  * run multiple async jobs parallel
 public static function triggerAsyncEvents($numOfParallels = 5)
     $cmd = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../tine20/tine20.php") . ' --method Tinebase.triggerAsyncEvents';
     $cmd = TestServer::assembleCliCommand($cmd);
     // start multiple cronruns at the same time
     // NOTE: we don't use pnctl as we don't need it here and it's not always available
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
         $tempNames[] = $fileName = tempnam(Tinebase_Core::getTempDir(), 'asynctest');
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Starting async job: ' . $cmd);
         $result = exec("{$cmd} > {$fileName} 2> /dev/null &");
     // wait for processes to complete
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($tempNames) * 5; $i++) {
         $allJobsDone = TRUE;
         foreach ($tempNames as $fileName) {
             $output = file_get_contents($fileName);
             $allJobsDone &= (bool) preg_match('/complete.$/m', $output);
         if ($allJobsDone) {
     // cleanup
     foreach ($tempNames as $fileName) {
         //echo 'removing ' . $fileName . "\n";
     if (!$allJobsDone) {
         throw new Exception('jobs did not complete');
  * the singleton pattern
  * @return TestServer
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$instance === NULL) {
         self::$instance = new TestServer();
     return self::$instance;
  * Sets up the fixture.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @access protected
 protected function setUp()
     $this->_backend = Tinebase_User::getInstance();
     if (!array_key_exists('Tinebase_EmailUser_Smtp_Postfix', $this->_backend->getPlugins())) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Postfix SQL plugin not enabled');
     $this->objects['users'] = array();
     $this->_mailDomain = TestServer::getPrimaryMailDomain();
 public static function suite()
     $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite('Tine 2.0 Tinebase All Group Tests');
     if (TestServer::getInstance()->isPhpunitVersionGreaterOrEquals("3.5.0")) {
         // getMockBuilder() is only supported in phpunit 3.5 and higher
     return $suite;
  * lazy init of uit
  * @return Calendar_Import_CalDAV_ClientMock
 protected function _getUit()
     $testCredentials = TestServer::getInstance()->getTestCredentials();
     if ($this->_uit === null) {
         $caldavClientOptions = array('baseUri' => 'localhost', 'userName' => Tinebase_Core::getUser()->accountLoginName, 'password' => $testCredentials['password']);
         $this->_uit = new Calendar_Import_CalDAV_ClientMock($caldavClientOptions, 'MacOSX');
     return $this->_uit;
  * test get smtp config
 public function testGetSmtpConfig()
     $smtpConfig = Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->getConfigAsArray(Tinebase_Config::SMTP);
     $account = new Felamimail_Model_Account(array('type' => Felamimail_Model_Account::TYPE_SYSTEM));
     $accountSmtpConfig = $account->getSmtpConfig();
     if (array_key_exists('primarydomain', $smtpConfig)) {
         $this->assertContains($smtpConfig['primarydomain'], $accountSmtpConfig['username']);
     if (TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig()->mailserver) {
         $this->assertEquals(TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig()->mailserver, $accountSmtpConfig['hostname']);
  * test get smtp config
 public function testGetSmtpConfig()
     $this->markTestSkipped('this test has to be refactored');
     $smtpConfig = Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->get(Tinebase_Config::SMTP, new Tinebase_Config_Struct())->toArray();
     $account = new Felamimail_Model_Account(array('type' => Felamimail_Model_Account::TYPE_SYSTEM));
     $accountSmtpConfig = $account->getSmtpConfig();
     if (isset($smtpConfig['primarydomain']) || array_key_exists('primarydomain', $smtpConfig)) {
         $this->assertContains($smtpConfig['primarydomain'], $accountSmtpConfig['username']);
     if (TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig()->mailserver) {
         $this->assertEquals(TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig()->mailserver, $accountSmtpConfig['hostname']);
  * testMaintenanceModeLoginFail
 public function testMaintenanceModeLoginFail()
     if (Tinebase_User::getConfiguredBackend() === Tinebase_User::LDAP || Tinebase_User::getConfiguredBackend() === Tinebase_User::ACTIVEDIRECTORY) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('FIXME: Does not work with LDAP/AD backend (full test suite run)');
     Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->maintenanceMode = 1;
     try {
         $this->_instance->login('sclever', Tinebase_Helper::array_value('password', TestServer::getInstance()->getTestCredentials()), new \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request());
         $this->fail('expecting exception: Tinebase_Exception_MaintenanceMode');
     } catch (Tinebase_Exception_MaintenanceMode $temm) {
         $this->assertEquals('Installation is in maintenance mode. Please try again later', $temm->getMessage());
Exemple #9
 public static function get()
     if (!self::$cache || !self::$counter) {
         self::$counter = self::getCount();
         self::$cache = self::getCache();
         if (!isset(self::$sum[self::$cache])) {
             self::$sum[self::$cache] = 0;
     return self::$cache;
  * Sets up the fixture.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * @access protected
 protected function setUp()
     $this->_backend = Tinebase_User::getInstance();
     if (!array_key_exists('Tinebase_EmailUser_Smtp_Postfix', $this->_backend->getPlugins())) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Postfix SQL plugin not enabled');
     if (Tinebase_User::getConfiguredBackend() === Tinebase_User::ACTIVEDIRECTORY) {
         // error: Zend_Ldap_Exception: 0x44 (Already exists; 00002071: samldb: Account name (sAMAccountName)
         // 'tine20phpunituser' already in use!): adding: cn=PHPUnit User Tine 2.0,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=org
         $this->markTestSkipped('skipped for ad backends as it does not allow duplicate CNs');
     $this->objects['users'] = array();
     $this->_mailDomain = TestServer::getPrimaryMailDomain();
 public static function suite()
     $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite('Tine 2.0 Tinebase All User Tests');
     if (TestServer::getInstance()->isPhpunitVersionGreaterOrEquals("3.5.0")) {
         // getMockBuilder() is only supported in phpunit 3.5 and higher
     // disabled user registration tests -> this is not used atm and not functional
     return $suite;
    public function setUp()
        $this->_defaultConfig = Tinebase_Redis_Worker_Daemon::getDefaultConfig();
        // config actionqueue
        $this->_actionQueueConfigBackup = Tinebase_Core::getConfig()->actionqueue;
        Tinebase_Core::getConfig()->actionqueue = array('adapter' => 'Redis');
        $this->_redis = new Redis();
        $this->_redis->connect($this->_defaultConfig['host'], $this->_defaultConfig['port'], $this->_defaultConfig['timeout']);
        // start daemon
        $this->_daemonLog = tempnam("/tmp", "tine20daemonttestdaemonlog_");
        $this->_daemonPid = tempnam("/tmp", "tine20daemonttestdaemonpid_");
        $this->_configIni = tempnam("/tmp", "tine20daemontestconfigini_");
        file_put_contents($this->_configIni, <<<EOT
loglevel = 7
        $cmd = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../tine20/Tinebase/Redis/Worker/Daemon.php') . " -v -d -p {$this->_daemonPid} --config {$this->_configIni} > {$this->_daemonLog} 2>&1 &";
        $cmd = TestServer::assembleCliCommand($cmd);
Exemple #13

require __DIR__ . '/TestServer.php';
$client = new swoole_client(SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP);
if (!$client->connect('', 9501)) {
    exit("connect failed\n");
for ($i = 0; $i < TestServer::PKG_NUM; $i++) {
    $len = TestServer::random();
    $sid = TestServer::random();
    $array['index'] = $i;
    $array['sid'] = $sid;
    $array['len'] = $len;
    $array['data'] = str_repeat('A', $len);
    $_send = serialize($array) . "\r\n\r\n";
    if ($i % 1000 == 0) {
        echo "#{$i} send package. sid={$sid}, length=" . strlen($_send) . "\n";
    if (!$client->send($_send)) {
  * import file
  * @param string $_filename
  * @param Tinebase_Model_ImportExportDefinition $_definition
  * @param boolean $_useJsonImportFn
  * @param boolean $removeGroupList
  * @return array course data
 protected function _importHelper($_filename, Tinebase_Model_ImportExportDefinition $_definition = NULL, $_useJsonImportFn = FALSE, $removeGroupList = FALSE)
     $definition = $_definition !== NULL ? $_definition : $this->_getCourseImportDefinition();
     $course = $this->_getCourseData();
     $courseData = $this->_json->saveCourse($course);
     if ($removeGroupList) {
         $group = Admin_Controller_Group::getInstance()->get($courseData['group_id']);
     if ($_useJsonImportFn) {
         $tempFileBackend = new Tinebase_TempFile();
         $tempFile = $tempFileBackend->createTempFile($_filename);
         Courses_Config::getInstance()->set(Courses_Config::STUDENTS_IMPORT_DEFINITION, $definition->name);
         $result = $this->_json->importMembers($tempFile->getId(), $courseData['group_id'], $courseData['id']);
         $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $result['results']);
     } else {
         $maildomain = TestServer::getPrimaryMailDomain();
         $importer = call_user_func($definition->plugin . '::createFromDefinition', $definition, array('group_id' => $courseData['group_id'], 'accountHomeDirectoryPrefix' => '//base/school/' . $courseData['name'] . '/', 'accountEmailDomain' => $maildomain, 'password' => $courseData['name'], 'samba' => array('homePath' => '//basehome/', 'homeDrive' => 'H:', 'logonScript' => 'logon.bat', 'profilePath' => '\\\\profile\\')));
         $tempFilename = TestServer::replaceEmailDomainInFile($_filename);
     $courseData = $this->_json->getCourse($courseData['id']);
     return $courseData;
  * @return Tinebase_Model_FullUser
 public static function getTestRecord()
     $emailDomain = TestServer::getPrimaryMailDomain();
     $user = new Tinebase_Model_FullUser(array('accountLoginName' => 'tine20phpunituser', 'accountStatus' => 'enabled', 'accountExpires' => NULL, 'accountPrimaryGroup' => Tinebase_Group::getInstance()->getDefaultGroup()->id, 'accountLastName' => 'Tine 2.0', 'accountFirstName' => 'PHPUnit User', 'accountEmailAddress' => 'phpunit@' . $emailDomain));
     return $user;
  * testDuplicateUserId
  * @see 0007218: Duplicate userid in dovecot_users
 public function testDuplicateUserId()
     $emailDomain = TestServer::getPrimaryMailDomain();
     $user = $this->_addUser('testuser@' . $emailDomain);
     // update user loginname
     $user->accountLoginName = 'testuser';
     $user = Tinebase_User::getInstance()->updateUser($user);
     $queryResult = $this->_fetchUserFromDovecotUsersTable($user->getId());
     $this->assertEquals('testuser@' . $emailDomain, $queryResult[0]['username'], 'username has not been updated in dovecot user table');
        return new TestServer();
    public function ServerSetup()
        $this->ServiceCreate('GTCX', array(&$this, 'GTCX'));
    public function GTCX()
        if ($this->LinkIsParent()) {
        } else {
$srv = new TestServer();
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
        $_SESSION['sleep'] = 5;
// extend HTML_AJAX_Server creating our own custom one with init{ClassName} methods for each class it supports calls on
class TestServer extends HTML_AJAX_Server
    // this flag must be set to on init methods
    var $initMethods = true;
    // init method for the test class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax
    function initTest()
        include 'support/test.class.php';
        $this->registerClass(new test());
    // init method for the livesearch class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax
    function initLivesearch()
        include 'support/livesearch.class.php';
        $this->registerClass(new livesearch());
    // init method for the testHaa class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax, directly passes in methods to register to specify case in php4
    function initTestHaa()
        include 'support/testHaa.class.php';
        $this->registerClass(new testHaa(), 'testHaa', array('updateClassName'));
$server = new TestServer();
// handle requests as needed
Exemple #19
    // init method for the livesearch class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax
    function initLivesearch()
        include 'support/livesearch.class.php';
        $this->registerClass(new livesearch());
    // init method for the testHaa class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax, directly passes in methods to register to specify case in php4
    function initTestHaa()
        include 'support/testHaa.class.php';
        $this->registerClass(new testHaa(), 'testHaa', array('updateClassName', 'greenText', 'highlight', 'duplicate'));
// create an instance of our test server
$server = new TestServer();
// init methods can also be added to the server by registering init objects, this is useful in cases where you want to dynamically add init methods
class initObject
    // init method for the test class, includes needed files an registers it for ajax
    function initTest2()
        include 'support/test2.class.php';
        $this->server->registerClass(new test2());
$init = new initObject();
// you can use HTML_AJAX_Server to deliver your own custom javascript libs, when used with comma seperated client lists you can
// use just one javascript include for all your library files
// example url: auto_server.php?client=auto_server.php?client=Util,Main,Request,HttpClient,Dispatcher,Behavior,customLib
  * testImportTwice (forceUpdateExisting)
  * @see 0008652: Import von .ics-Dateien in Kalender schlägt fehl
 public function testImportTwice()
     $cmd = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../../../../tine20/tine20.php") . ' --method Calendar.import ' . 'plugin=Calendar_Import_Ical forceUpdateExisting=1 container_id=' . $this->_getTestCalendar()->getId() . ' ' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/termine.ics';
     $cmd = TestServer::assembleCliCommand($cmd, TRUE);
     exec($cmd, $output);
     $failMessage = print_r($output, TRUE);
     // second time
     exec($cmd, $output);
     $failMessage = print_r($output, TRUE);
  * test line end encoding of Zend_Mime_Part / Smtp Protocol
 public function testSendWithWrongLineEnd()
     $config = TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig();
     $mailDomain = $config->maildomain ? $config->maildomain : 'tine20.org';
     // build message with wrong line end rfc822 part
     $mail = new Tinebase_Mail('utf-8');
     $mail->setBodyText('testmail' . "\r\n" . "\r\n");
     $mail->setFrom('unittest@' . $mailDomain, 'unittest');
     $mail->setSubject('line end test');
     $mail->addTo('unittest@' . $mailDomain);
     $mail->addHeader('X-Tine20TestMessage', 'lineend');
     // replace EOLs
     $content = file_get_contents(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/files/text_plain.eml');
     $content = preg_replace("/\\x0a/", "\r\n", $content);
     $stream = fopen("php://temp", 'r+');
     fputs($stream, $content);
     $attachment = new Zend_Mime_Part($stream);
     $attachment->type = Felamimail_Model_Message::CONTENT_TYPE_MESSAGE_RFC822;
     $attachment->encoding = null;
     $attachment->charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
     $attachment->filename = 'attach.eml';
     $attachment->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT;
     $smtpConfig = $this->_account->getSmtpConfig();
     $transport = new Felamimail_Transport($smtpConfig['hostname'], $smtpConfig);
     $smtpLog = $transport->getConnection()->getLog();
     $badLineEndCount = preg_match_all("/\\x0d\\x0d\\x0a/", $smtpLog, $matches);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $badLineEndCount);
     $badLineEndCount = preg_match_all("/\\x0d/", $smtpLog, $matches);
     $this->assertTrue(preg_match_all("/\\x0d/", $smtpLog, $matches) > 70, 'unix line ends are missing');
  * test change / delete of account
 public function testChangeDeleteAccount()
     $system = $this->_getSystemAccount();
     $system['type'] = Felamimail_Model_Account::TYPE_USER;
     $account = $this->_json->saveAccount($system);
     $accountRecord = new Felamimail_Model_Account($account, TRUE);
     if (TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig()->mailserver) {
         $this->assertEquals(TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig()->mailserver, $account['host']);
     $this->_json->changeCredentials($account['id'], $accountRecord->user, 'neuespasswort');
     $account = $this->_json->getAccount($account['id']);
     $accountRecord = new Felamimail_Model_Account($account, TRUE);
     $this->assertEquals('neuespasswort', $accountRecord->password);
 public function RCall($code, $include_ini_code = false, $close = false, $debug_syntax = false)
     $command = "";
     if (!$debug_syntax) {
         if ($include_ini_code) {
             $command = $this->get_ini_RCode();
         } else {
             $command .= $this->get_next_ini_RCode();
     $command .= $code;
     if (!$debug_syntax) {
         $command .= $this->get_post_RCode();
     $output = array();
     $return = -999;
     $command_obj = json_encode(array("session_id" => $this->id, "code" => $command, "close" => 0));
     if (TestServer::$debug) {
         TestServer::log_debug("TestSession->RCall --- checking for server");
     if (!TestServer::is_running()) {
     if (TestServer::$debug) {
         TestServer::log_debug("TestSession->RCall --- server found, trying to send");
     $response = TestServer::send($command_obj);
     $result = json_decode(trim($response));
     if (TestServer::$debug) {
         TestServer::log_debug("TestSession->RCall --- sent and recieved response");
     $output = explode("\n", $result->output);
     $return = $result->return;
     $thisSession = null;
     $status = TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR;
     $removed = false;
     $release = 0;
     $html = "";
     $head = "";
     $Template_id = 0;
     $debug = 0;
     $hash = "";
     $time_limit = 0;
     $Test_id = 0;
     $finished = 0;
     $loader_HTML = "";
     $loader_head = "";
     $loader_effect_show = "none";
     $loader_effect_hide = "none";
     $loader_effect_show_options = "";
     $loader_effect_hide_options = "";
     $effect_show = "none";
     $effect_hide = "none";
     $effect_show_options = "";
     $effect_hide_options = "";
     if (!$debug_syntax) {
         $thisSession = TestSession::from_mysql_id($this->id);
         if ($thisSession != null) {
             $status = $thisSession->status;
             $release = $thisSession->release;
             $html = $thisSession->HTML;
             $Template_id = $thisSession->Template_id;
             $debug = $thisSession->debug;
             $hash = $thisSession->hash;
             $time_limit = $thisSession->time_limit;
             $Test_id = $thisSession->Test_id;
             $loader_HTML = $thisSession->loader_HTML;
             $loader_head = $thisSession->loader_head;
             $loader_effect_hide = $thisSession->loader_effect_hide;
             $loader_effect_hide_options = $thisSession->loader_effect_hide_options;
             $loader_effect_show = $thisSession->loader_effect_show;
             $loader_effect_show_options = $thisSession->loader_effect_show_options;
             $effect_hide = $thisSession->effect_hide;
             $effect_hide_options = $thisSession->effect_hide_options;
             $effect_show = $thisSession->effect_show;
             $effect_show_options = $thisSession->effect_show_options;
             if ($return != 0) {
                 $status = TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR;
             if ($status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_WORKING && $release == 1 || $close) {
                 $status = TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETED;
             $thisSession->status = $status;
             switch ($status) {
                 case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETED:
                     if ($debug) {
                         $removed = true;
                     } else {
                 case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR:
                 case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_TAMPERED:
                     if ($debug) {
                         $removed = true;
                     } else {
                 case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_TEMPLATE:
                     if ($debug) {
                         $html = Template::strip_html($html);
                         if ($release) {
                     } else {
                         $head = Template::from_mysql_id($Template_id)->head;
                         if ($release) {
         } else {
             $removed = true;
     $test = Test::from_mysql_id($this->Test_id);
     $debug_data = false;
     $logged_user = User::get_logged_user();
     if ($logged_user != null) {
         $debug_data = $logged_user->is_object_readable($test);
     if ($release == 1 || $status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETED || $status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR || $status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_TAMPERED) {
         $finished = 1;
     if (!$debug_syntax) {
         $response = array("data" => array("HEAD" => $head, "HASH" => $hash, "TIME_LIMIT" => $time_limit, "HTML" => $html, "TEST_ID" => $Test_id, "TEST_SESSION_ID" => $this->id, "STATUS" => $status, "TEMPLATE_ID" => $Template_id, "FINISHED" => $finished, "LOADER_HTML" => $loader_HTML, "LOADER_HEAD" => $loader_head, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW" => $loader_effect_show, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW_OPTIONS" => $loader_effect_show_options, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE" => $loader_effect_hide, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE_OPTIONS" => $loader_effect_hide_options, "EFFECT_SHOW" => $effect_show, "EFFECT_HIDE" => $effect_hide, "EFFECT_SHOW_OPTIONS" => $effect_show_options, "EFFECT_HIDE_OPTIONS" => $effect_hide_options));
     if ($debug_data) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($output); $i++) {
             if (strpos($output[$i], "CONCERTO_DB_PASSWORD <-") !== false) {
                 $output[$i] = "[hidden]";
             $output[$i] = htmlspecialchars($output[$i], ENT_QUOTES);
         $command_lines = explode("\n", $command);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($command_lines); $i++) {
             if (strpos($command_lines[$i], "CONCERTO_DB_PASSWORD <-") !== false) {
                 $command_lines[$i] = "[hidden]";
         $command = implode("\n", $command_lines);
         $command = htmlspecialchars($command, ENT_QUOTES);
         if (!is_array($response)) {
             $response = array();
         $response["debug"] = array("code" => $command, "return" => $return, "output" => $output);
     if (Ini::$timer_tamper_prevention && !$debug_syntax && !$removed) {
         $sql = sprintf("UPDATE `%s` SET `time_tamper_prevention`=%d WHERE `id`=%d", TestSession::get_mysql_table(), time(), $this->id);
     return $response;
  * replace maildomain in input file
  * @param string $filename
  * @return string filename
 public static function replaceEmailDomainInFile($filename)
     $config = TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig();
     $maildomain = $config->maildomain ? $config->maildomain : 'tine20.org';
     $tempPath = Tinebase_TempFile::getTempPath();
     $contents = file_get_contents($filename);
     $contents = preg_replace('/tine20.org/', $maildomain, $contents);
     file_put_contents($tempPath, $contents);
     return $tempPath;
 public function RCall($values = null, $code = null, $resume_from_last_template = false)
     if (Ini::$log_server_events) {
         TestServer::log_debug("TestSession->RCall --- R call initiated #" . session_id());
     //resume from last template
     if ($resume_from_last_template) {
         $response = array("data" => array("HEAD" => $this->head, "HASH" => $this->hash, "TIME_LIMIT" => $this->time_limit, "HTML" => $this->HTML, "TEST_ID" => $this->Test_id, "TEST_SESSION_ID" => $this->id, "STATUS" => TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_TEMPLATE, "TEMPLATE_ID" => $this->Template_id, "LOADER_TEMPLATE_ID" => $this->loader_Template_id, "FINISHED" => 0, "EFFECT_SHOW" => $this->effect_show, "EFFECT_HIDE" => $this->effect_hide, "EFFECT_SHOW_OPTIONS" => $this->effect_show_options, "EFFECT_HIDE_OPTIONS" => $this->effect_hide_options, "LOADER_HTML" => $this->loader_HTML, "LOADER_HEAD" => $this->loader_head, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW" => $this->loader_effect_show, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW_OPTIONS" => $this->loader_effect_show_options, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE" => $this->loader_effect_hide, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE_OPTIONS" => $this->loader_effect_hide_options, "LOADER_HTML" => $this->loader_HTML, "LOADER_HEAD" => $this->loader_head, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW" => $this->loader_effect_show, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW_OPTIONS" => $this->loader_effect_show_options, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE" => $this->loader_effect_hide, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE_OPTIONS" => $this->loader_effect_hide_options));
         return $response;
     //R server connection
     $command_obj = json_encode(array("workspace_id" => $this->UserWorkspace_id, "session_id" => $this->id, "hash" => $this->hash, "values" => $values, "code" => $code, "type" => 0, "IP" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]));
     if (Ini::$log_server_events) {
         TestServer::log_debug("TestSession->RCall --- checking for server");
     if (TestServer::get_server_status() == TestServer::SERVER_STATUS_STOPPED) {
     } else {
         if (TestServer::get_server_status() == TestServer::SERVER_STATUS_STARTING) {
     if (Ini::$log_server_events) {
         TestServer::log_debug("TestSession->RCall --- server found, trying to send");
     $response = TestServer::send($command_obj);
     $result = json_decode(trim($response));
     if (Ini::$log_server_events) {
         TestServer::log_debug("TestSession->RCall --- sent and recieved response");
     $status = TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR;
     $removed = false;
     $release = 0;
     $html = "";
     $head = "";
     $Template_id = 0;
     $debug = 0;
     $hash = "";
     $time_limit = 0;
     $Test_id = 0;
     $finished = 0;
     $loader_Template_id = 0;
     $loader_HTML = "";
     $loader_head = "";
     $loader_effect_show = "none";
     $loader_effect_hide = "none";
     $loader_effect_show_options = "";
     $loader_effect_hide_options = "";
     $effect_show = "none";
     $effect_hide = "none";
     $effect_show_options = "";
     $effect_hide_options = "";
     $state = "[]";
     $output = "";
     $thisSession = TestSession::from_mysql_id($this->id);
     $return = $result->return;
     if ($thisSession != null) {
         $output = $thisSession->output;
         $error_output = $thisSession->error_output;
         $state = $thisSession->state;
         $status = $thisSession->status;
         $release = $thisSession->release;
         $html = $thisSession->HTML;
         $head = $thisSession->head;
         $Template_id = $thisSession->Template_id;
         $debug = $thisSession->debug;
         $hash = $thisSession->hash;
         $time_limit = $thisSession->time_limit;
         $Test_id = $thisSession->Test_id;
         $loader_Template_id = $thisSession->loader_Template_id;
         $loader_HTML = $thisSession->loader_HTML;
         $loader_head = $thisSession->loader_head;
         $loader_effect_hide = $thisSession->loader_effect_hide;
         $loader_effect_hide_options = $thisSession->loader_effect_hide_options;
         $loader_effect_show = $thisSession->loader_effect_show;
         $loader_effect_show_options = $thisSession->loader_effect_show_options;
         $effect_hide = $thisSession->effect_hide;
         $effect_hide_options = $thisSession->effect_hide_options;
         $effect_show = $thisSession->effect_show;
         $effect_show_options = $thisSession->effect_show_options;
         if ($return != 0) {
             $status = TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR;
         if ($status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_WORKING && $release == 1) {
             $status = TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETED;
         $thisSession->status = $status;
         switch ($status) {
             case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETED:
                 if ($debug) {
                     TestSession::unregister($thisSession->UserWorkspace_id . "-" . $thisSession->id, $thisSession->UserWorkspace_id);
                     $removed = true;
                 } else {
             case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR:
                 if ($debug) {
                     TestSession::unregister($thisSession->UserWorkspace_id . "-" . $thisSession->id, $thisSession->UserWorkspace_id);
                     $removed = true;
                 } else {
                     if (Ini::$log_r_errors) {
                         $thisSession->log_error(nl2br(htmlspecialchars($error_output, ENT_QUOTES)));
             case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_TAMPERED:
                 if ($debug) {
                     TestSession::unregister($thisSession->UserWorkspace_id . "-" . $thisSession->id, $thisSession->UserWorkspace_id);
                     $removed = true;
                 } else {
             case TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_TEMPLATE:
                 if ($release) {
                     if ($debug) {
                         TestSession::unregister($thisSession->UserWorkspace_id . "-" . $thisSession->id, $thisSession->UserWorkspace_id);
                         $removed = true;
                     } else {
     } else {
         $removed = true;
     $debug_data = false;
     $logged_user = User::get_logged_user();
     if ($logged_user != null) {
         $debug_data = true;
     if ($release == 1 || $status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_COMPLETED || $status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_ERROR || $status == TestSession::TEST_SESSION_STATUS_TAMPERED) {
         $finished = 1;
     $response = array("data" => array("HEAD" => $head, "HASH" => $hash, "TIME_LIMIT" => $time_limit, "HTML" => $html, "TEST_ID" => $Test_id, "TEST_SESSION_ID" => $this->id, "STATUS" => $status, "TEMPLATE_ID" => $Template_id, "FINISHED" => $finished, "LOADER_TEMPLATE_ID" => $loader_Template_id, "LOADER_HTML" => $loader_HTML, "LOADER_HEAD" => $loader_head, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW" => $loader_effect_show, "LOADER_EFFECT_SHOW_OPTIONS" => $loader_effect_show_options, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE" => $loader_effect_hide, "LOADER_EFFECT_HIDE_OPTIONS" => $loader_effect_hide_options, "EFFECT_SHOW" => $effect_show, "EFFECT_HIDE" => $effect_hide, "EFFECT_SHOW_OPTIONS" => $effect_show_options, "EFFECT_HIDE_OPTIONS" => $effect_hide_options));
     if ($debug_data) {
         if (!is_array($response)) {
             $response = array();
         if ($output != null) {
             if (strpos(trim($output), ">") !== 0 && strpos(trim($output), "[") !== 0) {
                 $output = "> " . trim($output);
         if ($debug) {
             $state = json_decode($state, true);
             if ($state != null) {
                 foreach ($state as $k => $v) {
                     $state[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES);
                 $state = json_encode($state);
             } else {
                 $state = "[]";
             $response["debug"] = array("return" => $return, "output" => nl2br(htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_QUOTES)), "error_output" => nl2br(htmlspecialchars($error_output, ENT_QUOTES)), "state" => nl2br($state));
     if (Ini::$timer_tamper_prevention && !$removed) {
         $sql = sprintf("UPDATE `%s` SET `time_tamper_prevention`=%d WHERE `id`=%d", TestSession::get_mysql_table(), time(), $this->id);
     return $response;
  * test change pw + credential cache
 public function testChangePasswordAndUpdateCredentialCache()
     $this->markTestSkipped('FIXME 0009250: fix test testChangePasswordAndUpdateCredentialCache');
     $testCredentials = TestServer::getInstance()->getTestCredentials();
     $account = clone $this->_account;
     $account->type = Felamimail_Model_Account::TYPE_USER;
     $account->user = $testCredentials['username'];
     $imapConfig = Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->get(Tinebase_Config::IMAP, new Tinebase_Config_Struct())->toArray();
     if (isset($imapConfig['domain']) && !empty($imapConfig['domain'])) {
         $account->user .= '@' . $imapConfig['domain'];
     $account->password = $testCredentials['password'];
     $account = $this->_controller->create($account);
     $testPw = 'testpwd';
     // change pw & update credential cache
     $this->_setCredentials($testCredentials['username'], $testPw);
     $account = $this->_controller->get($account->getId());
     // try to connect to imap
     $loginSuccessful = TRUE;
     try {
         $imap = Felamimail_Backend_ImapFactory::factory($account);
     } catch (Felamimail_Exception_IMAPInvalidCredentials $e) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' config: ' . print_r($imapAccountConfig, true) . ' / exception:' . $e);
         $loginSuccessful = FALSE;
     $this->assertTrue($loginSuccessful, 'wrong credentials');
  * get test mail domain
  * @return string
 protected function _getMailDomain()
     return TestServer::getPrimaryMailDomain();
  * testMaintenanceModeLoginFail
 public function testMaintenanceModeLoginFail()
     Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->maintenanceMode = 1;
     $this->_instance->login('sclever', Tinebase_Helper::array_value('password', TestServer::getInstance()->getTestCredentials()), new \Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request());
  * test imap authentication
 public function testImapAuth()
     // use imap config for the auth config
     $imapConfig = Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->get(Tinebase_Config::IMAP, new Tinebase_Config_Struct())->toArray();
     if (empty($imapConfig)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('No IMAP config found.');
     $authConfig = array('host' => $imapConfig['host'], 'port' => $imapConfig['port'], 'ssl' => $imapConfig['ssl'], 'domain' => $imapConfig['domain']);
     $this->assertEquals(Tinebase_Auth::IMAP, Tinebase_Auth::getConfiguredBackend());
     $testCredentials = TestServer::getInstance()->getTestCredentials();
     // valid authentication
     $authResult = Tinebase_Auth::getInstance()->authenticate($testCredentials['username'], $testCredentials['password']);
     // invalid authentication
     $authResult = Tinebase_Auth::getInstance()->authenticate($testCredentials['username'], 'some pw');
     $this->assertEquals(Tinebase_Auth::FAILURE_CREDENTIAL_INVALID, $authResult->getCode());
     $this->assertEquals(array('Invalid credentials for user ' . $this->_getEmailAddress(), ''), $authResult->getMessages());
  * testImportUsersWithEmailUser
 public function testImportUsersWithEmailUser()
     $userBackend = Tinebase_User::getInstance();
     $config = TestServer::getInstance()->getConfig();
     $maildomain = $config->maildomain ? $config->maildomain : 'tine20.org';
     $readFile = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/tine_user5.csv', 'r');
     $writeFile = fopen('test.csv', 'w');
     $delimiter = ',';
     $enclosure = '"';
     while (($row = fgetcsv($readFile)) !== false) {
         foreach ($row as $colIndex => &$field) {
             $field = str_replace('DOMAIN', $maildomain, $field);
         fputcsv($writeFile, $row, $delimiter, $enclosure);
     if (!array_key_exists('Tinebase_EmailUser_Smtp_Postfix', $userBackend->getPlugins())) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Postfix SQL plugin not enabled');
     $this->_importUsers($this->objects['configEmailuser'], 'test.csv', 'admin_user_import_csv_test_emailuser');
     $newUser = $userBackend->getFullUserByLoginName('testuser');
     $this->assertEquals(array('contact@' . $maildomain, 'kontakt@' . $maildomain), $newUser->smtpUser->emailAliases);
     $this->assertEquals(array('test@' . $maildomain), $newUser->smtpUser->emailForwards);