function Step3MigrateVideoMember($merchantAccountId)
    $uniqueValue = $merchantAccountId;
    //Step 3
    //Assume that this subscription is for Video access for one year, and was paid in full 6 months ago.
    //As such it will be up for renewal in 6 months.
    //Generally, these dates are retrieved from your datastore.
    $sixmonthsagoPT = new \DateTime('-6 months', new \DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles'));
    $sixmonthsfromnowPT = new \DateTime('6 months', new \DateTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles'));
    $dateActiveSubscriptionPeriodPaidInFull = $sixmonthsagoPT->format(DateTime::ATOM);
    $dateActiveSubscriptionPeriodUpForRenewal = $sixmonthsfromnowPT->format(DateTime::ATOM);
    $billPlan = new BillingPlan();
    $product = new Product();
    // Generally, the billing plan and productid will be provided in your datastore.
    // These objects need to exist in CashBox prior to migration.
    $merchantBillingPlanId = 'OneYearSubOneYearRecurring';
    $merchantProductId = 'Video';
    //To save a soap call, you can use sparse objects.
    $account = new Account();
    $account->merchantAccountId = $merchantAccountId;
    // Assuming merchantPaymentMethodId is the same value as the merchantAccountId.
    $merchantPaymentMethodId = $merchantAccountId;
    $paymentMethod = new PaymentMethod();
    $paymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId = $merchantPaymentMethodId;
    //If you don't have the address VID, then set migrationtransaction shippingaddress to null.
    $address = null;
    //    // If you want to fetch the account by making a soap call to CashBox...
    //    // This is a soap call to CashBox.
    //    $fetchedAccount = get_account_by_merchantAccountId($merchantAccountId);
    //    // Only use sparse object, so all data members are not over-written.
    //    $account->merchantAccountId = $fetchedAccount->merchantAccountId;
    //    $fetchedPaymentMethod = $account->paymentMethods[0];
    //    // Only use sparse object, so all data members are not over-written.
    //    $paymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId = $fetchedPaymentMethod->merchantPaymentMethodId;
    $paymentMethodType = 'CreditCard';
    $currency = 'USD';
    $lastPaidPrice = '10.00';
    $useZeroUnlessYouKnowDifferent = 0;
    $paymentProcessor = 'Paymentech';
    $transactionType = 'Recurring';
    $authCode = '000';
    $capturedStatus = 'Captured';
    $txItemType = 'RecurringCharge';
    $txItemName = $merchantProductId . ':' . $merchantBillingPlanId;
    // This paymentProcessorTransactionId makes the transaction refundable if migrating from Litle (Vantiv) into Litle.
    $paymentProcessorTransactionId = 'RetrievedIdFromLegacyBillingPaymentProcessor';
    // Assume campaigns were not used when creating this Autobill.
    // Alternatively, consider specifying campaign on the AutoBillItem if necessary.
    $item = new AutoBillItem();
    $autobill = new AutoBill();
    // No need to set payment method on Autobill as it will be inherited from the Account.
    // For this example, we assume one transaction item with a price equal to the entire migration transaction amount.
    $txItemA = new MigrationTransactionItem();
    // It is recommended Sku equals the merchantProductId of the Product set on the Autobill.
    $creditCardStatusA = new TransactionStatusCreditCard();
    $statusLogA = new TransactionStatus();
    // AuthCode is the code for a transaction successfully run through the payment processor.
    $merchantTransactionId = $uniqueValue;
    // Assume sales tax calculated refunds not in scope in this example.
    // If they were, consider setting salesTaxAddress and tax migration transaction items.
    // Assume we are only migrating the last transaction used to pay for the Autobill.
    // If in scope, you have the option to migrate more than one.
    $migrationTransaction = new MigrationTransaction();
    // Set to 21 characters or less, or you will not be able to refund against this.
    // Total migration transaction amount must equal sum of tx items.
    // It is recommended that AutoBillCycle is set to the number of times the Autobill has renewed.
    // Make a best effort guess if exact number is unknown.
    // This will help with CashBox Reviews to determine metrics such as Lifetime Value (LTV).
    // If the billing plan is modified, then the billing plan cycle resets to 0.
    // In general, if the billing has not been modified, this value will be the same as the AutoBill Cycle.
    //    Division ID mapping:
    //    123456 - Standard Subscription  [Default]
    //    123457 - Premium Subscription
    // CashBox merchant configuration will be configured to route automatically based on a name value pair.
    // Confirm with your Deployment Consultant the values matching the merchant configuration.
    $divisionId = new NameValuePair();
    $divisionId->setValue('Premium Subscription');
    $srd = '';
    $response = $autobill->migrate($srd, $dateActiveSubscriptionPeriodUpForRenewal, array($migrationTransaction));
    // Log soap id for each API call.
    //    $log->addDebug('Method = Autobill.migrate' . PHP_EOL);
    //    $log->addDebug('Soap Id = ' . $response['data']->return->soapId . PHP_EOL);
    //    $log->addDebug('Return Code = ' . $response['returnCode'] . PHP_EOL);
    //    $log->addDebug('Return String = ' . $response['returnString'] . PHP_EOL);
    if ($response['returnCode'] == 200) {
        print "Call succeeded" . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        print "Call failed" . PHP_EOL;
    return $response;
 public function addTransactionStatusRelatedByParent(TransactionStatus $l)
     $this->collTransactionStatussRelatedByParent[] = $l;