<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo base_url() . 'ajax/general.js';
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo base_url() . 'ajax/general.js';
echo Tb::modal(array('id' => 'modal_confirm', 'header' => 'Delete', 'body' => '<strong>Apakah Anda yakin ingin memghapus message ini?</strong>', 'footer' => array(Tb::button('Ya', array('onclick' => "deleted('delete')", 'color' => Tb::BUTTON_COLOR_WARNING)), TB::button('Tidak', array('data-dismiss' => 'modal')))));
echo Tb::modal(array('id' => 'modal_read', 'header' => 'Detail Message', 'body' => $this->load->view('admin/inbox/detail_message', array(), true)));


    <div id="wrapper">

        <!-- Navigation -->
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     <!-- jQuery -->
    <script src="<?php 
echo base_url();
    <!-- Bootstrap Core JavaScript -->
    <script src="<?php 
echo base_url();
echo Tb::modal(array('id' => 'modal_confirm', 'header' => 'Delete', 'body' => '<strong>Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus user ini?</strong>', 'footer' => array(Tb::button('Ya', array('onclick' => "deleted('user')", 'color' => Tb::BUTTON_COLOR_WARNING)), TB::button('Tidak', array('data-dismiss' => 'modal')))));
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo base_url() . 'ajax/general.js';

    <div id="wrapper">

        <!-- Navigation -->
        <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
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Exemple #3
					$( '[name="tax_number"]' ).val ( obj[ 'tax_number' ] );
					$( '[name="business_sector"]' ).val ( obj[ 'business_sector' ] );
					$( '#modal_client' ).modal ( 'show' );
			} );
		function save() {
			$.ajax ( {
				url: "<?php 
echo site_url('admin/clients/ajax_save');
				type: "POST",
				data: $( '#form' ).serialize (),
				success: function (data) {
					$( '#modal_client' ).modal ( 'hide' );
				error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
					alert( 'Error adding / update data' );
			} );
		function reload_table() {
			table.ajax.reload ( null, false );

echo Tb::modal(['id' => 'modal_client', 'header' => '', 'body' => $this->load->view('admin/clients/edit', [], TRUE), 'footer' => modal_footer('save()')]);
    <link href="<?php 
echo base_url();
assets/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

    <!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
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        <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script>
        <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/respond.js/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script>
echo Tb::modal(array('id' => 'modal_confirm', 'header' => 'Delete', 'body' => '<strong>Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus video ini?</strong>', 'footer' => array(Tb::button('Ya', array('onclick' => "deleted('video')", 'color' => Tb::BUTTON_COLOR_WARNING)), TB::button('Tidak', array('data-dismiss' => 'modal')))));
echo Tb::modal(array('id' => 'modal_approve', 'header' => 'Approve', 'body' => '<strong>Apakah Anda yakin ingin meng-approve video ini?</strong>', 'footer' => array(Tb::button('Ya', array('onclick' => "approve('video')", 'color' => Tb::BUTTON_COLOR_WARNING)), TB::button('Tidak', array('data-dismiss' => 'modal')))));
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo base_url() . 'ajax/general.js';



    <div id="wrapper">

        <!-- Navigation -->
        <nav class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
            <!-- Brand and toggle get grouped for better mobile display -->
Exemple #5
					$( '[name="name"]' ).val( obj[ 'name' ] );
					$( '[name="title"]' ).val( obj[ 'title' ] );
					$( '#modal_client' ).modal( 'show' );
			} );

		function delete_agenda(id) {
			var url = "<?php 
echo site_url('admin/agenda/delete_agenda');
			delete_by_id( id, url, tb_agenda );

		function delete_client(id) {
			var url = "<?php 
echo site_url('admin/agenda/delete_client');
			delete_by_id( id, url, tb_client );

echo Tb::modal(['id' => 'modal_agenda', 'header' => '', 'body' => $this->load->view('admin/agenda/agenda', [], TRUE), 'footer' => modal_footer('save_agenda()', 'form_agenda')]);

echo Tb::modal(['id' => 'modal_client', 'header' => '', 'body' => $this->load->view('admin/agenda/client', [], TRUE), 'footer' => modal_footer('save_client()', 'form_client')]);
Exemple #6
					$( '#modal_acc_type' ).modal( 'show' );
			} );

		function save_acc_type() {
			$.ajax( {
				url: "<?php 
echo site_url('admin/accounts/ajax_save_acc_type');
				type: "POST",
				data: $( '#form_acc_type' ).serialize(),
				success: function (data) {
					$( '#modal_acc_type' ).modal( 'hide' );
				error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
					alert( 'Error adding / update data' );
			} );

		function reload_table() {
			table.ajax.reload( null, false );

echo Tb::modal(['id' => 'modal_acc_type', 'header' => '', 'body' => $this->load->view('admin/accounts/account_type', [], TRUE), 'footer' => [Tb::buttonGroup(['item' => ['label' => 'Submit', 'icon' => Tb::ICON_FLOPPY_SAVE, 'type' => Tb::BUTTON_TYPE_SUBMIT, 'onclick' => 'save_acc_type()', 'color' => Tb::BUTTON_COLOR_PRIMARY, 'class' => 'btn-flat'], ['label' => 'Reset', 'icon' => Tb::ICON_REFRESH, 'type' => Tb::BUTTON_TYPE_RESET, 'color' => Tb::BUTTON_COLOR_WARNING, 'class' => 'btn-flat']])]]);
Exemple #7
					$( '[name="note5"]' ).val( obj[ 'note5' ] );
					$( '#modal_price_cat' ).modal( 'show' );
			} );
		function save_price_cat() {
			$.ajax( {
				url: "<?php 
echo site_url('admin/prices/upsert_price_cat');
				type: "POST",
				data: $( '#form_price_cat' ).serialize(),
				success: function (data) {
					$( '#modal_price_cat' ).modal( 'hide' );
					reload_table( tb_price_cat );
				error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
					alert( 'Error adding / update data' );
			} );

echo Tb::modal(['id' => 'modal_price_cat', 'header' => '', 'body' => $this->load->view('admin/prices/price_category', [], TRUE), 'footer' => modal_footer('save_price_cat()', 'form_price_cat')]);

echo Tb::modal(['id' => 'modal_price', 'header' => '', 'body' => $this->load->view('admin/prices/price', [], TRUE), 'footer' => modal_footer('save_price()', 'form_price')]);