function tableau($attributs = array())
     // Cr�ation de l'objet tableau
     $tableau = new Tableau(2, $attributs);
     $tableau->setAfficheEntete(1, false);
     $tableau->setLegende("Lines in {$this->nomTable}");
     // Texte des ent�tes
     foreach ($this->schemaTable as $nom => $options) {
         if (!isset($this->auto_increment_key[$nom])) {
             $tableau->ajoutEntete(2, $nom, $this->entetes[$nom]);
     //    $tableau->ajoutEntete(2, "action", "Action");
     // Parcours de la table
     $requete = "SELECT * FROM {$this->nomTable} {$this->where_clause}";
     if (!empty($this->order_by_clause)) {
         $requete .= "ORDER BY {$this->order_by_clause}";
     $resultat = $this->bd->execRequete($requete);
     $i = 0;
     while ($ligne = $this->bd->ligneSuivante($resultat)) {
         // Cr�ation des cellules
         foreach ($this->schemaTable as $nom => $options) {
             if (!isset($this->auto_increment_key[$nom])) {
                 if ($options['type'] == "time") {
                     // Show only hour and minutes
                     $time = explode(":", $ligne[$nom]);
                     $ligne[$nom] = $time[0] . ":" . $time[1];
                 if (isset($this->form_fields_type[$nom])) {
                     // La valeur est r�f�renc�e par la cl� externe $ligne[$nom]
                     $libelle = $this->form_fields[$nom][$ligne[$nom]];
                 } else {
                     // Attention: traitement des balises HTML avant affichage
                     $libelle = htmlSpecialChars($ligne[$nom]);
                 $tableau->ajoutValeur($i, $nom, $libelle);
         // Cr�ation de l'URL de modification
         $urlMod = $this->accesCle($ligne) . "&ihm_action=" . EDITER;
         $modLink = "<a href='{$this->nomScript}{$urlMod}'>modify</a>";
         $tableau->ajoutValeur($i, "Modify", $modLink);
         $urlDel = $this->accesCle($ligne) . "&ihm_action=" . DEL_BD;
         $jscript = "onClick=\"if (confirm('This will remove this tuple!?')) " . "{window.location = '{$this->nomScript}{$urlDel}';}  else alert ('Concelled');\" ";
         /* $jscript= "onClick=\"ConfirmAction"
            . "('This will remove this tuple!?', '$this->nomScript$urlDel')\"";*/
         $delLink = "<a {$jscript} href='#'>delete</a>";
         $tableau->ajoutValeur($i, "Delete", $delLink);
     // Retour de la cha�ne contenant le tableau
     return $tableau->tableauHTML();
Exemple #2
            $disp = "<a href=\"?action=edit&id=" . $row['id'] . "\">(missing)</a>";
            $cell_attr['style'] = 'background-color: red; color: white;';
    $tableau->add_callback('display', mark_missing);
    // Indicate that we want to sort according to name, and in
    // ascending order
    $tableau->set_default_sort('name', 0);
    // We are now set and done, let's display the table component
} else {
    if ($_GET['table'] == 'responsibilities') {
        print "<div class='linkbox'><span><a href=\"?table=staff\">Staff</a></span> <span><b>Responsibilities</b></span>{$linkbox_other_links}</div>";
        // This is the specification for the second table,
        // which goes quite in the same way as previously.
        $tableau = new Tableau($connection, 'responsibilities');
        $tableau->set_columns('id', new Tableau_IDColumn(), 'name', new Tableau_ForeignKeyColumn($connection, 'staff', 'name', 'name'), 'responsibility', new Tableau_ChoiceColumn(array('watering plants', 'making fires', 'calling fire brigade')));
        $tableau->set_name('id', 'ID', 'name', 'Name', 'responsibility', 'Responsibility');
        $tableau->set_comment('responsibility', 'What this guy or gal should do?');
        $tableau->add_validator('name', value_required);
        $tableau->add_validator('responsibility', value_required);
        // We set a default filter that shows only names containing 'c'.
        // The user can override this either by specifying her own filter,
        // or by hitting the 'Clear' button.
        $tableau->set_default_filters(array(array('name', 'LIKE', 'c')));
        // Ok, display it.
$end_time = microtime_float();
 function debutTable($orientation = VERTICAL, $attributs = array(), $nbLignes = 1, $title = "")
     // On instancie un objet pour cr�er ce tableau HTML
     $tableau = new Tableau(2, $attributs);
     $this->orientation = $orientation;
     $this->nbl_horizontales = $nbLignes;
     if (!empty($title)) {
     // Jamais d'affichage de l'ent�te des lignes
     $tableau->setAfficheEntete(1, FALSE);
     // Action selon l'orientation
     if ($orientation == VERTICAL) {
         // Pas d'affichage de l'ent�te des colonnes
         $tableau->setAfficheEntete(2, FALSE);
         // On cr�e un composant dans lequel on place le tableau
         $this->composants[$this->nbComposants] = array("type" => "DEBUTtable", "orientation" => $orientation, "tableau" => $tableau);
         // Renvoi de l'identifiant de la ligne, et incr�mentation
         return $this->nbComposants++;
     } else {
         $this->tableau = $tableau;