protected function loadMovieJSON($url) { \SystemLogger::debug("URL for Movie", $url); $json = file_get_contents($url, false, $this->context); \SystemLogger::debug("Response:", $json); return json_decode($json, true); }
/** * @param GeocodeCached $geocode Previously stored geoLocation information * @param string $currentDate date for showtimes to load, advisable to pass it in * @param int $dateOffset number of days from the current dates * @return TheatreData[] an array of schema TheatreData, see below for description * * Organized in the format => * * ``` * * TheatreData : [ * 'theatre' => [ * ...fields from theatre table, MUST contain name and address..., * ] * 'movies' => MovieData[] * ] * * MovieData : [ * 'movie' => [ * ...fields from movie table, MUST contain title..., * ] * 'showtimes' => ShowtimeData[] * ] * * ShowtimeData: [ * ...fields from showtime table, must conatin show_date, show_time & type... * ] * ``` */ public function loadShowtimes(GeocodeCached $geocode, $currentDate = null, $dateOffset = 0) { $params = ['country' => $geocode->country_iso, 'event_date' => \Utilities::dateFromOffset($currentDate ?: date('Y-m-d'), $dateOffset)]; \SystemLogger::debug('Begining API Request to Tripican'); $start = microtime(true); $allCinemaMovieShowtimes = TripicanDataLoader::GetCinemaMovieShowtimes($this->apiClient, $params); \SystemLogger::debug('Request to API completed in :', microtime(true) - $start); $theatres = []; foreach ($allCinemaMovieShowtimes as $cinemaMovieShowtimes) { $theatre = $cinemaMovieShowtimes['cinema']; $id = $theatre['id']; if (!isset($theatres[$id])) { $theatres[$id] = ['theatre' => ['name' => $theatre['centre_name'], 'address' => $this->_getAddress($theatre), 'longitude' => $theatre['place']['long'], 'latitude' => $theatre['place']['lat']], 'movies' => []]; } $theatreData =& $theatres[$id]; foreach ($cinemaMovieShowtimes['movie_showtimes'] as $movieShowtimes) { $movie = $movieShowtimes['movie']; $mId = $movie['id']; if (!isset($theatreData['movies'][$mId])) { $theatreData['movies'][$mId] = ['movie' => ['title' => $movie['title'], 'genre' => $movie['genre'][0], 'user_rating' => isset($movie['imdb_rating']) ? floatval($movie['imdb_rating'][0] / 10.0) : null, 'poster_url' => $movie['poster'], 'rated' => $movie['rated'][0], 'runtime' => $movie['duration']], 'showtimes' => []]; } $movieData =& $theatreData['movies'][$mId]; foreach ($movieShowtimes['showtimes'] as $showtime) { $movieData['showtimes'][] = ['show_date' => $showtime['event_date'], 'show_time' => $showtime['event_time'], 'type' => $this->_getMapType($showtime['type']), 'url' => $showtime['online_ticketing'] ? $showtime['url'] : null]; } } } array_walk($theatres, function (&$t) { $t['movies'] = array_values($t['movies']); }); if (!empty($theatres)) { $this->overrideDistanceCompute(); } return array_values($theatres); }
/** * * @param string $token format requestId|deviceId|sign=sha1(requestId.deviceId.secretKey) * @param $requestId * @param bool $verifySign * @return UserDevice current device represented by token. * @throws \DbTableException */ public static function validate($token, &$requestId, $verifySign = true) { list($requestId, $deviceId, $sign) = explode('|', $token); if (!($requestId && $deviceId && $sign)) { return null; } $instance = static::instance(); $userDevice = $instance->getEntity($deviceId); if (!$userDevice) { \SystemLogger::warn("Invalid user device ID: [{$deviceId}]"); return null; } if ($verifySign) { if ($sign != self::sign($requestId, $deviceId, $userDevice->secret_key)) { \SystemLogger::warn("Signature not valid: ", $sign); return null; } $tableWhere = (new \DbTableWhere())->where('user_device_id', $userDevice->id)->where('request_id', $requestId)->setLimitAndOffset(1); if (count(UserDeviceReqManager::instance()->getEntitiesWhere($tableWhere))) { \SystemLogger::warn("duplicate request id: ", $requestId); return null; } } return $userDevice; }
/** * @param string $date date in yyyy-mm-dd form * @param string $time time in HH:MM form * @param int $offset in minutes * @return \DateTime */ private function getDateTime($date, $time, $offset = 0) { $dateTime = new \DateTime("{$date} {$time}", $this->dateTimeZone); if ($offset) { $subtract = $offset < 0; $interval = new \DateInterval('PT' . abs($offset) . 'M'); $dateTime = $subtract ? $dateTime->sub($interval) : $dateTime->add($interval); } \SystemLogger::info('Time: Generated', $date, $time, $dateTime->format('c')); return $dateTime; }
public function lookupTimeZoneByGeoCode(GeoLocation $geoLocation) { foreach ($this->providers as $serviceProvier) { $timezone = $serviceProvier->getTimeZone($geoLocation); if ($timezone) { return $timezone; } else { if ($lastError = $serviceProvier->getLastError(true)) { \SystemLogger::warn("Error... {$lastError->getMessage()} TYPE: {$lastError->getType()}"); } } } }
/** * @param Theatre $theatre * @return bool|mixed|\mysqli_result */ public static function setTheatreLatLng(Theatre $theatre) { //51.4752267,-0.2396438 \SystemLogger::info("Finding LongLat for: ", $theatre->name, $theatre->address); $geocode = LocationService::instance()->addressLookup($theatre->address, [], true); $saved = false; if ($geocode) { $geoLocation = $geocode->getGeocode(); \SystemLogger::info("Found Geocode: ", strval($geoLocation)); $saved = $theatre->update(['longitude' => $geoLocation->getLongitude(), 'latitude' => $geoLocation->getLatitude()], 'id'); } return $saved; }
private function computePhysicalDistance(GeoLocation $source, GeoLocation $destination, $shuffle = true) { if ($shuffle) { shuffle($this->serviceProviderList); } foreach ($this->serviceProviderList as $serviceProvier) { if (is_a($serviceProvier, '\\models\\services\\LocationDistanceCheckI')) { /* @var $serviceProvier LocationDistanceCheckI */ $distance = $serviceProvier->distanceLookup($source, $destination); if ($distance >= 0) { return $distance; } else { if ($lastError = $serviceProvier->getLastError(true)) { \SystemLogger::warn("Error... {$lastError->getMessage()} TYPE: {$lastError->getType()}"); if (!$lastError->isRateLimit()) { break; } } } } } return -1; }
public static function cleanPbis() { $staleDate = strtotime("-4 days"); $files = glob(CACHE_DIR . "/*"); $removed = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { \SystemLogger::info("Looking at: ", $file); if (filemtime($file) < $staleDate && unlink($file)) { \SystemLogger::info("\tRemoved file: ", $file); $removed++; } } return $removed; }
public function logRequest($url, $response, array $headers, &$file = null) { $contentType = 'text/html'; foreach ($headers as $header) { if (preg_match('/^Content-Type/', $header)) { //Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 $tmp1 = preg_split('/\\s*:\\s*/', $header); $contentType = trim(explode(';', $tmp1[1])[0]); break; } } if (preg_match('/html/i', $contentType)) { $ext = 'html'; } elseif (preg_match('/json/i', $contentType)) { $ext = 'json'; } elseif (preg_match('/xml/i', $contentType)) { $ext = 'xml'; } else { $ext = 'txt'; } $uriParts = parse_url($url); $fileDir = REQUESTS_LOG_DIR . $uriParts['host'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if (!is_dir($fileDir) && !mkdir($fileDir, 0755, true)) { \SystemLogger::warn('Could not make directory:', $fileDir); return -1; } $file = $fileDir . join('.', [preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\._\\-]+/', '', $uriParts['path']), microtime(true), $ext]); return file_put_contents($file, $response); }
protected function extractShowtimes($pageData) { $startTime = microtime(true); \SystemLogger::debug('Extraction of page started, total length = ', strlen($pageData)); \SystemLogger::debug('Loading into QueryPath'); $imdbPage = QueryPath::withHTML($pageData); \SystemLogger::debug('Query Path done loading...'); \SystemLogger::debug(__CLASS__, "Extracting theatres..."); //$cinemasList = $imdbPage->find("#cinemas-at-list .list_item.odd, #cinemas-at-list .list_item.even"); $cinemasList = $imdbPage->find("#cinemas-at-list > .list_item"); \SystemLogger::debug(__CLASS__, "Found: ", $cinemasList->count(), "cinemas"); $theatreMovieShowtimes = array(); if ($cinemasList) { for ($i = 0; $i < ShowtimeService::THEATRE_LIMIT && $i < $cinemasList->count(); $i++) { \SystemLogger::debug('Processing theatre at position: ', $i); /* @var $cinemaDiv DOMQuery */ $cinemaDiv = new DOMQuery($cinemasList->get($i)); $theatreData = array(); $theatreTitle = $cinemaDiv->find('h3')->first(); \SystemLogger::info("{$i}. Theatre: ", $theatreTitle->text()); if (!$theatreTitle) { \SystemLogger::debug(__CLASS__, "No theatre found"); continue; } $theatreData['name'] = trim($theatreTitle->text()); $addressSpanTmp = $cinemaDiv->find('.address div'); $addressSpan = $addressSpanTmp ? preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $addressSpanTmp->text()) : ""; $theatreData['address'] = trim(explode('|', $addressSpan)[0]); $movieDomList = $cinemaDiv->find('.list_item'); \SystemLogger::info(__CLASS__, "Number of Movies = ", $movieDomList->count()); if (!count($movieDomList)) { \SystemLogger::debug(__CLASS__, "No movies found"); continue; } $theatreMovieShowtimes[] = array('theatre' => $theatreData, 'movies' => $this->extractMovies($movieDomList)); \SystemLogger::debug('--Theatre extraction completed---'); } } \SystemLogger::debug('Showtimes extraction completed in :', microtime(true) - $startTime); //var_dump($theatreMovieShowtimes);exit; return $theatreMovieShowtimes; }
private function extractTheatreMovieShowtimes($pageData, $limit, &$totalPages) { $startTime = microtime(true); \SystemLogger::debug("Begining extraction of data from file, size = ", strlen($pageData)); if ($limit <= 0) { \SystemLogger::warn("Invalid limit was supplied: ", $limit); return array(); } \SystemLogger::debug('Attempting to load into Query Path'); /* @var $moviePage DOMQuery */ $moviePage = \QueryPath::withHTML($pageData, null, array('convert_to_encoding' => "UTF-8", 'convert_from_encoding' => "UTF-8")); \SystemLogger::debug('Loaded into QueryPath'); /* @var $theatersDom DOMQuery */ $theatersDom = $moviePage->find(""); //get total pages $paginationDom = $moviePage->find("#navbar td"); $totalPages = $paginationDom->length ? $paginationDom->length - 2 : 1; \SystemLogger::debug("Found", $theatersDom->length, "theatres"); $theatreCinemas = array(); $foundTheatres = 0; \SystemLogger::debug('Loading data from Theatres DOM list'); for ($i = 0; $i < $theatersDom->length && $foundTheatres < $limit; $i++) { $theatre = array(); $theatreDom = new DOMQuery($theatersDom->get($i)); $theatre['name'] = trim($theatreDom->find("")->first()->text()); if (!$theatre['name']) { \SystemLogger::warn("Found no theatre at dom level: ", $i); continue; } \SystemLogger::debug("processing theatre: ", $theatre['name']); $addressText = $theatreDom->find(".info")->first()->text(); //echo $addressText, "<br>"; $tmp = explode(" - ", trim($addressText)); array_pop($tmp); $theatre['address'] = join(' ', $tmp); $theatreCinemas[] = array('theatre' => $theatre, 'movies' => $this->extractMovieShowtimes($theatreDom)); $foundTheatres++; } \SystemLogger::info('Extraction done, completed in ', microtime(true) - $startTime, 'ms'); return $theatreCinemas; }
public function doPreload() { $version = $this->currentVersion; if ($this->geocode) { $status = $this->showtimeService->loadData($this->geocode, $this->currentDate, false, $this->dateOffset); \SystemLogger::info("PreloadStatus: ", $status); } $this->result['status'] = $status; $this->result['version'] = $version; }