id_str . ") already exists.\n"; Yii::log($message, 'info', get_called_class()); // Eating this output to save on cron tasks // echo $message; continue; } } else { $message = 'SKIPPED: Tweet (text=' . $mention->text . ") is an invalid format.\n"; Yii::log($message, 'info', get_called_class()); echo $message; continue; } } else { $message = 'SKIPPED: Tweet (text=' . $mention->text . ') from ' . $mention->user->screen_name . " is not geo-locatable.\n"; Yii::log($message, 'info', get_called_class()); echo $message; continue; } } }
public function actionList() { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->order = "id desc"; if ($_GET["search"] == 1) { $plates = explode(",", $_POST["plate"]); foreach ($plates as $plate) { $criteria->addSearchCondition("plate", trim(MYChtml::check_num($plate)), true, "OR"); } } $count = Trucks::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); // results per page $pages->pageSize = 30; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $trucks = Trucks::model()->findAll($criteria); $this->render("list", array("trucks" => $trucks, 'pages' => $pages)); }
public static function addBalanceFee($amountAddFee, $plate, $date = false) { $payment = new Payments(); $payment->plate = $plate; $payment->amount_fee_license = $amountAddFee; $payment->amount_installation = 0; if ($date) { $payment->date = $date; } else { $payment->date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); } if ($payment->save()) { $truck = Trucks::model()->find("plate=:plate", array(":plate" => $plate)); if ($truck) { $truck->balance_license_fee += $amountAddFee; $truck->save(); } return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Find all the trucks in your company * @param mixed $_SESSION * @return all the trucks in your company **/ public static function GetAssignableTrucks($cust) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM GPSTruck WHERE CustomerId = :cust"; $params = array(':cust' => $cust); $stm = pdo_execute_query($sql, $params); if ($stm) { $stm->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "Trucks"); $trucks = $stm->fetchAll(); if ($trucks) { foreach ($trucks as &$truck) { $truck->DisplayName = Trucks::calculateDisplayName($truck); } return $trucks; } else { return array(); } //empty } return false; }
public static function checkPlate($plate) { $plate = MYChtml::check_num($plate); return Trucks::model()->find("plate=:plate", array(":plate" => $plate)); }
<?php session_start(); require '../_private/logo.php'; require '../lib/trucks.php'; mysql_select_db($db_name, $oConn); //2014-09-16 Updated ^CS $nh = Trucks::Retrieve($_GET['ID'], $_SESSION['customerId']); $nh->ToggleActive(); $nh->ToggleUpdate(); header("Location: maps_trucks.php");
<?php class Cars { static $wheel_count = 4; /* The static method, car_detail(), returns the value of the static property, $wheel_count. */ static function car_detail() { /* The 'self' keyword is the same as using the '$this' pseudo- property in order to reference a property within the confines of the class it resides in. */ return self::$wheel_count; } } class Trucks extends Cars { static function display() { /* The 'parent' keyword references the class that the current class is extending. It can be used to call upon a parent class's methods or properties. */ echo parent::car_detail(); } } Trucks::display();
function actionConfirmNewGlonass() { if (Trucks::checkPlate(MYChtml::check_num($this->plate))) { $this->ErrorCode = "1"; $this->data["result"] = "Такой автомобиль уже существует"; } else { $this->ErrorCode = "0"; $this->data["result"] = "Предоплата за установку ГЛОНАСС авто " . MYChtml::check_num($this->plate); $truck = new Trucks(); $truck->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); $cash = (double) $_POST["amount"]; if ($cash >= self::$installationPrice) { $installFee = self::$installationPrice; $balanceFee = $cash - self::$installationPrice; $installation_is_close = 1; } else { $balanceFee = 0; $installFee = $cash; $installation_is_close = 0; } if (self::$yearLicenseFeePrice <= $balanceFee) { $truck->daily_license_fee = self::$yearLicenseFeePrice / 365; } else { $truck->daily_license_fee = self::$monthLicenseFeePrice / 30; } $truck->installation_is_close = $installation_is_close; $truck->balance_license_fee = $balanceFee; $truck->comment = "Через аппарат session = " . $this->SessionID . ", телефон " . $_POST['phone']; $truck->type = 0; if ($truck->save()) { Payments::addBalanceAndInstatllFee($balanceFee, $installFee, MYChtml::check_num($this->plate)); } else { $this->ErrorCode = "1"; } } $this->sendRequest(); }
public function actionGetPayments($id) { $truck = Trucks::model()->findByPK($id); echo CJSON::encode($truck->payments); }
$Identifier = $_POST['ID']; $truckdetails = Trucks::Retrieve($Identifier, $_SESSION['customerId']); $truck = new Trucks(); $truck->ID = $_POST['ID']; $truck->TruckName = $truckdetails->TruckName; $truck->TruckID = $truckdetails->TruckID; $truck->TruckSerial = $truckdetails->TruckSerial; $truck->TruckPart = $truckdetails->TruckPart; $truck->TruckDriver = $_POST['TruckDriver']; $truck->CustomerId = $_SESSION['customerId']; $truck->Update(); header("Location: maps_trucks.php#Truck"); exit; } $ID = $_GET['ID']; $truck = Trucks::Retrieve($ID, $_SESSION['customerId']); $driving = $truck->TruckDriver; ?> <form action="maps_editdriver.php" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" id="edit_driver"> <p> <label class="formstyle">Select New Driver : </label> <select class="validate" id="TruckDriver" name="TruckDriver"> <option value='0'>Select...</option> <?php $drivers = PeopleAssignments::GetAssignableGPS($_SESSION['customerId']); PeopleAssignments::RenderSelectOptions($drivers, $driving); ?> </select> </p> <p>
/** * Find a single truck based on their primary key! */ public static function get_truck_by_id($id) { $id = (int) $id; $truck = Trucks::model()->with('trucksTweets:coords')->find(array('condition' => '', 'params' => array(':id' => $id))); $ret = array(); if ($truck !== NULL) { $ret[] = Trucks::obj_to_array($truck); } return $ret; }
<div class="panel panel-primary-head"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title">Basic Configuration</h4> <p>Searching, ordering, paging etc goodness will be immediately added to the table, as shown in this example.</p> </div><!-- panel-heading --> <br><?php $f = fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], 'r'); $i = 0; while (!feof($f)) { $i++; $data = fgetcsv($f, 1000, ";"); if ((int) $data[4] > 0 and strlen($data[8]) > 3) { if (Trucks::checkPlate($data[8])) { } else { $truck = new Trucks(); $truck->plate = MYChtml::check_num($data[8]); if (strlen($data[1]) > 4) { $truck->is_conctract = 1; $truck->contract_number = $data[1]; } else { $truck->is_conctract = 0; $truck->contract_number = ""; } if (strlen($data[7]) > 4) { $truck->is_act = 1; $truck->act_number = $data[7]; } else { $truck->is_act = 0; $truck->act_number = ""; }
<?php require "inc_header_ps.php"; require '../_private/logo.php'; require_once '../lib/trucks.php'; require_once '../lib/PeopleAssignments.php'; mysql_select_db($db_name, $oConn); // 2014-09-16 Truck Box Update ^CS // 2014-06-16 Updated For New GPS ^CS if ($_POST['save'] != "") { $truck = new Trucks(); $truck->TruckName = $_POST['TruckName']; $truck->TruckID = $_POST['TruckID']; $truck->TruckSerial = $_POST['Serial']; $truck->TruckPart = $_POST['Part']; $truck->Truck = $_POST['yes']; $truck->CustomerId = $_SESSION['customerId']; $truck->InsertTruck(); header("Location: maps_trucks.php#Truck"); exit; } ?> <form action="maps_addtruck_truck.php" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" id="truck_add"> <p> <label class="formstyle">Truck GPS Display Name :</label> <input type="text" class="validate" id="TruckName" name="TruckName"/><br /> </p> <p> <label class="formstyle">Truck GPS Box MEID :</label> <input type="text" class="validate" id="TruckID" name="TruckID"/><br />
<?php require "inc_header_ps.php"; require '../_private/logo.php'; require_once '../lib/trucks.php'; require_once '../lib/PeopleAssignments.php'; mysql_select_db($db_name, $oConn); // 2014-09-16 Truck Box Update ^CS // 2014-06-16 Updated For New GPS ^CS if ($_POST['save'] != "") { $truck = new Trucks(); $truck->TruckName = $_POST['TruckName']; $truck->TruckID = $_POST['TruckID']; $truck->CustomerId = $_SESSION['customerId']; $truck->Insert(); header("Location: maps_trucks.php#Phone"); exit; } ?> <form action="maps_addtruck.php" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" id="truck_add"> <p> <label class="formstyle">Select Driver:</label> <select class="validate" id="TruckID" name="TruckID"> <option value='0'>Select...</option> <?php $drivers = PeopleAssignments::GetAssignableGPS($_SESSION['customerId']); PeopleAssignments::RenderSelectOptions($drivers); ?> </select><br /> <label class="formstyle">Driver GPS Display Name :</label>
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Trucks::model()->findByPk((int) $id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }