  * Adds a single up/down vote to the item and recalculates the vote results.
  * This method performs no checks to see whether the current user has already voted for the item.
  * @param   integer  0 = down, 1 = up
  * @param   string   IP number
  * @return  void
 public function cast_vote($vote, $ip = NULL)
     // Vote value must be either 0 or 1
     $vote = min(1, max(0, (int) $vote));
     $aux_vote = 0;
     if ($vote) {
         // Add an "up" vote
         $this->votes_up += 10;
         $sql = 'votes_up = votes_up + 10';
         $aux_vote = 10;
     } else {
         $aux_vote = -10;
         // Add a "down" vote
         $this->votes_down += 10;
         $sql = 'votes_down = votes_down + 10';
     // Recalculate the vote results, no need to reload the item from database
     // Update the item record
     $sth = ThumbsUp::db()->prepare('UPDATE ' . ThumbsUp::config('database_table_prefix') . 'items SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE id = ?');
     // The current user has just cast a vote
     $this->user_voted = TRUE;
     $this->register_vote_in_owloo($this->name, $aux_vote);
     // Add the item id to a cookie
     if (ThumbsUp::config('cookie_check')) {
     // Combine the storage of the IP and user id into one query for optimization
     $ip = ThumbsUp::config('ip_check') ? ThumbsUp::get_ip() : NULL;
     $user_id = ThumbsUp::config('user_id_check') ? ThumbsUp::get_user_id() : NULL;
     if ($ip or $user_id) {
         $sth = ThumbsUp::db()->prepare('INSERT INTO ' . ThumbsUp::config('database_table_prefix') . 'votes (item_id, ip, user_id, value, date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
         $sth->execute(array($this->id, $ip, $user_id, $vote, time()));
  * Deletes the cookie completely.
  * @return  boolean  was setcookie() successful or not?
 public static function delete()
     // Delete cookie contents
     self::$cookie = '';
     // If any output has been sent, setcookie() will fail.
     // If we're not in debug mode, we'll fail silently.
     if (headers_sent() and !ThumbsUp::config('debug')) {
         return FALSE;
     // Setting a cookie with a value of FALSE will try to delete it
     return setcookie(ThumbsUp::config('cookie_name'), FALSE, time() - 86400, ThumbsUp::config('cookie_path'), ThumbsUp::config('cookie_domain'));