Exemple #1
  * Handles DaemonCore requests.
  * @param string $Input
  * @return boolean
 public static function Start($Input)
     System_Daemon::debug('Starting "DaemonCore::Start" subprocess.');
     $retVal = null;
     $Input = explode(" ", $Input, 2);
     switch ($Input[0]) {
         case 'checkAll':
             $retVal = self::checkAllData();
         case 'Restart':
             System_Daemon::info('Running Restart subprocess.');
         case 'SaveConfig':
             System_Daemon::debug('Running SaveConfig subprocess.');
             if (isset($Input[1]) && is_array($Input[1])) {
                 foreach (json_decode(trim($Input[1])) as $name => $wert) {
                     if (isset(DaemonConfig::$cfg->{$name})) {
                         DaemonConfig::$cfg->{$name} = $wert;
             System_Daemon::debug('Finished SaveConfig subprocess.');
             $retVal = true;
         case 'Setup':
             if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/DaemonCoreSetup.php')) {
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/DaemonCoreSetup.php';
                 if (isset($Input[1]) && $Input[1] != '') {
                     $retVal = Setup($Input[1]);
             } else {
                 $retVal = false;
             System_Daemon::warning("Don't know what to do with " . $Input[0]);
             $retVal = false;
     System_Daemon::debug('Finished "DaemonCore::Start" subprocess.');
     return $retVal;
 public function execute()
     if ($this->runmodes['help'] == true) {
         echo 'Usage: ' . $argv[0] . ' [runmodes]' . "\n";
         echo 'Available runmodes:' . "\n";
         foreach ($this->runmodes as $runmode) {
             echo ' --' . $runmode . "\n";
     if (!$this->runmodes['no-daemon']) {
     if (!$this->runmodes['write-initd']) {
         System_Daemon::info('not writing an init.d script this time');
     } else {
         if (($initd_location = System_Daemon::writeAutoRun()) === false) {
             System_Daemon::notice('unable to write init.d script');
         } else {
             System_Daemon::info('sucessfully written startup script: %s', $initd_location);
     while (!System_Daemon::isDying() && $this->status == self::RUN) {
         $output = ob_get_contents();
         if ($output != '') {
Exemple #3
#!/usr/bin/php -q
include '_includes/knx-function-daemon.php';
include '_includes/knx-config.php';
include '_includes/knx-function.php';
include '_includes/eib-functions.php';
System_Daemon::info("######    KNX Tracking -> Insert in db knxtrace.json each minute   #####");
$sniffed[ $data['group_addr'] ]   = array(
                                            "id"        => data['id'],
   	                                        "name"      => $data['name'],
   	                                        "dpt"       => $data['dpt'],
   	                                        "value"     => "",
   	                                        "unite"     => getDptUnite($data['dpt'])
while (true) {
    $json = file_get_contents(PATH_JSON);
    $trace = json_decode($json, true);
    $jour = date('Y-m-d');
    $heure = date('H:i:s');
    foreach ($trace as $groupaddr => $info) {
        $req_eq_inser = "INSERT INTO knx_tracking (knx_equipement_id,jour,heure,value) VALUES ('" . $info['id'] . "','" . $jour . "','" . $heure . "','" . $info['value'] . "')";
        //System_Daemon::notice("Requete SQL -> ".$req_eq_inser);
        // Et on update la BDD
Exemple #4
        $heure = date("H:i:s", $time);
        $req_eq_inser = "INSERT INTO knx_tracking (knx_equipement_id,jour,heure,value) VALUES ('" . $sniffed[$grpaddr]['id'] . "','" . $jour . "','" . $heure . "','" . $sniffed[$grpaddr]['value'] . "')";
        //System_Daemon::notice("Requete SQL -> ".$req_eq_inser);
        // Et on update la BDD
    //System_Daemon::info("GroupAddr : ".$grpaddr." | hexa : ".$hexa." - value :".$sniffed[$grpaddr]['value'] );
//on ecrit les données dans le fichier json trace
System_Daemon::info("Initialisation du fichier knxtrace.json");
Mise a jour du ficheir knxtrace.json a chaque modification d'un equipement suivi
System_Daemon::info("Mise a jour du fichier knxtrace.json a chaque modification d'un equipement suivi et sauvegarde en base s'il doit etre historisé");
//$lastpos = 0;
while (true) {
    // On tail le fichier de log
    $knxlisten = tail(PATH_LOG, $lastpos);
    // On r�agit d�s qu'on a un Write
    // Pour chaque ligne, on r�cup�re le Groupe d'Addresse et de la valeur qu'on converti
    $groupaddr = get_string_between($knxlisten, 'group addr: ', ' -');
    $hexa = get_string_between($knxlisten, 'Hexa: ', ' -');
    //on met a jour le valeur dans le tableau et on regenere le fichier json
    if (array_key_exists($groupaddr, $sniffed)) {
        $decimal = hexdec($hexa);
        $value = dptSelectDecode($sniffed[$groupaddr]['dpt'], $decimal);
        //ecriture en base si changement d'etat et bas simplement l'equipement qui redis la meme chose sur le bus
        //System_Daemon::notice("Old Value -> ".$groupaddr.":: ".$oldSniffedValue[$groupaddr]);
    //         'daemon" mode';
    // System_Daemon::info('{appName}  in %s %s/300', $a, $b);
    try {
        require_once 'lib/php/beanstalkd/ColaMensajes.php';
        $colaMensajes = new ColaMensajes("transformarvideos");
        $job = $colaMensajes->pop();
        if ($job == "") {
            //Time out
            //System_Daemon::info("Time out!");
        } else {
            $json = $job->getData();
            require_once 'modulos/videos/controladores/videoControlador.php';
            if (transformar($json)) {
                System_Daemon::notice('Video transformado correctamente');
            } else {
                System_Daemon::info("ERROR! el resultado de la transformación no es cero");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        System_Daemon::info('ERROR! %s', $e->getMessage());
    if (!$runningOkay) {
        System_Daemon::err('parseLog() produced an error, ' . 'so this will be my last run');
    // Relax the system by sleeping for a little bit iterate also clears statcache
// Shut down the daemon nicely
// This is ignored if the class is actually running in the foreground
$runningOkay = true;
// This variable keeps track of how many 'runs' or 'loops' your daemon has
// done so far. For example purposes, we're quitting on 3.
$cnt = 1;
// While checks on 3 things in this case:
// - That the Daemon Class hasn't reported it's dying
// - That your own code has been running Okay
// - That we're not executing more than 3 runs
while (!System_Daemon::isDying() && $runningOkay && $cnt <= 3) {
    // What mode are we in?
    $mode = '"' . (System_Daemon::isInBackground() ? '' : 'non-') . 'daemon" mode';
    // Log something using the Daemon class's logging facility
    // Depending on runmode it will either end up:
    //  - In the /var/log/logparser.log
    //  - On screen (in case we're not a daemon yet)
    System_Daemon::info('{appName} running in %s %s/3', $mode, $cnt);
    // In the actuall logparser program, You could replace 'true'
    // With e.g. a  parseLog('vsftpd') function, and have it return
    // either true on success, or false on failure.
    $runningOkay = true;
    //$runningOkay = parseLog('vsftpd');
    // Should your parseLog('vsftpd') return false, then
    // the daemon is automatically shut down.
    // An extra log entry would be nice, we're using level 3,
    // which is critical.
    // Level 4 would be fatal and shuts down the daemon immediately,
    // which in this case is handled by the while condition.
    if (!$runningOkay) {
        System_Daemon::err('parseLog() produced an error, ' . 'so this will be my last run');
    // Relax the system by sleeping for a little bit
Exemple #7
function Setup_Finishing()
    //exec(DaemonConfig::$cmd->{'SRV_HTTPD'} . ' restart');
    $ControlConnect = DaemonCommon::ControlConnect('ApacheRestart');
    if ($ControlConnect !== true) {
        return $ControlConnect . ' System is unable to reload Apache config.<br />';
    System_Daemon::info('Restart Daemon.');
    $ControlConnect = DaemonCommon::ControlConnect('DaemonRestart');
    if ($ControlConnect !== true) {
        return $ControlConnect . ' System is unable to restart EasySCP Daemon.<br />';
    unlink(DaemonConfig::$cfg->{'ROOT_DIR'} . '/daemon/DaemonCoreSetup.php');
    exec(DaemonConfig::$cmd->{'CMD_RM'} . ' -rf ' . DaemonConfig::$cfg->{'ROOT_DIR'} . '/../setup >> /dev/null 2>&1');
    // SocketHandler::Close();
    // System_Daemon::restart();
// Spawn Daemon
// Here comes your own actual code
// This variable keeps track of how many 'runs' or 'loops' your daemon has
// done so far. For example purposes, we're quitting on 3.
$cnt = 1;
// While checks on 2 things in this case:
// - That the Daemon Class hasn't reported it's dying
// - That we're not executing more than 3 runs
while (!System_Daemon::isDying() && $cnt <= 3) {
    // Log something using the Daemon class's logging facility
    // Depending on runmode it will either end up:
    //  - In the /var/log/logparser.log
    //  - On screen (in case we're not a daemon yet)
    System_Daemon::info('{appName} running %s/3', $cnt);
    // Relax the system by sleeping for a little bit
    // iterate() also clears statcache
    // Just here to showcase how sighandlers can work
    // to catch a
    //   /etc/init.d/signals stop
    // The SIGTERM signal tells the daemon to quit.
    // Normally it's catched by the ::defaultSigHandler()
    // but now we catch it with myHandler()
    posix_kill(posix_getpid(), SIGTERM);
// Shut down the daemon nicely
// This is ignored if the class is actually running in the foreground

require_once "../System/Daemon.php";
System_Daemon::setOption("appName", "leakplugger");
$last = 0;
while (!System_Daemon::isDying()) {
    $mem = memory_get_peak_usage();
    $use = $mem - $last;
    if ($use >= 0) {
        $use = '+' . $use;
    echo "debug: memory_get_peak_usage: " . $use . "\n";
    $last = $mem;
Exemple #10
 private static function DaemonMailDelete($row)
     System_Daemon::debug('Starting "DaemonMailDelete" subprocess.');
     $mail_ok = true;
     if ($row['mail_type'] == 'normal_mail' || $row['mail_type'] == 'alias_mail' || $row['mail_type'] == 'subdom_mail') {
     if ($row['mail_type'] == 'normal_forward' || $row['mail_type'] == 'alias_forward' || $row['mail_type'] == 'subdom_forward') {
     if ($row['mail_type'] == 'normal_catchall' || $row['mail_type'] == 'alias_catchall' || $row['mail_type'] == 'subdom_catchall') {
     if ($mail_ok) {
         $mail_dir = substr($row['mail_addr'], strpos($row['mail_addr'], '@') + 1);
         System_Daemon::info('Delete Mail User Directory ' . DaemonConfig::$distro->{'MTA_VIRTUAL_MAIL_DIR'} . '/' . $mail_dir . '/' . $row['mail_acc']);
         if (file_exists(DaemonConfig::$distro->{'MTA_VIRTUAL_MAIL_DIR'} . '/' . $mail_dir . '/' . $row['mail_acc'])) {
             exec('rm -R ' . DaemonConfig::$distro->{'MTA_VIRTUAL_MAIL_DIR'} . '/' . $mail_dir . '/' . $row['mail_acc']);
         $sql_param = array(':mail_id' => $row['mail_id']);
         $sql_query = "\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM\n\t\t\t\t\tmail_users\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tmail_id = :mail_id\n\t\t\t";
     System_Daemon::debug('Finished "DaemonMailDelete" subprocess.');
         foreach ($values as $bytes) {
             array_push($recData, PhpType::bytes2signedInt($bytes));
     // Get signed integer from INT interpretation
     $t = time();
     $wert1 = array_merge((array) $t, (array) $recData);
     // zeit und daten zusammenfügen
     $wert2 = implode(":", $wert1);
     // ausgabe für rrd vorbereiten
     $wert3 = array($wert2);
     $ret = rrd_update($filename, $wert3);
     // rrd updaten
     if (!$ret) {
         $rrd_error = rrd_error();
         System_Daemon::info('{appName} Graph error %s', $rrd_error);
         //echo "<b>Graph error, </b>".rrd_error()."\n";
 } else {
     // wenn das rrd file noch nicht vorhanden ist neues anlagen
     $options = array("--step", "5", "--start", "-30 days");
     $zaehler = $start + $anzahl;
     //echo("Start: ".$start."Ende: ".$zaehler."");
     for ($i = $start; $i < $zaehler; $i++) {
         // anzahl der trends Name ist aus Datenbanck IWx
         array_push($options, "DS:" . $art . $i . ":GAUGE:5:U:U");
     array_push($options, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:17280");
     array_push($options, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:86400");
     array_push($options, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:720:8760");
        echo ' --' . $runmod . "\n";
// Make it possible to test in source directory
// This is for PEAR developers only
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . ':..');
// Include Class
require_once 'System/Daemon.php';
$nom = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
// Setup
$options = array('appName' => $nom, 'appDir' => dirname(__FILE__), 'appDescription' => 'Parses KNX logfiles and stores them in MySQL for INIT', 'authorName' => 'Stan', 'authorEmail' => '', 'sysMaxExecutionTime' => '0', 'sysMaxInputTime' => '0', 'sysMemoryLimit' => '128M', 'appRunAsGID' => 0, 'appRunAsUID' => 0);
// This program can also be run in the forground with runmode --no-daemon
if (!$runmode['no-daemon']) {
    // Spawn Daemon
// With the runmode --write-initd, this program can automatically write a
// system startup file called: 'init.d'
// This will make sure your daemon will be started on reboot
if (!$runmode['write-initd']) {
    System_Daemon::info('not writing an init.d script this time');
} else {
    if (($initd_location = System_Daemon::writeAutoRun()) === false) {
        System_Daemon::notice('unable to write init.d script');
    } else {
        System_Daemon::info('sucessfully written startup script: %s', $initd_location);