            $this->cookie = $cookie;
            $data = $this->curl($url, $cookie, "");
            if (preg_match('%<a href="(.*)./"><span class="huge_button_green_left">%U', $data, $linkget)) {
                $data = $this->curl($linkget[1], $cookie, "");
                if (preg_match('%get_link\\("(.*)"\\)%U', $data, $linkget)) {
                    $data = $this->curl("http://filesmonster.com" . $linkget[1], $cookie, "");
                    $link = $this->cut_str($data, '"url":"', '"}');
                    $link = str_replace("\\", "", $link);
                    $size_name = Tools_get::size_name($link, $this->cookie);
                    $filesize = $size_name[0];
                    $filename = $size_name[1];
            } elseif (stristr($data, "File not found")) {
                die(Tools_get::report($Original, "dead"));
            } else {
                $cookie = "";
                $this->save_cookies("filesmonster.com", "");
* Home page: http://vinaget.us
* Blog:	http://blog.vinaget.us
* Script Name: Vinaget 
* Version: 2.6.3
* Created: ..:: [H] ::..
                    $this->save_cookies("fshare.vn", $cookie);
            $this->cookie = $cookie;
            $page = $this->curl($url, $cookie, $post);
            if (preg_match('/ocation: (http:\\/\\/.+.fshare\\.vn\\/vip\\/.+)/i', $page, $redir)) {
                $link = trim($redir[1]);
            } elseif (preg_match("%'(http:\\/\\/.+.fshare\\.vn\\/vip\\/.+)'%U", $page, $redir2)) {
                $link = trim($redir2[1]);
            } elseif (stristr($page, '<font color="RED">')) {
                die("Tài khoản này đang được sử dụng trên máy khác (hoặc IP khác), bạn không được phép download lúc này.");
            } elseif (strpos($page, 'fieldset class="m_t_10" style=""')) {
            if ($link) {
                $size_name = Tools_get::size_name($link, $this->cookie);
                $filesize = $size_name[0];
                $filename = $size_name[1];
            } else {
                $cookie = "";
                $this->save_cookies("fshare.vn", "");
* Home page: http://vinaget.us
* Blog:	http://blog.vinaget.us
* Script Name: Vinaget 
* Version: 2.6.3
Exemple #3
 function convert_name($filename)
     $filename = urldecode($filename);
     $filename = Tools_get::uft8html2utf8($filename);
     $filename = preg_replace("/(\\]|\\[|\\@|\"\\;\\?\\=|\"|=|\\*|UTF-8|\\')/", "", $filename);
     $filename = preg_replace("/(HTTP|http|WWW|www|\\.html|\\.htm)/i", "", $filename);
     $filename = str_replace($this->banned, '.xxx', $filename);
     if (empty($filename) == true) {
         $filename = substr(md5(time() . $url), 0, 10);
     return $filename;

if (preg_match('#^(http|https)\\:\\/\\/(www\\.)?dailymotion\\.com/#', $url)) {
    $data = $this->curl($url, "", "");
    if (preg_match('@"hqURL":"([^|\\r|\\n|"]+)@i', urldecode($data), $match)) {
        $redir = trim($match[1]);
    } elseif (preg_match('@"(?:sd)?URL":"([^|\\r|\\n|"]+)@i', urldecode($data), $match)) {
        $redir = trim($match[1]);
    if ($redir) {
        $redir = str_replace("\\/", "/", $redir);
        $page = $this->curl($redir, "", "");
        if (preg_match('/ocation: (.*)/', $page, $match)) {
            $link = trim($match[1]);
            $size_name = Tools_get::size_name($link, "");
            $filesize = $size_name[0];
            if (preg_match('%<title>(.*) - Video Dailymotion</title>%U', $data, $matches)) {
                $filename = $matches[1] . ".mp4";
            } else {
                $filename = $size_name[1];
* Home page: http://vinaget.us
* Blog:	http://blog.vinaget.us
* Script Name: Vinaget 
* Version: 2.6.3
* Created: France
Exemple #5
        if (strpos($url, "|")) {
            $linkpass = explode('|', $url);
            $url = $linkpass[0];
            $pass = $linkpass[1];
        $data = $this->curl("http://tb7.pl/mojekonto/sciagaj", $cookie, "step=1&content=" . $url, 0);
        if (preg_match("%<span class=\"name\">(.*)<\\/span>%U", $data, $matches)) {
            $filename = $matches[1];
        if (preg_match("%Rozmiar: (.*)<\\/label>%U", $data, $matches)) {
            $filesize = $matches[1];
        $data = $this->curl("http://tb7.pl/mojekonto/sciagaj", $cookie, "step=2&0=on", 0);
        //$page = json_decode($data, true);
        if (stristr($data, "disable for trial account")) {
            $report = Tools_get::report($url, "disabletrial");
        } elseif (stristr($data, "Ip not allowed")) {
            die("<font color=red><b>Ip host have been banned by tb7.pl !</b></font>");
        } elseif (preg_match('%<a href="(.*)" target="_blank">Pobierz</a>%U', $data, $matches)) {
            $link = $matches[1];
            $data = $this->curl($link, "", "");
            if (preg_match('/ocation: (.*)/', $data, $match)) {
                $link = $match[1];
* Home page: http://vinaget.us
* Blog:	http://blog.vinaget.us
* Script Name: Vinaget 
                $post['loginUserPassword'] = $pass;
                $post['loginFormSubmit'] = "Login";
                $data = $this->curl("http://www.fileserve.com/login.php", $cookie, $post);
                $cookie = $this->GetCookies($data);
                $this->save_cookies("fileserve.com", $cookie);
            $this->cookie = $cookie;
            $data = $this->curl($url, $cookie, "");
            if (preg_match('/ocation: (.*)/', $data, $linkpre)) {
                $link = trim($linkpre[1]);
                $size_name = Tools_get::size_name($link, $this->cookie);
                $filesize = $size_name[0];
                $filename = $size_name[1];
            } elseif (stristr($data, "File not available")) {
                $report = Tools_get::report($Original, "dead");
            } else {
                $cookie = "";
                $this->save_cookies("fileserve.com", "");
* Home page: http://vinaget.us
* Blog:	http://blog.vinaget.us
* Script Name: Vinaget 
* Version: 2.6.3
* Created: ..:: [H] ::..
            $URL .= "&signature=" . $sig;
            $this->youtube = $title . ".mp4";
            echo '<div id="link">' . $this->get($URL) . '</div>';
        if (isset($foundArray[37])) {
            $URL = $foundArray[37];
            $sig = $signature[37];
            $URL .= "&signature=" . $sig;
            $this->youtube = $title . ".mp4";
            echo '<div id="link">' . $this->get($URL) . '</div>';
} elseif (isset($this->youtube)) {
    $URL = $url;
    $size_name = Tools_get::size_name(trim($URL), "");
    if ($size_name[0] > 200) {
        $filename = $this->youtube;
        $filename = str_replace("/", "", $filename);
        $filesize = $size_name[0];
        $link = $URL;
    } else {
* Home page: http://vinaget.us
* Blog: http://blog.vinaget.us
* Script Name: Vinaget
* Version: 2.6.3
* Created: afterburnerleech.com (7 Sep 2011)

$account = trim($this->get_account("prodownloader.tk"));
if (stristr($account, ':')) {
    list($user, $pass) = explode(':', $account);
} else {
    $cookie = $account;
if (empty($cookie) == false || $user && $pass) {
    for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) {
        $data = $this->curl("http://{$user}index.php", "secureid=" . md5($pass), "urllist=" . urlencode($url));
        if (preg_match("/href='(.*)' style/", $data, $catch)) {
            $link = trim($catch[1]);
            $size_name = Tools_get::size_name($link, '');
            if ($size_name[0] > 200) {
                $filesize = $size_name[0];
                $filename = $size_name[1];
            } else {
                $link = "";
* Coded By Erkan_2034
* Website: Turkdebrid.com
* Contact: Skype: Erkan_20342034 Yahoo: Erkan_2034
* Vinaget to vinaget ( FOR 263)
                        $link2 = trim($value[1]);
                $data1 = trim($this->cut_str($data, "var direct_links", "direct_link_1"));
                if (preg_match('%(http:\\/\\/.+)" :%U', $data1, $value)) {
                    $link = trim($value[1]);
                    $size_name = Tools_get::size_name($link, $this->cookie);
                    if ($size_name[0] < 200 && isset($link2)) {
                        $link = $link2;
                    } else {
                        $filesize = $size_name[0];
                        $filename = $size_name[1];
                } elseif (stristr($data, 'The file is temporarily unavailable for download')) {
                    echo Tools_get::report($url, "dead");
                } else {
                    $cookie = "";
                    $this->save_cookies("letitbit.net", "");
* Home page: http://vinaget.us
* Blog:	http://blog.vinaget.us
* Script Name: Vinaget 
* Version: 2.6.3
* Created: ..:: [H] ::..
         if (preg_match('/ocation: (.*)/', $page, $linkpre)) {
             $link = trim($linkpre[1]);
         } elseif (stristr($page, "dh('');")) {
         if ($link) {
         } else {
             $cookie = "";
             $this->save_cookies("mediafire.com", "");
 if ($link) {
     $size_name = Tools_get::size_name($link, $cookie);
     if ($size_name[0] > 0) {
         $filesize = $size_name[0];
         $filename = $size_name[1];
 } else {
     if (stristr($data, "6LextQUAAAAAALlQv0DSHOYxqF3DftRZxA5yebEe")) {
         $page = $this->curl("http://api.recaptcha.net/challenge?k=6LextQUAAAAAALlQv0DSHOYxqF3DftRZxA5yebEe", "", "");
         if (preg_match("%challenge : '(.*)'%U", $page, $matches)) {
             echo 'captcha code \'' . trim($matches[1]) . '\'';
         } else {
             echo '<font color=blue>' . $url . '</font> <font color=red>==&#9658; Authentication Required, pls contact admin@vinaget.us</font>';
     } elseif (stristr($data, "This file is temporarily unavailable because")) {
         die('<center><b><font color=#00CC00>' . $url . '</font> <font color=red> ==&#9658; File too big ! </font><font color=#3399FF>when allowed only</font> <font color=#FFCC00>200 MB</font></b></center>');

if (strpos($url, 'soundcloud.com')) {
    include "phpquery.php";
    $post = array("track" => $url);
    $data = $this->curl('http://offliberty.com/off.php', '', $post);
    $link = pq('a:first')->attr('href');
    $size_name = Tools_get::size_name(trim($link), "");
    if ($size_name[0] > 200) {
        $filesize = $size_name[0];
        $filename = explode("/", $url);
        $filename = $filename[3] . "_" . $filename[4] . ".mp3";
        $filename = str_replace("[", "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace("www.", "www_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace("]", "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace("\\", "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace("@", "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace('&#039;', "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace('"', "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace('$', "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace('%', "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace('&', "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace(' ', "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace('%20', "_", $filename);
        $filename = str_replace('-', "_", $filename);
    } else {
        die('Can not get link !');