Exemple #1
// so we can loop through them on the global messages combined page.
$myListTable = new SupportHubMessageList();
$screen = get_current_screen();
// retrieve the "per_page" option
$screen_option = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'option');
// retrieve the value of the option stored for the current user
$per_page = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), $screen_option, true);
if (empty($per_page) || $per_page < 1 || is_array($per_page)) {
    // get the default value if none is set
    $per_page = $screen->get_option('per_page', 'default');
if (!$per_page) {
    $per_page = 20;
$myListTable->items_per_page = $per_page;
$myListTable->set_columns(array('cb' => 'Select All', 'shub_column_account' => __('Account', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_product' => __('Product', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_time' => __('Time', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_from' => __('From', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_summary' => __('Summary', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_action' => __('Action', 'support_hub')));
/*$myListTable->set_sortable_columns( array(
		'shub_column_time'    => array(
	) );*/
// before we do the search on messages.
$this_search = $search;
if (isset($this_search['shub_status']) && $this_search['shub_status'] == -1) {
//    SupportHub::getInstance()->load_all_messages($this_search, $order);
//    $all_messages = SupportHub::getInstance()->all_messages;
$all_messages = array_merge(SupportHubOutbox::get_failed(), SupportHubOutbox::get_pending());
_e('Compose', 'support_hub');
// copy layout from UCM
// grab a mysql resource from all available social plugins (hardcoded for now - todo: hook)
$search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) && is_array($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : array();
if (!isset($search['shub_status'])) {
    $search['shub_status'] = _shub_MESSAGE_STATUS_UNANSWERED;
$order = array();
// retuin a combined copy of all available messages, based on search, as a MySQL resource
// so we can loop through them on the global messages combined page.
$myListTable = new SupportHubMessageList();
$myListTable->set_columns(array('cb' => '', 'shub_column_account' => __('Social Account', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_time' => __('Date/Time', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_from' => __('From', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_summary' => __('Summary', 'support_hub'), 'shub_column_action' => __('Action', 'support_hub')));
// before we do the search on messages.
/* @var $message_manager shub_facebook */
foreach ($this->message_managers as $message_id => $message_manager) {
    $message_manager->load_all_messages($search, $order);
// filter through each mysql resource so we get the date views. output each row using their individual classes.
$all_messages = array();
$loop_messages = array();
$last_timestamp = false;
while (true) {
    // fill them up
    $has_messages = false;
    foreach ($this->message_managers as $type => $message_manager) {
        if (!isset($loop_messages[$type])) {