Exemple #1
 protected function receiveMessage()
     while (!($queueObject = $this->amq->readFrame())) {
     $this->replyQueue = $queueObject->headers['reply-to'];
     $this->correlationId = $queueObject->headers['correlation-id'];
     $msg = $queueObject->body;
     return $msg;
 public function testReadFrameWithLeadingLineFeed()
     $this->sut = new Stomp('tcp://localhost:61613');
     // Mock functions return values
     global $fusesourceStreamFunctionStubsBuffer;
     $fusesourceStreamFunctionStubsBuffer = array("MESSAGE\n\nbody", "\nMESSAGE\n\nbody");
     $frame = $this->sut->readFrame();
     $this->assertSame('MESSAGE', $frame->command);
 public function loop()
     $d = EventDispatcher::get();
     if (!$this->stomp) {
     while (true) {
         if ($this->stomp->hasFrame()) {
             $msg = $this->stomp->readFrame();
             $destination = $msg->headers['destination'];
             /** @var Topics\AbstractTopic $topic */
             $topic = $this->eventTopics[$destination];
             //$factory = "\\OpenRailData\\NetworkRail\\Services\\Stomp\\Events\\" . $topic->getFactory() . "\\Factory";
             // Save events locally so we can ack the message.
             $events = [];
             foreach (json_decode($msg->body) as $raw) {
                 $events[] = $raw;
             foreach ($events as $event) {
                 $d->dispatch("raw" . $topic->getEventName(), new StompEvent($event));
  * Experimental task to enable kill processing from queue.
  * @param array $options
 public function stomp_process_queue(array $options)
     $this->cli->header("Starting Stomp Import");
     $reg = Registry::getInstance();
     $log = $reg->getLogger();
     $stompcfg = $reg->stomp;
     if (is_null($stompcfg) || !is_array($stompcfg)) {
         $this->cli->error("stomp is not configured, see config.php for details");
         $log->critical("stomp not configured, exiting");
     $stomp = new \Stomp($stompcfg['url'], $stompcfg['user'], $stompcfg['passwd']);
     // destination has the destination topic (for example /topic/kills)
     $destination = $reg->stomp['destination_read'];
     // we subscribe with additional parameters
     $stomp->subscribe($destination, array("id" => $reg->stomp['dsub_id'], "persistent" => "true", "ack" => "client", "prefetch-count" => 1));
     while (true) {
         try {
             if (!$stomp->hasFrame()) {
             $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
             if ($frame) {
                 $log->debug("received frame with message-id: " . $frame->headers['message-id']);
                 $killdata = json_decode($frame->body, true);
                 $existing = Kill::getByKillId($killdata["killID"]);
                 if (!is_null($existing)) {
                     $log->debug($frame->headers['message-id'] . '::' . $killdata["killID"] . " kill by killID exists");
                 try {
                     $apiParser = new EveAPI();
                     $log->debug($frame->headers['message-id'] . '::' . $killdata["killID"] . " saved");
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $log->error($frame->headers['message-id'] . "could not be saved, exception: " . $e->getMessage());
         } catch (\StompException $e) {
             $log->error("there was some kind of error with stomp: " . $e->getMessage());
             $log->info("going to sleep for 10, retrying then");
             // we have a stomp exception here most likely that means that the server died.
             // so we are going to sleep for a bit and retry
             // replace stomp connection by new one
             // @todo: check if that might cause open connections not to close over time
             $stomp = new \Stomp($stompcfg['url'], $stompcfg['user'], $stompcfg['passwd']);
             $stomp->subscribe($destination, array("id" => $reg->stomp['dsub_id'], "persistent" => "true", "ack" => "client", "prefetch-count" => 1));
             $log->info("stomp process retrying");
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //Init rena
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $startTime = time() + 3600;
     // Current time + 60 minutes
     $run = true;
     $stomp = new \Stomp($app->baseConfig->getConfig("server", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("username", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("password", "stomp"));
     $stomp->subscribe("/topic/kills", array("id" => "projectRena", "persistent" => "true", "ack" => "client", "prefetch-count" => 1));
     do {
         $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
         if (!empty($frame)) {
             $killdata = json_decode($frame->body, true);
             if (!empty($killdata)) {
                 if (isset($killdata["_stringValue"])) {
                 // Fix the killID
                 $killdata["killID"] = (int) $killdata["killID"];
                 $json = json_encode($killdata, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
                 $hash = hash("sha256", ":" . $killdata["killTime"] . ":" . $killdata["solarSystemID"] . ":" . $killdata["moonID"] . "::" . $killdata["victim"]["characterID"] . ":" . $killdata["victim"]["shipTypeID"] . ":" . $killdata["victim"]["damageTaken"] . ":");
                 $inserted = $app->Db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO killmails (killID, hash, source, kill_json) VALUES (:killID, :hash, :source, :kill_json)", array(":killID" => $killdata["killID"], ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => "stomp", ":kill_json" => $json));
                 if ($inserted > 0) {
                     // Push it over zmq to the websocket
                     $context = new ZMQContext();
                     $socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH, "rena");
         // Kill it after an hour
         if ($startTime <= time()) {
             $run = false;
     } while ($run == true);
 public function events()
     if (!$this->stomp) {
     while (true) {
         if ($this->stomp->hasFrame()) {
             $msg = $this->stomp->readFrame();
             $destination = $msg->headers['destination'];
             $factory = "\\OpenRailData\\Events\\" . $this->eventFactories[$destination] . "\\Factory";
             // Save events locally so we can ack the message.
             $events = [];
             foreach (json_decode($msg->body) as $rawEevent) {
                 $events[] = $factory::create($rawEevent);
             foreach ($events as $event) {
                 (yield $event);
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @return int|null|void
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     //Init rena
     /** @var RenaApp $app */
     $app = RenaApp::getInstance();
     $startTime = time() + 3600;
     // Current time + 60 minutes
     $run = true;
     $stomp = new \Stomp($app->baseConfig->getConfig("server", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("username", "stomp"), $app->baseConfig->getConfig("password", "stomp"));
     $stomp->subscribe("/topic/kills", array("id" => $app->baseConfig->getConfig("queueName", "stomp", "projectRena"), "persistent" => "true", "ack" => "client", "prefetch-count" => 1));
     do {
         $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
         if (!empty($frame)) {
             $killdata = json_decode($frame->body, true);
             if (!empty($killdata)) {
                 if (isset($killdata["_stringValue"])) {
                 // Fix the killID
                 $killdata["killID"] = (int) $killdata["killID"];
                 $json = json_encode($killdata, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
                 $hash = $app->CrestFunctions->generateCRESTHash($killdata);
                 $inserted = $app->killmails->insertIntoKillmails($killdata["killID"], 0, $hash, "stomp", $json);
                 if ($inserted > 0) {
                     \Resque::enqueue("turbo", "\\ProjectRena\\Task\\Resque\\upgradeKillmail", array("killID" => $killdata["killID"]));
         // Kill it after an hour
         if ($startTime <= time()) {
             $run = false;
     } while ($run == true);

require_once 'Stomp.php';
$stomp = new Stomp("tcp://localhost:61613");
$stomp->connect('system', 'manager');
$i = 0;
while ($i++ < 100) {
    $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($frame->body);
    echo $xml->attributes()->name . "\t" . number_format($xml->price, 2) . "\t" . number_format($xml->offer, 2) . "\t" . ($xml->up == "true" ? "up" : "down") . "\n";
 To successfully run this example, you must first start the broker with stomp+ssl enabled.
 You can do that by executing:
 $ ${ACTIVEMQ_HOME}/bin/activemq xbean:activemq-connectivity.xml
 Then you can execute this example with:
 $ php connectivity.php
// include a library
require_once "Stomp.php";
// make a connection
$con = new Stomp("failover://(tcp://localhost:61614,ssl://localhost:61612)?randomize=false");
// connect
// send a message to the queue
$con->send("/queue/test", "test");
echo "Sent message with body 'test'\n";
// subscribe to the queue
// receive a message from the queue
$msg = $con->readFrame();
// do what you want with the message
if ($msg != null) {
    echo "Received message with body '{$msg->body}'\n";
    // mark the message as received in the queue
} else {
    echo "Failed to receive a message\n";
// disconnect
} else {
    echo "Failed to receive a message\n";
// disconnect durable consumer
echo "Disconnecting consumer\n";
// send a message while consumer is disconnected
// note: only persistent messages will be redelivered to the durable consumer
$producer->send("/topic/test", "test1", array('persistent' => 'true'));
echo "Message 'test1' sent to topic\n";
// reconnect the durable consumer
$consumer = new Stomp("tcp://localhost:61613");
$consumer->clientId = "test";
echo "Reconnecting consumer\n";
// receive a message from the topic
$msg = $consumer->readFrame();
// do what you want with the message
if ($msg != null) {
    echo "Message '{$msg->body}' received from topic\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to receive a message\n";
// disconnect
Exemple #11
 public function dealSkuStock()
     require __DOCROOT__ . '/Stomp.php';
     require __DOCROOT__ . '/Stomp/Message/Map.php';
     $consumer = new Stomp($this->conf['service']['activeMq']);
     $consumer->clientId = "inventorySkuStock";
     $consumer->subscribe($this->conf['topic']['skuStock'], array('transformation' => 'jms-map-json'));
     $msg = $consumer->readFrame();
     if ($msg != null) {
         if ($msg->map['stock'] <= 0 && $msg->map['operate'] == "+") {
             $sql = "select status from sku_status_history where sku = '" . $msg->map['sku'] . "' order by id desc limit 0,1";
             $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn);
             $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
             $this->log("dealSkuStock", print_r($msg->map, true) . "<br>");
             $this->updateCustomFieldValueBySku($msg->map['sku'], $this->conf['fieldArray']['skuStatus'], $this->conf['skuStatus'][str_replace(" ", "_", $row['status'])]);
     } else {
         echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " no message\n";
// now send some messages for real
echo "Sent messages {\n";
for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
    echo "\t{$i}\n";
    $con->send("/queue/transactions", $i, array("transaction" => "tx2"));
echo "}\n";
// they will be available for consumers after commit
// try to receive some messages
$messages = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
    $msg = $con->readFrame();
    array_push($messages, $msg);
    $con->ack($msg, "tx3");
// of we abort transaction, we will "rollback" out acks
// so we need to ack received messages again
// before we can receive more (prefetch = 1)
if (count($messages) != 0) {
    foreach ($messages as $msg) {
        $con->ack($msg, "tx4");
// now receive more messages
for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
Exemple #13
 public function dealSkuOutOfStockMessage()
     require_once __DOCROOT__ . '/Stomp.php';
     require_once __DOCROOT__ . '/Stomp/Message/Map.php';
     $consumer = new Stomp($this->config['service']['activeMQ']);
     $consumer->clientId = "eBayListingSkuOutOfStock";
     $consumer->subscribe($this->config['topic']['skuOutOfStock'], array('transformation' => 'jms-map-json'));
     //for($i=0; $i<6; $i++){
     $msg = $consumer->readFrame();
     if ($msg != null) {
         //echo "Message '$msg->body' received from queue\n";
         $sku_array = explode(",", $msg->map['sku']);
         foreach ($sku_array as $sku) {
             $sql = "update template set status = 3 where SKU = '" . $sku . "' and status = 6";
             echo $sql . "\n";
             $result = mysql_query($sql, Cron::$database_connect);
     } else {
         echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " no message\n";
Exemple #14
 public function dealSkuStockMessage()
     require_once 'Stomp.php';
     require_once 'Stomp/Message/Map.php';
     $consumer = new Stomp($this->conf['service']['activeMq']);
     $consumer->clientId = "inventory";
     $consumer->subscribe("/topic/SkuOutStock", array('transformation' => 'jms-map-json'));
     while (1) {
         $msg = $consumer->readFrame();
         if ($msg != null) {
             //echo "Message '$msg->body' received from queue\n";
             //$this->inventoryTakeOut($msg->map['inventory_model'], $msg->map['quantity'], $msg->map['shipment_id'], $msg->map['shipment_method']);
 public function execute($parameters, $db)
     global $stompServer, $stompUser, $stompPassword, $baseAddr;
     // Ensure the class exists
     if (!class_exists("Stomp")) {
         die("ERROR! Stomp not installed!  Check the README to learn how to install Stomp...\n");
     // Build the topic from Admin's tracker list
     $adminID = $db->queryField("select id from zz_users where username = '******'", "id", array(), 0);
     $trackers = $db->query("select locker, content from zz_users_config where locker like 'tracker_%' and id = :id", array(":id" => $adminID), array(), 0);
     $topics = array();
     foreach ($trackers as $row) {
         $entityType = str_replace("tracker_", "", $row["locker"]);
         $entities = json_decode($row["content"], true);
         foreach ($entities as $entity) {
             $id = $entity["id"];
             $topic = "/topic/involved.{$entityType}.{$id}";
             $topics[] = $topic;
     if (sizeof($topics) == 0) {
         $topics[] = "/topic/kills";
     try {
         $stomp = new Stomp($stompServer, $stompUser, $stompPassword);
         foreach ($topics as $topic) {
             $stomp->subscribe($topic, array("id" => "zkb-" . $baseAddr, "persistent" => "true", "ack" => "client", "prefetch-count" => 1));
         $stompCount = 0;
         $timer = new Timer();
         while ($timer->stop() < 60000) {
             $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
             if (!empty($frame)) {
                 $killdata = json_decode($frame->body, true);
                 if (!empty($killdata)) {
                     $killID = $killdata["killID"];
                     $count = $db->queryField("SELECT count(1) AS count FROM zz_killmails WHERE killID = :killID LIMIT 1", "count", array(":killID" => $killID), 0);
                     if ($count == 0) {
                         if ($killID > 0) {
                             $hash = Util::getKillHash(null, json_decode($frame->body));
                             $db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO zz_killmails (killID, hash, source, kill_json) values (:killID, :hash, :source, :json)", array("killID" => $killID, ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => "stompQueue", ":json" => json_encode($killdata)));
                         } else {
                     } else {
         if ($stompCount > 0) {
             Log::log("StompReceive Ended - Received {$stompCount} kills");
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $e = print_r($ex, true);
         Log::log("StompReceive ended with the error:\n{$e}\n");
Exemple #16

$conn = new Stomp("tcp://localhost:61613");
$file = 'fedora_rss.xml';
echo "connecting....";
echo " done!\n";
echo "\nWaiting...\n";
while (1) {
  if (($msg = $conn->readFrame()) !== false) {

    $mess = (string) $msg;
    $mess = implode("\n", array_slice(explode("\n", $mess), 9));
    $date = date('r');
    $xml = new DOMDocument();
    $tag = $xml->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    echo 'Event type: ' . $tag . "\n";
    $pid = $xml->getElementsByTagName('content')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    echo 'pid: ' . $pid . "\n";
    $check = check_url('' . $pid . '/datastreams/FULL_SIZE/content');
    if ($tag == 'ingest' && $check) {
      if (!file_exists($file)) {
        $rss = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>' . "\n";
        $rss .= '<rss version="2.0">' . "\n";
        $rss .= '<channel>' . "\n";
        $rss .= '<title>New fedora images</title>' . "\n";
        $rss .= '<item>' . "\n";