public static function getIdByActionAndModule($action, $module) { $action = strtolower($action); $module = strtolower($module); $data = Sys::M(self::$trueTableName)->select('`id`', '`action`=\'' . $action . '\' AND `module`=\'' . $module . '\'', 1); return $data ? $data['id'] : 0; }
function api_exit($code, $msg = '') { global $remotehost, $cfg; if ($code != EX_SUCCESS) { //Error occured... $_SESSION['api']['errors'] += 1; $_SESSION['api']['time'] = time(); Sys::log(LOG_WARNING, "API error - code #{$code}", $msg); //echo "API Error:.$msg"; } if ($remotehost) { switch ($code) { case EX_SUCCESS: Http::response(200, $code, 'text/plain'); break; case EX_UNAVAILABLE: Http::response(405, $code, 'text/plain'); break; case EX_NOPERM: Http::response(403, $code, 'text/plain'); break; case EX_DATAERR: case EX_NOINPUT: default: Http::response(416, $code, 'text/plain'); } } exit($code); }
function log($priority, $title, $message, $alert = true) { global $cfg; switch ($priority) { //We are providing only 3 levels of logs. Windows style. case LOG_EMERG: case LOG_ALERT: case LOG_CRIT: case LOG_ERR: $level = 1; if ($alert) { Sys::alertAdmin($title, $message); } break; case LOG_WARN: case LOG_WARNING: //Warning... $level = 2; break; case LOG_NOTICE: case LOG_INFO: case LOG_DEBUG: default: $level = 3; //debug } //Save log based on system log level settings. if ($cfg && $cfg->getLogLevel() >= $level) { $loglevel = array(1 => 'Error', 'Warning', 'Debug'); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . SYSLOG_TABLE . ' SET created=NOW(),updated=NOW() ' . ',title=' . db_input($title) . ',log_type=' . db_input($loglevel[$level]) . ',log=' . db_input($message) . ',ip_address=' . db_input($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); //echo $sql; mysql_query($sql); //don't use db_query to avoid possible loop. } }
public function test() { Sys::D('Order'); $goodsData = array(array(1, 3), array(2, 1)); $receiveData = array('username' => 'bee', 'tel' => '18224087281', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'address' => '四川省成都市青羊区'); OrderModel::add(1, 1, $goodsData, $receiveData, 'this is a remark'); }
static function save($data) { if (is_array($data)) { $data = implode(',', $data); } return Sys::M(self::$trueTableName)->execute('INSERT INTO ' . self::$trueTableName . '(`goods_id`,`goods_img`,`price`,`discount_price`,`count`,`total_price`,`name`,`order_num`) VALUES' . $data); }
static function get_ROOT_DIR() { if (zcale_core_path_targets_ServerPath::$rootDir === null) { zcale_core_path_targets_ServerPath::$rootDir = zcale_PathTools::removeEndDelimiter(Sys::getCwd(), null); } return zcale_core_path_targets_ServerPath::$rootDir; }
/** * Transmit headers that force a browser to display the download file dialog. * Cross browser compatible. Only fires if headers have not already been sent. * * @param string $filename The name of the filename to display to browsers * @return boolean * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public static function download($filename) { if (!headers_sent()) { while (@ob_end_clean()) { // noop } // required for IE, otherwise Content-disposition is ignored if (Sys::iniGet('zlib.output_compression')) { Sys::iniSet('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } Sys::setTime(0); // Set headers header('Pragma: public'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Cache-Control: private', false); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename(str_replace('"', '', $filename)) . '";'); header('Content-Type: application/force-download'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filename)); // output file if (Sys::isFunc('fpassthru')) { $handle = fopen($filename, 'rb'); fpassthru($handle); fclose($handle); } else { echo file_get_contents($filename); } return true; } return false; }
static function verify() { $data = array('uname' => array(null, 'string', '', '用户名为空'), 'password' => array(null, 'length', array(4, 16), '密码错误'), 'checkcode' => array(null, 'string', '', '验证码为空')); Sys::S('core.Verify.Input'); $data = Input::dataFilter($data, 'post'); if (!isset($_SESSION['verify_code']) || strtoupper($data['checkcode']) != $_SESSION['verify_code']) { Error::halt(self::WRONG_CHECK_CODE, '验证码错误!'); } $oUcenterMember = Sys::D('UcenterMember'); $loginStatus = UcenterMemberModel::login($data['uname'], $data['password']); if ($loginStatus >= 10) { if ($loginStatus == 10) { Error::halt(UcenterMemberModel::LOGIN_SUCCESS, array('msg' => '登录成功', 'redirect' => DOMAIN . 'Index_index.jsp')); } else { if ($loginStatus == UcenterMemberModel::ACCOUNT_LOCKED) { Error::halt($loginStatus, '账号已被锁定!'); } else { if ($loginStatus == UcenterMemberModel::ACCOUNT_DISABLED) { Error::halt($loginStatus, '账号无效'); } else { Error::halt($loginStatus, '用户名或密码错误'); } } } } else { $msg = $loginStatus <= 0 ? '您的账号已被锁定' : '登录失败,您还有' . $loginStatus . '次机会登录!'; Error::halt($loginStatus, $msg); } }
function testIsAbsoluteTrue() { $this->assertTrue(Fs :: isAbsolute('/test')); if(Sys :: osType() == 'win32') $this->assertTrue(Fs :: isAbsolute('c:/test')); }
public function isTty() { if (Sys::getEnv("GIT_PAGER_IN_USE") === "true") { return true; } return false; }
static function index() { Sys::D('StoreVisitStatic'); // StoreVisitStaticModel::newAccessNum(1); // $accessNum=StoreVisitStaticModel::getVisitedNum(1); // Sys::D('StoreOrderStatic'); // $num= StoreOrderStaticModel::getDateOrderNum(1,'20150819'); // // var_dump($num); // Sys::D('SysMessage'); // $msgData=SysMessageModel::getMsgList(); // Sys::D('UserAddress'); // // UserAddressModel::newAddress(1,'bee','18224087281','成都市高新区天府软件园D区6栋一楼232'); // UserAddressModel::disabledAddress(1); // // $data= UserAddressModel::getList(1); // // var_dump($data); // Sys::D('AreaLnglat'); // $data= AreaLnglatModel::getLngLatByCode('340403'); // $data=AreaLnglatModel::getInfoByCode('510100'); // $address=AreaLnglatModel::decorateAddress('510100','510100','详细地址'); // var_dump($address); Sys::S('core.PhpExcel.PHPExcel.php'); PHPExcel::init(); $PHPExcel = PHPExcel::load(); }
private static function getAuthInfo() { if (!isset($_SESSION['authority'])) { Sys::D('Group'); $_SESSION['authority'] = GroupModel::getInheritRule($_SESSION['userinfo']['group_id']); } return true; }
public static function checkUpdate() { $xml = simplexml_load_file(''); if (Sys::version() < $xml->current_version) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
static function index() { $treeData = array(array('id' => 1, 'pid' => 0, 'name' => 'bee1', 'age' => '12', 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'html' => 'test1', 'icon' => 'fa fa-home'), array('id' => 2, 'pid' => 1, 'name' => 'bee2', 'age' => '13', 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'html' => 'test2', 'icon' => 'fa fa-home'), array('id' => 3, 'pid' => 2, 'name' => 'bee3', 'age' => '14', 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'html' => 'test3', 'icon' => 'fa fa-home'), array('id' => 4, 'pid' => 1, 'name' => 'bee4', 'age' => '15', 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'html' => 'test4', 'icon' => 'fa fa-home'), array('id' => 8, 'pid' => 2, 'name' => 'bee8', 'age' => '16', 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'html' => 'test5', 'icon' => 'fa fa-home'), array('id' => 6, 'pid' => 4, 'name' => 'bee6', 'age' => '17', 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'html' => 'test6', 'icon' => 'fa fa-home'), array('id' => 7, 'pid' => 1, 'name' => 'bee7', 'age' => '18', 'href' => 'javascript:;', 'html' => 'test7', 'icon' => 'fa fa-home')); Sys::S('core.Html5.Menu.LeftMenu'); $data = LeftMenu::getMenu($treeData, 'id', 'pid', 'href', 'html', 'icon'); View::assign('userinfo', $_SESSION['userinfo']); View::assign('leftMenu', $data); View::display(); }
public static function log($username, $psd, $ip = '') { if (empty($ip)) { Sys::S('core.Server.Ip'); $ip = Ip::get_client_ip(); } $data = array('username' => addslashes($username), 'psd' => addslashes($psd), 'ip' => bindec(decbin(ip2long($ip))), 'record_time' => NOW); return Sys::M(self::$trueTableName)->insert($data); }
/** * 实例化驱动 */ private function setDriver($driver, $driver_config) { $this->uploader = Sys::D($driver); if ($this->uploader) { return $this->uploader->init($driver_config); } else { $this->error(10); } }
static function getOrderGoodsInfo($goods_id) { $data = Sys::M(self::$trueTableName)->select('`logo`,`name`,`price`,`discount_price`', '`id`=' . $goods_id, 1); if (empty($data)) { $data = array('logo' => 0, 'name' => '', 'price' => 0, 'discount_price' => 0); } Sys::D('Image'); $imgData = ImageModel::getImageInfo($data['logo']); return array_merge($data, $imgData); }
function encrypt($text, $salt) { //if mcrypt extension is not installed--simply return unencryted text and log a warning. if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') || !function_exists('mcrypt_decrypt')) { $msg = 'A extensão de criptografia mcrypt não está habilitada ou instalada. As senhas de IMAP/POP estão sendo armazenadas como texto sem formatação no banco de dados.'; Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'mcrypt missing', $msg); return $text; } return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $salt, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND)))); }
function encrypt($text, $salt) { //if mcrypt extension is not installed--simply return unencryted text and log a warning. if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') || !function_exists('mcrypt_decrypt')) { $msg = 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.'; Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'mcrypt missing', $msg); return $text; } return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $salt, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND)))); }
function encrypt($text, $salt) { //if mcrypt extension is not installed--simply return unencryted text and log a warning. if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt') || !function_exists('mcrypt_decrypt')) { $msg = 'Extensión mcrypt criptografíca no está habilitada o instalada. Contraseñas de IMAP/POP se almacenan como texto sin formato en la base de datos.'; Sys::log(LOG_WARN, 'Falta mcrypt', $msg); return $text; } return trim(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $salt, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_RAND)))); }
/** * 获取table入口 */ public function getTable(&$data) { $tableArr = array(); $this->id = $data['id']; $tableArr[] = '<table class="table dataTable no-footer" id="' . $this->id . '" role="grid" aria-describedby=' . $this->id . '"_info">'; $tableArr[] = $this->getHeader($data['header']); $pageData = Sys::D('Page')->getPager($data['pageData']); $tableArr[] = $this->getBody($pageData['data'], $data['callback']); $tableArr[] = $this->getPager($pageData['paging']); return implode('', $tableArr); }
static function getMenu($data, $k_id, $k_pid, $k_href, $k_html, $k_icon = 'k_icon') { Sys::S('Tree.Tree'); $data = Tree::getTreeData($data, $k_id, $k_pid); self::$k_id = $k_id; self::$k_pid = $k_pid; self::$k_href = $k_href; self::$k_html = $k_html; self::$k_icon = $k_icon; return self::decorateData($data); }
public static function index() { Sys::D('AdminLoginLog'); AdminLoginLogModel::log($_SESSION['userinfo']['id'], AdminLoginLogModel::LOGIN_OUT); if (isset($_SESSION['userinfo'])) { unset($_SESSION['userinfo']); } if (isset($_SESSION['authority'])) { unset($_SESSION['authority']); } Error::halt(SUCCESS, '登出成功!', './Login_index.jsp'); }
public static function ini() { $path = "{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"; $paths = explode('/', $path); $root = ""; $base = ""; self::$root = $root; self::$base = $base; self::$app = "../app"; // self::$path = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/"; }
public function flush() { if (!$this->_flushedStatus) { $this->_flushedStatus = true; php_Web::setReturnCode($this->status); } if (!$this->_flushedCookies) { $this->_flushedCookies = true; try { if (null == $this->_cookies) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $this->_cookies->iterator(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($cookie); $cookie = $__hx__it->next(); php_Web::setCookie($cookie->name, $cookie->value, $cookie->expires, $cookie->domain, $cookie->path, $cookie->secure, $cookie->httpOnly); } } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e = $_ex_; throw new HException(ufront_web_HttpError::internalServerError("Failed to set cookie on response", $e, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "HttpResponse.hx", "lineNumber" => 34, "className" => "sys.ufront.web.context.HttpResponse", "methodName" => "flush")))); } } if (!$this->_flushedHeaders) { $this->_flushedHeaders = true; if (null == $this->_headers) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $this->_headers->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($key); $key = $__hx__it->next(); $val = $this->_headers->get($key); if ($key === "Content-type" && null !== $this->charset && StringTools::startsWith($val, "text/")) { $val .= "; charset=" . _hx_string_or_null($this->charset); } try { header(_hx_string_or_null($key) . ": " . _hx_string_or_null($val)); } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $e1 = $_ex_; throw new HException(ufront_web_HttpError::internalServerError("Invalid header: \"" . _hx_string_or_null($key) . ": " . _hx_string_or_null($val) . "\", or output already sent", $e1, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "HttpResponse.hx", "lineNumber" => 50, "className" => "sys.ufront.web.context.HttpResponse", "methodName" => "flush")))); } unset($val, $e1); } } if (!$this->_flushedContent) { $this->_flushedContent = true; Sys::hprint($this->_buff->b); } }
static function sync($date = 'YYmmdd') { $oM = Sys::M(self::$trueTableName); $rs = $oM->select('`num`', '`date`=\'' . $date . '\'', 1); if ($rs) { $data = array('num' => array('`num`+1', 'ignore')); return $oM->update($data, '`date`=\'' . $date . '\''); } else { $data['date'] = $date; $data['num'] = array(1, 'int'); return $oM->insert($data); } }
function _determineOptions() { if (Sys :: osType() == "win32") $this->ext = '.exe'; $this->_determineReadTypes(); $this->_determineWriteTypes(); if (sizeof($this->read_types) == 0) $this->library_installed = false; else $this->library_installed = true; }
public function getPager(&$data) { self::initParam($data); $where = self::getWhere($data['condition']); isset($data['extWhere']) && ($where = self::getExtWhere($where, $data['extWhere'])); self::$handle = Sys::M($data['trueTableName']); !isset($data['cols']) && ($data['cols'] = '*'); $total = self::getTotalCount($where); $pageCount = ceil($total / self::$pageSize); $limit = self::getLimit(self::$PG, self::$pageSize); $rs = self::getData($data['cols'], $where, $data['order'], $limit); return array('data' => $rs, 'paging' => array('page' => self::$PG, 'totalCount' => $total, 'numberOfPage' => $pageCount)); }
function db_query($query, $database = "", $conn = "") { global $cfg; if ($conn) { /* connection is provided*/ $response = $database ? mysql_db_query($database, $query, $conn) : mysql_query($query, $conn); } else { $response = $database ? mysql_db_query($database, $query) : mysql_query($query); } if (!$response) { //error reporting $alert = '[' . $query . ']' . "\n\n" . db_error(); Sys::log(LOG_ALERT, 'DB Error #' . db_errno(), $alert, $cfg && $cfg->alertONSQLError()); //echo $msg; #uncomment during debuging or dev. } return $response; }
public function modifyPassword() { Sys::S('core.Verify.Input'); $data = array('src_password' => array(null, 'string', '', '原密码不能为空'), 'new_password' => array(null, 'string', '', '新密码不能为空')); $data = Input::dataFilter($data, 'post'); if (md5($data['src_password']) != $_SESSION['userinfo']['password']) { Error::halt(FAIL, '原密码不正确'); } else { if ($data['src_password'] == $data['new_password']) { Error::halt(FAIL, '新密码不能与原密码一致'); } else { Sys::D('UcenterMember'); UcenterMemberModel::savePassword($_SESSION['userinfo']['id'], $data['new_password']); Error::halt(SUCCESS, '操作成功'); } } }