public function post_associateRegistration() { $post = array(); $post['inputCid'] = Input::get('inputCid'); $post['inputVaName'] = Input::get('inputVaName'); $post['inputUrl'] = Input::get('inputUrl'); $post['inputDescription'] = Input::get('inputDescription'); $post['inputVatsimImagePageLink'] = Input::get('inputVatsimImagePageLink'); $post['inputCountry'] = Input::get('inputCountry'); $post['inputName'] = Input::get('inputName'); $post['inputEmail'] = Input::get('inputEmail'); $post['inputPassword'] = Input::get('inputPassword'); $post['inputPassword_confirmation'] = Input::get('inputPassword_confirmation'); // Format our URL field with the http before if it isn't there already if (!strpos($post['inputUrl'], 'http://') and !strpos($post['inputUrl'], 'https://')) { $post['inputUrl'] = 'http://' . $post['inputUrl']; } $validator = Validator::make(array('Cid' => $post['inputCid'], 'Va Name' => $post['inputVaName'], 'Url' => $post['inputUrl'], 'Description' => $post['inputDescription'], 'Vatsim Image Page Link' => $post['inputVatsimImagePageLink'], 'Country' => $post['inputCountry'], 'Name' => $post['inputName'], 'Email' => $post['inputEmail'], 'Password' => $post['inputPassword'], 'Password_confirmation' => $post['inputPassword_confirmation']), array('Cid' => 'required|integer|unique:vas,cid', 'Va Name' => 'required', 'Url' => 'required|url', 'Description' => 'required|max:200', 'Vatsim Image Page Link' => 'required|url', 'Country' => 'required', 'Name' => 'required', 'Email' => 'required|email|unique:vas,email', 'Password' => 'required|min:6|confirmed', 'Password_confirmation' => 'required|min:6'), array('Cid.unique' => 'There is already an account with an active virtual airline with that CID.')); if ($validator->fails()) { // The given data did not pass validation $messages = $validator->messages(); $errorStr = ''; foreach ($messages->all('<li>:message</li>') as $message) { $errorStr .= '<div class="alert alert-error">' . $message . '</div>'; } echo $errorStr; } else { //Submit Data //Create an instance of our model $vas = new User(); //Map our fields $vas->cid = $post['inputCid']; //This is an associate $vas->associate = 1; //Hash our password $vas->password = Hash::make($post['inputPassword']); $vas->vaname = $post['inputVaName']; $vas->url = $post['inputUrl']; $vas->description = $post['inputDescription']; $vas->vatsimimagepagelink = $post['inputVatsimImagePageLink']; $vas->country = $post['inputCountry']; $vas->name = $post['inputName']; $vas->email = $post['inputEmail']; //All VAs must be approved first so the default status will be 0 for unapproved or not active. $vas->status = '0'; //Save our data // $vas->save(); //TODO ^^^^^^^ die; //Great, now let's send our welcome email to the member $template = SystemEmailTemplate::find('registration_received'); $subject = $template->subject; $email = $post['inputEmail']; $content = EmailTemplate::replaceContent($template->content, $post['inputCid']); //Send our email $data = array('name' => $post['inputName'], 'email' => $email, 'subject' => $subject); //Alright. Time to do some email sending. Mail::send('email.default', array("content" => $content), function ($message) use($data) { $message->to($data['email'], $data['name'])->subject($data['subject']); }); } }
public function post_systememailtemplatesave() { //Get our data $id = Input::get('id'); $subject = Input::get('subject'); $content = Input::get('content'); //Verify that this in fact a valid system template ID $template = SystemEmailTemplate::findOrFail($id); //I'm too lazy to use proper validation for this if (empty($subject)) { return Redirect::to('console/emailtemplates/edit/system/' . $id)->with('message', 'Please enter a subject.'); } if (empty($content)) { return Redirect::to('console/emailtemplates/edit/system/' . $id)->with('message', 'Please enter an email body.'); } //Alright all good let's push these edits $template->subject = $subject; $template->content = $content; $template->save(); //Redirect back return Redirect::route('consoleemailtemplates')->with('message', 'System template "' . $id . '" updated successfully.'); }