function Widget_MySurveys()
     $no_survey = true;
     // Get id and title of the survey that will be promoted to user page. default = survey whose id=1
     if ($GLOBALS['sys_my_page_survey']) {
         $developer_survey_id = $GLOBALS['sys_my_page_survey'];
     } else {
         $developer_survey_id = "1";
     $survey = SurveySingleton::instance();
     $sql = "SELECT * from surveys WHERE survey_id=" . db_ei($developer_survey_id);
     $result = db_query($sql);
     $group_id = db_result($result, 0, 'group_id');
     $purifier = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     $survey_title = $purifier->purify($survey->getSurveyTitle(db_result($result, 0, 'survey_title')));
     // Check that the survey is active
     $devsurvey_is_active = db_result($result, 0, 'is_active');
     if ($devsurvey_is_active == 1) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM survey_responses " . "WHERE survey_id='" . db_ei($developer_survey_id) . "' AND user_id='" . db_ei(user_getid()) . "'";
         $result = db_query($sql);
         if (db_numrows($result) < 1) {
             $no_survey = false;
             $this->content .= '<a href="/survey/survey.php?group_id=' . $group_id . '&survey_id=' . $developer_survey_id . '">' . $survey_title . '</a>';
     if ($no_survey) {
         $this->content .= $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'no_survey');
Exemple #2
function ShowResultsGroupSurveys($result)
    global $group_id, $Language;
    $survey =& SurveySingleton::instance();
    $rows = db_numrows($result);
    $cols = db_numfields($result);
    $title_arr = array();
    $title_arr[] = $Language->getText('survey_index', 's_id');
    $title_arr[] = $Language->getText('survey_index', 's_tit');
    echo html_build_list_table_top($title_arr);
    for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; $j++) {
        echo "<tr class=\"" . html_get_alt_row_color($j) . "\">\n";
        echo "<TD><A HREF=\"survey.php?group_id={$group_id}&survey_id=" . db_result($result, $j, "survey_id") . "\">" . db_result($result, $j, "survey_id") . "</TD>";
        printf("<TD>%s</TD>\n", $survey->getSurveyTitle(db_result($result, $j, 'survey_title')));
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
echo $Language->getText('survey_admin_update_question', 'q');
<TEXTAREA NAME="question" COLS="80" ROWS="8" WRAP="SOFT"><?php 
echo $purifier->purify($question);

echo $Language->getText('survey_admin_add_question', 'q_type');
$survey =& SurveySingleton::instance();
echo $survey->showTypeBox('question_type', $question_type);
// see if the question is a radio-button type
$qry1 = "SELECT * FROM survey_questions WHERE group_id='" . db_ei($group_id) . "' AND question_id='" . db_ei($question_id) . "'";
$res1 = db_query($qry1);
$question_type = db_result($res1, 0, 'question_type');

echo $Language->getText('survey_admin_update_question', 'subm_changes');

Exemple #4
function survey_utils_show_questions($result, $hlink_id = true, $show_delete = true)
    global $group_id, $Language;
    $survey =& SurveySingleton::instance();
    $rows = db_numrows($result);
    echo "<h3>" . $Language->getText('survey_s_utils', 'found', $rows) . "</h3>";
    $title_arr = array();
    $title_arr[] = $Language->getText('survey_s_utils', 'q_id');
    $title_arr[] = $Language->getText('survey_admin_update_question', 'q');
    $title_arr[] = $Language->getText('survey_admin_show_r_aggregate', 'type');
    if ($show_delete) {
        $title_arr[] = $Language->getText('survey_s_utils', 'del');
    echo html_build_list_table_top($title_arr);
    for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; $j++) {
        $question_id = db_result($result, $j, 'question_id');
        $question_type_id = db_result($result, $j, 'question_type_id');
        if ($question_type_id == 6 || $question_type_id == 7) {
            $warning = 'warning_loose_data';
        } else {
            $warning = 'warning_loose_answers';
        echo "<tr class=\"" . html_get_alt_row_color($j) . "\">\n";
        if ($hlink_id) {
            echo "<TD><A HREF=\"/survey/admin/edit_question.php?func=update_question&group_id={$group_id}&question_id={$question_id}\">{$question_id}</A></TD>\n";
        } else {
            echo "<TD>{$question_id}</TD>\n";
        echo '<TD>' . db_result($result, $j, 'question') . "</TD>\n" . '<TD>' . $survey->getLabel($question_type_id) . "</TD>\n";
        if ($show_delete) {
            echo '<TD align=center>' . "<a href=\"/survey/admin/edit_question.php?func=delete_question&group_id={$group_id}&question_id={$question_id}\" " . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . $Language->getText('survey_s_utils', $warning) . '\')">' . '<IMG SRC="' . util_get_image_theme("ic/trash.png") . '" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="16" BORDER="0" ALT="' . $Language->getText('survey_s_utils', 'del_txt') . '"></A></TD>';
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";