  * @return TrackerV3
 public static function instance()
     if (!self::$instance) {
         self::$instance = new TrackerV3(new ArtifactDao());
     return self::$instance;
  * Check if the shortname of the tracker is already used in the project
  * @param string $item_name the shortname of the tracker we are looking for
  * @param int $group_id the ID of the group
  * @return boolean
 public function isShortNameExists($item_name, $group_id)
     $item_name = $this->da->quoteSmart($item_name);
     $group_id = $this->da->escapeInt($group_id);
     $search_tv3 = '';
     if (TrackerV3::instance()->available()) {
         $search_tv3 = "UNION\n                  SELECT item_name\n                  FROM artifact_group_list\n                  WHERE item_name = {$item_name}\n                    AND group_id = {$group_id}\n                    AND deletion_date IS NULL";
     $sql = "SELECT item_name\n                FROM {$this->table_name}\n                WHERE item_name = {$item_name}\n                  AND group_id = {$group_id}\n                  AND deletion_date IS NULL\n                " . $search_tv3;
     return count($this->retrieve($sql));
 private function isArtifactReferenceInMultipleTrackerServicesContext($keyword)
     return TrackerV3::instance()->available() && ($keyword === 'art' || $keyword === 'artifact');
 function renameUser($user, $newName)
     if (!TrackerV3::instance()->available()) {
         return true;
     $sqlArtcc = ' UPDATE artifact_cc SET email =' . $this->da->quoteSmart($newName) . ' WHERE email = ' . $this->da->quoteSmart($user->getUserName());
     if ($this->update($sqlArtcc)) {
         $sqlSel = 'SELECT addresses, id FROM artifact_global_notification
                    WHERE addresses LIKE "%"' . $this->da->quoteSmart($user->getUserName()) . '"%"';
         $dar = $this->retrieve($sqlSel);
         if ($dar && !$dar->isError() && $dar->rowCount() > 0) {
             $res = true;
             foreach ($dar as $row) {
                 $row['addresses'] = $this->replaceStringInList($row['addresses'], $user->getUserName(), $newName);
                 $sqlArtgn = 'UPDATE artifact_global_notification SET addresses = ' . $this->da->quoteSmart($row['addresses']) . '
                              WHERE id = ' . $this->da->escapeInt($row['id']);
                 $res = $res & $this->update($sqlArtgn);
             return $res;
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #5
* create_project
* Create a new project
* @param  data  
function create_project($data, $do_not_exit = false)
    srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
    $random_num = rand(0, 1000000);
    // Make sure default project privacy status is defined. If not
    // then default to "public"
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['sys_is_project_public'])) {
        $GLOBALS['sys_is_project_public'] = 1;
    if (isset($GLOBALS['sys_disable_subdomains']) && $GLOBALS['sys_disable_subdomains']) {
        $http_domain = $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain'];
    } else {
        $http_domain = $data['project']['form_unix_name'] . '.' . $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain'];
    //Verify if the approbation of the new project is automatic or not
    $auto_approval = ForgeConfig::get('sys_project_approval', 1) ? PROJECT_APPROVAL_BY_ADMIN : PROJECT_APPROVAL_AUTO;
    if (isset($data['project']['is_public'])) {
        $access = $data['project']['is_public'] ? Project::ACCESS_PUBLIC : Project::ACCESS_PRIVATE;
    } else {
        $access = ForgeConfig::get('sys_is_project_public') ? Project::ACCESS_PUBLIC : Project::ACCESS_PRIVATE;
    // make group entry
    $insert_data = array('group_name' => "'" . htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($data['project']['form_full_name'])) . "'", 'access' => "'" . $access . "'", 'unix_group_name' => "'" . db_es($data['project']['form_unix_name']) . "'", 'http_domain' => "'" . db_es($http_domain) . "'", 'status' => "'P'", 'unix_box' => "'shell1'", 'cvs_box' => "'cvs1'", 'license' => "'" . htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($data['project']['form_license'])) . "'", 'license_other' => "'" . htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($data['project']['form_license_other'])) . "'", 'short_description' => "'" . htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($data['project']['form_short_description'])) . "'", 'register_time' => time(), 'rand_hash' => "'" . md5($random_num) . "'", 'built_from_template' => db_ei($data['project']['built_from_template']), 'type' => $data['project']['is_test'] ? 3 : 1);
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO groups(' . implode(', ', array_keys($insert_data)) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', array_values($insert_data)) . ')';
    $result = db_query($sql);
    if (!$result) {
        exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'upd_fail', array($GLOBALS['sys_email_admin'], db_error())));
    } else {
        $group_id = db_insertid($result);
        // insert descriptions
        $descfieldsinfos = getProjectsDescFieldsInfos();
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($descfieldsinfos); $i++) {
            if (isset($data['project']["form_" . $descfieldsinfos[$i]["group_desc_id"]]) && $data['project']["form_" . $descfieldsinfos[$i]["group_desc_id"]] != '') {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO group_desc_value (group_id, group_desc_id, value) VALUES ('" . db_ei($group_id) . "','" . db_ei($descfieldsinfos[$i]["group_desc_id"]) . "','" . db_escape_string(trim($data['project']["form_" . $descfieldsinfos[$i]["group_desc_id"]])) . "')";
                $result = db_query($sql);
                if (!$result) {
                    list($host, $port) = explode(':', $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain']);
                    exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'ins_desc_fail', array($host, db_error())));
        // insert trove categories
        if (isset($data['project']['trove'])) {
            foreach ($data['project']['trove'] as $root => $values) {
                foreach ($values as $value) {
                    db_query("INSERT INTO trove_group_link (trove_cat_id,trove_cat_version," . "group_id,trove_cat_root) VALUES (" . db_ei($value) . "," . time() . "," . db_ei($group_id) . "," . db_ei($root) . ")");
        // define a module
        $project_manager = ProjectManager::instance();
        $result = db_query("INSERT INTO filemodule (group_id,module_name) VALUES ('{$group_id}','" . $project_manager->getProject($group_id)->getUnixName() . "')");
        if (!$result) {
            list($host, $port) = explode(':', $GLOBALS['sys_default_domain']);
            exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'ins_file_fail', array($host, db_error())));
        // make the current user a project admin as well as admin
        // on all Codendi services
        $result = db_query("INSERT INTO user_group (user_id,group_id,admin_flags,bug_flags,forum_flags,project_flags,patch_flags,support_flags,doc_flags,file_flags,wiki_flags,svn_flags,news_flags) VALUES (" . user_getid() . "," . $group_id . "," . "'A'," . "2," . "2," . "2," . "2," . "2," . "2," . "2," . "2," . "2," . "2)");
        // news_flags
        if (!$result) {
            exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'set_owner_fail', array($GLOBALS['sys_email_admin'], db_error())));
        // clear the user data to take into account this new group.
        $user = UserManager::instance()->getCurrentUser();
        // Instanciate all services from the project template that are 'active'
        $group = $project_manager->getProject($group_id);
        if (!$group || !is_object($group)) {
        //set up the group_id
        $_REQUEST['group_id'] = $_GET['group_id'] = $group_id;
        $request =& HTTPRequest::instance();
        $request->params['group_id'] = $_REQUEST['group_id'];
        $template_id = $group->getTemplate();
        $template_group = $project_manager->getProject($template_id);
        if (!$template_group || !is_object($template_group) || $template_group->isError()) {
        $system_template = $template_group->getStatus() == 's' || $template_group->getStatus() == 'S';
        if (!$system_template) {
            $template_name = $template_group->getUnixName();
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM service WHERE group_id={$template_id} AND is_active=1";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        while ($arr = db_fetch_array($result)) {
            if (isset($data['project']['services'][$arr['service_id']]['is_used'])) {
                $is_used = $data['project']['services'][$arr['service_id']]['is_used'];
            } else {
                $is_used = '0';
                if ($arr['short_name'] == 'admin' || $arr['short_name'] == 'summary') {
                    $is_used = '1';
            $server_id = isset($data['project']['services'][$arr['service_id']]['server_id']) && $data['project']['services'][$arr['service_id']]['server_id'] ? $data['project']['services'][$arr['service_id']]['server_id'] : 'null';
            if (!service_create_service($arr, $group_id, array('system' => $system_template, 'name' => $system_template ? '' : $template_name, 'id' => $template_id, 'is_used' => $is_used, 'server_id' => $server_id))) {
                exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'cant_create_service') . '<br>' . db_error());
        //Add the import of the message to requester from the parent project if defined
        $dar = $project_manager->getMessageToRequesterForAccessProject($template_id);
        if ($dar && !$dar->isError() && $dar->rowCount() == 1) {
            $row = $dar->getRow();
            $result = $project_manager->setMessageToRequesterForAccessProject($group_id, $row['msg_to_requester']);
        } else {
            $result = $project_manager->setMessageToRequesterForAccessProject($group_id, 'member_request_delegation_msg_to_requester');
        if (!$result) {
            exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'cant_copy_msg_to_requester'));
        //Copy forums from template project
        $sql = "SELECT forum_name, is_public, description FROM forum_group_list WHERE group_id={$template_id} ";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        while ($arr = db_fetch_array($result)) {
            $fid = forum_create_forum($group_id, $arr['forum_name'], $arr['is_public'], 1, $arr['description'], $need_feedback = false);
            if ($fid != -1) {
                forum_add_monitor($fid, user_getid());
        //copy cvs infos
        $sql = "SELECT cvs_tracker, cvs_watch_mode, cvs_preamble, cvs_is_private FROM groups WHERE group_id={$template_id} ";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        $arr = db_fetch_array($result);
        $query = "UPDATE groups \n                  SET cvs_tracker='" . db_ei($arr['cvs_tracker']) . "',\n                      cvs_watch_mode='" . db_ei($arr['cvs_watch_mode']) . "' ,\n                      cvs_preamble='" . db_escape_string($arr['cvs_preamble']) . "',\n                      cvs_is_private = " . db_escape_int($arr['cvs_is_private']) . "\n                  WHERE group_id = '{$group_id}'";
        $result = db_query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'cant_copy_cvs_infos'));
        //copy svn infos
        $current_timestamp = db_escape_int($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
        $sql = "INSERT INTO svn_accessfile_history (version_number, group_id, version_date)\n                VALUES (1, {$group_id}, {$current_timestamp})";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (!$result) {
            exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'cant_copy_svn_infos'));
        $sql = "SELECT svn_tracker, svn_preamble, svn_mandatory_ref, svn_commit_to_tag_denied FROM groups WHERE group_id={$template_id} ";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        $arr = db_fetch_array($result);
        $query = "UPDATE groups, svn_accessfile_history\n                  SET svn_tracker='" . db_ei($arr['svn_tracker']) . "',\n                      svn_mandatory_ref='" . db_ei($arr['svn_mandatory_ref']) . "',\n                      svn_preamble='" . db_escape_string($arr['svn_preamble']) . "',\n                      svn_commit_to_tag_denied='" . db_ei($arr['svn_commit_to_tag_denied']) . "',\n                      svn_accessfile_version_id = svn_accessfile_history.id\n                  WHERE groups.group_id = {$group_id}\n                      AND groups.group_id = svn_accessfile_history.group_id";
        $result = db_query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'cant_copy_svn_infos'));
        // Activate other system references not associated with any service
        $reference_manager =& ReferenceManager::instance();
        $reference_manager->addSystemReferencesWithoutService($template_id, $group_id);
        //Copy ugroups
        $ugroup_mapping = array();
        ugroup_copy_ugroups($template_id, $group_id, $ugroup_mapping);
        $sql_ugroup_mapping = ' ugroup_id ';
        if (is_array($ugroup_mapping) && count($ugroup_mapping)) {
            $sql_ugroup_mapping = ' CASE ugroup_id ';
            foreach ($ugroup_mapping as $key => $val) {
                $sql_ugroup_mapping .= ' WHEN ' . $key . ' THEN ' . $val;
            $sql_ugroup_mapping .= ' ELSE ugroup_id END ';
        //Copy packages from template project
        $sql = "SELECT package_id, name, status_id, rank, approve_license FROM frs_package WHERE group_id = {$template_id}";
        if ($result = db_query($sql)) {
            while ($p_data = db_fetch_array($result)) {
                $template_package_id = $p_data['package_id'];
                $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO frs_package(group_id, name, status_id, rank, approve_license) VALUES (%s, '%s', %s, %s, %s)", $group_id, db_escape_string($p_data['name']), db_ei($p_data['status_id']), db_ei($p_data['rank']), db_ei($p_data['approve_license']));
                $rid = db_query($sql);
                if ($rid) {
                    $package_id = db_insertid($rid);
                    $sql = "INSERT INTO permissions(permission_type, object_id, ugroup_id) \n                      SELECT permission_type, {$package_id}, {$sql_ugroup_mapping}\n                      FROM permissions\n                      WHERE permission_type = 'PACKAGE_READ'\n                        AND object_id = {$template_package_id}";
        //Set up some mailing lists
        //will be done at some point. needs to communicate with geocrawler
        // TBD
        // Generic Trackers Creation
        $tracker_mapping = array();
        $report_mapping = array();
        if (TrackerV3::instance()->available()) {
            $atf = new ArtifactTypeFactory($template_group);
            //$tracker_error = "";
            // Add all trackers from template project (tracker templates) that need to be instanciated for new trackers.
            $res = $atf->getTrackerTemplatesForNewProjects();
            while ($arr_template = db_fetch_array($res)) {
                $ath_temp = new ArtifactType($template_group, $arr_template['group_artifact_id']);
                $report_mapping_for_this_tracker = array();
                $new_at_id = $atf->create($group_id, $template_id, $ath_temp->getID(), db_escape_string($ath_temp->getName()), db_escape_string($ath_temp->getDescription()), $ath_temp->getItemName(), $ugroup_mapping, $report_mapping_for_this_tracker);
                if (!$new_at_id) {
                    $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $atf->getErrorMessage());
                } else {
                    $report_mapping = $report_mapping + $report_mapping_for_this_tracker;
                    $tracker_mapping[$ath_temp->getID()] = $new_at_id;
                    // Copy all the artifacts from the template tracker to the new tracker
                    $ath_new = new ArtifactType($group, $new_at_id);
                    // not now. perhaps one day
                    //if (!$ath_new->copyArtifacts($ath_temp->getID()) ) {
                    //$GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('info', $ath_new->getErrorMessage());
                    // Create corresponding reference
                    $ref = new Reference(0, strtolower($ath_temp->getItemName()), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_reference', 'reference_art_desc_key'), '/tracker/?func=detail&aid=$1&group_id=$group_id', 'P', 'tracker', ReferenceManager::REFERENCE_NATURE_ARTIFACT, '1', $group_id);
                    $result = $reference_manager->createReference($ref, true);
                    // Force reference creation because default trackers use reserved keywords
        // Clone wiki from the template
        $clone = new WikiCloner($template_id, $group_id);
        // check if the template project has a wiki initialised
        if ($clone->templateWikiExists() and $clone->newWikiIsUsed()) {
            //clone wiki.
        //Create the summary page
        $lm = new WidgetLayoutManager();
        $lm->createDefaultLayoutForProject($group_id, $template_id);
        //Create project specific references if template is not default site template
        if (!$system_template) {
            $reference_manager =& ReferenceManager::instance();
            $reference_manager->addProjectReferences($template_id, $group_id);
        // Copy Truncated email option
        $sql = "UPDATE groups AS g1\n                JOIN groups AS g2\n                  ON g2.group_id = " . db_ei($template_id) . "\n                SET g1.truncated_emails = g2.truncated_emails\n                WHERE g1.group_id = " . db_ei($group_id);
        $result = db_query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_confirmation', 'cant_copy_truncated_emails'));
        // Raise an event for plugin configuration
        $em =& EventManager::instance();
        $em->processEvent('register_project_creation', array('reportMapping' => $report_mapping, 'trackerMapping' => $tracker_mapping, 'ugroupsMapping' => $ugroup_mapping, 'group_id' => $group_id, 'template_id' => $template_id));
        if ($auto_approval == PROJECT_APPROVAL_AUTO) {
        return $group_id;
 private function initTrackerV3ModuleFromTemplate(Group $group, Group $template_group, $ugroup_mapping)
     $group_id = $group->getID();
     $tracker_mapping = array();
     $report_mapping = array();
     if (TrackerV3::instance()->available()) {
         $atf = new ArtifactTypeFactory($template_group);
         //$tracker_error = "";
         // Add all trackers from template project (tracker templates) that need to be instanciated for new trackers.
         $res = $atf->getTrackerTemplatesForNewProjects();
         while ($arr_template = db_fetch_array($res)) {
             $ath_temp = new ArtifactType($template_group, $arr_template['group_artifact_id']);
             $report_mapping_for_this_tracker = array();
             $new_at_id = $atf->create($group_id, $template_group->getID(), $ath_temp->getID(), db_escape_string($ath_temp->getName()), db_escape_string($ath_temp->getDescription()), $ath_temp->getItemName(), $ugroup_mapping, $report_mapping_for_this_tracker);
             if (!$new_at_id) {
                 $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $atf->getErrorMessage());
             } else {
                 $report_mapping = $report_mapping + $report_mapping_for_this_tracker;
                 $tracker_mapping[$ath_temp->getID()] = $new_at_id;
                 // Copy all the artifacts from the template tracker to the new tracker
                 $ath_new = new ArtifactType($group, $new_at_id);
                 // not now. perhaps one day
                 //if (!$ath_new->copyArtifacts($ath_temp->getID()) ) {
                 //$GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('info', $ath_new->getErrorMessage());
                 // Create corresponding reference
                 $ref = new Reference(0, strtolower($ath_temp->getItemName()), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('project_reference', 'reference_art_desc_key'), '/tracker/?func=detail&aid=$1&group_id=$group_id', 'P', 'tracker', ReferenceManager::REFERENCE_NATURE_ARTIFACT, '1', $group_id);
                 $result = $this->reference_manager->createReference($ref, true);
                 // Force reference creation because default trackers use reserved keywords
     return array($tracker_mapping, $report_mapping);
  * Returns the group id of an artifact id
  * @param Integer $artifact_id
  * @return mixed False if no match, the group id otherwise
 protected function getGroupIdFromArtifactId($artifact_id)
     if (!TrackerV3::instance()->available()) {
         return false;
     $dao = $this->getArtifactDao();
     $result = $dao->searchArtifactId($artifact_id);
     if ($result && count($result)) {
         $row = $result->getRow();
         return $row['group_id'];
     return false;
Exemple #8
  <li>' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'deleted_group', array("grouplist.php?status=D")) . '</li>
// Configuration
if ($GLOBALS['sys_use_trove'] != 0) {
    $trov_conf = '<li>' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'trove_cat') . ': 
                      <li><a href="/admin/trove/trove_cat_list.php">' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'trove_cat_list') . '</a></li>
                      <li><a href="/admin/trove/trove_cat_add.php">' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'trove_cat_add') . '</a></li>
} else {
    $trove_conf = '';
$wConf = new Widget_Static("Configuration");
$additional_tracker_entries = array();
if (TrackerV3::instance()->available()) {
    $additional_tracker_entries[] = '<li><a href="/tracker/admin/?group_id=100">' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'tracker_template') . '</a></li>';
$em->processEvent(Event::SITE_ADMIN_CONFIGURATION_TRACKER, array('additional_entries' => &$additional_tracker_entries));
$tracker_links = '';
if (count($additional_tracker_entries) > 0) {
    $tracker_links = '<li>' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'header_tracker') . ':
            <li><a href="/tracker/admin/restore.php">' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'tracker_remove') . '</a></li>
            ' . implode('', $additional_tracker_entries) . '
  <li><a href="/admin/forgeaccess.php">' . $Language->getText('admin_main', 'configure_access_controls') . '</a></li>
 public function getNumberOfClosedArtifactsBetweenStartDateAndEndDate()
     if (TrackerV3::instance()->available()) {
         $sql = "SELECT artifact_group_list.group_id, COUNT(artifact.artifact_id) AS result\n                    FROM artifact_group_list, artifact\n                    WHERE ( close_date >= {$this->start_date}\n                        AND close_date < {$this->end_date}\n                        AND artifact_group_list.group_artifact_id = artifact.group_artifact_id )\n                    GROUP BY artifact_group_list.group_id";
         return $this->retrieve($sql);
     } else {
         return array();