public function action_changeShort()
     echo 'test2';
     $member = \MemberQuery::create()->findOneById(1);
     $con = \Propel::getConnection();
     if (!$con->beginTransaction()) {
         throw new \Exception('Could not begin transaction');
     try {
         $transfer = \TransferQuery::create()->findOneById(1);
         if (!$transfer) {
             $transfer = new \Transfer();
             $transfer = \TransferQuery::create()->findOneById(1);
         $transfer->setAmount($transfer->getAmount() + 2);
         if (!$con->commit()) {
             throw new \Exception('Could not commit transaction');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Exemple #2
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $aid Allotment ID
  * @param integer $tid Transfer ID
 public function actionCreate($aid, $tid)
     if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($this->id . '.' . $this->action->id)) {
         $model = new Transfer();
         $model->transfer_date = date(Yii::app()->user->getDateFormat(false), time());
         // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
         // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
         if (isset($_POST['Transfer'])) {
             $model->attributes = $_POST['Transfer'];
             $model->allotment_id = $aid;
             if (!is_null($tid)) {
                 $model->transfer_id = $tid;
             if ($model->save()) {
         $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
     } else {
 protected function renderContent()
     //Get some pre value from URL
     //The type of the content we want to create
     $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['type'])) : '';
     //If it has guid, it means this is a translated version
     $guid = isset($_GET['guid']) ? strtolower(trim($_GET['guid'])) : '';
     //Get the list of Content Type
     $types = GxcHelpers::getAvailableContentType();
     //List of language that should exclude not to translate
     $lang_exclude = array();
     //List of translated versions
     $versions = array();
     //Available Terms for this Object Type
     $terms = array();
     //Selected Terms
     $selected_terms = array();
     //Get Term Order
     $term_orders = ConstantDefine::getTermOrder();
     //If $type is empty then redirect to choose content type page
     if ($type != '') {
         //Check if the type appear in content type Definition
         if (array_key_exists($type, $types)) {
             // If the guid is not empty, it means we are creating a translated version of a content
             // We will exclude the translated language and include the name of the translated content to $versions
             if ($guid != '') {
                 $temp_object = Object::model()->findAll('guid=:gid', array(':gid' => $guid));
                 if (count($temp_object) > 0) {
                     foreach ($temp_object as $obj) {
                         $lang_exclude[] = $obj->lang;
                         $langs = GxcHelpers::getAvailableLanguages();
                         $versions[] = $obj->object_name . ' - ' . $langs[$obj->lang]['name'];
             //Import the Content Type Class
             Yii::import('common.content_type.' . $type . '.' . $types[$type]['class']);
             //Init the class
             $typeClassObj = new $types[$type]['class']();
             $content_resources = $typeClassObj->Resources();
             //We start to implement the checking Permission HERE
             $param_content_check = array();
             $data_content_check = array();
             $param_content_check['type'] = $type;
             if (GxcContentPermission::checkCreatePermission($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions())) {
                 $param_content_check['new_content'] = true;
                 $content_status = GxcContentPermission::getContentStatus($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions());
                 $model = new $types[$type]['class']();
                 // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
                 // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
                 $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $model->person = '';
                 $model->guid = $guid;
                 $get_languages = GxcHelpers::loadLanguageItems($lang_exclude);
                 $available_languages = array();
                 foreach ($get_languages as $key => $value) {
                     $available_languages[] = $key;
                 //Get available Taxonomy and Terms for this Object
                 $available_taxonomy = Taxonomy::model()->findAll(' type = :type AND lang IN (' . implode(',', $available_languages) . ') ', array(':type' => $type));
                 if ($available_taxonomy) {
                     foreach ($available_taxonomy as $t) {
                         $temp = array();
                         $temp['id'] = $t->taxonomy_id;
                         $temp['lang'] = $t->lang;
                         $temp['name'] = $t->name;
                         $temp['terms'] = array();
                         //Look for the Term Items belong to this Taxonomy
                         $list_terms = Term::model()->findAll(array('select' => '*', 'condition' => 'taxonomy_id=:id', 'order' => 't.parent ASC, t.order ASC', 'params' => array(':id' => $t->taxonomy_id)));
                         if ($list_terms) {
                             foreach ($list_terms as $term) {
                                 $temp_item['id'] = $term->term_id;
                                 $temp_item['name'] = CHtml::encode($term->name);
                                 $temp_item['parent'] = $term->parent;
                                 $temp['terms']['item_' . $term->term_id] = $temp_item;
                         $terms[$t->taxonomy_id] = $temp;
                 if (isset($_POST[$types[$type]['class']])) {
                     $model->attributes = $_POST[$types[$type]['class']];
                     //Convert the date time publish to timestamp
                     $model->object_date = strtotime($model->object_date);
                     $model->object_date_gmt = local_to_gmt($model->object_date);
                     //Check which button the User click To Send to person or group
                     $button = $_POST['which_button'];
                     $trans = new Transfer();
                     // Get the Terms that the User Choose
                     $post_terms = isset($_POST['terms']) ? $_POST['terms'] : array();
                     $selected_terms = array();
                     if (!empty($post_terms)) {
                         foreach ($post_terms as $t) {
                             $t = explode('_', $t);
                             if (!isset($selected_terms[$t[1]])) {
                                 $selected_temp = array();
                                 $selected_temp['id'] = $terms[$t[1]]['id'];
                                 $selected_temp['lang'] = $terms[$t[1]]['lang'];
                                 $selected_temp['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['name'];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2];
                                 $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]];
                                 $selected_terms[$t[1]] = $selected_temp;
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($selected_terms['terms']['item_' . $t[0]])) {
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2];
                                     $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]];
                     // After having the selected Terms, we need to make sure  all parents
                     // of the selected Terms must be added also
                     foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) {
                         $array_parent_selected_terms = array();
                         foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) {
                             $current_term = $st_terms;
                             while ($current_term['parent'] != 0) {
                                 if (!isset($array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]) && !isset($t['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']])) {
                                     $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']] = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']];
                                     $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data'] = key($term_orders);
                                     $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data_name'] = $term_orders[key($term_orders)];
                                 $current_term = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']];
                         $selected_terms[$tx_key]['terms'] = CMap::mergeArray($t['terms'], $array_parent_selected_terms);
                     //Re-Set the Status based on what User Chooose
                     //The content is sent to ROLES OR STATUS
                     if ($button == '1') {
                         //Check if the object_status is number or character
                         if (!is_numeric($model->object_status)) {
                             //Set the status to Pending
                             $trans->note = $model->object_status;
                             $model->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                             $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_ROLE;
                             $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                         } else {
                             $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_STATUS;
                             $trans->after_status = $model->object_status;
                         $trans->from_user_id = user()->id;
                         $trans->to_user_id = 0;
                         $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_DRAFT;
                     //The content is sent to PERSON DIRECTLY
                     if ($button == '2') {
                         $to_user_id = User::findPeople($model->person);
                         //Start to Transfer to the user and set the status to Pending
                         if ($to_user_id) {
                             $model->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                             $trans->from_user_id = user()->id;
                             $trans->to_user_id = $to_user_id->user_id;
                             $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_PERSON;
                             $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                             $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                         } else {
                             $model->addError('person', t('User not found'));
                     //Work with Resource Binding
                     $resource = array();
                     $resource_upload = array();
                     foreach ($content_resources as $res) {
                         $resource_upload[] = GxcHelpers::getArrayResourceObjectBinding('resource_upload_' . $res['type']);
                     $i = 0;
                     $count_resource = 0;
                     foreach ($content_resources as $cres) {
                         $j = 1;
                         foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) {
                     $model->total_number_resource = $count_resource;
                     if ($model->save()) {
                         user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Create new Content Successfully!'));
                         $trans->object_id = $model->object_id;
                         // We have all the selected Terms for now
                         // We will add them to Object Terms
                         foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) {
                             foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) {
                                 $obj_term = new ObjectTerm();
                                 $obj_term->object_id = $model->object_id;
                                 $obj_term->term_id = $st_terms['id'];
                                 $obj_term->data = $st_terms['data'];
                         //Update Resource Binding Here
                         $i = 0;
                         $count_resource = 0;
                         foreach ($content_resources as $cres) {
                             $j = 1;
                             foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) {
                                 $obj_res = new ObjectResource();
                                 $obj_res->resource_id = $res_up['resid'];
                                 $obj_res->object_id = $model->object_id;
                                 $obj_res->description = '';
                                 $obj_res->type = $cres['type'];
                                 $obj_res->resource_order = $j;
                         //Re-init new Model
                         $model = new $types[$type]['class']();
                         $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     } else {
                         $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $model->object_date);
                 $render_template = 'cmswidgets.views.object.object_form_widget';
                 if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias('common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget') . '.php')) {
                     $render_template = 'common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget';
                 $this->render($render_template, array('model' => $model, 'versions' => $versions, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'content_status' => $content_status, 'terms' => $terms, 'selected_terms' => $selected_terms, 'type' => $type, 'content_resources' => $content_resources));
         } else {
             //The type is not in Content Type Definition
             $this->render('cmswidgets.views.object.object_start_widget', array('types' => $types));
     } else {
         //There is no Type in $_GET
         $this->render('cmswidgets.views.object.object_start_widget', array('types' => $types));
 protected function renderContent()
     $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : 0;
     $model = GxcHelpers::loadDetailModel('Object', $id);
     //We start to implement the checking Permission HERE
     $param_content_check = array();
     $data_content_check = array();
     $param_content_check['type'] = $model->object_type;
     $param_content_check['new_content'] = false;
     $param_content_check['content_status'] = $model->object_status;
     $param_content_check['content_author'] = $model->object_author;
     //Get current trans_to of the object
     $trans = Transfer::model()->findAll(array('condition' => ' object_id=:obj ', 'params' => array(':obj' => $model->object_id), 'order' => 'transfer_id DESC'));
     $param_content_check['check_trans_note'] = false;
     if ($trans != null && count($trans) > 0) {
         $latest_trans_to = $trans[0];
         $param_content_check['trans_type'] = $latest_trans_to->type;
         $param_content_check['trans_to'] = $latest_trans_to->to_user_id;
         $param_content_check['trans_note'] = $latest_trans_to->note;
     //Get Types list and type of the Object
     $types = GxcHelpers::getAvailableContentType();
     $type = (string) $model->object_type;
     //Import the Content Type Class
     Yii::import('common.content_type.' . $type . '.' . $types[$type]['class']);
     $typeClassObj = new $types[$type]['class']();
     $content_resources = $typeClassObj->Resources();
     //Check if the User has the Permission to update the Content
     if (GxcContentPermission::checkUpdatePermission($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions())) {
         //Convert the object date from timestamp to datetime format
         $model->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $model->object_date);
         //Get available content Status that the Object can be sent to
         $content_status = GxcContentPermission::getContentStatus($param_content_check, $data_content_check, $typeClassObj->Permissions());
         //If the Object is Pending and being sent to someone, get that person info
         if ($model->object_status == ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING) {
             if ($latest_trans_to->type == ConstantDefine::TRANS_PERSON) {
                 $send_to_user = User::model()->findbyPk($latest_trans_to->to_user_id);
                 if ($send_to_user == null) {
                     $model->person = '';
                 } else {
                     $model->person = trim($send_to_user->display_name);
         //Unset value for Lang Exclude, Version and Guid when updating
         $lang_exclude = array();
         $versions = array();
         $guid = $model->guid;
         // Create new instance Object based on Object Type
         $object = new $types[$type]['class']();
         $object->person = $model->person;
         $object->setAttributes($model->attributes, false);
         // Get Extra Info - Object Meta of the Object Type
         $object_metas = ObjectMeta::model()->findAll('meta_object_id = :obj ', array(':obj' => $model->object_id));
         foreach ($object_metas as $object_meta) {
             $key = (string) $object_meta->meta_key;
             $object->{$key} = $object_meta->meta_value;
         // This is not a new Record
         $object->isNewRecord = false;
         //Set current tags for Object
         $object->_oldTags = $object->tags;
         $object->scenario = 'updateWithTags';
         //Available Terms for this Object Type
         $terms = array();
         //Selected Terms
         $selected_terms = array();
         //Get Term Order
         $term_orders = ConstantDefine::getTermOrder();
         //Get available Taxonomy and Terms for this Object
         $available_taxonomy = Taxonomy::model()->findAll(' type = :type AND lang IN (' . $object->lang . ') ', array(':type' => $type));
         if ($available_taxonomy) {
             foreach ($available_taxonomy as $t) {
                 $temp = array();
                 $temp['id'] = $t->taxonomy_id;
                 $temp['lang'] = $t->lang;
                 $temp['name'] = $t->name;
                 $temp['terms'] = array();
                 $selected_temp = array();
                 $selected_temp['id'] = $t->taxonomy_id;
                 $selected_temp['lang'] = $t->lang;
                 $selected_temp['name'] = $t->name;
                 $selected_temp['terms'] = array();
                 //Look for the Term Items belong to this Taxonomy
                 $list_terms = Term::model()->findAll(array('select' => '*', 'condition' => 'taxonomy_id=:id', 'order' => 't.parent ASC, t.order ASC', 'params' => array(':id' => $t->taxonomy_id)));
                 if ($list_terms) {
                     foreach ($list_terms as $term) {
                         $temp_item['id'] = $term->term_id;
                         $temp_item['name'] = CHtml::encode($term->name);
                         $temp_item['parent'] = $term->parent;
                         $temp['terms']['item_' . $term->term_id] = $temp_item;
                 $terms[$t->taxonomy_id] = $temp;
                 //Look for selected Terms belong to this Taxonomy
                 $sl_terms = ObjectTerm::model()->findAll(array('select' => '*', 'condition' => 'object_id=:id', 'params' => array(':id' => $object->object_id)));
                 if ($sl_terms) {
                     foreach ($sl_terms as $sl_term) {
                         if (isset($terms[$t->taxonomy_id]['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id])) {
                             $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id] = $terms[$t->taxonomy_id]['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id];
                             $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id]['data'] = $sl_term->data;
                             $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $sl_term->term_id]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$sl_term->data];
                 $selected_terms[$t->taxonomy_id] = $selected_temp;
         //IF having the Post Method - Start to working to save it
         if (isset($_POST[$types[$type]['class']])) {
             $object->attributes = $_POST[$types[$type]['class']];
             //Convert the date time publish to timestamp
             $object->object_date = strtotime($object->object_date);
             $object->object_date_gmt = local_to_gmt($object->object_date);
             //Check which button the User click To Send to person or group
             $button = $_POST['which_button'];
             $trans = new Transfer();
             // Get the Terms that the User Choose
             $post_terms = isset($_POST['terms']) ? $_POST['terms'] : array();
             $selected_terms = array();
             if (!empty($post_terms)) {
                 foreach ($post_terms as $t) {
                     $t = explode('_', $t);
                     if (!isset($selected_terms[$t[1]])) {
                         $selected_temp = array();
                         $selected_temp['id'] = $terms[$t[1]]['id'];
                         $selected_temp['lang'] = $terms[$t[1]]['lang'];
                         $selected_temp['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['name'];
                         $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0];
                         $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'];
                         $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'];
                         $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2];
                         $selected_temp['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]];
                         $selected_terms[$t[1]] = $selected_temp;
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($selected_terms['terms']['item_' . $t[0]])) {
                             $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['id'] = $t[0];
                             $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['name'];
                             $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'] = $terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['parent'];
                             $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data'] = $t[2];
                             $selected_terms[$t[1]]['terms']['item_' . $t[0]]['data_name'] = $term_orders[$t[2]];
             // After having the selected Terms, we need to make sure  all parents
             // of the selected Terms must be added also
             foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) {
                 $array_parent_selected_terms = array();
                 foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) {
                     $current_term = $st_terms;
                     while ($current_term['parent'] != 0) {
                         if (!isset($array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]) && !isset($t['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']])) {
                             $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']] = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']];
                             $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data'] = key($term_orders);
                             $array_parent_selected_terms['item_' . $current_term['parent']]['data_name'] = $term_orders[key($term_orders)];
                         $current_term = $terms[$tx_key]['terms']['item_' . $current_term['parent']];
                 $selected_terms[$tx_key]['terms'] = CMap::mergeArray($t['terms'], $array_parent_selected_terms);
             //Re-Set the Status based on what User Chooose
             //The content is sent to ROLES OR STATUS
             if ($button == '1') {
                 //Check if the object_status is number or character
                 if (!is_numeric($object->object_status)) {
                     //Set the status to Pending
                     $trans->note = $object->object_status;
                     $object->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                     $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_ROLE;
                     $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                 } else {
                     $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_STATUS;
                     $trans->after_status = $object->object_status;
                 $trans->from_user_id = user()->id;
                 $trans->to_user_id = 0;
                 $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_DRAFT;
             //The content is sent to PERSON DIRECTLY
             if ($button == '2') {
                 $to_user_id = User::findPeople($object->person);
                 //Start to Transfer to the user and set the status to Pending
                 if ($to_user_id) {
                     $object->object_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                     $trans->from_user_id = user()->id;
                     $trans->to_user_id = $to_user_id->user_id;
                     $trans->type = ConstantDefine::TRANS_PERSON;
                     $trans->before_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                     $trans->after_status = ConstantDefine::OBJECT_STATUS_PENDING;
                 } else {
                     $object->addError('person', t('User not found'));
             //Work with Resource Binding
             $resource = array();
             $resource_upload = array();
             foreach ($content_resources as $res) {
                 $resource_upload[] = GxcHelpers::getArrayResourceObjectBinding('resource_upload_' . $res['type']);
             $i = 0;
             $count_resource = 0;
             foreach ($content_resources as $cres) {
                 $j = 1;
                 foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) {
             $object->total_number_resource = $count_resource;
             if ($object->save()) {
                 user()->setFlash('success', t('cms', 'Update content Successfully!'));
                 $trans->object_id = $object->object_id;
                 //This is the update process, we should delete old
                 //Object Term binding
                 ObjectTerm::model()->deleteAll('object_id = :id', array(':id' => $object->object_id));
                 // We have all the selected Terms for now
                 // We will add them to Object Terms
                 foreach ($selected_terms as $tx_key => $t) {
                     foreach ($t['terms'] as $key => $st_terms) {
                         $obj_term = new ObjectTerm();
                         $obj_term->object_id = $object->object_id;
                         $obj_term->term_id = $st_terms['id'];
                         $obj_term->data = $st_terms['data'];
                 //Re update for Resource
                 ObjectResource::model()->deleteAll('object_id = :id', array(':id' => $object->object_id));
                 $i = 0;
                 $count_resource = 0;
                 foreach ($content_resources as $cres) {
                     $j = 1;
                     foreach ($resource_upload[$i] as $res_up) {
                         $obj_res = new ObjectResource();
                         $obj_res->resource_id = $res_up['resid'];
                         $obj_res->object_id = $object->object_id;
                         $obj_res->description = '';
                         $obj_res->type = $cres['type'];
                         $obj_res->resource_order = $j;
             $object->object_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $object->object_date);
         //Start Render the Form
         $render_template = 'cmswidgets.views.object.object_form_widget';
         if (file_exists(Yii::getPathOfAlias('common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget') . '.php')) {
             $render_template = 'common.content_type.' . strtolower($type) . '.object_form_widget';
         $this->render($render_template, array('model' => $object, 'versions' => $versions, 'lang_exclude' => $lang_exclude, 'content_status' => $content_status, 'terms' => $terms, 'selected_terms' => $selected_terms, 'type' => $type, 'content_resources' => $content_resources));
 public function doOldImport()
     DB::delete('DELETE FROM `cache`');
     // delete old data:
     foreach (Auth::user()->accounts()->get() as $acc) {
     foreach (Auth::user()->budgets()->get() as $b) {
     foreach (Auth::user()->categories()->get() as $b) {
     foreach (Auth::user()->beneficiaries()->get() as $b) {
     foreach (Icon::get() as $icon) {
     $data = file_get_contents('');
     $json = json_decode($data);
     $map = array();
     $map['accounts'] = array();
     $map['icons'] = array();
     // all accounts:
     foreach ($json->accounts as $account) {
         $newAccount = new Account();
         $newAccount->name = Crypt::encrypt($account->name);
         $newAccount->balance = floatval($account->balance);
         $newAccount->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $newAccount->date = $account->date;
         $map['accounts'][$account->id] = $newAccount->id;
     // all icons:
     foreach ($json->icons as $icon) {
         $newIcon = new Icon();
         $newIcon->file = $icon->file;
         $map['icons'][intval($icon->id)] = $newIcon->id;
     // all beneficiaries:
     foreach ($json->beneficiaries as $ben) {
         $nb = new Beneficiary();
         $nb->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $nb->name = Crypt::encrypt($ben->name);
         $map['beneficiaries'][$ben->id] = $nb->id;
     // all budgets
     foreach ($json->budgets as $bd) {
         $nbg = new Budget();
         $nbg->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $nbg->name = Crypt::encrypt($bd->name);
         $nbg->date = $bd->date;
         $nbg->amount = floatval($bd->amount);
         $map['budgets'][$bd->id] = $nbg->id;
     // all categories:
     foreach ($json->categories as $c) {
         $nc = new Category();
         $nc->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $nc->icon_id = intval($map['icons'][intval($c->icon_id)]);
         $nc->name = Crypt::encrypt($c->name);
         $nc->showtrend = intval($c->showtrend);
         $map['categories'][$c->id] = $nc->id;
     foreach ($json->targets as $t) {
         $nt = new Target();
         $nt->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $nt->account_id = $map['accounts'][$t->account_id];
         $nt->description = Crypt::encrypt($t->description);
         $nt->amount = floatval($t->amount);
         $nt->duedate = $t->duedate;
         $nt->startdate = $t->startdate;
         $map['targets'][$t->id] = $nt->id;
     foreach ($json->transactions as $t) {
         $nt = new Transaction();
         $nt->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $nt->account_id = $map['accounts'][$t->account_id];
         $nt->budget_id = is_null($t->budget_id) ? NULL : intval($map['budgets'][$t->budget_id]);
         $nt->category_id = is_null($t->category_id) ? NULL : $map['categories'][$t->category_id];
         $nt->beneficiary_id = is_null($t->beneficiary_id) ? NULL : $map['beneficiaries'][$t->beneficiary_id];
         $nt->description = Crypt::encrypt($t->description);
         $nt->amount = floatval($t->amount);
         $nt->date = $t->date;
         $nt->onetime = intval($t->onetime);
         $map['transactions'][$t->id] = $nt->id;
     foreach ($json->transfers as $t) {
         $nt = new Transfer();
         $nt->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $nt->account_from = $map['accounts'][$t->account_from];
         $nt->account_to = $map['accounts'][$t->account_to];
         $nt->category_id = is_null($t->category_id) ? NULL : $map['categories'][$t->category_id];
         $nt->budget_id = is_null($t->budget_id) ? NULL : intval($map['budgets'][$t->budget_id]);
         $nt->target_id = is_null($t->target_id) ? NULL : intval($map['targets'][$t->target_id]);
         $nt->description = Crypt::encrypt($t->description);
         $nt->amount = floatval($t->amount);
         $nt->date = $t->date;
         $map['targets'][$t->id] = $nt->id;
     // create everything from this file.
     // we map the old id's to the new one to save problems.
     return 'Old data successfully imported.';
Exemple #6

echo 'test1';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/bootstrap.php';
$member = \MemberQuery::create()->findOneById(1);
$con = \Propel::getConnection();
if (!$con->beginTransaction()) {
    throw new \Exception('Could not begin transaction');
try {
    $transfer = \TransferQuery::create()->findOneById(1);
    if (!$transfer) {
        $transfer = new \Transfer();
        $transfer = \TransferQuery::create()->findOneById(1);
    $transfer->setAmount($transfer->getAmount() + 2);
    if (!$con->commit()) {
        throw new \Exception('Could not commit transaction');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    throw $e;
echo "\n CONSISTENCY 2\n";
 public function newTransfer()
     $transfer = new Transfer();
     $transfer->amount = floatval(Input::get('amount'));
     $transfer->description = Input::get('description');
     $transfer->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
     $transfer->date = Input::get('date');
     // account_from (special)
     if (!is_null(Input::get('account_from'))) {
         $account = Auth::user()->accounts()->find(Input::get('account_from'));
         if (!is_null($account)) {
             $transfer->account_from = $account->id;
     // account_to (special)
     if (!is_null(Input::get('account_to'))) {
         $account = Auth::user()->accounts()->find(Input::get('account_to'));
         if (!is_null($account)) {
             $transfer->account_to = $account->id;
     // category (special)
     if (strlen(Input::get('category')) > 0) {
         $categories = Auth::user()->categories()->get();
         $category = null;
         foreach ($categories as $cat) {
             if (Crypt::decrypt($cat->name) == Input::get('category')) {
                 $category = $cat;
         unset($cat, $categories);
         if (is_null($category)) {
             $category = new Category();
             $category->fireflyuser_id = Auth::user()->id;
             $category->name = Input::get('category');
             $category->showtrend = 0;
             $category->icon_id = Icon::first()->id;
             $validator = Validator::make($category->toArray(), Category::$rules);
             if ($validator->passes()) {
                 $category->name = Crypt::encrypt($category->name);
                 $transfer->category_id = $category->id;
         } else {
             $transfer->category_id = $category->id;
     // budget (special)
     if (intval(Input::get('budget')) > 0) {
         $budget = Auth::user()->budgets()->find(intval(Input::get('budget')));
         if (!is_null($budget)) {
             $transfer->budget_id = $budget->id;
     // target (special)
     if (strlen(Input::get('target')) > 0) {
         $targets = Auth::user()->targets()->get();
         $target = null;
         foreach ($targets as $t) {
             if (Crypt::decrypt($t->description) == Input::get('target')) {
                 $transfer->target_id = $t->id;
         unset($targets, $t);
     $validator = Validator::make($transfer->toArray(), Transfer::$rules);
     $transfer->description = Crypt::encrypt($transfer->description);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::to('/home/transfer/add')->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('/home');
 public function doTransfer()
     $trade_key = Input::get('trade_key');
     $amount = Input::get('amount');
     $wallet_id = Input::get('wallet_id');
     $password = Input::get('password');
     $wallet = Wallet::find($wallet_id);
     $balance = new Balance();
     $user = Confide::user();
     if (Hash::check($password, $user->password)) {
         $user_receive = User::where('trade_key', $trade_key)->first();
         $amount_balance = $balance->getBalance($wallet->id);
         if (!isset($user_receive->username)) {
             return Redirect::to('user/transfer-coin/' . $wallet->id)->with('error', 'Sorry. The trade key not exist!');
         } elseif ($user_receive->id == $user->id) {
             return Redirect::to('user/transfer-coin/' . $wallet->id)->with('error', 'Sorry. You can not referrer to yourself!');
         } elseif ($amount_balance < $amount) {
             return Redirect::to('user/transfer-coin/' . $wallet->id)->with('error', 'Amount should be less than or equal to your balance.');
         } else {
             if ($balance->takeMoney($amount, $wallet->id, $user->id)) {
                 $balance->addMoney($amount, $wallet->id, $user_receive->id);
                 $transfer_his = new Transfer();
                 $transfer_his->sender = $user->id;
                 $transfer_his->receiver = $user_receive->id;
                 $transfer_his->wallet_id = $wallet->id;
                 $transfer_his->amount = $amount;
                 return Redirect::to('user/transfer-coin/' . $wallet->id)->with('success', 'You sent to user "' . $user_receive->username . '" ' . $amount . ' ' . $wallet->getType($wallet->id) . '.');
     } else {
         return Redirect::to('user/transfer-coin/' . $wallet->id)->with('error', "Password invalid.");
Exemple #9
    if (isset($_POST['insTo'])) {
        $newIns = new Insurance();
        $newIns->set($_GET['id'], strtotime($_POST['insTo']));
    if (isset($_POST['visaTo'])) {
        $newVisa = new Visa();
        $newVisa->set($_GET['id'], strtotime($_POST['visaTo']));
    if (isset($_POST['transFrom'])) {
        $newTrans = new Transfer();
        $newTrans->set($_GET['id'], $_POST['assoc'], strtotime($_POST['transFrom']));
    $teams = Team::find_all();
    $assocs = Assoc::find_all();
    if ($player->category == 1) {
        $contracts = Contract::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM contracts WHERE player={$player->id} ORDER BY date_of_reg ASC");
        $insurances = Insurance::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM insurances WHERE player={$player->id} ORDER BY added_on ASC");
        $visas = Visa::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM visas WHERE player={$player->id} ORDER BY added_on ASC");
        $loans = Loan::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM loans WHERE player={$player->id} ORDER BY start ASC");
        $transfers = Transfer::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM transfers WHERE player={$player->id} ORDER BY start ASC");
        $contractTeam = $player->find_contract_team();
        $currentTeam = $player->find_current_team();
        $transTo = Assoc::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM assocs WHERE id = (SELECT assoc FROM transfers WHERE player = {$_GET['id']} AND returned = 0)");