function query_module_access_list(&$user) { require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $controller = new TabController(); $tabArray = $controller->get_tabs($user); return $tabArray[0]; }
/** * @see SugarView::display() */ public function display() { global $mod_strings; global $app_list_strings; global $app_strings; require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $controller = new TabController(); $tabs = $controller->get_tabs_system(); $enabled = []; foreach ($tabs[0] as $key => $value) { $enabled[] = ["module" => $key, 'label' => translate($key)]; } $disabled = []; foreach ($tabs[1] as $key => $value) { $disabled[] = ["module" => $key, 'label' => translate($key)]; } $user_can_edit = $controller->get_users_can_edit(); $this->ss->assign('APP', $GLOBALS['app_strings']); $this->ss->assign('MOD', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']); $this->ss->assign('user_can_edit', $user_can_edit); $this->ss->assign('enabled_tabs', json_encode($enabled)); $this->ss->assign('disabled_tabs', json_encode($disabled)); $this->ss->assign('title', $this->getModuleTitle(false)); //get list of all subpanels and panels to hide $mod_list_strings_key_to_lower = array_change_key_case($app_list_strings['moduleList']); $panels_arr = SubPanelDefinitions::get_all_subpanels(); $hidpanels_arr = SubPanelDefinitions::get_hidden_subpanels(); if (!$hidpanels_arr || !is_array($hidpanels_arr)) { $hidpanels_arr = []; } //create array of subpanels to show, used to create Drag and Drop widget $enabled = []; foreach ($panels_arr as $key) { if (empty($key)) { continue; } $key = strtolower($key); $enabled[] = ["module" => $key, "label" => $mod_list_strings_key_to_lower[$key]]; } //now create array of subpanels to hide for use in Drag and Drop widget $disabled = []; foreach ($hidpanels_arr as $key) { if (empty($key)) { continue; } $key = strtolower($key); $disabled[] = ["module" => $key, "label" => $mod_list_strings_key_to_lower[$key]]; } $this->ss->assign('enabled_panels', json_encode($enabled)); $this->ss->assign('disabled_panels', json_encode($disabled)); echo $this->ss->fetch('modules/Administration/templates/ConfigureTabs.tpl'); }
/** * This function loads portal config vars from db and sets them for the view * @see SugarView::display() for more info */ function display() { $portalFields = array('appStatus' => 'offline', 'logoURL' => '', 'maxQueryResult' => '20', 'maxSearchQueryResult' => '5', 'defaultUser' => ''); $userList = get_user_array(); $userList[''] = ''; require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $controller = new TabController(); $disabledModulesFlag = false; $disabledModules = array_diff($controller->getAllPortalTabs(), $controller->getPortalTabs()); if (!empty($disabledModules)) { $disabledModulesFlag = true; array_walk($disabledModules, function (&$item) { $item = translate($item); }); } $admin = Administration::getSettings(); $portalConfig = $admin->getConfigForModule('portal', 'support', true); $portalConfig['appStatus'] = !empty($portalConfig['on']) ? 'online' : 'offline'; $smarty = new Sugar_Smarty(); $smarty->assign('disabledDisplayModulesList', $disabledModules); $smarty->assign('disabledDisplayModules', $disabledModulesFlag); foreach ($portalFields as $fieldName => $fieldDefault) { if (isset($portalConfig[$fieldName])) { $smarty->assign($fieldName, html_entity_decode($portalConfig[$fieldName])); } else { $smarty->assign($fieldName, $fieldDefault); } } $smarty->assign('userList', $userList); $smarty->assign('welcome', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']['LBL_SYNCP_WELCOME']); $smarty->assign('mod', $GLOBALS['mod_strings']); $smarty->assign('siteURL', $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['site_url']); if (isset($_REQUEST['label'])) { $smarty->assign('label', $_REQUEST['label']); } $options = !empty($GLOBALS['system_config']->settings['system_portal_url']) ? $GLOBALS['system_config']->settings['system_portal_url'] : 'https://'; $smarty->assign('options', $options); $ajax = new AjaxCompose(); $ajax->addCrumb(translate('LBL_SUGARPORTAL', 'ModuleBuilder'), 'ModuleBuilder.main("sugarportal")'); $ajax->addCrumb(ucwords(translate('LBL_PORTAL_CONFIGURE')), ''); $ajax->addSection('center', translate('LBL_SUGARPORTAL', 'ModuleBuilder'), $smarty->fetch('modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/portalconfig.tpl')); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($smarty->fetch('modules/ModuleBuilder/tpls/portalconfig.tpl')); echo $ajax->getJavascript(); }
public function run() { if (!($this->from_flavor == 'ce' && $this->toFlavor('pro'))) { return; } //check to see if there are any new files that need to be added to systems tab //retrieve old modules list $this->log('check to see if new modules exist'); if (empty($this->state['old_modules'])) { $this->log('No old modules info, skipping it'); return; } else { $oldModuleList = $this->state['old_modules']; } $newModuleList = array(); include 'include/modules.php'; $newModuleList = $moduleList; //include tab controller require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $newTB = new TabController(); //make sure new modules list has a key we can reference directly $newModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($newModuleList); $oldModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($oldModuleList); //iterate through list and remove commonalities to get new modules foreach ($newModuleList as $remove_mod) { if (in_array($remove_mod, $oldModuleList)) { unset($newModuleList[$remove_mod]); } } $must_have_modules = array('Activities' => 'Activities', 'Calendar' => 'Calendar', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'Quotes' => 'Quotes', 'Products' => 'Products', 'Forecasts' => 'Forecasts', 'Contracts' => 'Contracts', 'KBDocuments' => 'KBDocuments'); $newModuleList = array_merge($newModuleList, $must_have_modules); //new modules list now has left over modules which are new to this install, so lets add them to the system tabs $this->log('new modules to add are ' . var_export($newModuleList, true)); //grab the existing system tabs $tabs = $newTB->get_system_tabs(); //add the new tabs to the array foreach ($newModuleList as $nm) { $tabs[$nm] = $nm; } //now assign the modules to system tabs $newTB->set_system_tabs($tabs); $this->log('module tabs updated'); }
/** * Sets up Portal. * * @param array $settings (optional) the array of portal settings. */ public function setUpPortal(array $settings = array()) { // Initialize `MySettings_tab` (setting containing the list of module // tabs) if not set. $tabController = new TabController(); $tabController->getPortalTabs(); $portalFields = array('defaultUser', 'appName', 'logoURL', 'serverUrl', 'maxQueryResult', 'maxSearchQueryResult'); $portalConfig = $this->getDefaultPortalSettings(); foreach ($portalFields as $field) { if (isset($settings[$field])) { $portalConfig[$field] = $settings[$field]; } } $portalConfig['appStatus'] = 'online'; $portalConfig['on'] = 1; $this->savePortalSettings($portalConfig); $this->setUpUser(); $this->refreshCache(); }
public function run() { if ($this->fromFlavor('ent') && version_compare($this->from_version, '7.6.0', '>=')) { return; } //include tab controller require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $newTB = new TabController(); $must_have_modules = array('pmse_Project', 'pmse_Inbox', 'pmse_Business_Rules', 'pmse_Emails_Templates'); //grab the existing system tabs $tabs = $newTB->get_system_tabs(); //add the new tabs to the array foreach ($must_have_modules as $nm) { $tabs[$nm] = $nm; } //now assign the modules to system tabs $newTB->set_system_tabs($tabs); $this->log('module tabs updated with pmse'); }
function __construct($view_class = null) { if ($view_class === null) { $view_class = "PlacesView"; } $this->session = Project::getSession(); parent::__construct($view_class); $this->_view->assign('tab_list', TabController::getOwnTabs(true)); $this->user = Project::getUser()->getShowedUser(); $this->_view->assign('user_profile', $this->user->data()); $this->_view->assign('session', $this->session); $this->_view->assign('user_default_avatar', $this->user->getUserAvatar($this->user->id)); }
public function action_savetabs() { require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php'; require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; global $current_user, $app_strings; if (!is_admin($current_user)) { sugar_die($app_strings['ERR_NOT_ADMIN']); } // handle the tabs listing $toDecode = html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['enabled_tabs'], ENT_QUOTES); $enabled_tabs = json_decode($toDecode); $tabs = new TabController(); $tabs->set_system_tabs($enabled_tabs); $tabs->set_users_can_edit(isset($_REQUEST['user_edit_tabs']) && $_REQUEST['user_edit_tabs'] == 1); // handle the subpanels if (isset($_REQUEST['disabled_tabs'])) { $disabledTabs = json_decode(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['disabled_tabs'], ENT_QUOTES)); $disabledTabsKeyArray = TabController::get_key_array($disabledTabs); SubPanelDefinitions::set_hidden_subpanels($disabledTabsKeyArray); } header("Location: index.php?module=Administration&action=ConfigureTabs"); }
public function action_savetabs() { require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php'; require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; global $current_user, $app_strings, $modInvisList; if (!is_admin($current_user)) { sugar_die($app_strings['ERR_NOT_ADMIN']); } // handle the tabs listing $toDecode = html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['enabled_tabs'], ENT_QUOTES); $enabled_tabs = json_decode($toDecode); // Add Home back in so that it always appears first in Sugar 7 array_unshift($enabled_tabs, 'Home'); $tabs = new TabController(); $tabs->set_system_tabs($enabled_tabs); $tabs->setPortalTabs(array_values(array_intersect($enabled_tabs, $tabs->getAllPortalTabs()))); $tabs->set_users_can_edit(isset($_REQUEST['user_edit_tabs']) && $_REQUEST['user_edit_tabs'] == 1); // handle the subpanels if (isset($_REQUEST['disabled_tabs'])) { $disabledTabs = json_decode(html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['disabled_tabs'], ENT_QUOTES)); $disabledTabsKeyArray = TabController::get_key_array($disabledTabs); //Never show Project subpanels if Project module is hidden if (!in_array('project', $disabledTabsKeyArray) && in_array('Project', $modInvisList)) { $disabledTabsKeyArray[] = 'project'; } // if RLI is hidden, always hide the RLI subpanel. if (!in_array('revenuelineitems', $disabledTabsKeyArray) && in_array('RevenueLineItems', $modInvisList)) { $disabledTabsKeyArray[] = 'revenuelineitems'; } SubPanelDefinitions::set_hidden_subpanels($disabledTabsKeyArray); } // Only rebuild the relevent metadata sections. MetaDataManager::refreshSectionCache(MetaDataManager::MM_MODULESINFO, array('base')); MetaDataManager::refreshSectionCache(MetaDataManager::MM_HIDDENSUBPANELS, array('base')); if (!headers_sent()) { header("Location: index.php?module=Administration&action=ConfigureTabs"); } }
function BaseBlogData(&$info) { $request = Project::getRequest(); $request_user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getShowedUser()->id; if ($request_user_id <= 0) { Project::getResponse()->redirect($request->createUrl('Index', 'Index', null, false)); } $user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id; if ($request_user_id === $user_id) { $v = new BlogViewSocieties(); $v->ControlPanel(); $info['control_panel'] = $v->parse(); $info['blog_owner'] = true; } else { $info['control_panel'] = null; $info['blog_owner'] = false; } $info['tab_list'] = TabController::getOwnTabs(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true); // User blog tree $blog_model = Project::getUser()->getShowedUser()->getBlogSocieties(); $tree_model = new BlogTreeModelSocieties(); $info['branch_list'] = $tree_model->getBranchList($blog_model->id, $user_id); $info['blog_info']['title'] = $blog_model->title; }
} if (isset($_POST['user_subpanel_tabs'])) { $focus->setPreference('subpanel_tabs', $_POST['user_subpanel_tabs'], 0, 'global'); } else { $focus->setPreference('subpanel_tabs', '', 0, 'global'); } if (isset($_POST['user_theme'])) { $focus->setPreference('user_theme', $_POST['user_theme'], 0, 'global'); $_SESSION['authenticated_user_theme'] = $_POST['user_theme']; } if (isset($_POST['user_module_favicon'])) { $focus->setPreference('module_favicon', $_POST['user_module_favicon'], 0, 'global'); } else { $focus->setPreference('module_favicon', '', 0, 'global'); } $tabs = new TabController(); if (isset($_POST['display_tabs'])) { $tabs->set_user_tabs($DISPLAY_ARR['display_tabs'], $focus, 'display'); } if (isset($HIDE_ARR['hide_tabs'])) { $tabs->set_user_tabs($HIDE_ARR['hide_tabs'], $focus, 'hide'); } else { $tabs->set_user_tabs(array(), $focus, 'hide'); } if (is_admin($current_user)) { if (isset($REMOVE_ARR['remove_tabs'])) { $tabs->set_user_tabs($REMOVE_ARR['remove_tabs'], $focus, 'remove'); } else { $tabs->set_user_tabs(array(), $focus, 'remove'); } }
function LastListAction($info = array()) { $this->BaseSiteData(); $info['tab_list'] = TabController::getMainAlbumTabs(false, true, false); $request_user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getShowedUser()->id; $user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id; $album_id = isset($album_id) && (int) $album_id > 0 ? $album_id : (int) Project::getRequest()->getKeyByNumber(0); $this->BaseAlbumData($info, $album_id); $photo_model = new PhotoModel(); $pager = new DbPager(Project::getRequest()->getValueByNumber(1), $this->getParam('last_photo_per_page', self::DEFAULT_PHOTO_PER_PAGE)); $photo_model->setPager($pager); $list = $photo_model->loadAll($request_user_id, $album_id); $this->checkImages($list); $info['photo_list'] = $list; $info['list_pager'] = $photo_model->getPager(); $info['list_controller'] = 'Photo'; $info['list_action'] = 'Album'; $info['list_user'] = null; $this->_view->LastList($info); $this->_view->parse(); }
/** * upgradeDisplayedTabsAndSubpanels * * @param $version String value of current system version (pre upgrade) */ function upgradeDisplayedTabsAndSubpanels($version) { if ($version < '620') { logThis('start upgrading system displayed tabs and subpanels'); require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $tc = new TabController(); //grab the existing system tabs $tabs = $tc->get_tabs_system(); //add Calls, Meetings, Tasks, Notes, Prospects (Targets) and ProspectLists (Target Lists) //to displayed tabs unless explicitly set to hidden $modules_to_add = array('Calls', 'Meetings', 'Tasks', 'Notes', 'Prospects', 'ProspectLists'); $added_tabs = array(); foreach ($modules_to_add as $module) { $tabs[0][$module] = $module; $added_tabs[] = $module; } logThis('calling set_system_tabs on TabController to add tabs: ' . var_export($added_tabs, true)); $tc->set_system_tabs($tabs[0]); logThis('finish upgrading system displayed tabs and subpanels'); } }
function UpdateSystemTabs($action, $installed_modules) { require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $controller = new TabController(); $isSystemTabsInDB = $controller->is_system_tabs_in_db(); if ($isSystemTabsInDB && !empty($installed_modules)) { global $moduleList; switch ($action) { case 'Restore': $currentTabs = $controller->get_system_tabs(); foreach ($installed_modules as $module) { if (in_array($module, $currentTabs)) { unset($currentTabs[$module]); } } $controller->set_system_tabs($currentTabs); break; case 'Add': $currentTabs = $controller->get_system_tabs(); foreach ($installed_modules as $module) { if (!in_array($module, $currentTabs)) { $currentTabs[$module] = $module; } } $controller->set_system_tabs($currentTabs); default: break; } } }
function addNewSystemTabsFromUpgrade($from_dir) { global $path; if (isset($_SESSION['upgrade_from_flavor'])) { //check to see if there are any new files that need to be added to systems tab //retrieve old modules list logThis('check to see if new modules exist', $path); $oldModuleList = array(); $newModuleList = array(); include $from_dir . '/include/modules.php'; $oldModuleList = $moduleList; include 'include/modules.php'; $newModuleList = $moduleList; //include tab controller require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $newTB = new TabController(); //make sure new modules list has a key we can reference directly $newModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($newModuleList); $oldModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($oldModuleList); //iterate through list and remove commonalities to get new modules foreach ($newModuleList as $remove_mod) { if (in_array($remove_mod, $oldModuleList)) { unset($newModuleList[$remove_mod]); } } //new modules list now has left over modules which are new to this install, so lets add them to the system tabs logThis('new modules to add are ' . var_export($newModuleList, true), $path); //grab the existing system tabs $tabs = $newTB->get_system_tabs(); //add the new tabs to the array foreach ($newModuleList as $nm) { $tabs[$nm] = $nm; } //now assign the modules to system tabs $newTB->set_system_tabs($tabs); logThis('module tabs updated', $path); } }
if (isset($_REQUEST['return_id'])) { $xtpl->assign("RETURN_ID", $_REQUEST['return_id']); } // handle Create $module then Cancel if (empty($_REQUEST['return_id'])) { $xtpl->assign("RETURN_ACTION", 'index'); } $xtpl->assign("PRINT_URL", "index.php?" . $GLOBALS['request_string']); $xtpl->assign("JAVASCRIPT", get_set_focus_js() . get_chooser_js() . get_validate_record_js()); $xtpl->assign("ID", $focus->id); $xtpl->assign("NAME", $focus->name); $xtpl->assign("DESCRIPTION", $focus->description); require_once "include/templates/TemplateGroupChooser.php"; require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $chooser = new TemplateGroupChooser(); $controller = new TabController(); $chooser->args['id'] = 'edit_tabs'; if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) { $chooser->args['values_array'][0] = $focus->query_modules(1); $chooser->args['values_array'][1] = $focus->query_modules(0); foreach ($chooser->args['values_array'][0] as $key => $value) { $chooser->args['values_array'][0][$value] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$value]; unset($chooser->args['values_array'][0][$key]); } foreach ($chooser->args['values_array'][1] as $key => $value) { $chooser->args['values_array'][1][$value] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$value]; unset($chooser->args['values_array'][1][$key]); } } else { $chooser->args['values_array'] = $controller->get_tabs_system(); foreach ($chooser->args['values_array'][0] as $key => $value) {
public function AddSubjectAction() { //$request = Project::getRequest(); $data = array(); $this->BaseSiteData(); $article_model = new ArticleModel(); $data['tab_list'] = TabController::getMainArticleTabs(false, false, false, true); if (count($article_model->loadByParentId(0, array(ARTICLE_COMPETITION_STATUS::NEW_ARTICLE), Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id)) >= 5) { $data['message'] = "Нельзя добавить больше 5 тем за конкурс"; $data['active'] = false; } else { $data['active'] = true; $n = Node::by_key('', 'articles_tree'); $data['tree'] = $n->getBranch(); } $this->_view->AddSubject($data); $this->_view->parse(); }
function getParentModulesOfSubpanel($subpanel) { global $moduleList, $beanFiles, $beanList, $module; //use tab controller function to get module list with named keys require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; require_once "include/SubPanel/SubPanelDefinitions.php"; $modules_to_check = TabController::get_key_array($moduleList); //change case to match subpanel processing later on $modules_to_check = array_change_key_case($modules_to_check); $spd = ''; $spd_arr = array(); //iterate through modules and build subpanel array foreach ($modules_to_check as $mod_name) { //skip if module name is not in bean list, otherwise get the bean class name if (!isset($beanList[$mod_name])) { continue; } $class = $beanList[$mod_name]; //skip if class name is not in file list, otherwise require the bean file and create new class if (!isset($beanFiles[$class]) || !file_exists($beanFiles[$class])) { continue; } //retrieve subpanels for this bean require_once $beanFiles[$class]; $bean_class = new $class(); //create new subpanel definition instance and get list of tabs $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($bean_class); if (isset($spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][strtolower($subpanel)]['module'])) { $spd_arr[] = $mod_name; } } return $spd_arr; }
/** * Examine the application to determine which modules have been enabled.. * * @param array $availModules An array of all the modules the user already has access to. * @return array Modules enabled within the application. */ function get_visible_modules($availModules) { require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $controller = new TabController(); $tabs = $controller->get_tabs_system(); return $this->getModulesFromList($tabs[0], $availModules); }
$popup_request_data = array('call_back_function' => 'set_return', 'form_name' => 'EditView', 'field_to_name_array' => array('id' => 'reports_to_id', 'name' => 'reports_to_name')); $json = getJSONobj(); $encoded_popup_request_data = $json->encode($popup_request_data); $xtpl->assign('encoded_popup_request_data', $encoded_popup_request_data); // /////////////////////////////////////// $reports_to_change_button_html = '<input type="button"' . " title=\"{$app_strings['LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_TITLE']}\"" . " accesskey=\"{$app_strings['LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_KEY']}\"" . " value=\"{$app_strings['LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL']}\"" . ' tabindex="5" class="button" name="btn1"' . " onclick='open_popup(\"Users\", 600, 400, \"\", true, false, {$encoded_popup_request_data});'" . "' />"; } else { $xtpl->assign('IS_ADMIN_DISABLED', 'disabled="disabled"'); } $xtpl->assign('REPORTS_TO_CHANGE_BUTTON', $reports_to_change_button_html); /* Module Tab Chooser */ require_once 'include/templates/TemplateGroupChooser.php'; require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $chooser = new TemplateGroupChooser(); $controller = new TabController(); echo "<script>SUGAR.tabChooser.freezeOptions('display_tabs', 'hide_tabs', 'Home');</script>"; if (is_admin($current_user)) { $chooser->display_hide_tabs = true; $chooser->display_third_tabs = true; $chooser->args['third_name'] = 'remove_tabs'; $chooser->args['third_label'] = $mod_strings['LBL_REMOVED_TABS']; //$xtpl->parse("main.tabchooser"); } if (is_admin($current_user) || $controller->get_users_can_edit()) { $chooser->display_hide_tabs = true; } else { $chooser->display_hide_tabs = false; } $chooser->args['id'] = 'edit_tabs'; $chooser->args['values_array'] = $controller->get_tabs($focus);
$reset_pref_warning = $mod_strings['LBL_RESET_PREFERENCES_WARNING']; $reset_home_warning = $mod_strings['LBL_RESET_HOMEPAGE_WARNING']; } else { $reset_pref_warning = $mod_strings['LBL_RESET_PREFERENCES_WARNING_USER']; $reset_home_warning = $mod_strings['LBL_RESET_HOMEPAGE_WARNING_USER']; } $buttons .= "<input type='button' class='button' onclick='if(confirm(\"{$reset_pref_warning}\"))window.location=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $the_query_string . "&reset_preferences=true\";' value='" . $mod_strings['LBL_RESET_PREFERENCES'] . "' />"; $buttons .= " <input type='button' class='button' onclick='if(confirm(\"{$reset_home_warning}\"))window.location=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $the_query_string . "&reset_homepage=true\";' value='" . $mod_strings['LBL_RESET_HOMEPAGE'] . "' />"; } if (isset($buttons)) { $sugar_smarty->assign("BUTTONS", $buttons); } require_once "include/templates/TemplateGroupChooser.php"; require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $chooser = new TemplateGroupChooser(); $controller = new TabController(); //if(is_admin($current_user) || $controller->get_users_can_edit()) if (is_admin($current_user) || $GLOBALS['current_user']->isAdminForModule('Users')) { $chooser->display_third_tabs = true; $chooser->args['third_name'] = 'remove_tabs'; $chooser->args['third_label'] = $mod_strings['LBL_REMOVED_TABS']; } elseif (!$controller->get_users_can_edit()) { $chooser->display_hide_tabs = false; } else { $chooser->display_hide_tabs = true; } $chooser->args['id'] = 'edit_tabs'; $chooser->args['values_array'] = $controller->get_tabs($focus); $chooser->args['left_name'] = 'display_tabs'; $chooser->args['right_name'] = 'hide_tabs'; $chooser->args['left_label'] = $mod_strings['LBL_DISPLAY_TABS'];
protected function setupAdvancedTabNavSettings() { global $app_list_strings; /* Module Tab Chooser */ require_once 'include/templates/TemplateGroupChooser.php'; require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $chooser = new TemplateGroupChooser(); $controller = new TabController(); if ($this->is_current_admin || $controller->get_users_can_edit()) { $chooser->display_hide_tabs = true; } else { $chooser->display_hide_tabs = false; } $chooser->args['id'] = 'edit_tabs'; $chooser->args['values_array'] = $controller->get_tabs($this->bean); //Remove 'Home' module from tab configuration UI (we add it back in at top of display tabs on save) if (isset($chooser->args['values_array'][0]['Home'])) { unset($chooser->args['values_array'][0]['Home']); } if (isset($chooser->args['values_array'][1]['Home'])) { unset($chooser->args['values_array'][1]['Home']); } if (isset($chooser->args['values_array'][2]['Home'])) { unset($chooser->args['values_array'][2]['Home']); } foreach ($chooser->args['values_array'][0] as $key => $value) { $chooser->args['values_array'][0][$key] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$key]; } foreach ($chooser->args['values_array'][1] as $key => $value) { $chooser->args['values_array'][1][$key] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$key]; } foreach ($chooser->args['values_array'][2] as $key => $value) { $chooser->args['values_array'][2][$key] = $app_list_strings['moduleList'][$key]; } $chooser->args['left_name'] = 'display_tabs'; $chooser->args['right_name'] = 'hide_tabs'; $chooser->args['left_label'] = translate('LBL_DISPLAY_TABS', 'Users'); $chooser->args['right_label'] = translate('LBL_HIDE_TABS', 'Users'); require_once 'include/SugarSmarty/plugins/function.sugar_help.php'; $chooser->args['title'] = translate('LBL_EDIT_TABS', 'Users') . smarty_function_sugar_help(array("text" => translate('LBL_CHOOSE_WHICH', 'Users')), $ss); $this->ss->assign('TAB_CHOOSER', $chooser->display()); $this->ss->assign('CHOOSER_SCRIPT', 'set_chooser();'); $this->ss->assign('CHOOSE_WHICH', translate('LBL_CHOOSE_WHICH', 'Users')); }
/** * Action: Открытие формы создания соц.позиции */ public function SocialPosAddAction() { $v_request = Project::getRequest(); $data = array(); $data['action'] = 'SocialPosAdd'; $v_current_userID = Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id; // ID залогиненного пользователя $v_sp_model = new SocialModel(); $data['arr_social_tree_criteria'] = $v_sp_model->loadTreeCriteria(); $data['arr_categories'] = $v_sp_model->loadCategories(); //$this->_BaseSiteData($data); if ($v_request->btn_submit == null) { // -- Открытие формы для создания $country_model = new CountryModel(); $country_list = $country_model->loadAll(); $this->_get_categories($data, $v_categoryID); $change_country_param = AjaxRequest::getJsonParam("Social", "ChangeCountry", array('#id#')); $this->_view->assign('country_list', $country_list); $this->_view->assign('change_country_param', $change_country_param); $this->_view->__set('product_places', $v_sp_model->getProductPlaces()); $this->_view->assign('tab_list', TabController::getSocialTabs(false, false, false, true)); // Show tabs $this->_view->Social_PosAdd($data); $this->_view->parse(); } else { // -- Анализ данных и сохранение if ($v_request->inp_sp_name == "" or $v_request->inp_sp_comment == "") { // -- Данные неполные $data['inp_sp_name'] = $v_request->inp_sp_name; $data['inp_sp_comment'] = $v_request->inp_sp_comment; $this->_view->Social_PosAdd($data); $this->_view->addFlashMessage(FM::ERROR, 'Поля " * " должны быть заполнены'); $this->_view->assign('tab_list', TabController::getSocialTabs(false, false, false, true)); // Show tabs $this->_view->parse(); } else { // -- Сохранение данных $v_model = new SocialModel(); $v_model->social_tree_id = $v_request->inp_sp_category; $v_model->user_id = $v_current_userID; $v_model->name = $v_request->inp_sp_name; $v_model->creation_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($v_request->type_prod) { $v_model->id_product = $v_request->id_product; } if ($v_request->type_place) { $country_model = new CountryModel(); $state_model = new StateModel(); $city_model = new CityModel(); $country = $country_model->getCountryNameById($v_request->country); if ($country) { $country .= ', '; } $state = $state_model->getStateNameById($v_request->select_social_state); if ($state) { $state .= ', '; } $city = $city_model->getCityNameById($v_request->select_social_city); if ($city) { $city .= ', '; } $street = $v_request->street; if ($street) { $street .= ', '; } $house = $v_request->house; if ($house) { $house .= ', '; } $address = urlencode($country . $state . $city . $street . $house); //echo $address; $Coords = file_get_contents('' . $address . '&output=csv&key=ABQIAAAAIMN2iaCMFuGQ7iw1w3khQhRJcbERdBxj2ey4tItiMN02nh3_tBSPZ_cpbhowAtSVcVvvdpej4XMW1Q'); //home ABQIAAAAIMN2iaCMFuGQ7iw1w3khQhR-v9yHoD50evrZ-pbO1wgn-sHpRBTCwGDBW1h8fK3f31phKFZTanuxDA //site ABQIAAAAIMN2iaCMFuGQ7iw1w3khQhRJcbERdBxj2ey4tItiMN02nh3_tBSPZ_cpbhowAtSVcVvvdpej4XMW1Q list($status, $Zoom, $Xcoord, $Ycoord) = split(',', $Coords); if ($status == 200) { $v_model->Xcoord = $Xcoord; $v_model->Ycoord = $Ycoord; $v_model->Zoom = $Zoom; } } $v_new_id = $v_model->save(); // -- Сохранение коммента $v_comment_model = new SocialCommentModel(); $v_comment_model->addComment(Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id, 0, 0, $v_new_id, $v_request->inp_sp_comment, 0, 0); // -- Сохранения связи соц.позиции и критериев $this->_SetVote($v_new_id, $v_request->inp_num_criteria_1, $v_request->inp_select_1); $this->_SetVote($v_new_id, $v_request->inp_num_criteria_2, $v_request->inp_select_2); $this->_SetVote($v_new_id, $v_request->inp_num_criteria_3, $v_request->inp_select_3); // = Запись в таблицу локировки голосования $v_sp_votes_model = new SocialVotesModel(); $v_sp_votes_model->social_pos_id = $v_new_id; $v_sp_votes_model->user_id = (int) Project::getUser()->getDbUser()->id; $v_sp_votes_model->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $v_sp_votes_model->save(); Project::getResponse()->redirect($v_request->createUrl('Social', 'SocialUserList')); } } }
public function getUserMDHash() { //Add the tab hash to include the change of tabs (e.g. module order) as a part of the user hash $tabs = new TabController(); $tabHash = $tabs->getMySettingsTabHash(); return md5($this->hashTS . $tabHash); }
/** * Examine the application to determine which modules have been enabled.. * * @param array $availModules An array of all the modules the user already has access to. * @return array Modules enabled within the application. */ function get_visible_modules($availModules) { require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $controller = new TabController(); $tabs = $controller->get_tabs_system(); $enabled_modules = array(); $availModulesKey = array_flip($availModules); foreach ($tabs[0] as $key => $value) { if (isset($availModulesKey[$key])) { $enabled_modules[] = $key; } } return $enabled_modules; }
/** * Helper function for this file. */ function getAllowedReportModules(&$local_modListHeader, $skipCache = false) { static $reports_mod = null; if (isset($reports_mod) && !$skipCache) { return $reports_mod; } require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $controller = new TabController(); $tabs = $controller->get_tabs_system(); $all_modules = array_merge($tabs[0], $tabs[1]); if (!is_array($all_modules)) { return array(); } global $report_map, $beanList, $report_include_modules; if (empty($beanList)) { require 'include/modules.php'; } $report_modules = array(); $subModuleCheckArray = array("Tasks", "Calls", "Meetings", "Notes"); $subModuleProjectArray = array("ProjectTask"); foreach ($beanList as $key => $value) { if (isset($all_modules[$key])) { $report_modules[$key] = $value; } //need to include subpanel only modules if (!empty($report_include_modules[$key])) { $report_modules[$key] = $value; } if (in_array($key, $subModuleCheckArray) && (array_key_exists("Calendar", $all_modules) || array_key_exists("Activities", $all_modules))) { $report_modules[$key] = $value; } if (in_array($key, $subModuleProjectArray) && array_key_exists("Project", $all_modules)) { $report_modules[$key] = $value; } if ($key == 'Users' || $key == 'Teams' || $key == 'EmailAddresses') { $report_modules[$key] = $value; } if ($key == 'Releases' || $key == 'CampaignLog' || $key == 'Manufacturers') { $report_modules[$key] = $value; } } global $beanFiles; // Bug 38864 - Parse the reportmoduledefs.php file for a list of modules we should include or disclude from this list // Provides contents of $exemptModules and $additionalModules arrays $exemptModules = array(); $additionalModules = array(); foreach (SugarAutoLoader::existingCustom('modules/Reports/metadata/reportmodulesdefs.php') as $file) { include $file; } foreach ($report_modules as $module => $class_name) { if (!isset($beanFiles[$class_name]) || in_array($module, $exemptModules)) { unset($report_modules[$module]); } } foreach ($additionalModules as $module) { if (isset($beanList[$module])) { $report_modules[$module] = $beanList[$module]; } } if (should_hide_iframes() && isset($report_modules['iFrames'])) { unset($report_modules['iFrames']); } return $report_modules; }
$enabled_tabs[] = 'Opportunities'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Leads'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Calendar'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Documents'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Emails'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Campaigns'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Calls'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Meetings'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Tasks'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Notes'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Cases'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'Prospects'; $enabled_tabs[] = 'ProspectLists'; installerHook('pre_setSystemTabs'); require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $tabs = new TabController(); $tabs->set_system_tabs($enabled_tabs); installerHook('post_setSystemTabs'); post_install_modules(); //Call rebuildSprites if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { require_once 'modules/UpgradeWizard/uw_utils.php'; rebuildSprites(true); } if (count($bottle) > 0) { foreach ($bottle as $bottle_message) { $bottleMsg .= "{$bottle_message}\n"; } } else { $bottleMsg = $mod_strings['LBL_PERFORM_SUCCESS']; }
/** * return all available subpanels that belong to the list of tab modules. You can optionally return all * available subpanels, and also optionally group by module (prepends the key with the bean class name). */ function get_all_subpanels($return_tab_modules_only = true, $group_by_module = false) { global $moduleList, $beanFiles, $beanList, $module; //use tab controller function to get module list with named keys require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $modules_to_check = TabController::get_key_array($moduleList); //change case to match subpanel processing later on $modules_to_check = array_change_key_case($modules_to_check); // Append on the CampaignLog module, because that is where the subpanels point, not directly to Campaigns $modules_to_check['campaignlog'] = "CampaignLog"; $spd = ''; $spd_arr = array(); //iterate through modules and build subpanel array foreach ($modules_to_check as $mod_name) { //skip if module name is not in bean list, otherwise get the bean class name if (!isset($beanList[$mod_name])) { continue; } $class = $beanList[$mod_name]; //skip if class name is not in file list, otherwise require the bean file and create new class if (!isset($beanFiles[$class]) || !file_exists($beanFiles[$class])) { continue; } //retrieve subpanels for this bean require_once $beanFiles[$class]; $bean_class = new $class(); //create new subpanel definition instance and get list of tabs $spd = new SubPanelDefinitions($bean_class); $sub_tabs = $spd->get_available_tabs(); //add each subpanel to array of total subpanles foreach ($sub_tabs as $panel_key) { $panel_key = strtolower($panel_key); $panel_module = $panel_key; if (isset($spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$panel_key]['module'])) { $panel_module = strtolower($spd->layout_defs['subpanel_setup'][$panel_key]['module']); } //if module_only flag is set, only if it is also in module array if ($return_tab_modules_only && !array_key_exists($panel_module, $modules_to_check)) { continue; } $panel_key_name = $panel_module; //group_by_key_name is set to true, then array will hold an entry for each //subpanel, with the module name prepended in the key if ($group_by_module) { $panel_key_name = $class . '_' . $panel_key_name; } //add panel name to subpanel array $spd_arr[$panel_key_name] = $panel_module; } } return $spd_arr; }
require_once 'modules/Administration/Administration.php'; $admin = new Administration(); $admin->saveSetting('system', 'adminwizard', 1); if ($ce_to_pro_ent) { //check to see if there are any new files that need to be added to systems tab //retrieve old modules list logThis('check to see if new modules exist', $path); $oldModuleList = array(); $newModuleList = array(); include $argv[3] . '/include/modules.php'; $oldModuleList = $moduleList; include 'include/modules.php'; $newModuleList = $moduleList; //include tab controller require_once 'modules/MySettings/TabController.php'; $newTB = new TabController(); //make sure new modules list has a key we can reference directly $newModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($newModuleList); $oldModuleList = $newTB->get_key_array($oldModuleList); //iterate through list and remove commonalities to get new modules foreach ($newModuleList as $remove_mod) { if (in_array($remove_mod, $oldModuleList)) { unset($newModuleList[$remove_mod]); } } $must_have_modules = array('Activities' => 'Activities', 'Calendar' => 'Calendar', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'Quotes' => 'Quotes', 'Products' => 'Products', 'Forecasts' => 'Forecasts', 'Contracts' => 'Contracts', 'KBDocuments' => 'KBDocuments'); $newModuleList = array_merge($newModuleList, $must_have_modules); //new modules list now has left over modules which are new to this install, so lets add them to the system tabs logThis('new modules to add are ' . var_export($newModuleList, true), $path); //grab the existing system tabs $tabs = $newTB->get_system_tabs();
/** * Gets display module list per user defined tabs * * @return array The list of module names */ public function getUserModuleList() { // Loading a standard module list require_once "modules/MySettings/TabController.php"; $controller = new TabController(); $tabs = $controller->get_tabs($this->getCurrentUser()); $moduleList = array_keys($tabs[0]); $moduleList = $this->addHomeToModuleList($moduleList); return $moduleList; }