Exemple #1
 //You can see how this would be used (and even expand it to other fields if you wish), but we're not using it right now. - tyam
 if (strlen($_POST['subj'])<3)
 THdie("Subject field not long enough");
$mod = $_SESSION['moderator'] || $_SESSION['admin'];
//quick fix
//This should be for CAPTCHA
if (THvc == 1) {
$db = new ThornPostDBI();
if ($db->checkban()) {
$binfo = $db->getbinfo($db->getboardnumber($_POST['board']));
// Die if the board doesn't exist.
if ($binfo == null) {
    die("Specified board does not exist.");
//check for banned keywords
if ($mod == false) {
    // First, flood protection
    $longip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    if ($db->postedwithintime($longip) == true) {
        THdie("You must wait a while before making another post.");
    // This should have the cached version of banned keywords in an array named $spamblacklist.