Exemple #1
  * Process failures in the HTTP response.
  * Log file not found: means that the API key used to execute the request is
  * not associated to the website, this may indicate that either the key was
  * invalidated by an administrator of the service or that the API key was
  * custom generated with invalid data.
  * Wrong API key: means that the TLD of the origin of the request is not the
  * domain used to generate the API key in the first place, or that the email
  * address of the site administrator was changed so the data is not valid
  * anymore.
  * Connection timeout: means that the API service is down either because the
  * hosting provider has connectivity issues or because the code is being
  * deployed. There is an option in the settings page that allows to temporarily
  * disable the communication with the API service while the server is down, this
  * allows the admins to keep the latency at zero and continue working in their
  * websites without interruptions.
  * SSL issues: depending on the options used to compile the OpenSSL library
  * built by each hosting provider, the connection with the HTTPs version of the
  * API service may be rejected because of a failure in the SSL algorithm check.
  * There is an option in the settings page that allows to disable the SSL pair
  * verification, this option it disable automatically when the error is detected
  * for the first time.
  * @param  array   $response HTTP response after API endpoint execution.
  * @param  boolean $enqueue  Add the log to the local queue on a failure.
  * @return boolean           False if the API call failed, true otherwise.
 private static function handleErrorResponse($response = array(), $enqueue = true)
     $action_message = 'Unknown error, there is no more information.';
     // Check whether the message list is empty or not.
     if (isset($response['body']->messages[0])) {
         $action_message = $response['body']->messages[0] . '.';
     // Keep a copy of the original API response message.
     $raw_message = $action_message;
     // Special response for invalid API keys.
     if (stripos($raw_message, 'log file not found') !== false) {
         $action_message .= ' This generally happens when you add an invalid API key, the' . ' key will be deleted automatically to hide these warnings, if you want to' . ' recover it go to the settings page and use the recover button to send the' . ' key to your email address.';
     // Special response for invalid CloudProxy API keys.
     if (stripos($raw_message, 'wrong api key') !== false) {
         $action_message .= ' The CloudProxy API key does not seems to be valid.';
     // Special response for connection timeouts.
     if ($enqueue && @preg_match('/time(d\\s)?out/', $raw_message)) {
         $action_message = '';
         /* Empty the error message. */
         $cache = new SucuriScanCache('auditqueue');
         $cache_key = md5($response['params']['time']);
         $cache_value = array('created_at' => $response['params']['time'], 'message' => $response['params']['m']);
         $cache->add($cache_key, $cache_value);
     // Stop SSL peer verification on connection failures.
     if (stripos($raw_message, 'no alternative certificate') || stripos($raw_message, 'error setting certificate') || stripos($raw_message, 'SSL connect error')) {
         SucuriScanOption::update_option(':verify_ssl_cert', 'false');
         $action_message .= 'There were some issues with the SSL certificate either in this' . ' server or with the remote API service. The automatic verification of the' . ' certificates has been deactivated to reduce the noise during the execution' . ' of the HTTP requests.';
     if (!empty($action_message)) {
         if ($enqueue) {
             SucuriScanInterface::error(sprintf('(%d) %s: %s', SucuriScan::local_time(), ucwords($response['body']->action), $action_message));
         return false;
     return true;
  * Process failures in the HTTP response.
  * Log file not found: means that the API key used to execute the request is
  * not associated to the website, this may indicate that either the key was
  * invalidated by an administrator of the service or that the API key was
  * custom generated with invalid data.
  * Wrong API key: means that the TLD of the origin of the request is not the
  * domain used to generate the API key in the first place, or that the email
  * address of the site administrator was changed so the data is not valid
  * anymore.
  * Connection timeout: means that the API service is down either because the
  * hosting provider has connectivity issues or because the code is being
  * deployed. There is an option in the settings page that allows to temporarily
  * disable the communication with the API service while the server is down, this
  * allows the admins to keep the latency at zero and continue working in their
  * websites without interruptions.
  * SSL issues: depending on the options used to compile the OpenSSL library
  * built by each hosting provider, the connection with the HTTPs version of the
  * API service may be rejected because of a failure in the SSL algorithm check.
  * There is an option in the settings page that allows to disable the SSL pair
  * verification, this option it disable automatically when the error is detected
  * for the first time.
  * @param  array   $response HTTP response after API endpoint execution.
  * @param  boolean $enqueue  Add the log to the local queue on a failure.
  * @return boolean           False if the API call failed, true otherwise.
 private static function handleErrorResponse($response = array(), $enqueue = true)
     $msg = 'Unknown error, there is no more information.';
     if (is_array($response) && array_key_exists('messages', $response) && !empty($response['messages'])) {
         $msg = implode(". ", $response['messages']);
         $raw = $msg;
         /* Keep a copy of the original message. */
         // Special response for invalid API keys.
         if (stripos($raw, 'log file not found') !== false) {
             $key = SucuriScanOption::get_option(':api_key');
             $msg .= '; this generally happens when you add an invalid API ' . 'key, the key will be deleted automatically to hide these w' . 'arnings, if you want to recover it go to the settings page' . ' and use the recover button to send the key to your email ' . 'address: ' . SucuriScan::escape($key);
         // Special response for invalid CloudProxy API keys.
         if (stripos($raw, 'wrong api key') !== false) {
             $key = SucuriScanOption::get_option(':cloudproxy_apikey');
             $msg .= '; invalid CloudProxy API key: ' . SucuriScan::escape($key);
             $msg = '';
             /* Force premature error message. */
         // Stop SSL peer verification on connection failures.
         if (stripos($raw, 'no alternative certificate') || stripos($raw, 'error setting certificate') || stripos($raw, 'SSL connect error')) {
             SucuriScanOption::update_option(':verify_ssl_cert', 'false');
             $msg .= 'There were some issues with the SSL certificate eith' . 'er in this server or with the remote API service. The auto' . 'matic verification of the certificates has been deactivate' . 'd to reduce the noise during the execution of the HTTP req' . 'uests.';
         // Check if the MX records as missing for API registration.
         if (strpos($raw, 'Invalid email') !== false) {
             $msg = 'Email has an invalid format, or the host ' . 'associated to the email has no MX records.';
     if (!empty($msg) && $enqueue) {
     return false;