protected function dataFetch()
        TableMng::query('SET @activeSy := (SELECT ID FROM SystemSchoolyears WHERE active = "1");');
        $this->_data = TableMng::query('SELECT st.ID AS schooltypeId, st.token AS schooltypeToken,
			g.gradelevel, userChosen.classesChosen, COUNT(*) AS userCount
			FROM SystemGrades g
				-- SystemSchooltypes (optional, splits gradelevels in schooltypes if
				-- needed)
				LEFT JOIN SystemSchooltypes st ON g.schooltypeId = st.ID
				-- Fetch how many classes the user has chosen
					SELECT COUNT(*) AS classesChosen, uigs.gradeId AS gradeId
					FROM SystemAttendances uigs
						INNER JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories uicc
							ON uigs.userId = uicc.UserID
						INNER JOIN KuwasysClasses c
							ON c.ID = uicc.ClassID
							AND c.isOptional = 0
						-- Check for interesting status
						INNER JOIN (
							SELECT ID
							FROM KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses
							WHERE name="active"
							) status ON status.ID = uicc.statusId
					WHERE uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
					GROUP BY uicc.UserID
					) userChosen ON userChosen.gradeId = g.ID
			GROUP BY st.ID, g.gradelevel, userChosen.classesChosen');
Exemple #2
 public function execute($dataContainer)
     //no direct access
     defined('_AEXEC') or die("Access denied");
     require_once 'AdminCardInfoProcessing.php';
     require_once 'AdminCardInfoInterface.php';
     $interface = $dataContainer->getInterface();
     $cardInfoInterface = new AdminCardInfoInterface($this->relPath);
     $cardInfoProcessing = new AdminCardInfoProcessing($cardInfoInterface);
     if ('POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && isset($_POST['card_ID'])) {
         $uid = $cardInfoProcessing->CheckCard($_POST['card_ID']);
         $userData = $cardInfoProcessing->GetUserData($uid);
         $cardInfoInterface->ShowCardInfo($userData, $_POST['card_ID']);
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['lostcard'])) {
             TableMng::query(sprintf("UPDATE BabeskCards SET lost=1 WHERE cardnumber = '%s'", $_GET['lostcard']));
             $interface->dieMsg("Karte wurde verloren gemeldet!");
             $uid = $cardInfoProcessing->CheckCard($_GET['lostcard']);
             $userData = $cardInfoProcessing->GetUserData($uid);
             $cardInfoInterface->ShowCardInfo($userData, $_GET['lostcard']);
         } else {
 public function GetSumOfCardChanges()
     require_once PATH_INCLUDE . '/TableMng.php';
     $temp = TableMng::query('SELECT SUM(changed_cardID) FROM BabeskCards');
     return $temp[0]["SUM(changed_cardID)"];
Exemple #4
 public function __construct()
     if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
     } else {
         if (!validSession()) {
             die(_g('The session is invalid, please login again'));
     try {
         $this->_adminInterface = new AdminInterface(NULL, $this->_smarty);
         // AdminInterface has used global $smarty, workaround
         AdminInterface::$smartyHelper = $this->_smarty;
         $this->_moduleExecutionParser = new ModuleExecutionInputParser();
         $this->_logger = new Logger($this->_pdo);
         $this->_acl = new Acl($this->_logger, $this->_pdo);
     } catch (MySQLConnectionException $e) {
         die('Sorry, could not connect to the database.');
    protected static function dataFetch($userIds)
        $query = 'SELECT
				CONCAT(u.forename, " ", AS userFullname, u.ID as userId, uic.statusId AS statusId,
				sy.label AS schoolyear,
				c.label AS classLabel, AS unitName, cu.translatedName AS unitTranslatedName,
				uics.translatedName AS statusTranslatedName,
				CONCAT(g.gradelevel, g.label) AS gradeName,
				IF(c.ID, CONCAT(u.ID, "-", c.ID), CONCAT(u.ID, "-")) AS grouper
			FROM SystemUsers u
				JOIN SystemAttendances uigs ON uigs.userId = u.ID
				JOIN SystemSchoolyears sy ON sy.ID = uigs.SchoolYearID
				JOIN KuwasysTemporaryRequestsAssign uic
					ON u.ID = uic.userId AND (
						uic.statusId = 1 OR uic.statusId = 0
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses uics ON uics.ID = uic.statusId
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClasses c ON c.ID = uic.classId AND c.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
				LEFT JOIN SystemGrades g ON g.ID = uigs.gradeId
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClassCategories cu ON c.unitId = cu.ID
			WHERE uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
			GROUP BY grouper
        try {
            $data = TableMng::query($query);
        } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) {
            self::$_interface->dieError('Es wurden keine Schüler gefunden, für die man die Dokumente hätte erstellen können');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            self::$_interface->dieError('konnte die Daten der Schüler nicht abrufen' . $e->getMessage());
        return $data;
     * Fetches the data needed to create the Tables from the Database
     * @param $classIds array() an array of Ids of classes to fetch
    protected static function dataFetch()
        $query = 'SELECT CONCAT(u.forename, " ", AS userFullname,
				u.telephone AS telephone, u.ID AS userId,
				c.label AS classLabel, c.ID AS classId,
				CONCAT(g.gradelevel, g.label) AS grade,
				CONCAT(ct.forename, " ", AS classteacherFullname, AS categoryName,
				cu.translatedName AS translatedCategoryName
			FROM KuwasysClasses c
				INNER JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories uicc
					ON uicc.ClassID = c.ID
				INNER JOIN SystemUsers u ON uicc.UserID = u.ID
				INNER JOIN KuwasysClassesInCategories cic ON cic.classId = c.ID
				LEFT JOIN SystemAttendances uigs
					ON uigs.UserID = u.ID
				LEFT JOIN SystemGrades g ON uigs.gradeId = g.ID
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClassteachersInClasses ctic ON ctic.ClassID = c.ID
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClassteachers ct
					ON ctic.ClassTeacherID = ct.ID
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClassCategories cu ON cu.ID = cic.categoryId
			WHERE  uicc.statusId = (SELECT ID FROM KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses WHERE"active")
				AND uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
				AND c.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear;';
        try {
            $data = TableMng::query($query);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            self::$_interface->dieError('Konnte die benötigten Daten nicht abrufen. Fehler:' . $e->getMessage());
        return $data;
Exemple #7
     * Fetches the appropriate Userdata neede to Display all of them
     * This function gets invoked by an Javascript-Script. It parses the data
     * and fetches userdata in one Query. It sends JSON-encoded data back.
     * @uses  $_POST['pagenumber'] The pagenumber to be displayed
     * @uses  $_POST['usersPerPage'] How many Users are displayed per Page
     * @uses  $_POST['sortFor'] What column should be sorted
     * @uses  $_POST['filterForCol'] What Column should be filtered
     * @uses  $_POST['filterForVal'] The value to filter for
    public function fetchUsersOrganized()
        $pagenumber = $_POST['pagenumber'];
        $usersPerPage = $_POST['usersPerPage'];
        $sortFor = $_POST['sortFor'];
        $filterForVal = $_POST['filterForVal'];
        $toEscape = array(&$pagenumber, &$usersPerPage, &$sortFor, &$filterForVal);
        $userToStart = ($pagenumber - 1) * $usersPerPage;
        if (empty($_POST['columnsToFetch'])) {
            $columnsToFetch = array();
        } else {
            $columnsToFetch = $_POST['columnsToFetch'];
            foreach ($columnsToFetch as &$col) {
        $filterForColumns = array();
        if (!empty($_POST['filterForColumns'])) {
            foreach ($_POST['filterForColumns'] as &$col) {
            $filterForColumns = $_POST['filterForColumns'];
        //When joining multiple tables, we have multiple IDs
        if ($filterForVal == 'ID') {
            $filterForVal = 'u.ID';
        //When user didnt select anything to sort For, default to Id
        if (empty($sortFor)) {
            $sortFor = 'ID';
        //Set the method of sorting
        $sortMethod = $_POST['sortMethod'] == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
        try {
            $queryCreator = new UserDisplayAllQueryCreator($this->_pdo, $filterForColumns, $sortFor, $sortMethod, $userToStart, $usersPerPage);
            $query = $queryCreator->createQuery($columnsToFetch, $sortFor, $filterForVal);
            $countQuery = $queryCreator->createCountOfQuery($columnsToFetch, $sortFor, $filterForVal);
            // var_dump($query);
            // die();
            //Fetch the Userdata
            TableMng::query('SET @activeSy :=
				(SELECT ID FROM SystemSchoolyears WHERE active = "1");');
            $data = TableMng::query($query);
            $usercount = TableMng::query($countQuery);
            // No division by zero, never show zero sites
            if ($usersPerPage != 0 && $usercount[0]['count'] > 0) {
                $pagecount = ceil((int) $usercount[0]['count'] / (int) $usersPerPage);
            } else {
                $pagecount = 1;
            $data = $this->fetchedDataToReadable($data, $columnsToFetch);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_logger->log('Error processing the data', 'Error', Null, json_encode(array('msg' => $e->getMessage())));
            die(json_encode(array('value' => 'error', 'message' => 'Ein Fehler ist bei der Datenverarbeitung ' . 'aufgetreten.')));
        die(json_encode(array('value' => 'data', 'users' => $data, 'pagecount' => $pagecount)));
Exemple #8
     * Fetches a date-modifier indicating when the Orders are canceable
     * @return string The Date
    protected function lastOrdercancelDatemodGet()
        try {
            $data = TableMng::query('SELECT * FROM SystemGlobalSettings
				WHERE name = "ordercancelEnddate"');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_interface->dieError('Error fetching ordercancelEnddate!');
        if (count($data)) {
            return $data[0]['value'];
        } else {
            $this->_interface->dieError('ordercancelEnddate ist nicht gesetzt! Administrator verständigen.');
     * Returns some generic user data for identifying a card
    public function GetUserData($uid)
        try {
            $data = TableMng::query(sprintf('SELECT u.*,
				(SELECT CONCAT(g.gradelevel, g.label) AS class
					FROM SystemAttendances uigs
					LEFT JOIN SystemGrades g ON uigs.gradeId = g.ID
					WHERE uigs.userId = u.ID AND
						uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear) AS class
				FROM SystemUsers u WHERE ID = %s', $uid));
        } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) {
            $this->cardInfoInterface->dieError('Der Benutzer wurde nicht gefunden');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->cardInfoInterface->dieError('Der Benutzer konnte nicht von der Datenbanke abgerufen werden!');
        return $data[0];
    protected static function dataFetch($gradeId, $userIds)
        $whereQuery = '';
        foreach ($userIds as $uid) {
            $whereQuery .= sprintf('u.ID = %s OR ', $uid);
        $whereQuery = rtrim($whereQuery, 'OR ');
        $query = sprintf('SELECT
				CONCAT(u.forename, " ", AS userFullname, u.ID as userId,
				sy.label AS schoolyear,
				c.label AS classLabel, AS unitName, cu.translatedName AS unitTranslatedName,
				uics.translatedName AS statusTranslatedName,
				CONCAT(g.gradelevel, g.label) AS gradeName,
					c.ID, CONCAT(u.ID, "-", c.ID, "-", cu.ID),
					CONCAT(u.ID, "-")
				) AS grouper
			FROM SystemUsers u
				INNER JOIN SystemAttendances uigs
					ON uigs.userId = u.ID
				INNER JOIN SystemSchoolyears sy ON sy.ID = uigs.schoolyearId
				INNER JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories uicc
					ON u.ID = uicc.UserID
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses uics ON uics.ID = uicc.statusId
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClasses c
					ON c.ID = uicc.ClassID
					AND c.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClassesInCategories cic ON cic.classId = c.ID
				LEFT JOIN SystemGrades g ON g.ID = uigs.gradeId
				LEFT JOIN KuwasysClassCategories cu ON cic.categoryId = cu.ID
			WHERE uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
				AND (uics.ID IS NULL OR = "active")
				AND (uicc.UserID IS NULL OR uicc.categoryId = cic.categoryId)
				GROUP BY grouper
				ORDER BY g.gradelevel, g.label, cu.ID
			;', $gradeId);
        try {
            $data = TableMng::query($query);
        } catch (MySQLVoidDataException $e) {
            self::$_interface->dieError('Es wurden keine Schüler gefunden, für die man die Dokumente hätte erstellen können');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            self::$_interface->dieError('konnte die Daten der Schüler nicht abrufen' . $e->getMessage());
        return $data;
Exemple #11
     * Generates the executePath from the module name and gets the module ID.
     * Result is stored in adminBookmarks
     * @todo: Works with one sublevel only. Have to extend it... (count the pipes, make things relative to that...)
     * @todo: 4 bookmarks possible atm. more?
     * @todo: no drag&drop sortable for bookmark list
    protected function saveBookmark()
        if (!isset($_POST['moduleId'])) {
        try {
            TableMng::query("update SystemAdminBookmarks set bmid = '0' WHERE bmid='1' AND uid=" . $_SESSION['UID']);
            TableMng::query("update SystemAdminBookmarks set bmid = '1' WHERE bmid='2' AND uid=" . $_SESSION['UID']);
            TableMng::query("update SystemAdminBookmarks set bmid = '2' WHERE bmid='3' AND uid=" . $_SESSION['UID']);
            TableMng::query("update SystemAdminBookmarks set bmid = '3' WHERE bmid='4' AND uid=" . $_SESSION['UID']);
            $stmt = $this->_pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO SystemAdminBookmarks
				(uid, bmid, mid) VALUES (?, "4", ?)');
            $stmt->execute(array($_SESSION['UID'], $_POST['moduleId']));
            TableMng::query("delete from SystemAdminBookmarks WHERE bmid = '0' AND uid=" . $_SESSION['UID']);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_logger->log('Could not add a bookmark', 'Notice', Null, json_encode(array('msg' => $e->getMessage())));
    protected function dataFetch()
        $this->_gradeData = TableMng::query('SELECT COUNT(uicc.ID) AS gradelevelCount, gradelevel AS gradelevel
			FROM SystemGrades g
				INNER JOIN SystemAttendances uigs
					ON g.ID = uigs.gradeId
					AND uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
				INNER JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories uicc ON uicc.UserID = uigs.userId
				INNER JOIN KuwasysClasses c ON c.ID = uicc.ClassID
					AND c.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
					AND c.isOptional = 0
						FROM KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses
						WHERE name="active"
					) status ON status.ID = uicc.statusId
				GROUP BY g.gradelevel
Exemple #13
    public function execute($dataContainer)
        //No direct access
        defined('_WEXEC') or die("Access denied");
        require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/UserManager.php';
        require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/FitsManager.php';
        require_once PATH_ACCESS . '/GlobalSettingsManager.php';
        $smarty = $dataContainer->getSmarty();
        $userManager = new UserManager();
        $fitsManager = new FitsManager();
        $gsm = new GlobalSettingsManager();
        $has_Fits = false;
        try {
            $userDetails = TableMng::querySingleEntry(sprintf('SELECT u.*,
				(SELECT CONCAT(g.gradelevel, g.label) AS class
					FROM SystemAttendances uigs
					LEFT JOIN SystemGrades g ON uigs.gradeId = g.ID
					WHERE uigs.userId = u.ID AND
						uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear) AS class
				FROM SystemUsers u WHERE `ID` = %s', $_SESSION['uid']), true);
            $userClass = $userDetails['class'];
            $has_Fits = $fitsManager->getFits($_SESSION['uid']);
            $class = $gsm->getFitsClass();
            $allClasses = $gsm->getFitsAllClasses();
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_logger->log('Error executing Fits: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'Notice', Null, '');
            $this->_interface->dieError('Konnte Fits nicht ausführen.');
        if ($allClasses == true) {
            $userClass = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/i', '', $userClass);
            $class = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/i', '', $class);
        if (isset($userClass) && $userClass == $class && $has_Fits == false) {
            $smarty->assign('showTestlink', true);
        if ($has_Fits == true) {
            $smarty->assign('hasFits', true);
        $smarty->assign('uid', $_SESSION['uid']);
        $smarty->display($this->smartyPath . 'menu.tpl');
    protected function dataFetch()
        $this->_gradeData = TableMng::query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS gradeCount, CONCAT(g.gradelevel, "-", g.label) AS gradeName
			FROM SystemGrades g
				INNER JOIN SystemAttendances uigs ON uigs.gradeId = g.ID
					AND uigs.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
				INNER JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories uicc
					ON uicc.statusId = (
						FROM KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses
						WHERE name="active"
				) AND uicc.userId = uigs.userId
				INNER JOIN KuwasysClasses c ON c.ID = uicc.ClassID
					AND c.schoolyearId = @activeSchoolyear
					AND c.isOptional = 0
				ORDER BY g.gradelevel, g.label
    protected function dataFetch()
        $this->_schoolyearData = TableMng::query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS classCount, sy.ID AS id, sy.label AS label
			FROM SystemGrades g
				INNER JOIN SystemAttendances uigs
					ON g.ID = uigs.gradeId
				INNER JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories uicc
					ON uicc.UserID = uigs.userId
				INNER JOIN SystemSchoolyears sy
				INNER JOIN KuwasysClasses c ON c.ID = uicc.ClassID
					AND c.schoolyearId = sy.ID
					AND c.isOptional = 0
						FROM KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses
						WHERE name="active"
					) status ON status.ID = uicc.statusId
				GROUP BY sy.ID
    protected function dataFetch()
        $this->_schoolyearData = TableMng::query('SELECT COUNT(*) AS userCount, AS id,
			uniqueUsersPerSchoolyear.label AS label
			(SELECT sy.ID AS id, uicc.UserID as userId, sy.label AS label
				FROM SystemSchoolyears sy
				INNER JOIN KuwasysUsersInClassesAndCategories uicc
				INNER JOIN KuwasysClasses c ON c.ID = uicc.ClassID
					AND c.schoolyearId = sy.ID
					AND c.isOptional = 0
					uicc.statusId = (
						SELECT ID FROM KuwasysUsersInClassStatuses uics
						WHERE name = "active"
				GROUP BY uicc.userId, sy.ID
				) uniqueUsersPerSchoolyear
			GROUP BY');
Exemple #17
 protected function groupsGetAllWithCheckIsUserIn($userId)
     $groups = TableMng::query("SELECT ID, name,\n\t\t\t(SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM SystemUsersInGroups uig\n\t\t\t\tWHERE g.ID = uig.groupId AND uig.userId = {$userId})\n\t\t\t\t\tAS isUserIn\n\t\t\tFROM SystemGroups g");
     return $groups;
Exemple #18
 private function markMsgAsRead($msgReceiverId)
     $db = TableMng::getDb();
     $query = sprintf('UPDATE MessageReceivers SET `read` = "1" WHERE ID = "%s";', $db->real_escape_string($msgReceiverId));
     if ($db->query($query)) {
     } else {
         $this->_interface->DieError('Konnte die Nachricht nicht als gelesen markieren' . $db->error);
Exemple #19
     * Deletes a Template from the Database
     * Dies if an Error occured in the Process
     * @param  int $id the ID of the Template to delete
    protected function templateDeleteFromDb($id)
        try {
            TableMng::query(sprintf('DELETE FROM MessageTemplate
				WHERE `ID` = %s', $id));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_interface->dieError('Konnte die Nachricht nicht löschen');
Exemple #20
 private function rebmemer2()
     if (!isset($_GET['class'])) {
         die("ERROR: No Class selected.");
     } else {
         $classId = $_GET['class'];
         $classNamelabel = TableMng::query("SELECT label FROM SystemGrades WHERE ID='{$classId}'");
         $classNamelabel = $classNamelabel[0]["label"];
         $classNamelevel = TableMng::query("SELECT gradelevel FROM SystemGrades WHERE ID='{$classId}'");
         $classNamelevel = $classNamelevel[0]["gradelevel"];
         $className = "{$classNamelevel}{$classNamelabel}";
         $studentIDs = $this->getStudentIDsOfClass($classId);
         $nrOfStudentIDs = count($studentIDs);
         // excluded from for loop to increase speed.... (dont like it? channge it...)
         $name = $forename = $books = [];
         foreach ($studentIDs as $userId) {
             $user = $this->_em->getReference('DM:SystemUsers', $userId);
             $name[] = $this->getNameOfStudentId($userId);
             $forename[] = $this->getForenameOfStudentId($userId);
             $books[] = $this->_loanHelper->loanBooksOfUserGet($user);
         $listOfClasses = $this->getListOfClasses("rebmemer2");
     $this->SchbasAccountingInterface->showRebmemerList2($name, $forename, $books, $nrOfStudentIDs - 1, $className, $listOfClasses);
    protected function infotextsFetch()
        $data = TableMng::query('SELECT * FROM SystemGlobalSettings
			WHERE name = "menu_text1" OR name = "menu_text2"');
        if (count($data) == 2) {
            foreach ($data as $infotext) {
                if ($infotext['name'] == 'menu_text1') {
                    $this->_infotext1 = $infotext['value'];
                } else {
                    $this->_infotext2 = $infotext['value'];
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Could not fetch Infotexts');
Exemple #22
  * Deletes the Order-Entry (and SoliOrder-Entry) in the Db
  * @param  int $orderId The ID of the Order to delete
 protected function orderDbEntryDelete($orderId)
     TableMng::query("DELETE FROM BabeskOrders WHERE ID = {$orderId}");
     if ($this->_isSoli) {
         TableMng::query("DELETE FROM BabeskSoliOrders WHERE ID = {$orderId}");
Exemple #23
    protected function isEnabledUpdateEntry($isEnabled)
        $ie = $isEnabled ? '1' : '0';
        try {
            TableMng::query(sprintf('UPDATE SystemGlobalSettings SET value = "%s"
							WHERE name = "schooltypeEnabled"', $ie));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_interface->dieError('Konnte die Schultypen nicht
Exemple #24
     * Changes the global Setting messageEditGroupId to the $newGroupId
     * dies when error occured while changing the group
     * @param  int $newGroupId the Id of the new group thats allowed to edit
     * Messages
    protected function authorGroupChangeCommit($newGroupId)
        try {
            TableMng::query(sprintf('UPDATE SystemGlobalSettings
				SET `value` = "%s"
				WHERE `name` = "messageEditGroupId"', $newGroupId));
            if (TableMng::getDb()->affected_rows == 0) {
                TableMng::query(sprintf('INSERT INTO SystemGlobalSettings (`value`, `name`)
					VALUES ("%s", "messageEditGroupId")', $newGroupId));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_interface->dieError('Konnte die Gruppe nicht verändern');
  * Fetches all Schoolyears and returns them
  * @return array  The fetched Schoolyears
 private function schoolyearsGetAll()
     $schoolyears = TableMng::query('SELECT * FROM SystemSchoolyears');
     return $schoolyears;
Exemple #26
  * Escapes the string for MySQL
  * Usage: '<index>' => 'sql_escape'
  * @access protected
  * @author Pascal Ernst <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string $value
  * @param  array $params
  * @return string
 protected function filter_sql_escape($value, $params = NULL)
     $locValue = $value;
     if (class_exists('TableMng')) {
     } else {
         trigger_error('TableMng not existing in gump!');
     return $locValue;
Exemple #27
     * Removes a Message from the Database by the ID given
     * It also removes the links to this Message in the Tables
     * MessageReceivers and MessageManagers.
     * @param  int $id the ID of the message to remove
    protected function messageDeleteFromDb($id)
        try {
            $query = sprintf('DELETE FROM MessageMessages WHERE `ID` = %s;
				DELETE FROM MessageReceivers WHERE `messageId` = %s;
				DELETE FROM MessageManagers WHERE `messageId` = %s;', $id, $id, $id);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->_interface->dieError('Konnte die Nachricht nicht löschen!');
Exemple #28
  * Returns the Count of Meals the User has ordered at that date
  * @param  int    $userId The ID of the User
  * @param  string $date   The Date of the User, format DD-MM-YYYY
  * @return string         The Count of Orders
 protected function orderCountOfDayByUserGet($userId, $date)
     $row = TableMng::querySingleEntry("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM BabeskOrders o\n\t\t\tJOIN BabeskMeals m ON m.ID = o.MID\n\t\t\tWHERE o.UID = '{$userId}' AND = '{$date}'");
     return $row['count'];
Exemple #29
  * Removes Expired Temporary files
  * @return int The count of removed Entries
 protected static function removeExpired()
     $now = self::toDatetime(time());
     $oldEntries = TableMng::query("SELECT * FROM SystemTemporaryFiles WHERE until < '{$now}'");
     $deletedEntries = 0;
     if (count($oldEntries)) {
         foreach ($oldEntries as $entry) {
             $temp = TemporaryFile::load($entry['ID']);
             $deletedEntries += 1;
     return $deletedEntries;
     * Fetches the Price that soli-users should pay when ordering meals
     * Saves it into the protected variable $_soliprice
    protected static function solipriceFetch()
        try {
            $res = TableMng::query('SELECT value FROM SystemGlobalSettings
				WHERE name = "soli_price"');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception('Could not fetch the soliprice');
        self::$_soliprice = $res[0]['value'];