Exemple #1
  * Modify the WordPress configuration file and change the keys that were defined
  * by a new random-generated list of keys retrieved from the official WordPress
  * API. The result of the operation will be either FALSE in case of error, or an
  * array containing multiple indexes explaining the modification, among them you
  * will find the old and new keys.
  * @return false|array Either FALSE in case of error, or an array with the old and new keys.
 public static function set_new_config_keys()
     $new_wpconfig = '';
     $config_path = self::get_wpconfig_path();
     if ($config_path) {
         $pattern = self::secret_key_pattern();
         $define_tpl = "define('%s',%s'%s');";
         $config_lines = SucuriScanFileInfo::file_lines($config_path);
         $new_keys = SucuriScanAPI::getNewSecretKeys();
         $old_keys = array();
         $old_keys_string = '';
         $new_keys_string = '';
         foreach ((array) $config_lines as $config_line) {
             if (preg_match($pattern, $config_line, $match)) {
                 $key_name = $match[1];
                 if (array_key_exists($key_name, $new_keys)) {
                     $white_spaces = $match[2];
                     $old_keys[$key_name] = $match[3];
                     $config_line = sprintf($define_tpl, $key_name, $white_spaces, $new_keys[$key_name]);
                     $old_keys_string .= sprintf($define_tpl, $key_name, $white_spaces, $old_keys[$key_name]) . "\n";
                     $new_keys_string .= $config_line . "\n";
             $new_wpconfig .= $config_line . "\n";
         $response = array('updated' => is_writable($config_path), 'old_keys' => $old_keys, 'old_keys_string' => $old_keys_string, 'new_keys' => $new_keys, 'new_keys_string' => $new_keys_string, 'new_wpconfig' => $new_wpconfig);
         if ($response['updated']) {
             file_put_contents($config_path, $new_wpconfig, LOCK_EX);
         return $response;
     return false;