Exemple #1
$module_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `module_id`, `name`, `namespace`, `version`, `install_date`, `backup`, `uninstall` FROM `core_modules` ORDER BY `uninstall` ASC, `module_id` ASC");
$module_query->bind_result($mod_id, $name, $namespace, $version, $installed, $backup, $uninstall);
while ($module_query->fetch()) {
    $row = array();
    $row[] = Table::addCell($mod_id);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($name);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($namespace);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($version);
    $row[] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($installed)));
    if ($backup == 1 && $this->accessAdminPage(3)) {
        $row[] = Table::addCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/modules/backup?m=' . $mod_id . '\')"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-export"></span></a>');
    } else {
        $row[] = Table::addCell('');
    if ($uninstall == 1 && $this->accessAdminPage(2)) {
        $row[] = Table::addCell('<a href="/action/modules/pre_uninstall?ns=' . $namespace . '"><span class="text-danger ' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-remove"></span></a>');
    } else {
        $row[] = Table::addCell('');
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(4)) {
        $row[] = Table::addCell('<a href="/admin/modules/details/' . $namespace . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-expand"></span></a>');
print $table->getTable();
if ($event_query !== false) {
    $event_query->bind_param('ii', $start_record, $record_length);
    $event_query->bind_result($event_id, $time, $uri, $username, $user_ip, $namespace, $event);
    while ($event_query->fetch()) {
        if ($this->inGroup(1)) {
            $row['select'] = Table::addCell('<input class="events_check" type="checkbox" value="' . $event_id . '" name="event[]" />');
        $row['ID'] = Table::addCell(str_pad($event_id, 4, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT), 'i_' . $event_id, '', '', true);
        $row['time'] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($time)), '', '', true);
        $row['user_id'] = Table::addCell($username, '', '', true);
        $row['user_ip'] = Table::addCell('<a href="ipblock_add?ip=' . $user_ip . '" target="_blank" class="bstooltip" data-title="Click to block IP">' . $user_ip . '</a>', '', '', true);
        $row['uri'] = Table::addCell($uri);
        $row['ns'] = Table::addCell($namespace, '', '', true);
        $row['event'] = Table::addCell($event);
print $event_view->getTable();
<script type="text/javascript">
$check = new TableCheck();
print $check->getScript();
Exemple #3
         print $paginator->getPaginator();
     } else {
         print '<div class="row pane">' . PHP_EOL;
         print '  <div class="col-xs-12">' . PHP_EOL;
         print '    <h4>Failed to load competitions.</h4>' . PHP_EOL;
         print '  </div>' . PHP_EOL;
         print '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
 } else {
     $table = $page->getPlugin('table', array('competitions_table'));
     $table->addHeader(array(Table::addTHeadCell('Title', true, '', '', true), Table::addTHeadCell('Date(s)'), Table::addTHeadCell('Location', true, '', '', true), Table::addTHeadCell('Entry Date'), Table::addTHeadCell('<abbr title="Number of Sessions"><b><span class="visible-xs visible-sm">S</span><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Sessions</span></b></abbr>', false, '', '', true), Table::addTHeadCell('<abbr title="Number of Events"><b><span class="visible-xs visible-sm">E</span><span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">Events</span></b></abbr>', false, '', '', true), Table::addTHeadCell('', false)));
     if ($meet = $page->getResource('competitions')) {
         while ($meet_query->fetch()) {
             if ($comp = $meet->fetchCompetition($comp_id)) {
                 $table->addRow(array(Table::addCell($comp->title), Table::addCell('<span class="hidden">' . strtotime($comp->date['start']) . '</span>' . $comp->date['long']), Table::addCell('<a href="/location/' . $comp->getLocation('ID') . '">' . $comp->getLocation('city') . '</a>'), Table::addCell($comp->date['entry']), Table::addCell($comp->data['sessions']), Table::addCell($comp->data['events']), Table::addCell('<a href="/competitions/meet/' . $comp->ID . '">More...</a>')));
         print '<div class="row pane">' . PHP_EOL;
         print '  <div class="col-xs-12">' . PHP_EOL;
         print $table->getTable();
         print '  </div>' . PHP_EOL;
         print '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         print '<div class="row pane">' . PHP_EOL;
         print '  <div class="col-xs-12">' . PHP_EOL;
         print '    <h4>Failed to load competitions.</h4>' . PHP_EOL;
         print '  </div>' . PHP_EOL;
         print '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
        if ($this->accessAdminPage(3) || $this->accessAdminPage(4)) {
            $row['check'] = Table::addCell('<input class="articles_check" type="checkbox" value="' . $id . '" name="article[]" />');
        $row['id'] = Table::addCell($id);
        $row['title'] = Table::addCell($title, 'i_' . $id);
        $row['pub'] = Table::addCell(Form::toggleLink($this, $publish, '', 3, array('s' => array('h' => 'Click to unpublish article.', 'i' => 'eye-open', 'u' => '/action/news/articles_unpublish?a=' . $id, 'c' => 'processData(this.href);return false;'), 'f' => array('h' => 'Click to publish article.', 'i' => 'eye-close', 'u' => '/action/news/article_publish?a=' . $id, 'c' => 'processData(this.href);return false;'))));
        $row['perm'] = Table::addCell('<code>' . $perm . '</code>');
        $row['user'] = Table::addCell($user);
        $row['group'] = Table::addCell($group);
        $row['revs'] = Table::addCell($revs);
        $row['hits'] = Table::addCell($hits);
        if ($this->accessAdminPage(2)) {
            $row['Edit'] = Table::addCell('<a href="article_edit/' . $id . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-edit"></span></a>');
        if ($this->accessAdminPage(4)) {
            $row['preview'] = Table::addCell('<a href="article_preview/' . $aid . '" target="_blank" id="aid_' . $id . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-new-window"></span></a>');
print $articles->getTable();
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
		$(".articles_check").prop('checked', this.checked);
while ($group_query->fetch()) {
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(13) || $this->inGroup(13, true)) {
        $row['select'] = Table::addCell('<input class="groups_check" type="checkbox" value="' . $GID . '" name="group[]" />');
    $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($GID);
    $row['name'] = Table::addCell($g_name, 'i_' . $GID);
    $row['desc'] = Table::addCell($desc);
    $row['en'] = Table::addCell(Form::toggleLink($this, $enabled, '', 6, array('s' => array('h' => 'Click to disable group.', 'i' => 'ok-sign', 'u' => '/action/user/group_disable?g' . $GID, 'c' => 'processData(this.href);return false;'), 'f' => array('h' => 'Click to enable group.', 'i' => 'ban-circle', 'u' => '/action/user/group_enable?g=' . $GID, 'c' => 'processData(this.href);return false;'))));
    $row['np'] = Table::addCell($pages);
    if ($type == 'p') {
        $row['t'] = Table::addCell('<abbr title="Primary Group">P</abbr>');
    } else {
        $row['t'] = Table::addCell('<abbr title="Secondary Group">S</abbr>');
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(13)) {
        $row['edit'] = Table::addCell('<a href="group_edit/' . $GID . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-edit"></span></a>');
print $group_view->getTable();
        <script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
		$(".groups_check").prop('checked', this.checked);
Exemple #6
<div class="row pane">
  <div class="col-xs-12">
    <h1 class="page-header">Backup Modules</h1>
$table = $page->getPlugin('table', array('modules'));
$table->addHeader(array(Table::addTHeadCell('ID'), Table::addTHeadCell('Name'), Table::addTHeadCell('Namespace'), Table::addTHeadCell('Installed On'), Table::addTHeadCell('', false)));
if ($this->inGroup(1)) {
    $module_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `module_id`, `name`, `namespace`, `install_date` FROM `core_modules` ORDER BY `install_date` DESC");
} else {
    $module_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `module_id`, `name`, `namespace`, `install_date` FROM `core_modules` WHERE `uninstall`='1' ORDER BY `install_date` DESC");
$module_query->bind_result($mod_id, $name, $namespace, $installed);
while ($module_query->fetch()) {
    $row = array();
    $row[] = Table::addCell($mod_id);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($name);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($namespace);
    $row[] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($installed)));
    $row[] = Table::addCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/modules/backup?m=' . $mod_id . '\')">Backup</a>');
print $table->getTable();
    $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($id);
    $row['action'] = Table::addCell($module . '::' . $action . '()', 'i_' . $id, '', true);
    $row['enable'] = Table::addCell(Form::toggleLink($this, $enable, '', '', array('s' => array('i' => 'ok'), 'f' => array('i' => 'remove'))));
    if ($last_run === NULL) {
        $last_run = 'Never';
    } else {
        $last_run = date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($last_run));
    $row['lastrun'] = Table::addCell($last_run, '', '', true);
    $row['desc'] = Table::addCell($desc);
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(52)) {
        $row['edit'] = Table::addCell('<a href="cron_edit/' . $id . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-edit"></span></a>');
    if ($this->inGroup(54, true)) {
        $row['run'] = Table::addCell('<a href="/action/core/cron_run?j=' . $id . '" onclick="processData(this.href);return false;"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-play"></span></a>');
print $jobs->getTable();

<script type="text/javascript">
$check = new TableCheck();
  * Add cell
 public function testCountColumns()
     $oTable = new Table();
     $element = $oTable->addCell();
     $this->assertEquals($oTable->countColumns(), 1);
     $element = $oTable->addCell();
     $element = $oTable->addCell();
     $this->assertEquals($oTable->countColumns(), 3);
$table = $page->getPlugin('table', array('sessions'));
$table->setIndent('  ')->addClass('table-bordered')->addClass('table-hover')->addClass('table-striped');
$thead = array();
$thead['ID'] = Table::addTHeadCell('ID');
$thead['Created'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Created');
$thead['IP'] = Table::addTHeadCell('IP');
$thead['LPR'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Last Page Request');
if ($this->accessAdminPage(20)) {
    $thead['destroy'] = Table::addTHeadCell('');
while ($session_query->fetch()) {
    $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($sessID);
    $row['Created'] = Table::addCell($sessCreate);
    $row['IP'] = Table::addCell($sessIP);
    $row['LPR'] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($sessLPR)));
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(20)) {
        $row['destroy'] = Table::addTHeadCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/user/session_destroy/' . $sessID . '\')">Destroy&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-remove-sign"</a>');

<div class="row pane">
  <div class="col-xs-12">
    <h1 class="page-header">Edit User</h1>
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified" role="tablist">
      <li class="active"><a href="#details" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Details</a></li>
      <li><a href="#sessions" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Sessions</a></li>
Exemple #10
<div class="row pane">
  <div class="col-xs-12">
    <h1 class="page-header">Uninstall Module</h1>
$table = $page->getPlugin('table', array('modules'));
$table->addHeader(array(Table::addTHeadCell('ID'), Table::addTHeadCell('Name'), Table::addTHeadCell('Namespace'), Table::addTHeadCell('Installed On'), Table::addTHeadCell('', false)));
if ($this->inGroup(1)) {
    $module_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `module_id`, `name`, `namespace`, `install_date` FROM `core_modules` ORDER BY `install_date` DESC");
} else {
    $module_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `module_id`, `name`, `namespace`, `install_date` FROM `core_modules` WHERE `uninstall`='1' ORDER BY `install_date` DESC");
$module_query->bind_result($mod_id, $name, $namespace, $installed);
while ($module_query->fetch()) {
    $row = array();
    $row[] = Table::addCell($mod_id);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($name);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($namespace);
    $row[] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($installed)));
    $row[] = Table::addCell('<a href="/action/modules/pre_uninstall?ns=' . $namespace . '">Uninstall</a>');
print $table->getTable();
Exemple #11
        if ($rown == 1) {
            $row['up'] = Table::addCell('');
        } else {
            $row['up'] = Table::addCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/core/menu_up/' . $MID . '\')"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-chevron-up"></span></a>');
        if ($rown == $menu_query->num_rows) {
            $row['down'] = Table::addCell('');
        } else {
            $row['down'] = Table::addCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/core/menu_down/' . $MID . '\')"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-chevron-down"></span></a>');
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(42)) {
        $row['edit'] = Table::addCell('<a href="menu_edit/' . $MID . '/"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-edit"></span></a>');
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(42)) {
        $row['delete'] = Table::addCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/core/menu_remove/' . $MID . '\')"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-remove-sign"></span></a>');
print $menu->getTable();

<script type="text/javascript">
$block_query->bind_result($block_id, $time, $by, $ip, $expires, $left, $reason);
while ($block_query->fetch()) {
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(42) || $this->inGroup(43, true)) {
        $row['select'] = Table::addCell('<input class="blocks_check" type="checkbox" value="' . $block_id . '" name="block[]" />');
    $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($block_id);
    $row['on'] = Table::addCell(date(DATE_LONG, strtotime($time)));
    $row['by'] = Table::addCell($by);
    $row['ip'] = Table::addCell($ip, 'i_' . $block_id);
    $row['expires'] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_LONG, strtotime($expires)));
    $row['left'] = Table::addCell($left);
    $row['reason'] = Table::addCell($reason);
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(42)) {
        $row['edit'] = Table::addCell('<a href="ipblock_edit/' . $block_id . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-edit"></span></a>');
print $block->getTable();

<script type="text/javascript">
$check = new TableCheck();
$option_query->bind_result($option_id, $name, $value, $desc);
while ($option_query->fetch()) {
    if (strlen($value) > 48) {
        $value = substr($value, 0, 47) . '&hellip;';
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(12)) {
        $row['select'] = Table::addCell('<input class="options_check" type="checkbox" value="' . $option_id . '" name="option[]" />');
    $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($option_id, '', '', '', true);
    $row['name'] = Table::addCell($name, 'i_' . $option_id, '', true);
    $row['value'] = Table::addCell($value, '', '');
    $row['desc'] = Table::addCell($desc);
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(12)) {
        $row['edit'] = Table::addCell('<a href="option_edit/' . $option_id . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-edit"></span></a>');
print $option_view->getTable();

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
Exemple #14
$thead['Group'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Group');
$thead['Username'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Username');
$thead['last'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Last Activity');
if ($page->inGroup(2020)) {
    $thead['logout'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Logout');
$user_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `user`, CONCAT(`f_name`, ' ', `s_name`), `core_groups`.`name`, `username`, MAX(`lpr`) FROM `core_sessions`\nINNER JOIN `core_users` ON `user`=`core_users`.`id`\nLEFT JOIN `core_groups` ON `p_group`=`GID`\nGROUP BY `user` ORDER BY `lpr`");
$user_query->bind_result($user_id, $name, $group, $username, $lpr);
$n = 1;
while ($user_query->fetch()) {
    $row = array();
    $row['n'] = Table::addCell($n);
    $row['name'] = Table::addCell($name);
    $row['group'] = Table::addCell($group);
    $row['user'] = Table::addCell($username);
    $row['last'] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($lpr)));
    if ($page->inGroup(2020)) {
        $row['logout'] = Table::addTHeadCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/user/session_destroym/' . $user_id . '\')"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-log-out"</a>');
print $users->getTable();
 function format($type = 'all')
     switch ($type) {
         case 'all':
             $variables['meetID'] = $this->ID;
             $variables['meetTitle'] = $this->title;
             $variables['meetDate'] = $this->date['long'];
             $variables['meetEntryDate'] = $this->date['entry'];
             // Parse Info template
             $info = '';
             $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Parsing info template...');
             if ($this->location !== false) {
                 $variables['meetLocationID'] = $this->location->ID;
                 $variables['meetLocationName'] = $this->location->name;
                 $variables['meetLocationCity'] = $this->location->address['city'];
                 if ($text = $this->parseTemplate($variables, dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/full_comp-info.htm')) {
                     $info = $text;
             } else {
                 if ($text = $this->parseTemplate($variables, dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/full_comp-info_noLoc.htm')) {
                     $info = $text;
             // Parse Notes template
             $notes = '';
             if ($this->show['notes'] == true) {
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Parsing notes template...');
                 foreach ($this->notes as $type => $content) {
                     if ($content != '') {
                         $variables['noteType'] = ucfirst($type);
                         $variables['noteContent'] = $content;
                         if ($text = $this->parseTemplate($variables, dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/full_comp-note.htm')) {
                             $notes .= $text;
                 unset($variables['noteType'], $variables['noteContent']);
             $docs = '';
             // Parse results service template
             $res = '';
             if ($this->res['enable'] == true && $this->res['text'] != '') {
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Parsing results service template...');
                 $variables['resServText'] = $this->res['text'];
                 $variables['resServMeet'] = $this->res['meet'];
                 $variables['resServSeries'] = $this->res['series'];
                 $variables['resServer'] = $this->parent->parent->config->getOption('comp_resServer');
                 if ($text = $this->parseTemplate($variables, dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/full_comp-resServ.htm')) {
                     $res = $text;
             // Parse schedule template
             $schedule = $sessions = '';
             if ($this->show['schedule'] == true) {
                 $defSessionTable = new Table($this->parent, 'schedule');
                 $defSessionTable->addHeader(array(Table::addTHeadCell('Event #'), Table::addTHeadCell('Gender'), Table::addTHeadCell('Age Group'), Table::addTHeadCell('Distance'), Table::addTHeadCell('Stroke'), Table::addTHeadCell('Round')));
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Parsing event schedule...');
                 foreach ($this->data['S'] as $sNum => $session) {
                     $sessionTable = clone $defSessionTable;
                     $sessionTable->setID('m_' . $this->ID . '_sch_s_' . $sNum);
                     // Parse session times template
                     $sessionTimes = $this->parent->getPlugin('table', array('m_' . $this->ID . '_time_s_' . $sNum));
                     $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Parsing session times...');
                     $cols = array();
                     foreach ($session['t'] as $type => $time) {
                         $type = $this->options['times'][$type];
                         $cols[] = Table::addCell('<b>' . $type . '</b>');
                         $cols[] = Table::addCell($time);
                     $sessionTimes = $sessionTimes->getTable();
                     unset($variables['type'], $variables['time'], $text);
                     // Parse event template
                     $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Parsing events template...');
                     foreach ($session['E'] as $event) {
                         $eventNumber = $event['prefix'] == 1 ? $sNum . $event['num'] : $event['num'];
                         $event = $this->parseEvent($event, true);
                         $sessionTable->addRow(array(Table::addCell($eventNumber), Table::addCell($event['gender']), Table::addCell($event['age']), Table::addCell($event['distance']), Table::addCell($event['stroke']), Table::addCell($event['round'])));
                     // Parse session template
                     $variables['sessionNumber'] = $session['number'];
                     $variables['sessionDate'] = $session['date'];
                     $variables['sessionTimes'] = $sessionTimes;
                     $variables['events'] = $sessionTable->getTable();
                     if ($text = $this->parseTemplate($variables, dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/full_comp-session.htm')) {
                         $sessions .= $text;
                 // End Session foreach
                 unset($variables['sessionNumber'], $variables['sessionDate'], $variables['sessionTimes'], $sessionTable);
                 $this->parent->parent->debug($this::name_space . ': Parsing schedule template...');
                 $variables['sessions'] = $sessions;
                 if ($text = $this->parseTemplate($variables, dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/full_comp-schedule.htm')) {
                     $schedule = $text;
             $accordion = $this->parent->getPlugin('accordion');
             $accordion->setID('acc_' . $this->ID);
             $accordion->addPage('_info', 'Information', $info);
             if ($res != '') {
                 $accordion->addPage('_results', 'Results Service', $res);
             if ($notes != '') {
                 $accordion->addPage('_notes', 'Notes', $notes);
             if ($docs != '') {
                 $accordion->addPage('_documents', 'Documents', $docs);
             if ($schedule != '') {
                 $accordion->addPage('_schedule', 'Schedule', $schedule);
             $variables['meet'] = $accordion->getAccordion();
             if ($text = $this->parseTemplate($variables, dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/full_comp.htm')) {
                 return $text;
Exemple #16
      <div class="col-xs-12">
        <h2 class="sub-header">Latest Blocked IPs</h2>
    $ips = $page->getPlugin('table', array('ips'));
    $ips->setIndent('          ')->addClass('table-striped');
    $thead = array();
    $thead['n'] = Table::addTHeadCell('#');
    $thead['ip'] = Table::addTHeadCell('IP');
    $thead['until'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Until');
    $ip_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("\nSELECT `id`, INET_NTOA(`IP`), DATE_ADD(`time`, INTERVAL `length` DAY)\nFROM `core_ip`\nORDER BY `time` DESC\n");
    $ip_query->bind_result($ban_id, $ip, $until);
    while ($ip_query->fetch()) {
        $row = array();
        $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($ban_id);
        $row['ip'] = Table::addCell($ip);
        $row['until'] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_LONG, strtotime($until)));
    print $ips->getTable();
Exemple #17
      <div class="col-xs-12">
        <h2 class="sub-header">Primary Groups</h2>
    $groups = $page->getPlugin('table', array('groups'));
    $groups->setIndent('          ')->addClass('table-striped');
    $thead = array();
    $thead['ID'] = Table::addTHeadCell('ID');
    $thead['Name'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Name');
    $thead['Pages'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Pages');
    $group_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("\nSELECT `core_groups`.`GID`, `name`, COUNT(`PID`)\nFROM `core_groups`\nLEFT JOIN `core_gpage` ON `core_gpage`.`GID`=`core_groups`.`GID`\nWHERE `type`='p' GROUP BY `core_groups`.`GID`\nORDER BY `name` ASC\n");
    $group_query->bind_result($group_id, $name, $pages);
    while ($group_query->fetch()) {
        $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($group_id);
        $row['name'] = Table::addCell($name);
        $row['pages'] = Table::addCell($pages);
    print $groups->getTable();
Exemple #18
$module_query->bind_result($id, $name, $city, $county, $map);
while ($module_query->fetch()) {
    $row = array();
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(2) || $this->inGroup(2, true)) {
        $row['select'] = Table::addCell('<input class="locations_check" type="checkbox" value="' . $id . '" name="location[]" />');
    $row[] = Table::addCell($id);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($name, 'i_' . $id);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($city);
    $row[] = Table::addCell($county);
    $row[] = Table::addCell(Form::toggleLink($this, $map, '', '', array('s' => array('i' => 'ok'), 'f' => array('i' => 'remove'))));
    if ($this->accessAdminPage(2)) {
        $row[] = Table::addCell('<a href="/admin/location/edit/' . $id . '"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-edit"></span></a>');
    $row[] = Table::addCell('<a href="/location/' . $id . '" target="_blank"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-new-window"></span></a>');
print $table->getTable();
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
		$(".locations_check").prop('checked', this.checked);
Exemple #19
$thead['lock'] = Table::addTHeadCell('Lock', '', false);
$session_query = $mySQL_r->prepare("SELECT `core_sessions`.`id`, CONCAT(`core_users`.`f_name`, ' ', `core_users`.`s_name`), `core_users`.`username`, INET_NTOA(`ip`), `created`, `lpr` FROM `core_sessions` INNER JOIN `core_users` ON `core_sessions`.`user`=`core_users`.`id` ORDER BY `core_users`.`id` ASC, `core_sessions`.`lpr` DESC");
$session_query->bind_result($session_id, $name, $username, $ip, $created, $lpr);
while ($session_query->fetch()) {
    $row['check'] = Table::addCell('<input class="sessions_check" type="checkbox" value="' . $session_id . '" name="session[]" />');
    $row['ID'] = Table::addCell($session_id, 'i_' . $session_id);
    $row['name'] = Table::addCell($name);
    $row['username'] = Table::addCell($username);
    $row['ip'] = Table::addCell($ip);
    $row['created'] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($created)));
    $row['lpr'] = Table::addCell(date(DATET_SHORT, strtotime($lpr)));
    $row['del'] = Table::addCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/user/session_destroy/' . $session_id . '\')"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-remove-sign"</a>');
    $row['lock'] = Table::addCell('<a href="#" onclick="processData(\'/action/user/session_lock/' . $session_id . '\')"><span class="' . B_ICON . ' ' . B_ICON . '-lock"</a>');
print $session_view->getTable();
<script type="text/javascript">
$check = new TableCheck();
print $check->getScript();