Exemple #1
 /* This class is used to create a thumbnail from the uploaded image. */
 require_once INCLUDES_PATH . "Thumbnail.class.php";
 /* Generate a unique filename based on the server time and the users ip address. */
 $uniqueFilename = md5(time() . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
 /* Build the artwork and thumb filenames and folder names. */
 $artworkFilename = "pic-{$uniqueFilename}.jpg";
 $thumbFilename = "thumb-{$artworkFilename}";
 $artworkFilePath = ROOT_ARTWORK_PATH . $artworkFilename;
 $thumbnailFilePath = ROOT_THUMBNAIL_PATH . $thumbFilename;
 /* Move the uploaded temporary file to the artwork folder. */
 move_uploaded_file($tempFilename, $artworkFilePath);
 /* Instantiate a blank thumbnail and load the artwork image. */
 $thumbnail = new Thumbnail(THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT);
 /* These properties of the thumbnail are based on the dimentions of the uploaded artwork image. */
 $thumbOrientation = $thumbnail->getThumbOrientation();
 $thumbOffsetMax = $thumbnail->getThumbOffsetMax();
 /* Generate the thumbnail image. */
 /* Get the values submitted by the form. */
 $values = $frmAdd->exportValues();
 try {
     /* Save the properties of the new artwork to the database. */
     $sql = "\n                    INSERT INTO gallery_images\n                        (title, filename, thumb_orientation, thumb_offset_max, gallery_id)\n                    VALUES\n                        (:title, :filename, :thumb_orientation, :thumb_offset_max, :gallery_id)\n                ";
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':title', $values['txtTitle']);
     $stmt->bindParam(':filename', $artworkFilename);
     $stmt->bindParam(':thumb_orientation', $thumbOrientation);
     $stmt->bindParam(':thumb_offset_max', $thumbOffsetMax);