save() public méthode

public save ( array $FormPostValues, boolean $Settings = false ) : boolean | unknown
$FormPostValues array
$Settings boolean
Résultat boolean | unknown
Exemple #1
 function insert_tags()
     $tags = new \TagModel();
     $newTags = array('CSS', 'HTML', 'JavaScript', 'Techniques', 'Typography', 'Inspiration', 'Business', 'User Experience', 'E-Commerce', 'Design Pattern');
     foreach ($newTags as $record) {
         $tags->title = $record;
     $this->test->message($this->getTime() . " imported 10 Tags ");
Exemple #2
 function run($db, $type)
     $test = new \Test();
     // clear existing data
     // setup models
     // setup Author
     $author_id = array();
     $author = new \AuthorModel();
     $ac = $author::resolveConfiguration();
     $author_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $ac['primary'] : '_id';
     $author->name = 'Johnny English';
     $author_id[] = $author->_id;
     $author->name = 'Ridley Scott';
     $author_id[] = $author->_id;
     $author->name = 'James T. Kirk';
     $author_id[] = $author->_id;
     $allauthors = $author->find()->castAll();
     $allauthors = $this->getResult($allauthors);
     $test->expect(json_encode($allauthors) == '[{"name":"Johnny English"},{"name":"Ridley Scott"},{"name":"James T. Kirk"}]', $type . ': all AuthorModel items created');
     // setup Tags
     $tag_id = array();
     $tag = new \TagModel();
     $tc = $tag::resolveConfiguration();
     $tag_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $tc['primary'] : '_id';
     $tag->title = 'Web Design';
     $tag_id[] = $tag->_id;
     $tag->title = 'Responsive';
     $tag_id[] = $tag->_id;
     $tag->title = 'Usability';
     $tag_id[] = $tag->_id;
     $allTags = $this->getResult($tag->find());
     $test->expect(json_encode($allTags) == '[{"title":"Web Design"},{"title":"Responsive"},{"title":"Usability"}]', $type . ': all TagModel items created');
     // setup News
     $news_id = array();
     $news = new \NewsModel();
     $nc = $news::resolveConfiguration();
     $news_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $nc['primary'] : '_id';
     $news->title = 'Responsive Images';
     $news->text = 'Lorem Ipsun';
     $news_id[] = $news->_id;
     $news->title = 'CSS3 Showcase';
     $news->text = 'News Text 2';
     $news_id[] = $news->_id;
     $news->title = 'Touchable Interfaces';
     $news->text = 'Lorem Foo';
     $news_id[] = $news->_id;
     $allnews = $this->getResult($news->find(null, array('order' => 'title')));
     $test->expect(count($allnews) == 3 && $allnews[0]['title'] == 'CSS3 Showcase' && $allnews[1]['title'] == 'Responsive Images' && $allnews[2]['title'] == 'Touchable Interfaces', $type . ': all NewsModel items created');
     // belongs-to author relation
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $news->author = $author;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect($news->author->name == 'Johnny English', $type . ': belongs-to-one: author relation created');
     $news->author = NULL;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect(empty($news->author), $type . ': belongs-to-one: author relation released');
     $news->author = $author->_id;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect($news->author->name == 'Johnny English', $type . ': belongs-to-one: relation created by raw id');
     // belongs-to-many tag relation
     $tag1 = new \TagModel();
     $tag1->load(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[0]));
     $tag2 = new \TagModel();
     $tag2->load(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[1]));
     $news->tags = array($tag1, $tag2);
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect($news->tags[0]->title == 'Web Design' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Responsive', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with array of mapper objects');
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1]));
     $news->tags = array($tag_id[1], $tag_id[2]);
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1]));
     $test->expect(count($news->tags) == 2 && $news->tags[0]->title == 'Responsive' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Usability', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with array of IDs');
     $news->tags = null;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1]));
     $test->expect(empty($news->tags), $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations released');
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1]));
     $news->tags = $tag->load(array($tag_pk . ' != ?', $tag_id[0]));
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[1]));
     $test->expect($news->tags[0]->title == 'Responsive' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Usability', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with hydrated mapper');
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[2]));
     $news->tags = $tag_id[0] . ';' . $tag_id[2];
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[2]));
     $test->expect($news->tags[0]->title == 'Web Design' && $news->tags[1]->title == 'Usability', $type . ': belongs-to-many: relations created with split-able string');
     $test->expect(is_object($news->tags) && $news->tags instanceof \DB\CortexCollection, $type . ': belongs-to-many: result is collection');
     // has-one relation
     $profile = new ProfileModel();
     $pc = $profile::resolveConfiguration();
     $profile_pk = is_int(strpos($type, 'sql')) ? $pc['primary'] : '_id';
     $profile->message = 'Hello World';
     $profile->author = $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[0]));
     $profile_id = $profile->_id;
     $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[0]));
     $profile->load(array($profile_pk . ' = ?', $profile_id));
     $test->expect($author->profile->message == 'Hello World' && $profile->author->name == "Johnny English", $type . ': has-one: relation assigned');
     $profile->message = 'I\'m feeling lucky';
     $profile->image = 'lolcat.jpg';
     $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[1]));
     $author->profile = $profile;
     $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[1]));
     $test->expect($author->profile->message == 'I\'m feeling lucky', $type . ': has-one: inverse relation');
     // has-many relation
     $author->load(array($author_pk . ' = ?', $author_id[0]));
     $result = $this->getResult($author->news);
     $test->expect($result[0]['title'] == "Responsive Images" && $result[0]['tags'][0]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $result[0]['tags'][1]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': has-many inverse relation');
     // many to many relation
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $news->tags2 = array($tag_id[0], $tag_id[1]);
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect($news->tags2[0]['title'] == 'Web Design' && $news->tags2[1]['title'] == 'Responsive', $type . ': many-to-many relation created');
     $test->expect(is_object($news->tags2) && $news->tags2 instanceof \DB\CortexCollection, $type . ': many-to-many: result is collection');
     $tag3 = $tag->load(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[2]));
     $news->tags2[] = $tag3;
     $a = count($news->tags2);
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect(count($news->tags2) == 3 && $a == 3, $type . ': many-to-many relation added implicitly');
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $news->tags2 = NULL;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $test->expect(is_null($news->tags2), $type . ': many-to-many relation released');
     $news->title = 'Can it run Crysis?';
     $news->text = 'XOXO';
     $news->tags2 = array($tag_id[0]);
     $news_id[] = $news->_id;
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[3]));
     $a = count($news->tags2);
     $tag1 = $tag->find(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[0]));
     $b = count($tag1[0]->news);
     $c = $tag1[0]->news[0]->title == 'Can it run Crysis?';
     $tag1 = $tag->find(array($tag_pk . ' = ?', $tag_id[0]));
     $d = count($tag1[0]->news);
     $test->expect($a == 1 && $b == 1 && $c && $d == 0, $type . ': many-to-many relation cleaned by erase cascade');
     $news->load(array($news_pk . ' = ?', $news_id[0]));
     $all = $news->find();
     $test->expect($all[1]->tags2 === NULL && $all[2]->author === NULL, $type . ': empty relations are NULL');
     $arr = $news->cast();
     $test->expect(is_array($arr['tags']), $type . ': collection becomes array in casted model');
     if ($type == 'mongo') {
         $test->expect(is_string($arr['_id']), $type . ': id becomes string in casted model');
     return $test->results();
 public function actionUpStyle()
     $connection = Yii::app()->db;
     $Cates = array();
     $Tags = array();
     $isSuc = false;
     $userId = $_REQUEST['id'];
     $picDesc = $_REQUEST['desc'];
     $category_name = $_REQUEST['category_name'];
     $tag_name = $_REQUEST['tag_name'];
     $categories = explode(",", $category_name);
     $tags = explode(",", $tag_name);
     //$root = YiiBase::getPathOfAlias('webroot').Yii::app()->getBaseUrl();
     $root = YiiBase::getPathOfAlias('webroot');
     $folder = $root . '/images/images/styles/' . $userId . '/';
     $relPath = Yii::app()->getBaseUrl() . '/images/images/styles/' . $userId . '/';
     //echo ($folder);
     if ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/gif" || $_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpeg" || $_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/png" || $_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpg" || $_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg") {
         if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) {
             $isSuc = false;
         } else {
             $tmpFilePath = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
             				$array = explode("/", $tmpFilePath); 
             				var_dump($array[ count($array) -1]);
             			    $tmpPath  = $tmpPath.$array[ count($array) -1];
             $name = $this->getUploadImageFileName($_FILES["file"]["name"]);
             $desFilePath = $folder . $name;
             $desThumbPath = $folder . 'thumb/' . $name;
             $relPath = $relPath . $name;
             if (file_exists($desFilePath)) {
                 //echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
             } else {
                 move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $desFilePath);
                 $im = null;
                 $imtp = null;
                 if ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/gif") {
                     $im = imagecreatefromgif($desFilePath);
                     $imtp = 'gif';
                 } else {
                     if ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpg" || $_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") {
                         $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($desFilePath);
                         $imtp = 'jpg';
                     } else {
                         if ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/png") {
                             $im = imagecreatefrompng($desFilePath);
                             $imtp = 'png';
                 $this->mkDirIfNotExist($folder . 'thumb/');
                 CThumb::resizeImage($im, 100, 100, $desThumbPath, $imtp);
                 $isSuc = true;
     } else {
         $isSuc = false;
     if ($isSuc) {
         $styleModel = new StyleModel();
         $tagModel = new TagModel();
         $categoryModel = new CategoryModel();
         $styleModel->image = $relPath;
         $styleModel->user_id = $userId;
         $styleModel->create_time = time();
         $styleModel->like_num = 0;
         $styleModel->recommand_val = 0;
         if (!$styleModel->save()) {
             echo "style saved fail!";
             return false;
         foreach ($categories as $cate_name) {
             //搜索 category 表中是否存在此次上送的 名字。 如果没有就插入记录。
             $ret = CategoryModel::model()->find('name=:cate_name', array(':cate_name' => $cate_name));
             if (!isset($ret)) {
                 $categoryModel->name = $cate_name;
                 $categoryModel->create_time = time();
                 if (!$categoryModel->save()) {
                     echo "category zd fail!";
             //找到名字对应的_id。以便做插入 rel 关系表的时候用
             $sql = "select _id from tbl_category where name = :CateName";
             $command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
             $tmp = $command->query(array(':CateName' => $cate_name))->readAll();
             array_push($Cates, array('cate_id' => $tmp[0]["_id"]));
         foreach ($tags as $tag_name) {
             //搜索 tag 表中是否存在此次上送的 名字。 如果没有就插入记录。
             $ret = TagModel::model()->find('name=:tag_name', array(':tag_name' => $tag_name));
             if (!isset($ret)) {
                 $tagModel->name = $tag_name;
                 $tagModel->create_time = time();
                 if (!$tagModel->save()) {
                     echo "tag saved fail!";
             //找到名字对应的_id。以便做插入 rel 关系表的时候用
             $sql = "select _id from tbl_tag where name = :TagName";
             $command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
             $tmp = $command->query(array(':TagName' => $tag_name))->readAll();
             array_push($Tags, array('tag_id' => $tmp[0]["_id"]));
         //插入 tbl_style_category_rel 表 ( 可优化。 改成批量插入 )
         foreach ($Cates as $Cate) {
             $styleCateRelModel = new StyleCateRelModel();
             $styleCateRelModel->style_id = $styleModel->_id;
             $styleCateRelModel->category_id = $Cate['cate_id'];
             $styleModel->create_time = time();
             if (!$styleCateRelModel->save()) {
                 echo "styleCateRel saved fail!";
         //插入 tbl_style_tag_rel 表 ( 可优化。 改成批量插入 )
         foreach ($Tags as $Tag) {
             $styleTagRelModel = new StyleTagRelModel();
             $styleTagRelModel->style_id = $styleModel->_id;
             $styleTagRelModel->tag_id = $Tag['tag_id'];
             $styleModel->create_time = time();
             if (!$styleTagRelModel->save()) {
                 echo "styleTagRel saved fail!";
         $host = 'http://' . Yii::app()->request->getServerName();
         $styleModel->image = $host . $styleModel->image;
         //$styleModel->image = $host.Yii::app()->getBaseUrl().$styleModel->image;
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 1, 'res' => array('id' => $styleModel->_id, 'user_id' => $styleModel->user_id, 'image' => $styleModel->image)));
     } else {
         echo json_encode(array('result' => 0));
Exemple #4

$tag_name = $_GET['TagName'];
$brand_name = $_GET['BrandName'];
$style_id = $_GET['StyleId'];
if (trim($tag_name) !== "") {
    $connection = Yii::app()->db;
    //搜索 tag 表中是否存在此次上送的 名字。 如果没有就插入记录。
    $tagModel = new TagModel();
    $ret = TagModel::model()->find('name=:tag_name', array(':tag_name' => $tag_name));
    if (!isset($ret)) {
        $tagModel->name = $tag_name;
        $tagModel->create_time = time();
    //找到名字对应的_id。以便做插入 rel 关系表的时候用
    $sql = "select _id from tbl_tag where name = :TagName";
    $command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
    $tag_id = $command->query(array(':TagName' => $tag_name))->readAll();
    if (isset($tag_id)) {
        //插入 tbl_style_tag_rel 表
        $styleTagRelModel = new StyleTagRelModel();
        $styleTagRelModel->style_id = $style_id;
        $styleTagRelModel->tag_id = $tag_id[0]['_id'];
        $styleTagRelModel->tag_name = $brand_name;
        $styleTagRelModel->create_time = time();
$sql = "select as tag_name, A.tag_name as brand_name\n\t\t\tfrom tbl_style_tag_rel A\n\t\t\tinner join tbl_tag B on B._id =  A.tag_id\n\t\t\twhere A.style_id = :style_id order by asc";
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);