public function testToArray() { $this->assertCount(0, $this->text->toArray()); $this->text->setAlign(Text::ALIGN_LEFT); $this->assertCount(1, $this->text->toArray()); $this->text->setFontSize(12); $this->assertCount(2, $this->text->toArray()); }
/** * ==================================================================== * CONVERT NESTED STRING INTO ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY * ==================================================================== * * -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------------------- * * echo Converter::toArray('key_1: Value 1 * key_2: Value 2 * key_3: Value 3'); * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Parameter | Type | Description * --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------- * $input | string | The string of data to be converted * $s | string | Separator between data key and data value * $indent | string | Indentation of nested string data level * --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * */ public static function toArray($input, $s = S, $indent = ' ') { return Text::toArray($input, $s, $indent); }
/** * ==================================================================== * CONVERT NESTED STRING INTO ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY * ==================================================================== * * -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------------------- * * echo Converter::toArray('key_1: Value 1 * key_2: Value 2 * key_3: Value 3'); * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Parameter | Type | Description * --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------- * $input | string | The string of data to be converted * $s | string | Separator between data key and data value * $indent | string | Indentation of nested string data level * --------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------- * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * */ public static function toArray($input, $s = S, $indent = ' ') { if (is_array($input)) { return $input; } if (is_object($input)) { return Mecha::A($input); } return Text::toArray((string) $input, $s, $indent); }
Weapon::add('SHIPMENT_REGION_BOTTOM', function () { echo Asset::javascript(SHIELD . DS . 'widgets.js', "", 'sword/widgets.min.js'); }); } /** * Loading Plugin(s) * ----------------- */ Weapon::fire('plugins_before'); foreach ($plugins = Plugin::load() as $k => $v) { $__ = PLUGIN . DS . $k . DS; if (!($language = File::exist($__ . 'languages' . DS . $config->language . DS . 'speak.txt'))) { $language = $__ . 'languages' . DS . 'en_US' . DS . 'speak.txt'; } if (file_exists($language)) { Config::merge('speak', Text::toArray(File::open($language)->read(), S, ' ')); $speak = Config::speak(); // refresh ... } Weapon::fire(array('plugin_before', 'plugin_' . md5($k) . '_before')); if ($launch = File::exist($__ . 'launch.php')) { if (strpos(File::B($__), '__') === 0) { if (Guardian::happy() && $config->page_type === 'manager') { include $launch; // backend } } else { include $launch; // frontend } }
<span class="grid span-4"> <?php echo Form::text('charset', Guardian::wayback('charset', $config->charset), null, array('class' => 'input-block')); ?> </span> </label> <label class="grid-group"> <span class="grid span-2 form-label"><?php echo $speak->language; ?> </span> <span class="grid span-4"> <?php $language = array(); foreach (glob(LANGUAGE . DS . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $folder) { $s = Text::toArray(File::open($folder . DS . 'speak.txt')->get(' title:'), S, ' '); $folder = File::B($folder); $language[$folder] = isset($s['__']['title']) ? $s['__']['title'] : $folder; } echo Form::select('language', $language, Guardian::wayback('language', $config->language), array('class' => 'select-block')); ?> </span> </label> <label class="grid-group"> <span class="grid span-2 form-label"><?php echo $speak->manager->title_language_direction; ?> </span> <span class="grid span-4"> <?php echo Form::select('language_direction', array('ltr' => 'Left to Right (LTR)', 'rtl' => 'Right to Left (RTL)'), Guardian::wayback('language_direction', $config->language_direction), array('class' => 'select-block'));
public static function get($array = null, $type = 'ul', $depth = "", $FP = "") { // Use menu file from the cabinet if `$array` is not defined if (is_null($array)) { $FP = 'navigation:'; $array = Text::toArray(Get::state_menu(), S, ' '); } return O_BEGIN . rtrim(self::create($array, $type, $depth, $FP, 0), NL) . O_END; }
if ($path !== "") { array_shift($_GET); } $queries = array(); foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { $queries[] = $k . '=' . urlencode($v); } // Loading the language file(s) $lang = LANGUAGE . DS . 'en_US' . DS . 'speak.txt'; $lang_a = LANGUAGE . DS . $config['language'] . DS . 'speak.txt'; if (!file_exists($lang) && !file_exists($lang_a)) { Guardian::abort('Language file not found.'); } $lang = file_exists($lang) ? Text::toArray(File::open($lang)->read(), S, ' ') : array(); if ($config['language'] !== 'en_US') { $lang_a = file_exists($lang_a) ? Text::toArray(File::open($lang_a)->read(), S, ' ') : array(); Mecha::extend($lang, $lang_a); } $config['url_query'] = !empty($queries) ? '?' . implode('&', $queries) : ""; $config['offset'] = isset($s[1]) && is_numeric($s[1]) ? (int) $s[1] : 1; $config['page_type'] = $page; $config['speak'] = $lang; Config::set($config); }); /** * ============================================================= * GET LANGUAGE FILE TO SPEAK * ============================================================= * * -- CODE: ---------------------------------------------------- *
$html .= '<div class="grid-group grid-group-boolean">'; $html .= '<span class="grid span-2"></span>'; $html .= '<span class="grid span-4">'; $html .= Form::checkbox('fields[' . $key . '][value]', !empty($value['value']) ? $value['value'] : '1', isset($field[$key]) && !empty($field[$key]), $value['title']) . $description; $html .= '</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; } else { if ($type === 'o') { $html .= '<label class="grid-group grid-group-option">'; $html .= '<span class="grid span-2 form-label">' . $title . '</span>'; $html .= '<span class="grid span-4">'; $select = isset($field[$key]) ? $field[$key] : ""; if (isset($value['placeholder']) && !is_array($value['value'])) { $value['value'] = S . $value['placeholder'] . "\n" . $value['value']; } $options = is_array($value['value']) ? $value['value'] : Text::toArray($value['value'], S, ' '); $html .= Form::select('fields[' . $key . '][value]', $options, $select, array('class' => 'select-block')); $html .= '</span>'; $html .= '</label>'; } else { if ($type === 'f') { $v = isset($value['value']) && $value['value'] !== "" ? $value['value'] : false; $vv = isset($field[$key]) && $field[$key] !== "" ? $field[$key] : false; $has_file = $vv !== false && file_exists(SUBSTANCE . DS . $vv) && is_file(SUBSTANCE . DS . $vv); $html .= '<div class="grid-group grid-group-file' . ($has_file ? ' grid-group-boolean' : "") . '">'; $html .= !$has_file ? '<span class="grid span-2 form-label">' . $title . '</span>' : '<span class="grid span-2"></span>'; $html .= '<span class="grid span-4">'; if (!$has_file) { $html .= Form::file($key); $e = strtolower(str_replace(' ', "", $v)); $html .= $v !== false ? Form::hidden('fields[' . $key . '][accept]', $e) . '<br><small><strong>' . $speak->accepted . ':</strong> <code>*.' . str_replace(',', '</code>, <code>*.', $e) . '</code></small>' : "";
if ($path === 'feed/json' || strpos($path, 'feed/json/') === 0) { $page = 'json'; } // Create proper query string data if ($path !== "") { array_shift($_GET); } // Loading the language file(s) $lang = LANGUAGE . DS . 'en_US' . DS . 'speak.txt'; $lang_a = LANGUAGE . DS . $config['language'] . DS . 'speak.txt'; if (!file_exists($lang) && !file_exists($lang_a)) { Guardian::abort('Language file not found.'); } $lang = Text::toArray(File::open($lang)->read(""), S, ' '); if ($config['language'] !== 'en_US') { $lang_a = Text::toArray(File::open($lang_a)->read(""), S, ' '); Mecha::extend($lang, $lang_a); } $config['query'] = $config['url_query'] = HTTP::query($_GET); $config['offset'] = isset($s[1]) && is_numeric($s[1]) ? (int) $s[1] : 1; $config['page_type'] = $page; $config['speak'] = $lang; $config['is'] = array('post' => $page !== '404' && Mecha::walk(glob(POST . DS . '*', GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_ONLYDIR))->has(POST . DS . $page), 'posts' => Mecha::walk(array('index', 'tag', 'archive', 'search', ""))->has($page), 'response' => false, 'responses' => false); unset($ss, $s, $lang, $lang_a); Config::set($config); }); /** * ============================================================= * GET LANGUAGE FILE TO SPEAK * ============================================================= *