function run() { //Get the data from stripe $data_raw = file_get_contents("php://input"); $data = json_decode($data_raw); if (!$data) { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("Stripe Callback: cannot json_decode data, exiting. <br /> {$data}"); } $test_mode = !$data->livemode; $stripe_key = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT user_name FROM civicrm_payment_processor WHERE payment_processor_type = 'Stripe' AND is_test = '{$test_mode}'"); require_once "packages/stripe-php/lib/Stripe.php"; Stripe::setApiKey($stripe_key); //Retrieve Event from Stripe using ID even though we already have the values now. //This is for extra security precautions mentioned here: $stripe_event_data = Stripe_Event::retrieve($data->id); $customer_id = $stripe_event_data->data->object->customer; switch ($stripe_event_data->type) { //Successful recurring payment case 'invoice.payment_succeeded': //Get the Stripe charge object try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($stripe_event_data->data->object->charge); } catch (Exception $e) { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("Failed to retrieve Stripe charge. Message: " . $e->getMessage()); break; } //Find the recurring contribution in CiviCRM by mapping it from Stripe $rel_info_query = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT invoice_id, end_time FROM civicrm_stripe_subscriptions WHERE customer_id = '{$customer_id}'"); if (!empty($rel_info_query)) { $rel_info_query->fetch(); $invoice_id = $rel_info_query->invoice_id; $end_time = $rel_info_query->end_time; } else { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("Error relating this customer ({$customer_id}) to the one in civicrm_stripe_subscriptions"); } //Compare against now + 24hrs to prevent charging 1 extra day. $time_compare = time() + 86400; //Fetch Civi's info about this recurring object $recur_contrib_query = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT id, contact_id, currency, contribution_status_id, is_test, contribution_type_id, payment_instrument_id, campaign_id FROM civicrm_contribution_recur WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); if (!empty($recur_contrib_query)) { $recur_contrib_query->fetch(); } else { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("ERROR: Stripe triggered a Webhook on an invoice not found in civicrm_contribution_recur: " . $stripe_event_data); } //Build some params $stripe_customer = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer_id); $recieve_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $charge->created); $total_amount = $charge->amount / 100; $fee_amount = $charge->fee / 100; $net_amount = $total_amount - $fee_amount; $transaction_id = $charge->id; $new_invoice_id = $stripe_event_data->data->object->id; if (empty($recur_contrib_query->campaign_id)) { $recur_contrib_query->campaign_id = 'NULL'; } $first_contrib_check = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT id FROM civicrm_contribution WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}' AND contribution_status_id = '2'"); if (!empty($first_contrib_check)) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_contribution SET contribution_status_id = '1' WHERE id = '{$first_contrib_check}'"); return; } //Create this instance of the contribution for accounting in CiviCRM CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("\n \tINSERT INTO civicrm_contribution (\n \tcontact_id, contribution_type_id, payment_instrument_id, receive_date, \n \ttotal_amount, fee_amount, net_amount, trxn_id, invoice_id, currency,\n \tcontribution_recur_id, is_test, contribution_status_id, campaign_id\n \t) VALUES (\n \t'{$recur_contrib_query->contact_id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->contribution_type_id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->payment_instrument_id}', '{$recieve_date}', \n \t'{$total_amount}', '{$fee_amount}', '{$net_amount}', '{$transaction_id}', '{$new_invoice_id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->currency}', \n \t'{$recur_contrib_query->id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->is_test}', '1', {$recur_contrib_query->campaign_id}\n \t)"); if ($time_compare > $end_time) { $end_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end_time); //Final payment. Recurring contribution complete $stripe_customer->cancelSubscription(); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DELETE FROM civicrm_stripe_subscriptions WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET end_date = '{$end_date}', contribution_status_id = '1' WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); return; } //Successful charge & more to come so set recurring contribution status to In Progress if ($recur_contrib_query->contribution_status_id != 5) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET contribution_status_id = 5 WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); return; } break; //Failed recurring payment //Failed recurring payment case 'invoice.payment_failed': //Get the Stripe charge object try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($stripe_event_data->data->object->charge); } catch (Exception $e) { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("Failed to retrieve Stripe charge. Message: " . $e->getMessage()); break; } //Find the recurring contribution in CiviCRM by mapping it from Stripe $invoice_id = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT invoice_id FROM civicrm_stripe_subscriptions WHERE customer_id = '{$customer_id}'"); if (empty($invoice_id)) { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("Error relating this customer ({$customer_id}) to the one in civicrm_stripe_subscriptions"); } //Fetch Civi's info about this recurring object $recur_contrib_query = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT id, contact_id, currency, contribution_status_id, is_test, contribution_type_id, payment_instrument_id, campaign_id FROM civicrm_contribution_recur WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); if (!empty($recur_contrib_query)) { $recur_contrib_query->fetch(); } else { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("ERROR: Stripe triggered a Webhook on an invoice not found in civicrm_contribution_recur: " . $stripe_event_data); } //Build some params $recieve_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $charge->created); $total_amount = $charge->amount / 100; $fee_amount = $charge->fee / 100; $net_amount = $total_amount - $fee_amount; $transaction_id = $charge->id; if (empty($recur_contrib_query->campaign_id)) { $recur_contrib_query->campaign_id = 'NULL'; } //Create this instance of the contribution for accounting in CiviCRM CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("\n \tINSERT INTO civicrm_contribution (\n \tcontact_id, contribution_type_id, payment_instrument_id, receive_date, \n \ttotal_amount, fee_amount, net_amount, trxn_id, invoice_id, currency,\n \tcontribution_recur_id, is_test, contribution_status_id, campaign_id\n \t) VALUES (\n \t'{$recur_contrib_query->contact_id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->contribution_type_id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->payment_instrument_id}', '{$recieve_date}', \n \t'{$total_amount}', '{$fee_amount}', '{$net_amount}', '{$transaction_id}', '{$invoice_id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->currency}', \n \t'{$recur_contrib_query->id}', '{$recur_contrib_query->is_test}', '4', {$recur_contrib_query->campaign_id}\n \t)"); //Failed charge. Set to status to: Failed if ($recur_contrib_query->contribution_status_id != 4) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET contribution_status_id = 4 WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); return; } else { //This has failed more than once. Now what? } break; //One-time donation and per invoice payment //One-time donation and per invoice payment case 'charge.succeeded': //Not implemented break; } parent::run(); }
public function testRetrieve() { authorizeFromEnv(); $c = Stripe_Charge::create(array('amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'usd', 'card' => array('number' => '4242424242424242', 'exp_month' => 5, 'exp_year' => 2015))); $d = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($c->id); $this->assertEqual($d->id, $c->id); }
public function testUpdateMetadataAll() { authorizeFromEnv(); $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array('amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'usd', 'card' => array('number' => '4242424242424242', 'exp_month' => 5, 'exp_year' => 2015))); $charge->metadata = array('test' => 'foo bar'); $charge->save(); $updatedCharge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge->id); $this->assertEqual('foo bar', $updatedCharge->metadata['test']); }
public function markAsSafe() { self::authorizeFromEnv(); $card = array('number' => '4242424242424242', 'exp_month' => 5, 'exp_year' => 2015); $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array('amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'usd', 'card' => $card)); $charge->markAsSafe(); $updatedCharge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge->id); $this->assertEqual('safe', $updatedCharge['fraud_details']['user_report']); }
public function get_transaction($transaction_id) { try { $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($transaction_id); return $ch; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error = TRUE; $this->message = $e->getMessage(); $this->code = $e->getCode(); return FALSE; } }
public function refund(Varien_Object $payment, $amount) { $transactionId = $payment->getParentTransactionId(); try { Stripe_Charge::retrieve($transactionId)->refund(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->debugData($e->getMessage()); Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('paygate')->__('Payment refunding error.')); } $payment->setTransactionId($transactionId . '-' . Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Payment_Transaction::TYPE_REFUND)->setParentTransactionId($transactionId)->setIsTransactionClosed(1)->setShouldCloseParentTransaction(1); return $this; }
public function post() { $this->authenticate(); $attendance = $this->app->db->queryRow('SELECT * FROM attendance WHERE person_id=%d AND event_id=%d', $this->person['id'], $this->event['id']); // Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production // See your keys here \Stripe::setApiKey($this->app->config->stripe->secret_key); try { $ch = \Stripe_Charge::retrieve($attendance['ticket_id']); $re = $ch->refunds->create(); $this->app->db->query('DELETE FROM attendance WHERE person_id=%d AND event_id=%d', $this->person['id'], $this->event['id']); $this->resp->setJSON(true); } catch (\Stripe_CardError $e) { $this->resp->setJSON($e->getMessage()); } }
function stripe_refund($params) { require_once 'stripe/Stripe.php'; $gatewaytestmode = $params["testmode"]; if ($gatewaytestmode == "on") { Stripe::setApiKey($params['private_test_key']); } else { Stripe::setApiKey($params['private_live_key']); } # Invoice Variables $transid = $params['transid']; # Perform Refund try { $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($transid); $ch->refund(); return array("status" => "success", "transid" => $ch["id"], "rawdata" => $ch); } catch (Exception $e) { $response['error'] = $e->getMessage(); return array("status" => "error", "rawdata" => $response['error']); } }
public function post() { $this->app->db->query('START TRANSACTION'); // Get the next event $event = $this->app->db->queryRow('SELECT * FROM events WHERE end_time > NOW() ORDER BY start_time ASC LIMIT 1'); $personid = $this->req->getPost('person_id'); $person = $this->app->db->queryRow('SELECT * FROM people WHERE id=%d', $personid); $attendance = $this->app->db->queryRow('SELECT * FROM attendance WHERE person_id=%d AND event_id=%d', $personid, $event['id']); if ($this->req->getPost('action') === 'invite') { $code = substr(str_shuffle('QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890'), 0, 20); $viewdata = array('summary' => "You're invited to Edge: claim your ticket now", 'person' => $person, 'event' => $event, 'attendance' => $attendance, 'code' => $code); $htmloutput = $this->app->view->render('emails/invite.html', $viewdata); $textoutput = $this->app->view->render('emails/invite.txt', $viewdata); $this->app->db->query("UPDATE attendance SET invite_date_sent=NOW(), invite_code=%s WHERE person_id=%d AND event_id=%d", $code, $personid, $event['id']); $this->sendEmail($person['email'], 'Invite to Edge conf', $textoutput, $htmloutput); $this->alert('info', 'Sent invite to ' . $person['email']); } else { if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'remind') { $this->app->db->query("UPDATE attendance SET invite_date_reminded=NOW() WHERE person_id=%d AND event_id=%d", $personid, $event['id']); $viewdata = array('person' => $person, 'event' => $event, 'code' => $this->app->db->querySingle("SELECT invite_code FROM attendance WHERE person_id=%d AND event_id=%d", $personid, $event['id'])); $htmloutput = $this->app->view->render('emails/reminder.html', $viewdata); $textoutput = $this->app->view->render('emails/reminder.txt', $viewdata); $this->sendEmail($person['email'], 'Reminder: Edge conf invite', $textoutput, $htmloutput); $this->alert('info', 'Sent reminder to ' . $person['email']); } else { if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'cancel') { \Stripe::setApiKey($this->app->config->stripe->secret_key); try { $ch = \Stripe_Charge::retrieve($attendance['ticket_id']); $re = $ch->refunds->create(); $this->app->db->query('DELETE FROM attendance WHERE person_id=%d AND event_id=%d', $personid, $event['id']); } catch (\Stripe_CardError $e) { $this->resp->setStatus(500); $this->resp->setJSON($e->getMessage()); } } } } $this->app->db->query("COMMIT"); }
public function stripe_retrieve_charge($charge_id) { return Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); }
function striper_order_status_completed($order_id = null) { global $woocommerce; if (!$order_id) { $order_id = $_POST['order_id']; } $data = get_post_meta($order_id); $total = $data['_order_total'][0] * 100; $params = array(); if (isset($_POST['amount']) && ($amount = $_POST['amount'])) { $params['amount'] = round($amount); } $authcap = get_post_meta($order_id, 'auth_capture', true); if ($authcap) { Stripe::setApiKey(get_post_meta($order_id, 'key', true)); try { $tid = get_post_meta($order_id, 'transaction_id', true); $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($tid); if ($total < $ch->amount) { $params['amount'] = $total; } $ch->capture($params); } catch (Stripe_Error $e) { // There was an error $body = $e->getJsonBody(); $err = $body['error']; if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->add('striper', 'Stripe Error:' . $err['message']); } wc_add_notice(__('Payment error:', 'striper') . $err['message'], 'error'); return null; } return true; } }
/** * Get a Stripe charge object instance. * * @param string $charge_id Charge ID in Stripe. * * @return Stripe_Charge|string Charge object; else error message. */ public static function get_charge($charge_id) { $input_time = time(); // Initialize. $input_vars = get_defined_vars(); // Arguments. require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/stripe-sdk/lib/Stripe.php'; Stripe::setApiKey($GLOBALS['WS_PLUGIN__']['s2member']['o']['pro_stripe_api_secret_key']); try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); self::log_entry(__FUNCTION__, $input_time, $input_vars, time(), $charge); return $charge; // Stripe charge object. } catch (exception $exception) { self::log_entry(__FUNCTION__, $input_time, $input_vars, time(), $exception); return self::error_message($exception); } }
/** * Process the changes from the Modify Pro Site Status metabox. * * @param $blog_id */ public static function process_modify($blog_id) { global $psts, $current_user; $success_msg = $error_msg = ''; if (isset($_POST['stripe_mod_action'])) { $customer_id = self::get_customer_data($blog_id)->customer_id; $exitsing_invoice_object = Stripe_Invoice::all(array("customer" => $customer_id, "count" => 1)); $last_payment = $exitsing_invoice_object->data[0]->total / 100; $refund_value = $_POST['refund_amount']; $refund_amount = $refund_value * 100; $refund_amount = (int) $refund_amount; $refund = $last_payment; switch ($_POST['stripe_mod_action']) { case 'cancel': $end_date = date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $psts->get_expire($blog_id)); try { $customer_data = self::get_customer_data($blog_id); $customer_id = $customer_data->customer_id; $sub_id = $customer_data->subscription_id; $cu = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer_id); // Don't use ::cancelSubscription because it doesn't know which subscription if we have multiple $cu->subscriptions->retrieve($sub_id)->cancel(); //record stat $psts->record_stat($blog_id, 'cancel'); $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('Subscription successfully cancelled by %1$s. They should continue to have access until %2$s', 'psts'), $current_user->display_name, $end_date)); $success_msg = sprintf(__('Subscription successfully cancelled. They should continue to have access until %s.', 'psts'), $end_date); update_blog_option($blog_id, 'psts_stripe_canceled', 1); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('Attempt to Cancel Subscription by %1$s failed with an error: %2$s', 'psts'), $current_user->display_name, $error_msg)); } break; case 'cancel_refund': $end_date = date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $psts->get_expire($blog_id)); $cancellation_success = false; try { $customer_data = self::get_customer_data($blog_id); $customer_id = $customer_data->customer_id; $sub_id = $customer_data->subscription_id; $cu = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer_id); // Don't use ::cancelSubscription because it doesn't know which subscription if we have multiple $cu->subscriptions->retrieve($sub_id)->cancel(); $cancellation_success = true; //record stat } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); } if ($cancellation_success == false) { $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('Attempt to Cancel Subscription and Refund Prorated (%1$s) Last Payment by %2$s failed with an error: %3$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund), $current_user->display_name, $error_msg)); $error_msg = sprintf(__('Whoops, Stripe returned an error when attempting to cancel the subscription. Nothing was completed: %s', 'psts'), $error_msg); break; } $refund_success = false; if ($cancellation_success == true) { try { $charge_object = Stripe_Charge::all(array("count" => 1, "customer" => $customer_id)); $charge_id = $charge_object->data[0]->id; $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); $ch->refund(); $refund_success = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); } } if ($refund_success == true) { $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('Subscription cancelled and a prorated (%1$s) refund of last payment completed by %2$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund), $current_user->display_name)); $success_msg = sprintf(__('Subscription cancelled and a prorated (%s) refund of last payment were successfully completed.', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund)); update_blog_option($blog_id, 'psts_stripe_canceled', 1); } else { $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('Subscription cancelled, but prorated (%1$s) refund of last payment by %2$s returned an error: %3$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund), $current_user->display_name, $error_msg)); $error_msg = sprintf(__('Subscription cancelled, but prorated (%1$s) refund of last payment returned an error: %2$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund), $error_msg); update_blog_option($blog_id, 'psts_stripe_canceled', 1); } break; case 'refund': try { $charge_object = Stripe_Charge::all(array("count" => 1, "customer" => $customer_id)); $charge_id = $charge_object->data[0]->id; $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); $ch->refund(); $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('A full (%1$s) refund of last payment completed by %2$s The subscription was not cancelled.', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund), $current_user->display_name)); $success_msg = sprintf(__('A full (%s) refund of last payment was successfully completed. The subscription was not cancelled.', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund)); $psts->record_refund_transaction($blog_id, $charge_id, $refund); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('Attempt to issue a full (%1$s) refund of last payment by %2$s returned an error: %3$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund), $current_user->display_name, $error_msg)); $error_msg = sprintf(__('Attempt to issue a full (%1$s) refund of last payment returned an error: %2$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund), $error_msg); } break; case 'partial_refund': try { $charge_object = Stripe_Charge::all(array("count" => 1, "customer" => $customer_id)); $charge_id = $charge_object->data[0]->id; $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); $ch->refund(array("amount" => $refund_amount)); $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('A partial (%1$s) refund of last payment completed by %2$s The subscription was not cancelled.', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund_value), $current_user->display_name)); $success_msg = sprintf(__('A partial (%s) refund of last payment was successfully completed. The subscription was not cancelled.', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund_value)); $psts->record_refund_transaction($blog_id, $charge_id, $refund); } catch (Exception $e) { $error_msg = $e->getMessage(); $psts->log_action($blog_id, sprintf(__('Attempt to issue a partial (%1$s) refund of last payment by %2$s returned an error: %3$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund_value), $current_user->display_name, $error_msg)); $error_msg = sprintf(__('Attempt to issue a partial (%1$s) refund of last payment returned an error: %2$s', 'psts'), $psts->format_currency(false, $refund_value), $error_msg); } break; } } //display resulting message if ($success_msg) { echo '<div class="updated fade"><p>' . $success_msg . '</p></div>'; } else { if ($error_msg) { echo '<div class="error fade"><p>' . $error_msg . '</p></div>'; } } }
public function process_refund($order_id, $amount = NULL, $reason = '') { if ($amount > 0) { $CHARGE_ID = get_post_meta($order_id, '_transaction_id', true); $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($CHARGE_ID); $refund = $charge->refunds->create(array('amount' => $amount * 100, 'metadata' => array('Order #' => $order_id, 'Refund reason' => $reason))); if ($refund) { $repoch = $refund->created; $rdt = new DateTime("@{$repoch}"); $rtimestamp = $rdt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s e'); $refundid = $refund->id; $wc_order = new WC_Order($order_id); $wc_order->add_order_note(__('Stripe Refund completed at. ' . $rtimestamp . ' with Refund ID = ' . $refundid, 'woocommerce')); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function testChargeWithAdditionalInvalidChargeDataFields() { $data = array('amount' => 7.45, 'stripeToken' => 'tok_65Vl7Y7eZvKYlo2CurIZVU1z', 'statement_descriptor' => 'some chargeParams', 'invalid' => 'foobar'); $result = $this->StripeComponent->charge($data); $this->assertRegExp('/^ch\\_[a-zA-Z0-9]+/', $result['stripe_id']); $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve('chargeParams'); $this->assertEquals($result['stripe_id'], $charge->id); $this->assertEquals($data['statement_descriptor'], $charge->statement_descriptor); $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('invalid', $charge); }
/** * Refund a payment or invoice * @param object &$order Related PMPro order object. * @param string $transaction_id Payment or invoice id to void. * @return bool True or false if the refund worked. */ function refund(&$order, $transaction_id = NULL) { //default to using the payment id from the order if (empty($transaction_id) && !empty($order->payment_transaction_id)) { $transaction_id = $order->payment_transaction_id; } //need a transaction id if (empty($transaction_id)) { return false; } //if an invoice ID is passed, get the charge/payment id if (strpos($transaction_id, "in_") !== false) { $invoice = Stripe_Invoice::retrieve($transaction_id); if (!empty($invoice) && !empty($invoice->payment)) { $transaction_id = $invoice->payment; } } //get the charge $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($transaction_id); //can't find the charge? if (empty($charge)) { $order->status = "error"; $order->errorcode = ""; $order->error = ""; $order->shorterror = ""; return false; } //attempt refund try { $refund = $charge->refund(); } catch (Exception $e) { //$order->status = "error"; $order->errorcode = true; $order->error = __("Error: ", "pmpro") . $e->getMessage(); $order->shorterror = $order->error; return false; } if ($refund->status == "succeeded") { $order->status = "refunded"; $order->saveOrder(); return true; } else { $order->status = "error"; $order->errorcode = true; $order->error = sprintf(__("Error: Unkown error while refunding charge #%s", "pmpro"), $transaction_id); $order->shorterror = $order->error; return false; } }
public function updateCharge(PhortuneCharge $charge) { $this->loadStripeAPILibraries(); $charge_id = $charge->getMetadataValue('stripe.chargeID'); if (!$charge_id) { throw new Exception(pht('Unable to update charge; no Stripe chargeID!')); } $secret_key = $this->getSecretKey(); $stripe_charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id, $secret_key); // TODO: Deal with disputes / chargebacks / surprising refunds. }
$authorized_this_time++; } else { ##Save the Authorize Token Here [authfailed] $query = "INSERT INTO fund_disbursed (fund_disbursed_id,account_id,project_id, element_id,fund_amount, disburse_status, application_fee, disburse_token, fund_disbursed_datetime )\n VALUES ('', '{$aID}', '{$aID}', '{$eID}', '{$fund_amount}','authfailed', '{$application_fee}' , '" . $charge["id"] . "', NOW())"; mysql_query($query) or die("mysql error @ insert authfailed"); } } else { if ($action == 'capture') { list($charge_id, $authstatus) = getAuthorizeTokenID($funding_details_id); error_log("<<<<<charge_id [{$charge_id}]>>>>><<<<<authstatus [{$authstatus}]>>>>>", 0); if ($authstatus == 'authfailed' or $authstatus == 'declined') { continue; } if ($charge_id != '') { Stripe::setApiKey($stripeUserAccessToken); $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); $charge = $ch->capture(); if ($DEBUG) { print_r($charge); print_r($ch); print $ch['captured']; } if ($charge['captured'] == 1 or $charge['captured'] == 'true') { ## Update Status in database; $query = "UPDATE fund_disbursed SET disburse_status = 'captured' WHERE funding_details_id = '{$funding_details_id}' AND disburse_token = '{$charge_id}' "; mysql_query($query) or die("mysql error @ capture update"); $paid_this_time++; $query = "UPDATE element_detail SET element_detail_disbursed = '1' WHERE element_id = '{$eID}' AND account_id = '{$aID}' "; mysql_query($query) or die("mysql error @ capture update"); sendSuccessMailToDonor($funding_details_id, $fund_amount / 100, $funder_id); # sendSuccessMailToEntrepreneur($funding_details_id, $fund_amount/100, $funder_id);
function stripe_capture_meta_box_action($order_id, $items) { if (isset($items['_stripe_capture_charge']) && 1 == $items['_stripe_capture_charge']) { global $post; $chargeid = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_transaction_id', true); if (class_exists('WC_Stripe_Gateway')) { $stripepg = new WC_Stripe_Gateway(); if ('yes' == $stripepg->stripe_sandbox) { Stripe::setApiKey($stripepg->stripe_testsecretkey); } else { Stripe::setApiKey($stripepg->stripe_livesecretkey); } } $capturecharge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($chargeid); $captureresponse = $capturecharge->capture(); if (true == $captureresponse->captured && true == $captureresponse->paid) { $epoch = $captureresponse->created; $dt = new DateTime("@{$epoch}"); $timestamp = $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s e'); $wc_order = new WC_Order($order_id); update_post_meta($order_id, '_stripe_charge_status', 'charge_auth_captured_later'); $wc_order->add_order_note(__('Stripe charge captured at-' . $timestamp . ',Charge ID=' . $captureresponse->id . ',Card=' . $captureresponse->source->brand . ' : ' . $captureresponse->source->last4 . ' : ' . $captureresponse->source->exp_month . '/' . $captureresponse->source->exp_year, 'woocommerce')); unset($wc_order); } } }
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("DELETE FROM civicrm_stripe_subscriptions WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET end_date = '{$end_date}', contribution_status_id = '1' WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); return; } //Successful charge & more to come so set recurring contribution status to In Progress if ($recur_contrib_query->contribution_status_id != 5) { CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("UPDATE civicrm_contribution_recur SET contribution_status_id = 5 WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); return; } break; //Failed recurring payment //Failed recurring payment case 'invoice.payment_failed': //Get the Stripe charge object try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($stripe_event_data->data->object->charge); } catch (Exception $e) { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("Failed to retrieve Stripe charge. Message: " . $e->getMessage()); break; } //Find the recurring contribution in CiviCRM by mapping it from Stripe $invoice_id = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery("SELECT invoice_id FROM civicrm_stripe_subscriptions WHERE customer_id = '{$customer_id}'"); if (empty($invoice_id)) { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("Error relating this customer ({$customer_id}) to the one in civicrm_stripe_subscriptions"); } //Fetch Civi's info about this recurring object $recur_contrib_query = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery("SELECT id, contact_id, currency, contribution_status_id, is_test, contribution_type_id, payment_instrument_id, campaign_id FROM civicrm_contribution_recur WHERE invoice_id = '{$invoice_id}'"); if (!empty($recur_contrib_query)) { $recur_contrib_query->fetch(); } else { CRM_Core_Error::Fatal("ERROR: Stripe triggered a Webhook on an invoice not found in civicrm_contribution_recur: " . $stripe_event_data);
/** * Process a refund against an existing charge * * @param Transaction $originalTransaction * @param $amount * @return Transaction */ public function refund($originalTransaction, $amount, $target) { // Fetch the original transaction that we are refunding against try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($originalTransaction->provider_transaction_id); } catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) { return null; } // Attempt the refund $refund = $this->ledger->newStripeRefund($charge->refunds->create(["amount" => $amount]), $originalTransaction->provider_customer_id); // Associate the target object with this originalTransaction. $refund->target = $target; // Update the ledger $refund->save(); return $refund; }
public function testCreateCustomerAndCharge() { $this->StripeComponent->startup($this->Controller); Stripe::setApiKey(Configure::read('Stripe.TestSecret')); $token = Stripe_Token::create(array('card' => array('number' => '4242424242424242', 'exp_month' => 12, 'exp_year' => 2020, 'cvc' => 777, 'name' => 'Casi Robot', 'address_zip' => '91361'))); $data = array('stripeToken' => $token->id, 'description' => 'Create Customer & Charge', 'email' => '*****@*****.**'); $result = $this->StripeComponent->customerCreate($data); $this->assertRegExp('/^cus\\_[a-zA-Z0-9]+/', $result['stripe_id']); $customer = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($result['stripe_id']); $this->assertEquals($result['stripe_id'], $customer->id); $chargeData = array('amount' => '14.69', 'stripeCustomer' => $customer->id); $charge = $this->StripeComponent->charge($chargeData); $this->assertRegExp('/^ch\\_[a-zA-Z0-9]+/', $charge['stripe_id']); $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge['stripe_id']); $chargeData['amount'] = $chargeData['amount'] * 100; $this->assertEquals($chargeData['amount'], $charge->amount); $customer->delete(); }
/** * Get an existing customer charge * @param string $charge_id * @return Stripe_Charge|false */ public function getCharge($charge_id = '') { try { return Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id, $this->access_token); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->log($ex); return false; } }
/** * Process refund in Stripe * * @access public * @since 1.8 * @return void */ function edd_stripe_process_refund($payment_id, $new_status, $old_status) { global $edd_options; if (empty($_POST['edd_refund_in_stripe'])) { return; } if ('publish' != $old_status && 'revoked' != $old_status) { return; } if ('refunded' != $new_status) { return; } $charge_id = false; $notes = edd_get_payment_notes($payment_id); foreach ($notes as $note) { if (preg_match('/^Stripe Charge ID: ([^\\s]+)/', $note->comment_content, $match)) { $charge_id = $match[1]; break; } } // Bail if no charge ID was found if (empty($charge_id)) { return; } if (!class_exists('Stripe')) { require_once EDDS_PLUGIN_DIR . '/Stripe/Stripe.php'; } $secret_key = edd_is_test_mode() ? trim($edd_options['test_secret_key']) : trim($edd_options['live_secret_key']); Stripe::setApiKey($secret_key); $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); try { $ch->refund(); edd_insert_payment_note($payment_id, __('Charge refunded in Stripe', 'edds')); } catch (Exception $e) { // some sort of other error $body = $e->getJsonBody(); $err = $body['error']; if (isset($err['message'])) { $error = $err['message']; } else { $error = __('Something went wrong while refunding the Charge in Stripe.', 'edds'); } wp_die($error); } }
/** * Process a partial or full refund * * @param string $id_transaction_stripe Stripe Transaction ID (token) * @param float $amount Amount to refund * @param array $original_transaction Original transaction details */ public function processRefund($id_transaction_stripe, $amount, $original_transaction) { /* If 1.4 and no backward, then leave */ if (!$this->backward) { return; } include dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/Stripe.php'; Stripe::setApiKey(Configuration::get('STRIPE_MODE') ? Configuration::get('STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY_LIVE') : Configuration::get('STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY_TEST')); /* Try to process the refund and catch any error message */ try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($id_transaction_stripe); $result_json = Tools::jsonDecode($charge->refund(array('amount' => $amount * 100))); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_errors['stripe_refund_error'] = $e->getMessage(); if (class_exists('Logger')) { Logger::addLog($this->l('Stripe - Refund transaction failed') . ' ' . $e->getMessage(), 2, null, 'Cart', (int) $this->context->cart->id, true); } } /* Store the refund details */ Db::getInstance()->Execute(' INSERT INTO ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stripe_transaction (type, id_stripe_customer, id_cart, id_order, id_transaction, amount, status, currency, cc_type, cc_exp, cc_last_digits, fee, mode, date_add) VALUES (\'refund\', ' . (int) $original_transaction['id_stripe_customer'] . ', ' . (int) $original_transaction['id_cart'] . ', ' . (int) $original_transaction['id_order'] . ', \'' . pSQL($id_transaction_stripe) . '\', \'' . (double) $amount . '\', \'' . (!isset($this->_errors['stripe_refund_error']) ? 'paid' : 'unpaid') . '\', \'' . pSQL($result_json->currency) . '\', \'\', \'\', 0, 0, \'' . (Configuration::get('STRIPE_MODE') ? 'live' : 'test') . '\', NOW())'); }
public function capture($auth, $feed, $submission_data, $form, $entry) { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($auth['charge_id']); try { $charge->description = $this->get_payment_description($entry, $submission_data); $charge->save(); $charge = $charge->capture(); $payment = array('is_success' => true, 'transaction_id' => $charge['id'], 'amount' => $charge['amount'] / 100, 'payment_method' => rgpost('stripe_credit_card_type')); } catch (Stripe_Error $e) { $payment = array('is_success' => false, 'error_message' => $e->getMessage()); } return $payment; }
/** * Process stripe payment. */ function fwd_stripe_process($data, $settings) { // Prepare stripe payment first. $data = fwd_stripe_prepare($data, $settings); // Prepare returned error? if (isset($data['_error'])) { return $data; } // Default action is charge. $data['action'] = $data['action'] ?: 'charge'; // Get customer token from order id. $order = get("/orders/{$data['order_id']}"); $customer = $order['billing']['stripe']; $data['card'] = $order['billing']['card']; if ($customer['object'] != 'customer') { throw new Exception('Stripe customer ID missing'); } // Amount default? If it's the first payment and order has balance. if ($data['amount'] == null && !$order['payments'] && $order['payment_balance']) { $data['amount'] = $order['payment_balance']; } // Amount is absolute. $data['amount'] = abs($data['amount']); // Perform action. switch ($data['action']) { case 'charge': $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array('amount' => round($data['amount'] * 100), 'currency' => $order['billing']['currency'] ?: 'usd', 'customer' => $customer['id'], 'description' => 'Order #' . $data['order_id'] . ': ' . $data['reason'])); if ($charge['paid']) { $data['amount_refundable'] = $data['amount']; $data['charge_id'] = $charge['id']; $data['status'] = 'success'; } break; case 'refund': if ($data['action'] == 'refund' && !$data['charge_id']) { throw new Exception('Stripe refund requires charge_id'); } $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($data['charge_id']); $charge->refund(array('amount' => round($data['amount'] * 100))); // Record as negative number. $data['amount'] = -$data['amount']; // Refund succeeded. $data['status'] = 'success'; // Update status of last charge payment. $payment = get("/payments/:one", array('order_id' => $data['order_id'], 'charge_id' => $data['charge_id'], 'action' => 'charge')); if ($payment) { put($payment, array('amount_refundable' => $payment['amount'] - $payment['amount_refunded'] + $data['amount'], 'amount_refunded' => $payment['amount_refunded'] - $data['amount'], 'status' => 'refunded')); } break; default: throw new Exception("Stripe does not understand this action: {$data['action']}"); } return $data; }
function sc_show_payment_details($content) { global $sc_options; // TODO $html out once finalized. $html = ''; $test_mode = isset($_GET['test_mode']) ? 'true' : 'false'; sc_set_stripe_key($test_mode); // Successful charge output. if (isset($_GET['charge']) && !isset($_GET['charge_failed'])) { if (empty($sc_options['disable_success_message'])) { $charge_id = esc_html($_GET['charge']); // $charge_response = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($charge_id); $html = '<div class="sc-payment-details-wrap">'; $html .= '<p>' . __('Congratulations. Your payment went through!', 'sc') . '</p>' . "\n"; if (!empty($charge_response->description)) { $html .= '<p>' . __("Here's what you bought:", 'sc') . '</p>'; $html .= $charge_response->description . '<br>' . "\n"; } if (isset($_GET['store_name']) && !empty($_GET['store_name'])) { $html .= 'From: ' . esc_html($_GET['store_name']) . '<br/>' . "\n"; } $html .= '<br><strong>' . __('Total Paid: ', 'sc') . sc_stripe_to_formatted_amount($charge_response->amount, $charge_response->currency) . ' ' . strtoupper($charge_response->currency) . '</strong>' . "\n"; $html .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('Your transaction ID is: %s', 'sc'), $charge_id) . '</p>'; $html .= '</div>'; return apply_filters('sc_payment_details', $html, $charge_response) . $content; } else { return $content; } } elseif (isset($_GET['charge_failed'])) { // TODO Failed charge output. $html = '<div class="sc-payment-details-wrap sc-payment-details-error">'; $html .= __('Sorry, but your card was declined and your payment was not processed.', 'sc'); $html .= '<br><br>' . sprintf(__('Transaction ID: %s', 'sc'), esc_html($_GET['charge'])); $html .= '</div>'; return apply_filters('sc_payment_details_error', $html) . $content; } return $content; }
public function Refund($client_id, $gateway, $charge, $authorization) { $CI =& get_instance(); $key = $gateway[$gateway['mode'] . '_api_key']; Stripe::setApiKey($key); try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($authorization->tran_id); $charge->Refund(); return TRUE; } catch (Exception $e) { return FALSE; } }
/** * Refund the transaction */ static function refund($id, $force_refund = FALSE) { $transaction = Transaction::find($id); // Get Plan data $plan = Plan::where('id', '=', $transaction->plan_id)->first(); // Get purchase data $purchase = Purchase::where('id', '=', $transaction->purchase_id)->first(); if ($transaction->purchase->pay_method == 1) { // Add Stripe library require_once app_path() . "/libraries/stripe-php-1.9.0/lib/Stripe.php"; // Add Stripe library Stripe::setApiKey(Config::get('project.stripe_secret_key')); try { $ch = Stripe_Charge::retrieve($transaction->pay_id); $ch->refund(); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = TRUE; } // If Split pay then cancel subscription as well if ($plan->has_split_pay) { $at_period_end = FALSE; $customer = $purchase->stripe_token; $subscription_id = NULL; try { $cu = Stripe_Customer::retrieve($customer); $subscriptions = $cu->subscriptions->all(array('count' => 100)); foreach ($subscriptions->data as $subscription) { if ($subscription->plan->id == $plan_id) { if ($subscription->status == 'active') { $subscription_id = $subscription->id; break; } } } $cu->subscriptions->retrieve($subscription_id)->cancel(array('at_period_end' => $at_period_end)); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = TRUE; } } } elseif ($transaction->purchase->pay_method == 2) { $config = array('mode' => Config::get('project.paypal_mode'), 'acct1.UserName' => Config::get('project.paypal_api_username'), 'acct1.Password' => Config::get('project.paypal_api_password'), 'acct1.Signature' => Config::get('project.paypal_api_signature')); /* * The RefundTransaction API operation issues a refund to the PayPal account holder associated with a transaction. This sample code uses Merchant PHP SDK to make API call */ $refundReqest = new PayPal\PayPalAPI\RefundTransactionRequestType(); /* * Type of refund you are making. It is one of the following values: * `Full` - Full refund (default). * `Partial` - Partial refund. * `ExternalDispute` - External dispute. (Value available since version 82.0) * `Other` - Other type of refund. (Value available since version 82.0) */ $refundReqest->RefundType = 'Full'; /* * Either the `transaction ID` or the `payer ID` must be specified. PayerID is unique encrypted merchant identification number For setting `payerId`, `refundTransactionRequest.setPayerID("A9BVYX8XCR9ZQ");` Unique identifier of the transaction to be refunded. */ $refundReqest->TransactionID = $transaction->pay_id; /* * (Optional)Type of PayPal funding source (balance or eCheck) that can be used for auto refund. It is one of the following values: any – The merchant does not have a preference. Use any available funding source. default – Use the merchant's preferred funding source, as configured in the merchant's profile. instant – Use the merchant's balance as the funding source. eCheck – The merchant prefers using the eCheck funding source. If the merchant's PayPal balance can cover the refund amount, use the PayPal balance. */ //$refundReqest->RefundSource = $_REQUEST['refundSource']; $refundReqest->Memo = "Refunded from Digital Kickstart App"; /* * (Optional) Maximum time until you must retry the refund. */ //$refundReqest->RetryUntil = $_REQUEST['retryUntil']; $refundReq = new PayPal\PayPalAPI\RefundTransactionReq(); $refundReq->RefundTransactionRequest = $refundReqest; /* * ## Creating service wrapper object Creating service wrapper object to make API call and loading Configuration::getAcctAndConfig() returns array that contains credential and config parameters */ $paypalService = new PayPal\Service\PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService($config); try { /* wrap API method calls on the service object with a try catch */ $refundResponse = $paypalService->RefundTransaction($refundReq); } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = TRUE; } // If Split pay then cancel subscription as well if ($plan->has_split_pay) { $paypal_sub_id = $purchase->paypal_sub_id; /* * The ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus API operation cancels, suspends, or reactivates a recurring payments profile. */ $manageRPPStatusReqestDetails = new ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequestDetailsType(); /* * (Required) The action to be performed to the recurring payments profile. Must be one of the following: Cancel – Only profiles in Active or Suspended state can be canceled. Suspend – Only profiles in Active state can be suspended. Reactivate – Only profiles in a suspended state can be reactivated. */ $manageRPPStatusReqestDetails->Action = 'Cancel'; /* * (Required) Recurring payments profile ID returned in the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile response. */ $manageRPPStatusReqestDetails->ProfileID = $paypal_sub_id; $manageRPPStatusReqest = new ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequestType(); $manageRPPStatusReqest->ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequestDetails = $manageRPPStatusReqestDetails; $manageRPPStatusReq = new ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusReq(); $manageRPPStatusReq->ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatusRequest = $manageRPPStatusReqest; /* * ## Creating service wrapper object Creating service wrapper object to make API call and loading Configuration::getAcctAndConfig() returns array that contains credential and config parameters */ $paypalService = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService($config); try { /* wrap API method calls on the service object with a try catch */ $manageRPPStatusResponse = $paypalService->ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus($manageRPPStatusReq); } catch (Exception $ex) { $error = TRUE; } if (isset($manageRPPStatusResponse) and $manageRPPStatusResponse->Ack == 'Success') { // Do nothing } else { $error = TRUE; } } } if (empty($error) or $force_refund) { self::completeRefund($transaction); return TRUE; } }