  * returns next occurrence _ignoring exceptions_ or NULL if there is none/not computable
  * NOTE: an ongoing event during $from [start, end[ is considered as next 
  * NOTE: for previous events on ongoing event is considered as previous
  * NOTE: computing the next occurrence of an open end rrule can be dangerous, as it might result
  *       in a endless loop. Therefore we only make a limited number of attempts before giving up.
  * @param  Calendar_Model_Event         $_event
  * @param  Tinebase_Record_RecordSet    $_exceptions
  * @param  Tinebase_DateTime            $_from
  * @param  Int                          $_which
  * @return Calendar_Model_Event|NULL
 public static function computeNextOccurrence($_event, $_exceptions, $_from, $_which = 1)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' $from = ' . $_from->toString());
     if ($_which === 0 || $_event->dtstart >= $_from && $_event->dtend > $_from) {
         return $_event;
     $freqMap = array(self::FREQ_DAILY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_DAY, self::FREQ_WEEKLY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_WEEK, self::FREQ_MONTHLY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_MONTH, self::FREQ_YEARLY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_YEAR);
     $rrule = new Calendar_Model_Rrule(NULL, TRUE);
     $from = clone $_from;
     $until = clone $from;
     $interval = $_which * $rrule->interval;
     // we don't want to compute ourself
     $ownEvent = clone $_event;
     $exceptions = clone $_exceptions;
     $recurSet = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     if ($_from->isEarlier($_event->dtstart)) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' from is ealier dtstart -> given event is next occurrence');
         return $_event;
     $rangeDate = $_which > 0 ? $until : $from;
     if (!isset($freqMap[$rrule->freq])) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::ERR)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Invalid RRULE:' . print_r($rrule->toArray(), true));
         throw new Calendar_Exception('Invalid freq in RRULE: ' . $rrule->freq);
     $rangeDate->add($interval, $freqMap[$rrule->freq]);
     $attempts = 0;
     if ($_event->rrule_until instanceof DateTime && Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Event rrule_until: ' . $_event->rrule_until->toString());
     while (TRUE) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' trying to find next occurrence from ' . $from->toString());
         if ($_event->rrule_until instanceof DateTime && $from->isLater($_event->rrule_until)) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' passed rrule_until -> no further occurrences');
             return NULL;
         $until = $_event->rrule_until instanceof DateTime && $until->isLater($_event->rrule_until) ? clone $_event->rrule_until : $until;
         $recurSet->merge(self::computeRecurrenceSet($_event, $exceptions, $from, $until));
         // NOTE: computeRecurrenceSet also returns events during $from in some cases, but we need
         // to events later than $from.
         $recurSet = $recurSet->filter(function ($event) use($from) {
             return $event->dtstart >= $from;
         if (count($recurSet) >= abs($_which)) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found next occurrence after {$attempts} attempt(s)");
         if ($attempts > count($exceptions) + 5) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " could not find the next occurrence after {$attempts} attempts, giving up");
             return NULL;
         $from->add($interval, $freqMap[$rrule->freq]);
         $until->add($interval, $freqMap[$rrule->freq]);
     $recurSet->sort('dtstart', $_which > 0 ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
     $nextOccurrence = $recurSet[abs($_which) - 1];
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' $nextOccurrence->dtstart = ' . $nextOccurrence->dtstart->toString());
     return $nextOccurrence;
  * search tree nodes for search combo
  * @param Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node_Filter $_filter
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_pagination
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet of Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node
 protected function _searchNodesRecursive($_filter, $_pagination)
     $files = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node');
     $ret = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node');
     $folders = $this->_getRootNodes();
     while ($folders->count()) {
         $node = $folders->getFirstRecord();
         $filter = new Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node_Filter(array(array('field' => 'path', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $node->path)), 'AND');
         $result = $this->search($filter);
         $folders->merge($result->filter('type', Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node::TYPE_FOLDER));
         if ($_filter->getFilter('query') && $_filter->getFilter('query')->getValue()) {
             $files->merge($result->filter('type', Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node::TYPE_FILE)->filter('name', '/^' . $_filter->getFilter('query')->getValue() . './i', true));
         } else {
             $files->merge($result->filter('type', Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node::TYPE_FILE));
     $this->_recursiveSearchTotalCount = $files->count();
     $ret = $files->sortByPagination($_pagination)->limitByPagination($_pagination);
     return $ret;
  * generates path for the record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Abstract $record
  * @param boolean $rebuildRecursively
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet
  * TODO what about acl? the account who creates the path probably does not see all relations ...
 public function generatePathForRecord(Tinebase_Record_Abstract $record, $rebuildRecursively = false)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Generate path for ' . get_class($record) . ' record with id ' . $record->getId());
     $recordController = Tinebase_Core::getApplicationInstance(get_class($record));
     // if we rebuild recursively, dont do any tree operation, just rebuild the paths for the record and be done with it
     if (false === $rebuildRecursively) {
         // fetch full record + check acl
         $record = $recordController->get($record->getId());
         $currentPaths = Tinebase_Record_Path::getInstance()->getPathsForRecords($record);
     $newPaths = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Tinebase_Model_Path');
     // fetch all parent -> child relations and add to path
     $newPaths->merge($this->_getPathsOfRecord($record, $rebuildRecursively));
     if (method_exists($recordController, 'generatePathForRecord')) {
     // if we rebuild recursively, dont do any tree operation, just rebuild the paths for the record and be done with it
     if (false === $rebuildRecursively) {
         //compare currentPaths with newPaths to find out if we need to make subtree updates
         //we should do this before the new paths of the current record have been persisted to DB!
         $currentShadowPathOffset = array();
         foreach ($currentPaths as $offset => $path) {
             $currentShadowPathOffset[$path->shadow_path] = $offset;
         $newShadowPathOffset = array();
         foreach ($newPaths as $offset => $path) {
             $newShadowPathOffset[$path->shadow_path] = $offset;
         $toDelete = array();
         $anyOldOffset = null;
         foreach ($currentShadowPathOffset as $shadowPath => $offset) {
             $anyOldOffset = $offset;
             // parent path has been deleted!
             if (false === isset($newShadowPathOffset[$shadowPath])) {
                 $toDelete[] = $shadowPath;
             $currentPath = $currentPaths[$offset];
             $newPath = $newPaths[$newShadowPathOffset[$shadowPath]];
             // path changed (a title was updated or similar)
             if ($currentPath->path !== $newPath->path) {
                 // update ... set path = REPLACE(path, $currentPath->path, $newPath->path) where shadow_path LIKE '$shadowPath/%'
                 $this->_backend->replacePathForShadowPathTree($shadowPath, $currentPath->path, $newPath->path);
         // new parents
         if (count($newShadowPathOffset) > 0 && null !== $anyOldOffset) {
             $anyPath = $currentPaths[$anyOldOffset];
             $newParents = array_values($newShadowPathOffset);
             foreach ($newParents as $newParentOffset) {
                 $newParent = $newPaths[$newParentOffset];
                 // insert into ... select
                 // REPLACE(path, $anyPath->path, $newParent->path) as path,
                 // REPLACE(shadow_path, $anyPath->shadow_path, $newParent->shadow_path) as shadow_path
                 // from ... where shadow_path LIKE '$anyPath->shadow_path/%'
                 $this->_backend->copyTreeByShadowPath($anyPath->shadow_path, $newParent->path, $anyPath->path, $newParent->shadow_path, $anyPath->shadow_path);
         //execute deletes only now, important to make 100% sure "new parents" just above still has data to work on!
         foreach ($toDelete as $delete) {
             // delete where shadow_path LIKE '$delete/%'
     // delete current paths of this record
     // recreate new paths of this record
     foreach ($newPaths as $path) {
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Created ' . count($newPaths) . ' paths.');
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($newPaths->toArray(), true));
     return $newPaths;
  * get file list
  * @param Filemanager_Model_DownloadLink $download
  * @param array $splittedPath
  * @param Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node $node
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet
  * @todo move basePath calculation to view. In the controller we should start the path with $download-getId().
 public function getFileList(Filemanager_Model_DownloadLink $download, $splittedPath, $node = null)
     if ($node === null) {
         $node = $this->getNode($download, $splittedPath);
     $basePath = '/download/show/' . $download->getId() . '/';
     if (count($splittedPath) > 0) {
         $basePath .= implode('/', $splittedPath) . '/';
     $children = $this->_getTreeNodeBackend()->getChildren($node);
     foreach ($children as $child) {
         $child->path = $basePath . $child->name;
     $files = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node');
     if (count($splittedPath) > 0) {
         $parent = $this->_getTreeNodeBackend()->get($node->parent_id);
         $parent->name = '..';
         $parent->path = $basePath . '..';
     $files->merge($children->filter('type', Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node::TYPE_FOLDER)->sort('name'));
     $files->merge($children->filter('type', Tinebase_Model_Tree_Node::TYPE_FILE)->sort('name'));
     return $files;
 public function compareCalendars($cal1, $cal2, $from, $until)
     $matchingEvents = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     $changedEvents = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     $missingEventsInCal1 = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     $missingEventsInCal2 = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     $cal2EventIdsAlreadyProcessed = array();
     while ($from->isEarlier($until)) {
         $endWeek = $from->getClone()->addWeek(1);
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Comparing period ' . $from . ' - ' . $endWeek);
         // get all events from cal1+cal2 for the week
         $cal1Events = $this->_getEventsForPeriodAndCalendar($cal1, $from, $endWeek);
         $cal1EventsClone = clone $cal1Events;
         $cal2Events = $this->_getEventsForPeriodAndCalendar($cal2, $from, $endWeek);
         $cal2EventsClone = clone $cal2Events;
         if (count($cal1Events) == 0 && count($cal2Events) == 0) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' No events found');
         foreach ($cal1Events as $event) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Checking event "' . $event->summary . '" ' . $event->dtstart . ' - ' . $event->dtend);
             if ($event->container_id != $cal1) {
                 if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Event is in another calendar - skip');
             $summaryMatch = $cal2Events->filter('summary', $event->summary);
             if (count($summaryMatch) > 0) {
                 if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Found " . count($summaryMatch) . ' events with matching summaries');
                 $dtStartMatch = $summaryMatch->filter('dtstart', $event->dtstart);
                 if (count($dtStartMatch) > 0) {
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Found " . count($summaryMatch) . ' events with matching dtstarts and summaries');
                     // remove from cal1+cal2
                     $cal2EventIdsAlreadyProcessed = array_merge($cal2EventIdsAlreadyProcessed, $dtStartMatch->getArrayOfIds());
                 } else {
                     $cal2EventIdsAlreadyProcessed = array_merge($cal2EventIdsAlreadyProcessed, $summaryMatch->getArrayOfIds());
         // add missing events
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Found " . count($cal1Events) . ' events missing in cal2');
         // compare cal2 -> cal1 and add events as missing from cal1 that we did not detect before
         foreach ($cal2EventsClone as $event) {
             if (in_array($event->getId(), $cal2EventIdsAlreadyProcessed)) {
             if ($event->container_id != $cal2) {
                 if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Event is in another calendar - skip');
     $result = array('matching' => $matchingEvents, 'changed' => $changedEvents, 'missingInCal1' => $missingEventsInCal1, 'missingInCal2' => $missingEventsInCal2);
     return $result;
  * get and resolve all alarms of given record(s)
  * @param  Tinebase_Record_Interface|Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $_record
 public function getAlarms($_record)
     $events = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event', array($_record));
     if ($_record->exdate instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet) {
         $events->merge($_record->exdate->filter('is_deleted', 0));
Exemple #7
  * returns next occurrence _ignoring exceptions_ or NULL if there is none/not computable
  * NOTE: computing the next occurrence of an open end rrule can be dangoures, as it might result
  *       in a endless loop. Therefore we only make a limited number of attempts before giving up.
  * @param  Calendar_Model_Event         $_event
  * @param  Tinebase_Record_RecordSet    $_exceptions
  * @param  Tinebase_DateTime            $_from
  * @param  Int                          $_which
  * @return Calendar_Model_Event
 public static function computeNextOccurrence($_event, $_exceptions, $_from, $_which = 1)
     $freqMap = array(self::FREQ_DAILY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_DAY, self::FREQ_WEEKLY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_WEEK, self::FREQ_MONTHLY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_MONTH, self::FREQ_YEARLY => Tinebase_DateTime::MODIFIER_YEAR);
     $rrule = new Calendar_Model_Rrule(NULL, TRUE);
     $from = clone $_from;
     $until = clone $from;
     $interval = $_which * $rrule->interval;
     // we don't want to compute ourself
     $ownEvent = clone $_event;
     $recurSet = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     if ($_from->isEarlier($_event->dtstart)) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' from is ealier dtstart -> given event is next occurrence');
         return $_event;
     $until->add($interval, $freqMap[$rrule->freq]);
     $attempts = 0;
     while (TRUE) {
         if ($_event->rrule_until instanceof DateTime && $from->isLater($_event->rrule_until)) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' passed rrule_until -> no furthor occurrences');
             return NULL;
         $until = $_event->rrule_until instanceof DateTime && $until->isLater($_event->rrule_until) ? $_event->rrule_until : $until;
         $recurSet->merge(self::computeRecurrenceSet($_event, $_exceptions, $from, $until));
         if (count($recurSet) >= $_which) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " found next occurrence after {$attempts} attempt(s)");
         if ($attempts > count($_exceptions) + 5) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " could not find the next occurrence after {$attempts} attempts, giving up");
             return NULL;
         $from->add($interval, $freqMap[$rrule->freq]);
         $until->add($interval, $freqMap[$rrule->freq]);
     $recurSet->sort('dtstart', 'ASC');
     return $recurSet[$_which - 1];
  * get core data for all applications
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet
 public function getCoreData()
     $result = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('CoreData_Model_CoreData');
     // loop all installed apps and collect CoreData
     foreach (Tinebase_Core::getUser()->getApplications() as $application) {
         $appControllerName = $application->name . '_Controller';
         if (class_exists($appControllerName)) {
             $appController = call_user_func($appControllerName . '::getInstance');
             if (method_exists($appController, 'getCoreDataForApplication')) {
                 $coreDataOfApplication = $appController->getCoreDataForApplication();
     return $result;