Exemple #1
  * Get singletom instance
  * @return Thethao_Model_Match
  * @author LamTX
 public static final function getInstance()
     //Check instance
     if (is_null(self::$_instance)) {
         self::$_instance = new self();
     //Return instance
     return self::$_instance;
 public function predictAction()
     //get common info of match
     // Disable render layout
     // Get user login
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace(SESSION_NAMESPACE);
     $arrParams = $this->_request->getParams();
     $intMatchID = (int) $arrParams['matchid'] ? $arrParams['matchid'] : 0;
     $intGoalTeam1 = (int) $arrParams['goalteam1'] ? $arrParams['goalteam1'] : 0;
     $intGoalTeam2 = (int) $arrParams['goalteam2'] ? $arrParams['goalteam2'] : 0;
     //get site id
     // Prepare for reading cache
     $memcacheInstance = Thethao_Global::getCache();
     $keyCache = vsprintf(CACHING_PREFIX . 'client_ip:%s:%s', array($intMatchID, $client_ip));
     //get memcache
     $predict = $memcacheInstance->read($keyCache);
     if ($predict === false) {
         //Check matchID
         if (!$intMatchID) {
             echo -1;
         //Check input data
         if ($intGoalTeam1 < 0 || $intGoalTeam2 < 0) {
             echo -2;
         $params = array('match_id' => $intMatchID, 'mobile' => NULL, 'userid' => (int) $session->userid, 'goal_team1' => (int) $arrParams['goalteam1'], 'goal_team2' => (int) $arrParams['goalteam2'], 'numpeople' => NULL, 'codepre' => NULL, 'type' => 1);
         //Insert predict
         $matchModel = Thethao_Model_Match::getInstance();
         $arrReponse = $matchModel->pushJobInsertMatchPredict($params);
         // Write to cache
         if ($arrReponse) {
             $memcacheInstance->write($keyCache, $arrReponse, 60);
             Thethao_Global::writeMemcache($keyCache, $arrReponse, 'all', NULL, 60);
         echo Zend_Json::encode($arrReponse);
     } else {
         echo -1;
 public function matchapiAction()
     //set header
     header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
     header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET');
     //set cache
     $this->_request->setParam('cache_file', 1);
     //Disable layout
     //Set no render view
     //get param limit
     $intLimit = $this->_request->getParam('limit', 2);
     //get param league, defaul 18-worldcup
     $intLeague = $this->_request->getParam('league', 18);
     //init response
     $respose = array('data' => '', 'error' => 0);
     $matchModel = Thethao_Model_Match::getInstance();
     $modelObject = Fpt_Data_Materials_Object::getInstance();
     $beginHappenDateTime = time() - 100 * 60;
     //lay truoc do 100p
     $endHappenDateTime = 1405382400;
     // ngay 15-7-2014
     // Get list match id by league id with time happened from current -> 15/7
     $arrMatchIDs = $matchModel->getMatchIDsByLeague($intLeague, $beginHappenDateTime, $endHappenDateTime, false);
     // Count future
     $count = count($arrMatchIDs);
     if ($count > $intLimit) {
         $arrMatchIDs = array_slice($arrMatchIDs, 0, $intLimit, true);
     if (!empty($arrMatchIDs)) {
         $respose['data'] = $arrMatchIDs;
     $jsonData = Zend_Json::encode($respose);
     # JSON if no callback
     if (!isset($_GET['callback'])) {
         echo $jsonData;
     //init model new
     $modelNew = Thethao_Model_News::getInstance();
     # JSONP if valid callback
     if ($modelNew->isValidCallback($_GET['callback'])) {
         echo "{$_GET['callback']}({$jsonData})";
 public function insertMatchPredict($params)
     //Insert predict
     $modelFootball = new Thethao_Model_Match();
     $arrReponse = $modelFootball->insertMatchPredict($params);
     return $arrReponse;
  * @todo - Worldcup BoxLichThiDau
  * @author ThuyNT
 public function indexAction()
     // Disable render layout
     // Get params
     $intScore = (int) $this->_request->getParam('score', NULL);
     $strType = $this->_request->getParam('type', NULL);
     $dataEx = $this->_request->getParam('exclude', NULL);
     $objMatch = $this->view->objObject->getMatch();
     $matchModel = Thethao_Model_Match::getInstance();
     // Default response
     $response = array('error' => 0, 'msg' => 'Success', 'html' => NULL, 'type' => $strType);
     $past = false;
     $future = false;
     $sort = false;
     if ($intScore) {
         $strType = strip_tags($strType);
         $strType = $strType != 'next' && $strType != 'prev' ? 'next' : $strType;
         if ($strType == 'next') {
             $past = true;
             $endHappenDateTime = 1405382400;
             // ngay 15-7-2014
             $beginHappenDateTime = $intScore;
         } else {
             $future = true;
             $endHappenDateTime = $intScore;
             // $beginHappenDateTime = 1401667200; //ngay 2-6-2014
             $beginHappenDateTime = NULL;
         // Get fixture
         $arrMatchIDs = $matchModel->getMatchIDsByLeague(LEAGUE_ID, $beginHappenDateTime, $endHappenDateTime, $sort);
         //print_r($arrMatchIDs); die;
         if (!empty($arrMatchIDs)) {
             if (!empty($dataEx)) {
                 $arrMatchIDs = array_diff_key($arrMatchIDs, $dataEx);
             if ($strType == 'prev') {
                 //sap xep tu lon den nho
             if (count($arrMatchIDs) > LIMIT_FIXTURE) {
                 $past = true;
                 $future = true;
                 $arrMatchIDs = array_slice($arrMatchIDs, 0, LIMIT_FIXTURE, true);
             } else {
                 if ($strType == 'next') {
                     $future = false;
                 } else {
                     $past = false;
     } else {
         /*******BOX LICH THI DAU*********** */
         $arrMatchIDs = array();
         $sort = false;
         // Get list match id by league with time happened ago 90days
         $beginHappenDateTime = time() - 18 * 60 * 60;
         $pastToCurrentMatchIDs = array();
         $endHappenDateTime = 1405382400;
         // ngay 15-7-2014
         $pastToCurrentMatchIDs = $matchModel->getMatchIDsByLeague(LEAGUE_ID, $beginHappenDateTime - 1296000, $beginHappenDateTime, $sort);
         //Get list match id by team with time happened from current -> 15/7
         $currentToFutureMatchIDs = $matchModel->getMatchIDsByLeague(LEAGUE_ID, $beginHappenDateTime, $endHappenDateTime, $sort);
         // Count future
         $countFuture = count($currentToFutureMatchIDs);
         $countPast = count($pastToCurrentMatchIDs);
         $future = false;
         $past = false;
         if ($countFuture > LIMIT_FIXTURE) {
             $future = true;
             $offset = 0;
             $arrMatchIDs = array_slice($currentToFutureMatchIDs, $offset, LIMIT_FIXTURE, true);
         } else {
             $arrTmp = $pastToCurrentMatchIDs + $currentToFutureMatchIDs;
             $future = false;
             //sort by happen date time desc
             $arrMatchIDs = array_slice($arrTmp, 0, LIMIT_FIXTURE, true);
         if ($countPast > 0) {
             $past = true;
     if (!empty($arrMatchIDs)) {
     /*******END BOX LICH THI DAU*********** */
     // Assign to view
     $this->view->assign(array('arrMatchIDs' => $arrMatchIDs, 'future' => $future, 'past' => $past, 'pastScore' => current($arrMatchIDs), 'futureScore' => end($arrMatchIDs)));
     // Render html
     $response['html'] = $this->view->render('common/box_lich_thi_dau.phtml');
     echo Zend_Json::encode($response);
  * @todo - Worldcup LichThiDau
  * @author PhongTX
 public function indexAction()
     $arrTemp = array();
     //Default array graoup name
     $arrGroupName = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H');
     //Default array date & array detail match
     $arrDate = $arrDetailMatch = array('vong_bang' => array(), 'vong_16' => array(), 'tu_ket' => array(), 'ban_ket' => array(), 'tranh_giai_ba' => array(), 'chung_ket' => array());
     //Init date
     $beginHappenDateTime = strtotime('2014/06/13');
     $endHappenDateTime = strtotime('2014/07/15');
     //Get instance
     $matchModel = Thethao_Model_Match::getInstance();
     //Get list match id
     $arrListMatchIds = $matchModel->getMatchIDsByLeague(LEAGUE_ID, $beginHappenDateTime, $endHappenDateTime, false);
     if (!empty($arrListMatchIds)) {
         // Models instance
         $objMatch = $this->view->objObject->getMatch();
         //Set id
         //get match extend
         $extend = $matchModel->getDetailMatchExtend(array_keys($arrListMatchIds));
         foreach (array_keys($arrListMatchIds) as $intMatchId) {
             /* End dien bien tran dau */
             $arrTemp = $objMatch->getDetailObjectBasic($intMatchId);
             $arrTemp['scoreCard'] = isset($extend[$intMatchId]['scoreCard']) ? $extend[$intMatchId]['scoreCard'] : array();
             $arrTemp['formGuide'] = isset($extend[$intMatchId]['formGuide']) ? $extend[$intMatchId]['formGuide'] : array();
             if (in_array($arrTemp['round'], $arrGroupName)) {
                 $arrDetailMatch['vong_bang'][] = $arrTemp;
             } else {
                 switch ($arrTemp['round']) {
                     case 2:
                         $arrDetailMatch['vong_16'][] = $arrTemp;
                     case 3:
                         $arrDetailMatch['tu_ket'][] = $arrTemp;
                     case 4:
                         $arrDetailMatch['ban_ket'][] = $arrTemp;
                     case 5:
                         $arrDetailMatch['tranh_giai_ba'][] = $arrTemp;
                     case 6:
                         $arrDetailMatch['chung_ket'][] = $arrTemp;
     //Define array date
     $arrDate['vong_bang'] = array(13 => 2, 14 => 3, 15 => 4, 16 => 3, 17 => 3, 18 => 3, 19 => 3, 20 => 3, 21 => 3, 22 => 3, 23 => 4, 24 => 4, 25 => 4, 26 => 4, 27 => 2);
     $arrDate['vong_16'] = array(28 => 1, 29 => 2, 30 => 2, 1 => 2, 2 => 1);
     $arrDate['tu_ket'] = array(4 => 1, 5 => 2, 6 => 1);
     $arrDate['ban_ket'] = array(9 => 1, 10 => 1);
     $arrDate['tranh_giai_ba'] = array(13 => 1);
     $arrDate['chung_ket'] = array(14 => 1);
     //Get currTimeGmt
     $currTimeGmt = time() - 110 * 60;
     //Get date now
     $dateNow = date('dmY', time());
     $this->view->assign(array('dateNow' => $dateNow, 'arrDetailMatch' => $arrDetailMatch, 'arrDate' => $arrDate, 'currTime' => $currTimeGmt, 'strCateCode' => $this->_request->getParam('controller'), 'ogType' => 'website', 'ogTitle' => 'Lịch thi đấu World Cup 2014 - VnExpress', 'ogUrl' => $this->view->configView['url'] . '/lich-thi-dau', 'ogImage' => 'http://m.f9.img.vnexpress.net/2014/01/10/fa68f81afe10b727852361b1894ccc74.jpg', 'ogDescription' => 'Fifa World Cup 2014 - tin nhanh , hình ảnh , video clip bóng đá, lịch thi đấu WC 2014 tại Brazil, tường thuật bình luận bóng đá World Cup 2014'));
     //gan meta data
     $titleMeta = 'Lịch thi đấu World Cup 2014 - VnExpress';
     $keywords = 'World cup 2014, tin tuc , bong da';
     $description = 'Fifa World Cup 2014 - tin nhanh , hình ảnh , video clip bóng đá, lịch thi đấu WC 2014 tại Brazil, tường thuật bình luận bóng đá World Cup 2014';
     $this->view->headMeta()->setName('description', $description);
     $this->view->headMeta()->setName('keywords', $keywords);
     //set cateid to show active in menu
     $this->_request->setParam('cateid', WORLD_CUP);
     if (DEVICE_ENV == 1) {
         //Append css
         $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($this->view->configView['css'] . '/m_lichthidau.css');
     } else {
         $this->view->headScript()->appendFile($this->view->configView['js'] . '/lichthidau.js');
 public function getFixtureAffAction()
     // Disable render view
     // Get param of Aff Cup 2014
     $intLeagueID = 14;
     $intSeasonID = 154;
     $unixTimeStart = $this->_request->getParam('startDate', NULL);
     $unixTimeEnd = $this->_request->getParam('endDate', NULL);
     $type = $this->_request->getParam('type', NULL);
     // Default response
     $response = array('error' => 0, 'html' => NULL, 'msg' => 'Success');
     $unixTimeEnd = $unixTimeEnd + 23 * 60 * 60;
     //echo date('d/m/Y H:i', $unixTimeEnd);
     // Get model match
     $matchModel = Thethao_Model_Match::getInstance();
     // Geta match of AffCup
     $arrData = $matchModel->getMatchInWeek($intSeasonID, $intLeagueID, $unixTimeStart, $unixTimeEnd);
     //echo '<pre>';
     if ($type == 'prev') {
     // Assign to view
     $this->view->assign(array('arrData' => $arrData, 'type' => $type));
     $response['html'] = $this->view->render('lich-thi-dau/list_fixtures_aff.phtml');
     // Output response
     echo Zend_Json::encode($response);
  * @author HungNT
  * @return report Match
 public function reportAction()
     //set cache
     $this->_request->setParam('cache_file', 1);
     //Set param
     $this->_request->setParam('block_cate', SITE_ID);
     //get param view app
     $viewApp = $this->_request->getParam('view', '');
     //get common info of match
     $strLinkTuongThuat = $this->view->ShareurlWorldcup($this->_matchDetail['share_url']);
     if (!$this->_matchDetail['isReport']) {
         $this->_matchDetail['share_url'] = str_replace('/report/', '/tuong-thuat/', $strLinkTuongThuat);
         $this->_redirect($this->_matchDetail['share_url'] . ($viewApp == 'app' ? '?view=app' : ''), array('code' => 301));
     // Get models' instance
     $modelMatch = Thethao_Model_Match::getInstance();
     $modelArticle = $this->view->objArticle;
     // Get tuong-thuat data
     $arrData = $modelMatch->getTuongThuat($this->_matchID);
     $arrData['relate_id'] = intval($arrData['relate_id']);
     //str link
     $strLink = $this->_request->getPathInfo();
     $strLinkTuongThuat = $this->view->ShareurlWorldcup($this->_matchDetail['share_url']);
     $this->_matchDetail['share_url'] = str_replace('/tuong-thuat/', '/report/', $this->_matchDetail['share_url']);
     $this->_matchDetail['share_url'] = $this->view->ShareurlWorldcup($this->_matchDetail['share_url']);
     //check link
     if (strpos($this->_matchDetail['share_url'], $strLink) === FALSE && APPLICATION_ENV != 'development') {
         $this->_redirect($this->_matchDetail['share_url'], array('code' => 301));
     if ($arrData['relate_id'] > 0) {
         //get detail article
         $tuongThuat = $modelArticle->getArticleFull($arrData['relate_id']);
         if (intval($tuongThuat['publish_time']) <= time()) {
             $tuongThuat['relate_id'] = $arrData['relate_id'];
     } else {
         $tuongThuat['relate'] = $arrData['relate'];
     $intCateIdPolyAds = isset($tuongThuat['category_id']) ? $tuongThuat['category_id'] : WORLD_CUP;
     $articleTrackingId = isset($tuongThuat['article_id']) ? $tuongThuat['article_id'] : WORLD_CUP;
     // Assign to view
     $this->view->assign(array('tuongThuat' => $tuongThuat, 'intCategoryId' => WORLD_CUP, 'strCateCode' => $this->_request->getParam('action'), 'intCateIdPolyAds' => $intCateIdPolyAds, 'articleTrackingId' => $articleTrackingId, 'strLinkTuongThuat' => $strLinkTuongThuat, 'ogType' => 'website', 'ogTitle' => $tuongThuat['title_format'] . ' - VnExpress World Cup', 'ogUrl' => $this->_matchDetail['share_url'], 'ogImage' => !empty($tuongThuat['thumbnail_url']) ? $this->view->ImageurlArticle($tuongThuat, 'size2') : 'http://m.f9.img.vnexpress.net/2014/01/10/fa68f81afe10b727852361b1894ccc74.jpg', 'ogDescription' => trim(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($tuongThuat['lead'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')))));
     //gan meta data
     $titleMeta = 'Tổng thuật trận đấu ' . $this->_metaTitle;
     $keywords = 'World cup 2014, tin tuc , bong da';
     $description = '';
     //add js
     $this->view->headScript()->appendFile($this->view->configView['vnecdn']['js'] . '/require.min.js');
     //set cateid to show active in menu
     $this->_request->setParam('cateid', WORLD_CUP);
     $this->view->headMeta()->setName('object_id', $this->_matchID);
     $this->view->headMeta()->setName('description', $description);
     $this->view->headMeta()->setName('keywords', $keywords);
     //check view app
     if (!empty($viewApp) && $viewApp == 'app') {
         //Disable layout
         echo $this->view->render('match/appreport.phtml');
Exemple #9
  * Function get list match id by league, get list team by season id & league id, get list player
  * @param array
 public function boxPredicted($params)
     try {
         $matchModel = Thethao_Model_Match::getInstance();
         $modelObject = Fpt_Data_Materials_Object::getInstance();
         $beginHappenDateTime = time() - 100 * 60;
         //lay truoc do 100p
         $endHappenDateTime = 1405382400;
         // ngay 15-7-2014
         $sort = false;
         // Get list match id by league id with time happened from current -> 15/7
         $arrMatchIDs = $matchModel->getMatchIDsByLeague(LEAGUE_ID, $beginHappenDateTime, $endHappenDateTime, $sort);
         // Count future
         $count = count($arrMatchIDs);
         if (is_array($arrMatchIDs) && $count > $params['limit']) {
             $arrMatchIDs = array_slice($arrMatchIDs, 0, $params['limit'], true);
         if (!empty($arrMatchIDs)) {
         //get list team id
         $arrTeamId = $this->getListTableRanking();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         //log error
     //return array result
     return array('arrMatchIDs' => $arrMatchIDs, 'arrTeamId' => $arrTeamId);