  * Upload a file on the server for use with google Gears multi upload in chunks.
  * We return a string with the %age uploaded so far.
  * @return void
  * @todo make the resume possible
  * @todo check if the file we try to upload is already there
  * @todo check if the file we upload is valid
 public function uploadfileAction()
      * upload.php
      * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
      * Released under GPL License.
      * License: http://www.plupload.com/license
      * Contributing: http://www.plupload.com/contributing
     // Settings
     //$targetDir = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plupload";
     $fullpath = Sydney_Tools_Paths::getAppdataPath() . '/adminfiles/';
     $uploadedFileName = $_FILES['file']['name'];
     // check if appdata and adminfiles exist and if not, create dir
     if (!is_dir(Sydney_Tools_Paths::getAppdataPath())) {
         chmod(Sydney_Tools_Paths::getAppdataPath(), 0777);
     if (!is_dir($fullpath)) {
         chmod($fullpath, 0777);
     $ndirn = substr($uploadedFileName, -3);
     $ndirn = preg_replace('/\\./', '', $ndirn);
     $nnd = $fullpath . '' . strtoupper($ndirn);
     $type = strtoupper($ndirn);
     if (!is_dir($nnd)) {
     $targetDir = $nnd;
     // 5 minutes execution time
     set_time_limit(5 * 60);
     // Get parameters
     $chunk = isset($_REQUEST["chunk"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunk"] : 0;
     $chunks = isset($_REQUEST["chunks"]) ? $_REQUEST["chunks"] : 0;
     $fileName = isset($_FILES['file']["name"]) ? $_FILES['file']["name"] : $_REQUEST["name"];
     // Clean the fileName for security reasons
     $fileName = Sydney_Medias_Utils::sanitizeFilename($fileName);
     // Create target dir
     if (!file_exists($targetDir)) {
     $contentType = '';
     // Look for the content type header
     if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"])) {
         $contentType = $_SERVER["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"];
     if (isset($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"])) {
         $contentType = $_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"];
     // Handle non multipart uploads older WebKit versions didn't support multipart in HTML5
     if (strpos($contentType, "multipart") !== false) {
         if (isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) {
             // Open temp file
             $out = fopen($targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
             if ($out) {
                 // Read binary input stream and append it to temp file
                 $in = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "rb");
                 if ($in) {
                     while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) {
                         fwrite($out, $buff);
                 } else {
                     die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
             } else {
                 die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
         } else {
             die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 103, "message": "Failed to move uploaded file."}, "id" : "id"}');
     } else {
         // Open temp file
         $out = fopen($targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName, $chunk == 0 ? "wb" : "ab");
         if ($out) {
             // Read binary input stream and append it to temp file
             $in = fopen("php://input", "rb");
             if ($in) {
                 while ($buff = fread($in, 4096)) {
                     fwrite($out, $buff);
             } else {
                 die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 101, "message": "Failed to open input stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
         } else {
             die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "error" : {"code": 102, "message": "Failed to open output stream."}, "id" : "id"}');
     // Return JSON-RPC response
     $fil = new Filfiles();
     $fileId = $fil->registerFileToDb($targetDir, $fileName, filesize($targetDir . '/' . $fileName), $type, $this->usersId, $this->safinstancesId, $this->getRequest());
     die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : null, "id" : ' . Zend_Json_Encoder::encode($fileId) . ' }');
Exemple #2
  * Move a file from a directory to the final appdata of the webinstance
  * and register it to the DB
  * @param string $filepath Path to the temp files
  * @param string $comment Comment to place in the meta description (for search purpose, for ex the name of the user)
  * @param string $folder The name of the folder to push the files in
  * @return bool|int
 public function fileToFileManager($filepath = '', $comment = '', $folder = 'temp')
     if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
         return false;
     try {
         $fileObj = Sydney_Medias_Filetypesfactory::createfiletype($filepath);
         $newName = uniqid() . '_' . Sydney_Medias_Utils::sanitizeFilename($fileObj->basename . '.' . $fileObj->extension);
         $newPath = Sydney_Tools_Paths::getAppdataPath() . '/adminfiles/' . $fileObj->extension . '/';
         if (!is_dir($newPath)) {
             mkdir($newPath, 0777, true);
         rename($filepath, $newPath . $newName);
         $fileName = $newName;
         $newFileObj = Sydney_Medias_Filetypesfactory::createfiletype($newPath . $newName);
         $fileInfo = $newFileObj->getFileinfo();
         $fileWeight = $fileInfo['general.filesize'];
         // On récupère la taille du fichier pour pouvoir l'ajouter en DB
         $type = $newFileObj->extension;
         $usersId = Sydney_Tools_User::getUserdata('users_id');
         // @todo TODO we ll have to change that, for now it uploads the file as Arnaud (user id 1) if nothing is defined.
         if ($usersId === false) {
             $usersId = 1;
         $safinstancesId = Sydney_Tools_Sydneyglobals::getSafinstancesId();
         // save the file to DB
         $fileFilesId = $this->registerFileToDb($newPath, $fileName, $fileWeight, $type, $usersId, $safinstancesId, array(), $comment);
         // put them in the right folder
         $filefoldersDb = new Filfolders();
         $filefoldersId = $filefoldersDb->addSystemFolder($folder);
         if ($fileFilesId) {
             $fileCorDb = new FilfoldersFilfiles();
             $fileCor = $fileCorDb->createRow();
             $fileCor->filfolders_id = $filefoldersId;
             $fileCor->filfiles_id = $fileFilesId;
         // returns the files ids
         return $fileFilesId;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;