function getShiftData($user_date_id = NULL, $user_id = NULL, $epoch = NULL, $filter = NULL, $tmp_punch_control_obj = NULL, $maximum_shift_time = NULL, $new_shift_trigger_time = NULL, $plf = NULL)
     global $profiler;
     if (is_numeric($user_date_id) and $user_date_id > 0) {
         $user_id = $epoch = NULL;
     if ($user_date_id == '' and $user_id == '' and $epoch == '') {
         return FALSE;
     if ($maximum_shift_time === NULL) {
         $maximum_shift_time = $this->getMaximumShiftTime();
     //Debug::text('User Date ID: '. $user_date_id .' User ID: '. $user_id .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $epoch), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if ($new_shift_trigger_time === NULL) {
         $new_shift_trigger_time = $this->getNewDayTriggerTime();
     if (!is_object($plf)) {
         $plf = TTnew('PunchListFactory');
         if ($user_date_id != '') {
         } else {
             //Get punches by time stamp.
             $punch_control_id = 0;
             if (is_object($tmp_punch_control_obj)) {
                 $punch_control_id = $tmp_punch_control_obj->getId();
             //We need to double the maximum shift time when searching for punches.
             //Assuming a maximum punch time of 14hrs:
             // In: 10:00AM Out: 2:00PM
             // In: 6:00PM Out: 6:00AM (next day)
             // The above scenario when adding the last 6:00AM punch on the next day will only look back 14hrs and not find the first
             // punch pair, therefore allowing more than 14hrs on the same day.
             // So we need to extend the maximum shift time just when searching for punches and let getShiftData() sort out the proper maximum shift time itself.
             $plf->getShiftPunchesByUserIDAndEpoch($user_id, $epoch, $punch_control_id, $maximum_shift_time * 2);
     Debug::text('Punch Rows: ' . $plf->getRecordCount() . ' UserID: ' . $user_id . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $epoch) . '(' . $epoch . ') MaximumShiftTime: ' . $maximum_shift_time . ' Filter: ' . $filter, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if ($plf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $shift = 0;
         $i = 0;
         $nearest_shift_id = 0;
         $nearest_punch_difference = FALSE;
         $prev_punch_obj = FALSE;
         foreach ($plf as $p_obj) {
             //Debug::text('Shift: '. $shift .' Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             //If we're editing a punch, we need to use the object passed to this function instead of the one
             //from the database.
             if ($epoch == NULL) {
                 //If user_date_id is passed without epoch, set epoch to the first punch we find.
                 $epoch = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
             if (isset($prev_punch_arr) and $p_obj->getTimeStamp() > $prev_punch_arr['time_stamp']) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['previous_punch_key'] = $i - 1;
                 if ($shift_data[$shift]['previous_punch_key'] < 0) {
                     $shift_data[$shift]['previous_punch_key'] = NULL;
             //Determine if a non-saved PunchControl object was passed, and if so, match the IDs to use that instead.
             if (is_object($tmp_punch_control_obj) and $p_obj->getPunchControlID() == $tmp_punch_control_obj->getId()) {
                 Debug::text('Passed non-saved punch control object that matches, using that instead... Using ID: ' . (int) $tmp_punch_control_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $punch_control_obj = $tmp_punch_control_obj;
             } else {
                 $punch_control_obj = $p_obj->getPunchControlObject();
             //Can't use PunchControl object total_time because the record may not be saved yet when editing
             //an already existing punch.
             //When editing, simply pass the existing PunchControl object to this function so we can
             //use it instead of the one in the database perhaps?
             $total_time = $punch_control_obj->getTotalTime();
             //We can't skip records with total_time == 0, because then when deleting one of the two
             //punches in a pair, the remaining punch is ignored and causing punches to jump around between days in some cases.
             if ($i > 0 and isset($shift_data[$shift]['last_out']) and ($p_obj->getStatus() == 10 or $p_obj->getStatus() == $prev_punch_arr['status_id'])) {
                 Debug::text('Checking for new shift... This Control ID: ' . $p_obj->getPunchControlID() . ' Last Out Control ID: ' . $shift_data[$shift]['last_out']['punch_control_id'] . ' Last Out Time: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $shift_data[$shift]['last_out']['time_stamp']), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 //Assume that if two punches are assigned to the same punch_control_id are the same shift, even if the time between
                 //them exceeds the new_shift_trigger_time. This helps fix the bug where you could add a In punch then add a Out
                 //punch BEFORE the In punch as long as it was more than the Maximum Shift Time before the In Punch.
                 //ie: Add: In Punch 10-Dec-09 @ 8:00AM, Add: Out Punch 09-Dec-09 @ 5:00PM.
                 //Basically it just helps the validation checks to determine the error.
                 //It used to be that if shifts are split at midnight, new_shift_trigger_time must be 0, so the "split" punch can occur at midnight.
                 //However we have since added a check to see if punches span midnight and trigger a new shift based on that, regardless of the new shift trigger time.
                 //As the new_shift_trigger_time of 0 also affected lunch/break automatic detection by Punch Time, since an Out punch and a In punch of any time
                 //would trigger a new shift, and it wouldn't be detected as lunch/break.
                 //What happens when the employee takes lunch/break over midnight? Lunch out at 11:30PM Lunch IN at 12:30AM
                 //  We need to split those into two lunches, or two breaks? But then that can affect those policies if they are only allowed one break.
                 // 	Or do we not split the shift at all when this occurs? Currently we don't split at all.
                 if ($p_obj->getPunchControlID() != $shift_data[$shift]['last_out']['punch_control_id'] and ($p_obj->getTimeStamp() - $shift_data[$shift]['last_out']['time_stamp'] >= $new_shift_trigger_time or $this->getShiftAssignedDay() == 40 and $p_obj->getType() == 10 and $shift_data[$shift]['last_out']['type_id'] == 10 and TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight($shift_data[$shift]['last_out']['time_stamp'], $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), TRUE) == TRUE)) {
             } elseif ($i > 0 and isset($prev_punch_arr['time_stamp']) and $prev_punch_arr['punch_control_id'] != $p_obj->getPunchControlId() and abs($prev_punch_arr['time_stamp'] - $p_obj->getTimeStamp()) > $maximum_shift_time) {
                 //Debug::text('  New shift because two punch_control records exist and punch timestamp exceed maximum shift time.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['total_time'])) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time'] = 0;
             $punch_day_epoch = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($p_obj->getTimeStamp());
             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch])) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch] = 0;
             //Determine which shift is closest to the given epoch.
             $punch_difference_from_epoch = abs($epoch - $p_obj->getTimeStamp());
             if ($nearest_punch_difference === FALSE or $punch_difference_from_epoch <= $nearest_punch_difference) {
                 Debug::text('Nearest Shift Determined to be: ' . $shift . ' Nearest Punch Diff: ' . (int) $nearest_punch_difference . ' Punch Diff: ' . $punch_difference_from_epoch, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 //If two punches have the same timestamp, use the shift that matches the passed punch control object, which is usually the one we are currently editing...
                 //This is for splitting shifts at exactly midnight.
                 if ($punch_difference_from_epoch != $nearest_punch_difference or $punch_difference_from_epoch == $nearest_punch_difference and (is_object($tmp_punch_control_obj) and $tmp_punch_control_obj->getId() == $p_obj->getPunchControlID())) {
                     //Debug::text('Found two punches with the same timestamp... Tmp Punch Control: '.$tmp_punch_control_obj->getId() .' Punch Control: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() , __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     $nearest_shift_id = $shift;
                     $nearest_punch_difference = $punch_difference_from_epoch;
             $punch_arr = array('id' => $p_obj->getId(), 'punch_control_id' => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(), 'user_date_id' => $punch_control_obj->getUserDateID(), 'time_stamp' => $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), 'status_id' => $p_obj->getStatus(), 'type_id' => $p_obj->getType());
             $shift_data[$shift]['punches'][] = $punch_arr;
             $shift_data[$shift]['punch_control_ids'][] = $p_obj->getPunchControlId();
             if ($punch_control_obj->getUserDateID() != FALSE) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['user_date_ids'][] = $punch_control_obj->getUserDateID();
             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'])) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'] = FALSE;
             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['first_in']) and $p_obj->getStatus() == 10) {
                 //Debug::text('First In -- Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $shift_data[$shift]['first_in'] = $punch_arr;
             } elseif ($p_obj->getStatus() == 20) {
                 //Debug::text('Last Out -- Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $shift_data[$shift]['last_out'] = $punch_arr;
                 //Debug::text('Total Time: '. $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time'] += $total_time;
                 //Check to see if the previous punch was on a different day then the current punch.
                 if (isset($prev_punch_arr) and is_array($prev_punch_arr) and ($p_obj->getStatus() == 20 and $prev_punch_arr['status_id'] != 20) and TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight($prev_punch_arr['time_stamp'], $p_obj->getTimeStamp()) == TRUE) {
                     Debug::text('Punch PAIR DOES span midnight', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     $shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'] = TRUE;
                     $total_time_for_each_day_arr = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange($prev_punch_arr['time_stamp'], $p_obj->getTimeStamp());
                     if (is_array($total_time_for_each_day_arr)) {
                         foreach ($total_time_for_each_day_arr as $begin_day_epoch => $day_total_time) {
                             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch])) {
                                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch] = 0;
                             $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch] += $day_total_time;
                     unset($total_time_for_each_day_arr, $begin_day_epoch, $day_total_time, $prev_day_total_time);
                 } else {
                     $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch] += $total_time;
             $prev_punch_arr = $punch_arr;
         //Debug::Arr($shift_data, 'aShift Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         if (isset($shift_data)) {
             //Loop through each shift to determine the day with the most time.
             foreach ($shift_data as $tmp_shift_key => $tmp_shift_data) {
                 //Sort by day first
                 //Sort by total time per day.
                 $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['day_with_most_time'] = key($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['total_time_per_day']);
                 $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['punch_control_ids'] = array_unique($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['punch_control_ids']);
                 if (isset($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_ids'])) {
                     $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_ids'] = array_unique($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_ids']);
             unset($tmp_shift_key, $tmp_shift_data);
             if ($filter == 'first_shift') {
                 //Only return first shift.
                 $shift_data = $shift_data[0];
             } elseif ($filter == 'last_shift') {
                 //Only return last shift.
                 $shift_data = $shift_data[$shift];
             } elseif ($filter == 'nearest_shift') {
                 $shift_data = $shift_data[$nearest_shift_id];
                 //Check to make sure the nearest shift is within the new shift trigger time of EPOCH.
                 if (isset($shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $first_in = $shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'];
                 } elseif (isset($shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $first_in = $shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'];
                 if (isset($shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $last_out = $shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'];
                 } elseif (isset($shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $last_out = $shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'];
                 //The check below must occur so if the user attempts to add an In punch that occurs AFTER the Out punch, this function
                 //still returns the shift data, so the validation checks can occur in PunchControl factory.
                 if ($first_in > $last_out) {
                     //It appears that the first in punch has occurred after the OUT punch, so swap first_in and last_out, so we don't return FALSE in this case.
                     list($first_in, $last_out) = array($last_out, $first_in);
                 if (TTDate::isTimeOverLap($epoch, $epoch, $first_in - $new_shift_trigger_time, $last_out + $new_shift_trigger_time) == FALSE) {
                     Debug::Text('Nearest shift is outside the new shift trigger time... Epoch: ' . $epoch . ' First In: ' . $first_in . ' Last Out: ' . $last_out . ' New Shift Trigger: ' . $new_shift_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     return FALSE;
                 unset($first_in, $last_out);
             //Debug::Arr($shift_data, 'bShift Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             return $shift_data;
     return FALSE;
 function getShiftData($user_date_id = NULL, $user_id = NULL, $epoch = NULL, $filter = NULL, $tmp_punch_control_obj = NULL)
     global $profiler;
     if (is_numeric($user_date_id) and $user_date_id > 0) {
         $user_id = $epoch = NULL;
     if ($user_date_id == '' and $user_id == '' and $epoch == '') {
         return FALSE;
     //Debug::text('User Date ID: '. $user_date_id .' User ID: '. $user_id .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $epoch), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $new_shift_trigger_time = $this->getNewDayTriggerTime();
     $plf = new PunchListFactory();
     if ($user_date_id != '') {
     } else {
         //Get punches by time stamp.
         $punch_control_id = 0;
         if (is_object($tmp_punch_control_obj)) {
             $punch_control_id = $tmp_punch_control_obj->getId();
         $plf->getShiftPunchesByUserIDAndEpoch($user_id, $epoch, $punch_control_id, $this->getMaximumShiftTime());
     Debug::text('Punch Rows: ' . $plf->getRecordCount() . ' UserID: ' . $user_id . ' Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $epoch) . '(' . $epoch . ') MaximumShiftTime: ' . $this->getMaximumShiftTime(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     //Debug::Arr($punches, ' Punches: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if ($plf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $shift = 0;
         $i = 0;
         $nearest_shift_id = 0;
         $nearest_punch_difference = FALSE;
         $prev_punch_obj = FALSE;
         foreach ($plf as $p_obj) {
             //Debug::text('Shift: '. $shift .' Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             //If we're editing a punch, we need to use the object passed to this function instead of the one
             //from the database.
             if ($epoch == NULL) {
                 //If user_date_id is passed without epoch, set epoch to the first punch we find.
                 $epoch = $p_obj->getTimeStamp();
             if (isset($prev_punch_arr) and $p_obj->getTimeStamp() > $prev_punch_arr['time_stamp']) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['previous_punch_key'] = $i - 1;
                 if ($shift_data[$shift]['previous_punch_key'] < 0) {
                     $shift_data[$shift]['previous_punch_key'] = NULL;
             //Determine if a non-saved PunchControl object was passed, and if so, match the IDs to use that instead.
             if (is_object($tmp_punch_control_obj) and $p_obj->getPunchControlID() == $tmp_punch_control_obj->getId()) {
                 Debug::text('Passed non-saved punch control object that matches, using that instead... Using ID: ' . (int) $tmp_punch_control_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $punch_control_obj = $tmp_punch_control_obj;
             } else {
                 $punch_control_obj = $p_obj->getPunchControlObject();
             //Can't use PunchControl object total_time because the record may not be saved yet when editing
             //an already existing punch.
             //When editing, simply pass the existing PunchControl object to this function so we can
             //use it instead of the one in the database perhaps?
             $total_time = $punch_control_obj->getTotalTime();
             				//We can't skip records with total_time == 0, because then when deleting one of the two
             				//punches in a pair, the remaining punch is ignored and causing punches to jump around between days in some cases.
             				if ( $total_time == 0 ) {
             					Debug::text('Total time is 0, skipping this punch control object...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             if ($i > 0 and isset($shift_data[$shift]['last_out']) and ($p_obj->getStatus() == 10 or $p_obj->getStatus() == $prev_punch_arr['status_id'])) {
                 Debug::text('Checking for new shift...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 if ($p_obj->getTimeStamp() - $shift_data[$shift]['last_out']['time_stamp'] > $new_shift_trigger_time) {
             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['total_time'])) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time'] = 0;
             $punch_day_epoch = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($p_obj->getTimeStamp());
             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch])) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch] = 0;
             //Determine which shift is closest to the given epoch.
             $punch_difference_from_epoch = abs($epoch - $p_obj->getTimeStamp());
             if ($nearest_punch_difference === FALSE or $punch_difference_from_epoch < $nearest_punch_difference) {
                 Debug::text('Nearest Shift Determined to be: ' . $shift . ' Nearest Punch Diff: ' . (int) $nearest_punch_difference . ' Punch Diff: ' . $punch_difference_from_epoch, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $nearest_shift_id = $shift;
                 $nearest_punch_difference = $punch_difference_from_epoch;
             $punch_arr = array('id' => $p_obj->getId(), 'punch_control_id' => $p_obj->getPunchControlId(), 'user_date_id' => $punch_control_obj->getUserDateID(), 'time_stamp' => $p_obj->getTimeStamp(), 'status_id' => $p_obj->getStatus(), 'type_id' => $p_obj->getType());
             $shift_data[$shift]['punches'][] = $punch_arr;
             $shift_data[$shift]['punch_control_ids'][] = $p_obj->getPunchControlId();
             if ($punch_control_obj->getUserDateID() != FALSE) {
                 $shift_data[$shift]['user_date_ids'][] = $punch_control_obj->getUserDateID();
             $shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'] = FALSE;
             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['first_in']) and $p_obj->getStatus() == 10) {
                 //Debug::text('First In -- Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $shift_data[$shift]['first_in'] = $punch_arr;
             } elseif ($p_obj->getStatus() == 20) {
                 //Debug::text('Last Out -- Punch ID: '. $p_obj->getID() .' Punch Control ID: '. $p_obj->getPunchControlID() .' TimeStamp: '. TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $p_obj->getTimeStamp() ), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $shift_data[$shift]['last_out'] = $punch_arr;
                 //Debug::text('Total Time: '. $total_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time'] += $total_time;
                 //Check to see if the previous punch was on a different day then the current punch.
                 if (isset($prev_punch_arr) and is_array($prev_punch_arr) and ($p_obj->getStatus() == 20 and $prev_punch_arr['status_id'] != 20) and TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight($prev_punch_arr['time_stamp'], $p_obj->getTimeStamp()) == TRUE) {
                     Debug::text('Punch pair DOES span midnight', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     $shift_data[$shift]['span_midnight'] = TRUE;
                     $total_time_for_each_day_arr = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange($prev_punch_arr['time_stamp'], $p_obj->getTimeStamp());
                     if (is_array($total_time_for_each_day_arr)) {
                         foreach ($total_time_for_each_day_arr as $begin_day_epoch => $day_total_time) {
                             if (!isset($shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch])) {
                                 $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch] = 0;
                             $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$begin_day_epoch] += $day_total_time;
                     unset($total_time_for_each_day_arr, $begin_day_epoch, $day_total_time, $prev_day_total_time);
                 } else {
                     $shift_data[$shift]['total_time_per_day'][$punch_day_epoch] += $total_time;
             $prev_punch_arr = $punch_arr;
         //Debug::Arr($shift_data, 'aShift Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         if (isset($shift_data)) {
             //Loop through each shift to determine the day with the most time.
             foreach ($shift_data as $tmp_shift_key => $tmp_shift_data) {
                 //Sort by day first
                 //Sort by total time per day.
                 $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['day_with_most_time'] = key($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['total_time_per_day']);
                 $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['punch_control_ids'] = array_unique($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['punch_control_ids']);
                 if (isset($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_ids'])) {
                     $shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_ids'] = array_unique($shift_data[$tmp_shift_key]['user_date_ids']);
             unset($tmp_shift_key, $tmp_shift_data);
             if ($filter == 'first_shift') {
                 //Only return first shift.
                 $shift_data = $shift_data[0];
             } elseif ($filter == 'last_shift') {
                 //Only return last shift.
                 $shift_data = $shift_data[$shift];
             } elseif ($filter == 'nearest_shift') {
                 $shift_data = $shift_data[$nearest_shift_id];
                 //Check to make sure the nearest shift is within the new shift trigger time of EPOCH.
                 if (isset($shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $first_in = $shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'];
                 } elseif (isset($shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $first_in = $shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'];
                 if (isset($shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $last_out = $shift_data['last_out']['time_stamp'];
                 } elseif (isset($shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'])) {
                     $last_out = $shift_data['first_in']['time_stamp'];
                 if (TTDate::isTimeOverLap($epoch, $epoch, $first_in - $new_shift_trigger_time, $last_out + $new_shift_trigger_time) == FALSE) {
                     Debug::Text('Nearest shift is outside the new shift trigger time... Epoch: ' . $epoch . ' First In: ' . $first_in . ' Last Out: ' . $last_out . ' New Shift Trigger: ' . $new_shift_trigger_time, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     return FALSE;
                 unset($first_in, $last_out);
             //Debug::Arr($shift_data, 'bShift Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             return $shift_data;
     return FALSE;
Exemple #3
 function test_calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange()
     $test1_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 8:00AM'), strtotime('01-Jan-09 11:30PM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test1_result), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($test1_result[1230796800], 55800);
     $test2_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 4:00PM'), strtotime('02-Jan-09 8:00AM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test2_result), 2);
     $this->assertEquals($test2_result[1230796800], 28800);
     $this->assertEquals($test2_result[1230883200], 28800);
     $test3_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 4:00PM'), strtotime('03-Jan-09 8:00AM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test3_result), 3);
     $this->assertEquals($test3_result[1230796800], 28800);
     $this->assertEquals($test3_result[1230883200], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test3_result[1230969600], 28800);
     $test4_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 4:00PM'), strtotime('9-Jan-09 8:00AM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test4_result), 9);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1230796800], 28800);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1230883200], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1230969600], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1231056000], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1231142400], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1231228800], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1231315200], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1231401600], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test4_result[1231488000], 28800);
     $test5_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 12:00AM'), strtotime('01-Jan-09 12:59:59PM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test5_result), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($test5_result[1230796800], 46799);
     $test5_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 12:00AM'), strtotime('02-Jan-09 12:00AM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test5_result), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($test5_result[1230796800], 86400);
     $test5_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 12:01AM'), strtotime('02-Jan-09 12:01AM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test5_result), 2);
     $this->assertEquals($test5_result[1230796800], 86340);
     $this->assertEquals($test5_result[1230883200], 60);
     $test5_result = TTDate::calculateTimeOnEachDayBetweenRange(strtotime('01-Jan-09 1:53PM'), strtotime('03-Jan-09 6:12AM'));
     $this->assertEquals(count($test5_result), 3);
     $this->assertEquals($test5_result[1230796800], 36420);
     $this->assertEquals($test5_result[1230883200], 86400);
     $this->assertEquals($test5_result[1230969600], 22320);