protected function renderBody()
     $contents = parent::renderBody();
     $options = TJavascript::toList(array('revert' => $this->getRevert()));
     $script = "new Draggable('{$this->ClientID}', {$options});";
     $contents .= TJavascript::render($script);
     return $contents;
 protected function getClientScriptOptions()
     $options = parent::getClientScriptOptions();
     $accepts = preg_split("/\\s*,\\s* /", $this->getAcceptCssClass());
     $options['accept'] = TJavascript::toArray($accepts);
     $options['hoverclass'] = $this->getHoverCssClass();
     return $options;
 public function onPreRender($param)
     $cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
     $class = $this->getClientClassName();
     $options = TJavascript::encode($this->getClientScriptOptions());
     $script = "new {$class}({$options})";
     $cs->registerEndScript($this->getClientID() . 'dialog', $script);
Exemple #4
 function onLoad($param)
     if (!$this->Page->IsCallBack) {
         $count = array();
         $data = $this->getCommentData();
         foreach ($data as $r) {
             if (!isset($count[$r->block_id])) {
                 $count[$r->block_id] = 0;
         $js = "var comment_count = " . TJavascript::encode($count) . ";\n";
         $this->Page->ClientScript->registerBeginScript('count', $js);
         $this->comments->dataSource = $data;
Exemple #5
  * Ensure that the ID attribute is rendered and registers the javascript code
  * for initializing the active control.
 protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)
     $cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
     if ($this->getGhosting() == TDraggableGhostingOptions::SuperGhosting) {
     } else {
     $writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID());
     $options = TJavascript::encode($this->getPostBackOptions());
     $class = $this->getClientClassName();
     $code = "new {$class}('{$this->getClientId()}', {$options}) ";
     $cs->registerEndScript(sprintf('%08X', crc32($code)), $code);
 protected function renderClientScriptOptions()
     $updateOptions = $this->getClientScriptOptions();
     $callbackOptions = $this->getCallbackOptions();
     return TJavascript::toList($updateOptions, $callbackOptions);
Exemple #7
  * Ensure that the ID attribute is rendered and registers the javascript code
  * for initializing the active control.
 protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)
     $writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID());
     $options = TJavascript::encode($this->getPostBackOptions());
     $cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
     $code = "jQuery('#" . $this->getWidgetID() . "')." . $this->getWidget() . "(" . $options . ");";
     $cs->registerEndScript(sprintf('%08X', crc32($code)), $code);
 protected function renderJs()
     $ID = $this->ClientID;
     $result = self::RESULT_PANEL_ID;
     $option['tokens'] = $this->renderTokens();
     $options = TJavascript::toList($option);
     $js = "new Prado.AutoCompleter('{$ID}', '{$ID}:{$result}', {$options});";
     $this->Page->registerEndScript($ID, $js);
 public function to_array($v)
     return TJavascript::toArray($v);
Exemple #10
  * @return Array of active control options
 public function toArray()
     $ret = $this->_options === null ? array() : $this->_options;
     foreach ($this->_control->getValidEvents() as $event) {
         if ($this->_control->hasEventHandler('on' . $event)) {
             $ret[$event] = new TJavaScriptLiteral("function( event, ui ) { Prado.JuiCallback(" . TJavascript::encode($this->_control->getUniqueID()) . ", " . TJavascript::encode($event) . ", event, ui, this); }");
     return $ret;
Exemple #11
 public function setOnSlide($javascript)
     $code = TJavascript::quoteJsLiteral("function (value) { {$javascript} }");
     $this->setFunction('onSlide', $code);
     * Generate the stub code.
     * @return string callback client stub code.
    public function generate($info = null)
        $IDs = TJavascript::toArray($this->callback_inputs);
        $script = <<<EOD
Prado.AJAX.Callback.Server = '{$this->url}/{$info->class}';
Prado.AJAX.Callback.IDs = {$IDs};

        return $script;
Exemple #13
  * Ensure that the ID attribute is rendered and registers the javascript code
  * for initializing the active control. Also registers language specific global
  * settings for the first used date picker.
 protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)
     $cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript();
     if (self::$_first) {
         $code = "jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(jQuery.datepicker.regional['{$this->getCurrentCulture()}']);});";
         $cs->registerEndScript(sprintf('%08X', crc32($code)), $code);
         self::$_first = false;
     $options = TJavascript::encode($this->getOptions()->toArray());
     $code = "jQuery('#" . $this->getWidgetID() . "')." . $this->getWidget() . "(" . $options . ");";
     $cs->registerEndScript(sprintf('%08X', crc32($code)), $code);
  * Gets the post back options for this textbox.
  * @return array
 protected function getPostBackOptions()
     $options['ID'] = $this->getClientID();
     $options['EventTarget'] = $this->getUniqueID();
     $options['accept'] = TJavascript::encode($this->getAcceptCssClass());
     $options['hoverclass'] = $this->getHoverCssClass();
     return $options;
  * Appends the callback javascript statement to the input button html.
  * @return string TActiveButton html output.
 public function render()
     $contents = parent::render();
     $js = $this->Page->getCallbackReference($this, null, null, $this->getRequestOptions());
     $script = $this->Page->getClientEventScript($this, "click", $js);
     $contents .= TJavascript::render($script);
     return $contents;