// TRANS: abbrev. for March
$month_abbrev['03'] = NT_('Mar');
// TRANS: abbrev. for April
$month_abbrev['04'] = NT_('Apr');
// TRANS: abbrev. for May
$month_abbrev['05'] = NT_('May');
// TRANS: abbrev. for June
$month_abbrev['06'] = NT_('Jun');
// TRANS: abbrev. for July
$month_abbrev['07'] = NT_('Jul');
// TRANS: abbrev. for August
$month_abbrev['08'] = NT_('Aug');
// TRANS: abbrev. for September
$month_abbrev['09'] = NT_('Sep');
// TRANS: abbrev. for October
$month_abbrev['10'] = NT_('Oct');
// TRANS: abbrev. for November
$month_abbrev['11'] = NT_('Nov');
// TRANS: abbrev. for December
$month_abbrev['12'] = NT_('Dec');
 * Load modules.
 * This initializes table name aliases and is required before trying to connect to the DB.
load_class('_core/model/_module.class.php', 'Module');
foreach ($modules as $module) {
    require_once $inc_path . $module . '/_' . $module . '.init.php';