  * Show the sign up sheet and handle input from its form.
  * @return void
 public function action_join()
     // If we're already logged in, get out of here.
     if (ET::$session->user) {
     // SWC新規登録へ
     //	// If registration is closed, show a message.
     //	if (!C("esoTalk.registration.open")) {
     //		$this->renderMessage(T("Registration Closed"), T("message.registrationClosed"));
     //		return;
     //	}
     //	// Set the title and make sure this page isn't indexed.
     //	$this->title = T("Sign Up");
     //	$this->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");
     //	// Construct a form.
     //	$form = ETFactory::make("form");
     //	$form->action = URL("user/join");
     //	// Add the username field to the form structure.
     //	$form->addSection("username", T("Username"));
     //	$form->addField("username", "username", function($form)
     //	{
     //		return $form->input("username");
     //	},
     //	function($form, $key, &$data)
     //	{
     //		$data["username"] = $form->getValue($key);
     //	});
     //	// Add the email field to the form structure.
     //	$form->addSection("email", T("Email"));
     //	$form->addField("email", "email", function($form)
     //	{
     //		return $form->input("email")."<br><small>".T("Used to verify your account and subscribe to conversations")."</small>";
     //	},
     //	function($form, $key, &$data)
     //	{
     //		$data["email"] = $form->getValue($key);
     //	});
     //	// Add the password field to the form structure.
     //	$form->addSection("password", T("Password"));
     //	$form->addField("password", "password", function($form)
     //	{
     //		return $form->input("password", "password")."<br><small>".sprintf(T("Choose a secure password of at least %s characters"), C("esoTalk.minPasswordLength"))."</small>";
     //	},
     //	function($form, $key, &$data)
     //	{
     //		$data["password"] = $form->getValue($key);
     //	});
     //	// Add the confirm password field to the form structure.
     //	$form->addSection("confirm", T("Confirm password"));
     //	$form->addField("confirm", "confirm", function($form)
     //	{
     //		return $form->input("confirm", "password");
     //	},
     //	function($form, $key, &$data)
     //	{
     //		// Make sure the passwords match.
     //		if ($form->getValue("password") != $form->getValue($key))
     //			$form->error($key, T("message.passwordsDontMatch"));
     //	});
     //	$this->trigger("initJoin", array($form));
     //	// If the cancel button was pressed, return to where the user was before.
     //	if ($form->isPostBack("cancel")) $this->redirect(URL(R("return")));
     //	// If the form has been submitted, validate it and add the member into the database.
     //	if ($form->validPostBack("submit")) {
     //		$data = array();
     //		if ($form->validPostBack()) $form->runFieldCallbacks($data);
     //		if (!$form->errorCount()) {
     //			$data["account"] = ACCOUNT_MEMBER;
     //			if (!C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation")) $data["confirmed"] = true;
     //			else $data["resetPassword"] = md5(uniqid(rand()));
     //			// Create the member.
     //			$model = ET::memberModel();
     //			$memberId = $model->create($data);
     //			// If there were validation errors, pass them to the form.
     //			if ($model->errorCount()) $form->errors($model->errors());
     //			else {
     //				// If we require the user to confirm their email, send them an email and show a message.
     //				if (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") == "email") {
     //					$this->sendConfirmationEmail($data["email"], $data["username"], $memberId.$data["resetPassword"]);
     //					$this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.confirmEmail"));
     //				}
     //				// If we require the user account to be approved by an administrator, show a message.
     //				elseif (C("esoTalk.registration.requireConfirmation") == "approval") {
     //					$admin = ET::memberModel()->getById(C("esoTalk.rootAdmin"));
     //					ET::activityModel()->create("unapproved", $admin, null, array("username" => $data["username"]));
     //					$this->renderMessage(T("Success!"), T("message.waitForApproval"));
     //				}
     //				else {
     //					ET::$session->login($form->getValue("username"), $form->getValue("password"));
     //					$this->redirect(URL(""));
     //				}
     //				return;
     //			}
     //		}
     //	}
     //	$this->data("form", $form);
     //	$this->render("user/join");
Exemple #2
  * Common initialization for all controllers, called on every page load. This will add basic user links to
  * the "user" menu, and add core JS files and language definitions.
  * If this is overridden, parent::init() should be called to maintain consistency between controllers.
  * @return void
 public function init()
     // Check for updates to the esoTalk software, but only if we're the root admin and we haven't checked in
     // a while.
     // 1/28 掲示板バージョンUPチェック処理 削除
     //	if (ET::$session->userId == C("esoTalk.rootAdmin") and C("esoTalk.admin.lastUpdateCheckTime") + C("esoTalk.updateCheckInterval") < time())
     //		ET::upgradeModel()->checkForUpdates();
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
         // If the user IS NOT logged in, add the 'login' and 'sign up' links to the bar.
         if (!ET::$session->user) {
             // 1/28 リンク先変更 SWC新規登録ページへ
             $this->addToMenu("user", "join", "<a href='" . URL(SwcUtils::getSwcUrl("entry") . "?return=" . urlencode($this->selfURL)) . "' class='link-join'>" . T("Sign Up") . "</a>");
             // 1/28 リンク先変更 SWCログインページへ
             $this->addToMenu("user", "login", "<a href='/login/index.php' class='link-login'>" . T("Log In") . "</a>");
         } else {
             $this->addToMenu("user", "user", "<a href='" . URL("member/me") . "'>" . avatar(ET::$session->user, "thumb") . name(ET::$session->user["username"]) . "</a>");
             $this->addToMenu("user", "settings", "<a href='" . URL("settings") . "' class='link-settings'>" . T("Settings") . "</a>");
             if (ET::$session->isAdmin()) {
                 $this->addToMenu("user", "administration", "<a href='" . URL("admin") . "' class='link-administration'>" . T("Administration") . "</a>");
             // リンク先変更 ログアウト
             $this->addToMenu("user", "logout", "<a href='" . URL("user/logout?token=" . ET::$session->token) . "' class='link-logout'>" . T("Log Out") . "</a>");
         // Get the number of members currently online and add it as a statistic.
         if (C("esoTalk.members.visibleToGuests") or ET::$session->user) {
             $online = ET::SQL()->select("COUNT(*)")->from("member")->where("UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-:seconds<lastActionTime")->bind(":seconds", C("esoTalk.userOnlineExpire"))->exec()->result();
             $stat = Ts("statistic.online", "statistic.online.plural", number_format($online));
             $stat = "<a href='" . URL("members/online") . "' class='link-membersOnline'>{$stat}</a>";
             // 2016/1 削除 オンラインリンク
             //			$this->addToMenu("statistics", "statistic-online", $stat);
         // 2016/1 削除 copyright
         //		$this->addToMenu("meta", "copyright", "<a href='http://esotalk.org/' target='_blank'>".T("Powered by")." esoTalk</a>");
         // Set up some default JavaScript files and language definitions.
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.misc.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.history.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/lib/jquery.scrollTo.js", true);
         $this->addJSFile("core/js/global.js", true);
         $this->addJSLanguage("message.ajaxRequestPending", "message.ajaxDisconnected", "Loading...", "Notifications");
         $this->addJSVar("notificationCheckInterval", C("esoTalk.notificationCheckInterval"));
         // If config/custom.css contains something, add it to be included in the page.
         if (file_exists($file = PATH_CONFIG . "/custom.css") and filesize($file) > 0) {
             $this->addCSSFile("config/custom.css", true);
  * 会話(テーマ)新規作成処理
  * Show the start conversation page.
  * @param string $member A member's name to make the conversation private with.
  * @return void
 public function action_start($member = false)
     // If the user isn't logged in, redirect them to the login page.
     if (!ET::$session->user) {
     // If the user is suspended, show an error.
     if (ET::$session->isSuspended()) {
         $this->renderMessage("Error!", T("message.suspended"));
     // Set up a form.
     $form = ETFactory::make("form");
     $form->action = URL("conversation/start");
     // Get a list of channels so that we can check to make sure a valid channel is selected.
     $channels = ET::channelModel()->get("start");
     $channelId = $form->validPostBack("content") ? ET::$session->get("channelId") : ET::$session->get("searchChannelId");
     ET::$session->store("channelId", isset($channels[$channelId]) ? $channelId : reset(array_keys($channels)));
     // Get an empty conversation.
     $model = ET::conversationModel();
     $conversation = $model->getEmptyConversation();
     $conversation["membersAllowed"] = $model->getMembersAllowed($conversation);
     $conversation["membersAllowedSummary"] = $model->getMembersAllowedSummary($conversation, $conversation["membersAllowed"]);
     $conversation["channelPath"] = $model->getChannelPath($conversation);
     // XXX: タグ入力エリア設定 新規作成フラグ設定
     $this->data("isStartFlg", 1);
     if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
         $this->title = T("New conversation");
         // Update the user's last action to say that they're "starting a conversation".
         // Add a meta tag to the head to prevent search engines from indexing this page.
         $this->addToHead("<meta name='robots' content='noindex, noarchive'/>");
         //		$this->addJSFile("core/js/conversation.js");    TODO: 4 debug
         $this->addJSFile("/forum/core/js/conversation.js", "last");
         // 共通検索用js 追加
         //		$this->addJSFile("/forum/core/js/search.conversation.js","last");
         $this->addJSVar("mentions", C("esoTalk.format.mentions"));
         $this->addJSLanguage("message.confirmLeave", "message.confirmDiscardPost");
         // TODO: 名前有りの場合 確認
         // If there's a member name in the querystring, make the conversation that we're starting private
         // with them and redirect.
         if ($member and ET::$session->validateToken(R("token"))) {
             if (!($member = ET::conversationModel()->getMemberFromName($member))) {
                 $this->message(T("message.memberDoesntExist"), "warning");
             } else {
                 ET::conversationModel()->addMember($conversation, $member);
     // If the form was submitted (validate the presence of the content field)...
     if ($form->validPostBack("content")) {
         // 新規会話(テーマ) 登録時の処理
         $model = ET::conversationModel();
         $result = $model->create(array("title" => $_POST["title"], "channelId" => ET::$session->get("channelId"), "content" => $_POST["content"]), ET::$session->get("membersAllowed"), $form->isPostBack("saveDraft"));
         if ($model->errorCount()) {
             $this->messages($model->errors(), "warning");
         if ($result) {
             list($conversationId, $postId) = $result;
             // タグ情報の更新処理
             ET::tagsModel()->editPost($conversationId, 1, $form->getValue("tags"));
             if ($this->responseType === RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON) {
                 $this->json("url", URL(conversationURL($conversationId, $form->getValue("title"))));
                 $this->json("conversationId", $conversationId);
             } else {
                 $this->redirect(URL(conversationURL($conversationId, $form->getValue("title"))));
     // Make a form to add members allowed.
     $membersAllowedForm = ETFactory::make("form");
     $membersAllowedForm->action = URL("conversation/addMember/");
     $this->data("conversation", $conversation);
     $this->data("form", $form);
     $this->data("membersAllowedForm", $membersAllowedForm);
     $this->data("replyControls", $this->getEditControls("reply"));
Exemple #4
    if (!$data["searchString"]) {
<!-- Reply area -->
<div id='conversationReply'>
        echo $data["replyForm"]->open();

        // If we can't reply, we should show some kind of error message.
        if (!$conversation["canReply"]) {
            // If the user simply isn't logged in, show a reply box placeholder saying that they need to log in or sign up.
            if (!ET::$session->user) {
                $post = array("id" => "reply", "class" => "logInToReply", "title" => "", "body" => sprintf(T("message.logInToReply"), SwcUtils::getSwcUrl('login'), SwcUtils::getSwcUrl('login')), "avatar" => avatar());
                $this->renderView("conversation/post", array("post" => $post));
            } elseif (ET::$session->isSuspended()) {
                echo "<p class='help'>" . T("message.suspended") . "</p>";
            } elseif ($conversation["locked"]) {
                echo "<p class='help'>" . T("message.locked") . "</p>";
        } else {
            $this->renderView("conversation/reply", array("form" => $data["replyForm"], "conversation" => $conversation, "controls" => $data["replyControls"]));

        echo $data["replyForm"]->close();