public static function save_google_fonts() { $data = array(); parse_str($_REQUEST['values'], $data); TMM::update_option('saved_google_fonts', $data); exit; }
public static function change_options() { $action_type = $_REQUEST['type']; $data = array(); parse_str($_REQUEST['values'], $data); $data = TMM_Helper::db_quotes_shield($data); switch ($action_type) { case 'save': if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $option => $newvalue) { if ($option == "sidebars") { unset($newvalue[0]); TMM::update_option('sidebars', $newvalue); continue; } if ($option == "seo_group") { unset($newvalue[0]); TMM::update_option('seo_groups', $newvalue); continue; } if ($option == "contact_form") { if (!empty($newvalue)) { foreach ($newvalue as $key => $form) { if (!isset($newvalue[$key]['title'])) { unset($newvalue[$key]); } if (empty($newvalue[$key]['title'])) { unset($newvalue[$key]); } } } TMM_Contact_Form::save($newvalue); continue; } if (is_array($newvalue)) { self::update_option($option, $newvalue); } else { $newvalue = stripcslashes($newvalue); $newvalue = str_replace('\\"', '"', $newvalue); $newvalue = str_replace("\\'", "'", $newvalue); self::update_option($option, $newvalue); } } } _e('Options have been updated.', 'almera'); break; case 'reset': if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $option => $newvalue) { if ($option == "sidebars") { continue; } if ($option == "contact_form") { continue; } self::update_option($option, $newvalue); } } _e('Options have been reset.', 'almera'); break; default: break; } //**** CSS REGENERATION $custom_css1 = self::draw_free_page(TMM_THEME_PATH . '/admin/theme_options/custom_css1.php'); $custom_css2 = self::draw_free_page(TMM_THEME_PATH . '/admin/theme_options/custom_css2.php'); $handle = fopen(TMM_THEME_PATH . '/css/custom1.css', 'w'); fwrite($handle, $custom_css1); fclose($handle); $handle = fopen(TMM_THEME_PATH . '/css/custom2.css', 'w'); fwrite($handle, $custom_css2); fclose($handle); exit; }
public static function save($data) { TMM::update_option('contact_form', $data); }
$theme_mods = get_option('theme_mods_' . 'almera'); $theme_mods['nav_menu_locations']['primary'] = $menu_id; update_option('theme_mods_' . 'almera', $theme_mods); if (class_exists('TMM_Ext_Shortcodes')) { $shortcodes = TMM_Ext_Shortcodes::get_shortcodes_array(); if (!empty($shortcodes)) { foreach ($shortcodes as $shortcode) { TMM::update_option('show_shortcode_' . $shortcode, 1); } } } TMM::update_option('theme_was_activated', 1); //***** TMM::update_option('saved_google_fonts', 'a:1:{i:0;s:83:"Open Sans:300,300italic,400regular,italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic";}'); TMM::update_option('sidebar_position', 'sbr'); TMM::update_option('copyright_text', 'Copyright © 2013. <a target="_blank" href="">ThemeMakers</a>. All rights reserved'); } } //******************** add_action('admin_notices', 'tmm_print_admin_notice'); function tmm_print_admin_notice() { $notices = ""; if (!is_writable(TMM_THEME_PATH . "/css/custom1.css")) { $notices .= __('<div class="error"><p>To make your theme work correctly you need to set the permissions 777 for <b>' . TMM_THEME_PATH . '/css/custom1.css</b> folder. Follow <a href="" target="_blank">the link</a> to read the instructions how to do it properly.</p></div>', 'almera'); } if (!is_writable(TMM_THEME_PATH . "/css/custom2.css")) { $notices .= __('<div class="error"><p>To make your theme work correctly you need to set the permissions 777 for <b>' . TMM_THEME_PATH . '/css/custom2.css</b> folder. Follow <a href="" target="_blank">the link</a> to read the instructions how to do it properly.</p></div>', 'almera'); } echo $notices; }